@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ xEventGroupHandle xEventGroupCreate( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
xEventBitsType uxBitsToWaitFor,
portBASE_TYPE xClearOnExit,
portBASE_TYPE xWaitForAllBits,
portTickType xBlockTime );
portTickType xTicksToWait );
* [Potentially] block to wait for one or more bits to be set within a
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ xEventGroupHandle xEventGroupCreate( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* pdFALSE then xEventGroupWaitBits() will return when any one of the bits set
* in uxBitsToWaitFor is set or the specified block time expires.
* @param xBlockTime The maximum amount of time (specified in 'ticks') to wait
* @param xTicksToWait The maximum amount of time (specified in 'ticks') to wait
* for one/all (depending on the xWaitForAllBits value) of the bits specified by
* uxBitsToWaitFor to become set.
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ xEventGroupHandle xEventGroupCreate( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
void aFunction( xEventGroupHandle xEventGroup )
xEventBitsType uxBits;
const portTickType xBlockTime = 100 / portTICK_RATE_MS;
const portTickType xTicksToWait = 100 / portTICK_RATE_MS;
// Wait a maximum of 100ms for either bit 0 or bit 4 to be set within
// the event group. Clear the bits before exiting.
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ xEventGroupHandle xEventGroupCreate( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
BIT_0 | BIT_4, // The bits within the event group to wait for.
pdTRUE, // BIT_0 and BIT_4 should be cleared before returning.
pdFALSE, // Don't wait for both bits, either bit will do.
xBlockTime ); // Wait a maximum of 100ms for either bit to be set.
xTicksToWait ); // Wait a maximum of 100ms for either bit to be set.
if( ( uxBits & ( BIT_0 | BIT_4 ) ) == ( BIT_0 | BIT_4 ) )
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ xEventGroupHandle xEventGroupCreate( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
// xEventGroupWaitBits() returned because xBlockTime ticks passed
// xEventGroupWaitBits() returned because xTicksToWait ticks passed
// without either BIT_0 or BIT_4 becoming set.
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ xEventGroupHandle xEventGroupCreate( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* \defgroup xEventGroupWaitBits xEventGroupWaitBits
* \ingroup EventGroup
xEventBitsType xEventGroupWaitBits( xEventGroupHandle xEventGroup, xEventBitsType uxBitsToWaitFor, portBASE_TYPE xClearOnExit, portBASE_TYPE xWaitForAllBits, portTickType xBlockTime ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
xEventBitsType xEventGroupWaitBits( xEventGroupHandle xEventGroup, xEventBitsType uxBitsToWaitFor, portBASE_TYPE xClearOnExit, portBASE_TYPE xWaitForAllBits, portTickType xTicksToWait ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* event_groups.h
@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ xEventBitsType xEventGroupSetBits( xEventGroupHandle xEventGroup, xEventBitsType
xEventBitsType xEventGroupSync( xEventGroupHandle xEventGroup,
xEventBitsType uxBitsToSet,
xEventBitsType uxBitsToWaitFor,
portTickType xBlockTime );
portTickType xTicksToWait );
* Atomically set bits within an event group, then wait for a combination of
@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ xEventBitsType xEventGroupSetBits( xEventGroupHandle xEventGroup, xEventBitsType
* uxBitsToWaitFor to 0x05. To wait for bits 0 and bit 1 and bit 2 set
* uxBitsToWaitFor to 0x07. Etc.
* @param xBlockTime The maximum amount of time (specified in 'ticks') to wait
* @param xTicksToWait The maximum amount of time (specified in 'ticks') to wait
* for all of the bits specified by uxBitsToWaitFor to become set.
* @return The value of the event group at the time either the bits being waited
@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ xEventBitsType xEventGroupSetBits( xEventGroupHandle xEventGroup, xEventBitsType
void vTask0( void *pvParameters )
xEventBitsType uxReturn;
portTickType xBlockTime = 100 / portTICK_RATE_MS;
portTickType xTicksToWait = 100 / portTICK_RATE_MS;
for( ;; )
@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ xEventBitsType xEventGroupSetBits( xEventGroupHandle xEventGroup, xEventBitsType
// by ALL_SYNC_BITS. All three tasks have reached the synchronisation
// point when all the ALL_SYNC_BITS are set. Wait a maximum of 100ms
// for this to happen.
uxReturn = xEventGroupSync( xEventBits, TASK_0_BIT, ALL_SYNC_BITS, xBlockTime );
uxReturn = xEventGroupSync( xEventBits, TASK_0_BIT, ALL_SYNC_BITS, xTicksToWait );
if( ( uxReturn & ALL_SYNC_BITS ) == ALL_SYNC_BITS )
@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ xEventBitsType xEventGroupSetBits( xEventGroupHandle xEventGroup, xEventBitsType
* \defgroup xEventGroupSync xEventGroupSync
* \ingroup EventGroup
xEventBitsType xEventGroupSync( xEventGroupHandle xEventGroup, xEventBitsType uxBitsToSet, xEventBitsType uxBitsToWaitFor, portTickType xBlockTime ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
xEventBitsType xEventGroupSync( xEventGroupHandle xEventGroup, xEventBitsType uxBitsToSet, xEventBitsType uxBitsToWaitFor, portTickType xTicksToWait ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;