+ Support tickless idle when configUSE_PREEMPTION is 0 (previously tickless idle was only supported when the pre-emptive scheduler was being used).
+ If a stack was statically allocated, then don't try freeing it if the TCB cannot be allocated.
+ Remove use of INCLUDE_xEventGroupsSetBitsFromISR() pre-processor macro, as it was not tested anyway.
Demo app changes:
+ Updated SAM4L Atmel Studio project to use Atmel Studio 7.
+ Added mtCOVERAGE_TEST_DELAY() macro to facilitate getting better code coverage during testing.
+ Update prvNotifyQueueSetContainer() so it does not call xTaskRemoveFromEventList() if it is called from an interrupt, and the queue is locked.
Demo apps:
Added QueueSetPolling.c/h demo/test functions.
+ Optimise Cortex-M4F ports by inlining some critical section macros.
+ Original ports used a #define to set the path to portmacro.h - that method has been obsolete for years and now all the old definitions have been moved into a separate header files called deprecated_definitions.h.
+ Cortex-M port now check the active vector bits against 0xff when determining if a function is called from an interrupt - previously only a subset of the bits (0x1f) were checked.
+ Add in new standard demo/test files TaskNotify.c/h and include the files in the simulator demos.
+ Update trace recorder code, and some demos to use the new version (more to do).
+ Introduce uxTaskPriorityGetFromISR().
+ Minor typo corrections.
+ Update MingW simulator demo to match the MSVC simulator demo.
Change INCLUDE_xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR to INCLUDE_xTimerPendFunctionCall
Update event group trace macros to match the new trace recorder code.
Ensure parameter name consistency by renaming any occurrences of xBlockTime and xBlockTimeTicks to xTicksToWait.
Continue work on GCC/RL78 port - still a work in progress.
Adjust how the critical section was used in xQueueAddToSet.
Replace #define types with typedefs.
Rename all typedefs to have a _t extension.
Add #defines to automatically convert old FreeRTOS specific types to their new names (with the _t).
Introduce xPortRunning variable into Win32 simulator port layer.
Add port optimised task selection macro for the GCC Win32 port layer (the MSVC version has had one for a while).
Ensure the event list item value does not get modified by code in tasks.c (priority inheritance, or priority change) when it is in use by the event group implementation.
Add a task pre-delete hook to allow the insertion of any port specific clean up when a task is deleted.
Increase use of 'const' qualifiers.
Add vPortCloseRunningThread() into the Win32 port layer to attempt to allow Windows threads to be closed more gracefully when a task deletes itself.