Ensure tasks that are blocked indefinitely on a direct to task notification return their state as eBlocked, previously was returned as eSuspended - making its behaviour consistent with event objects.
Fix typo in stream_buffer.c where "size_t xBytesAvailable ); PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION" had the semicolon in the wrong place.
Add testing of Stream Buffers to the AbortDelay.c tests.
Guard inclusion of C code when FreeRTOSConfig.h is included from an assembly file in the ARM7_LPC2129_IAR demo.
Fix minor typos in the Windows demo comment blocks.
Update the MingW/Eclipse project to add a code coverage build configuration in addition to the existing Debug build configuration.
Update StreamBufferDemo.c so functions are called directly, rather than via configASSERT(), so their code coverage can be measured when configASSERT() is not defined.
In the Win32 port, replace the call to TerminateProcess() in vPortEndScheduler() with exit( 0 ) - which triggers the writing of the code coverage data to the disk.
Fix bug in ucStreamBufferGetStreamBufferType() - which is only used by the Percepio trace tool.
Update the line within vTaskStartScheduler() that was setting xTickCount to 0 to instead set it to configINITIAL_TICK_COUNT.
Update queue code to allow an overwrite operation on a queue that is in a queue set, and add prvTestQueueOverwriteWithQueueSet() to test function.
Update Eclipse Win32 project to bring it closer the the Visual Studio equivalent.
Added test code to GenQTest to test the new priority dis-inheritance functionality.
Allow the default names given to the Idle and Timer tasks to be overwridden by definitions in FreeRTOSConfig.h.
Introduce configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE so the application writer change the type used to specify a stack size from uint16_t to whatever they like. Defaults to uint16_t if not defined.
Introduce configINITIAL_TICK_COUNT to allow users to start the tick count at something other than 0. Used for testing, but overflows can be better tested by setting configUSE_16_BIT_TICKS to 1.
Split xQueueGenericReceive() into xQueueReceive(), xQueuePeek() and xQueueSemaphoreTake() as the first step in refactoring xQueueGenericReceive().
Add Cortex-M3 port layer for Code Composer Studio - previously there was only a Cortex-M4F port.
Introduce configPRE_SUPPRESS_TICKS_AND_SLEEP_PROCESSING() to allow applications to prevent portSUPPRESS_TICKS_AND_SLEEP() being called. Previously the portPRE_SLEEP_PROCESSING() macro could only be used to abort entry into sleep time after clocks had been re-programmed for the distant wake time.
Tidy up CEC1302 demo.
Ensure bit 0 of the task address is clear when setting up stack of initial Cortex-M3/4/7 stacks (for strict compliance, although not practically necessary).
vTaskGetTaskInfo() changed to vTaskGetInfo() - with a macro added for backward compatibility.
Reduce the number of xTaskCreateStatic() parameters by having the function return the task handle, rather than pass the task handle out using a parameter. This is also consistent with other objectCreate() functions.
+ The MPU port is not supported in this revision number.
+ The documentation for the static allocation functions in the header files has not yet been updated for this revision.
Kernel updates:
+ Simplify the static allocation of objects implementation.
+ Introduce configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION in addition to the existing configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION so FreeRTOS can be built without providing a heap at all.
Demo application updates:
+ Update the demos to take into account the new configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION constant.
+ Add an MSVC demo that only uses static allocation, and does not include a FreeRTOS heap.
+ Update the MSVC project to use both configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION and configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION.
+ Update the MingW project to use only configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION.
- Remove the standard demo files that used the [long since deprecated] alternative API.
- Add standard demo task that tests the new xTaskAbortDelay() function.
- Update the Win32 Visual Studio project to use Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition.
- Rename the xGenericListItem TCB member to xStateListItem as it better describes the member's purpose.
+ Added xPortIsInsideInterrupt() to RVDS ARM CM4F port - the same will get added to other ports in time.
Demo application code:
+ Added first pass Microchip CEC1302 demo for Keil.
+ Harden the new StaticAllocation.c standard demo tasks against integer promotion rules causing problems on 16-bit architectures.
Move structures used for static allocation of tasks and queues into FreeRTOS.h from their individual API header files.
Add SAME70 Xplained Atmel Studio project.
Update SAMV71 Atmel Studio project to use Studio 7.
Revert some changes to GenQTest.c standard demo task which only function correctly when a queue registry was used.
Minor change to xQueueGenericReceive() to catch the extreme case of data being placed into a queue between a task timing out and leaving the xQueueGenericReceive() function.
Added xSemaphoreGetCount() macro.
Demo app changes:
Updated countsem.c to test the new xSemaphoreGetCount() macro.
+ Add the pre-existing 64-bit Cortex-A53 port layer into the head revision of the main repository.
Demo application updates:
+ Update Zynq demo to use SDK version 2015.4
+ Add task static allocation standard demo to Zynq demo.
+ Make the XScuGic object accessible outside of the vConfigureTickInterrupt(), again in the Zynq demo.