}while((lCharactersToAdd==0)||(lCharactersToAdd<lMinimumLength));/* Must be at least enough to add the unique text to the start of the string later. */
}while((lCharactersToAdd==0)||(lCharactersToAdd<lMinimumLength));/* Must be at least enough to add the unique text to the start of the string later. */
}while((lCharactersToAdd==0)||(lCharactersToAdd<lMinimumLength));/* Must be at least enough to add the unique text to the start of the string later. */
}while((lCharactersToAdd==0)||(lCharactersToAdd<lMinimumLength));/* Must be at least enough to add the unique text to the start of the string later. */
}while((lCharactersToAdd==0)||(lCharactersToAdd<lMinimumLength));/* Must be at least enough to add the unique text to the start of the string later. */
}while((lCharactersToAdd==0)||(lCharactersToAdd<lMinimumLength));/* Must be at least enough to add the unique text to the start of the string later. */