Commit Graph

50 Commits (3153131fa7cb7291f5bd2649e6fe8b08492e4163)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Richard Barry c6de0001fa Added uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark2(), which is the same as uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark() other than the return type.
Allows the task name parameter passed into xTaskCreate() to be NULL.
7 years ago
Richard Barry 92ae8e7aff Update version numbers ready for release. 7 years ago
Richard Barry be9c0730c3 Update trace recorder code to the latest.
Some minor changes to enable the configREMOVE_STATIC_QUALIFIER constant to be used by those debuggers that cannot cope with statics being used.
7 years ago
Richard Barry 3a1631fda3 Update copyright date ready for tagging V10.1.0. 7 years ago
Richard Barry fb9de58f56 Update version numbers in preparation for a new release. 7 years ago
Richard Barry aec45f2479 Import the code coverage test additions from the (unpublished) Visual Studio project to the (published) MingW/Eclipse project.
Update the MingW/Eclipse project to add a code coverage build configuration in addition to the existing Debug build configuration.
Update StreamBufferDemo.c so functions are called directly, rather than via configASSERT(), so their code coverage can be measured when configASSERT() is not defined.
In the Win32 port, replace the call to TerminateProcess() in vPortEndScheduler() with exit( 0 ) - which triggers the writing of the code coverage data to the disk.
Fix bug in ucStreamBufferGetStreamBufferType() - which is only used by the Percepio trace tool.
Update the line within vTaskStartScheduler() that was setting xTickCount to 0 to instead set it to configINITIAL_TICK_COUNT.
7 years ago
Richard Barry bf8d9f4726 Start moving code coverage tests from VisualStudio (not checked in) to the MingW project (checked in) by creating a second build configuration in the Windows Eclipse project that includes the code coverage command line options. Additionally make minor code updates to ensure configASSERT() is not defined, and the application runs for a finite time, when the code coverage build configuration is used. 7 years ago
Richard Barry c156522695 Complete testing of changes that allow xQueueOverwrite() to be used on a queue that is part of a queue set.
Fix some compiler warnings in stream_buffer.c.
Update the MingW/Eclipse project so it also includes static allocation tests.
7 years ago
Richard Barry 9ed3a9fe18 Fix buffer clean up in \FreeRTOS_Plus_TCP_Minimal_Windows_Simulator\demo_logging.c.
Update queue code to allow an overwrite operation on a queue that is in a queue set, and add prvTestQueueOverwriteWithQueueSet() to test function.
Update Eclipse Win32 project to bring it closer the the Visual Studio equivalent.
7 years ago
Richard Barry 13651934be Roll up the minor changes checked into svn since V10.0.0 into new V10.0.1 ready for release. 7 years ago
Richard Barry cfc268814a Update to MIT licensed FreeRTOS V10.0.0 - see 7 years ago
Richard Barry 35f5990e7a Update the MSVC and MingW demos to use the latest FreeRTOS+Trace recorder library. 8 years ago
Richard Barry 8d041c8e21 Update version number in preparation for maintenance release. 8 years ago
Richard Barry 2bd7884ace Prepare for V9.0.0 release:
+ Change version number from V9.0.0rc2 to V9.0.0.
9 years ago
Richard Barry 255145bde1 xTaskGetTaskHandle() changed to xTaskGetHandle().
Tidy up CEC1302 demo.
Ensure bit 0 of the task address is clear when setting up stack of initial Cortex-M3/4/7 stacks (for strict compliance, although not practically necessary).
vTaskGetTaskInfo() changed to vTaskGetInfo() - with a macro added for backward compatibility.
9 years ago
Richard Barry 07ac1399ee Update version number to 9.0.0rc2. 9 years ago
Richard Barry f9c02d09c3 Update MSP432 projects to use updated driver library files.
Remove references to INCLUDE_pcTaskGetTaskName and INCLUDE_xTimerGetTimerDaemonTaskHandle, which are no longer required.
9 years ago
Richard Barry 6568ba6eb0 Notes:
+ The MPU port is not supported in this revision number.
+ The documentation for the static allocation functions in the header files has not yet been updated for this revision.

Kernel updates:
+ Simplify the static allocation of objects implementation.
+ Introduce configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION in addition to the existing configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION so FreeRTOS can be built without providing a heap at all.

Demo application updates:
+ Update the demos to take into account the new configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION constant.
+ Add an MSVC demo that only uses static allocation, and does not include a FreeRTOS heap.
+ Update the MSVC project to use both configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION and configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION.
+ Update the MingW project to use only configSUPPORT_DYNAMIC_ALLOCATION.
9 years ago
Richard Barry d3ba0aa98d Update version number ready for version 9 release candidate 1. 9 years ago
Richard Barry d7253324cd Prepare for a FreeRTOS V9 release candidate:
- Remove the standard demo files that used the [long since deprecated] alternative API.
- Add standard demo task that tests the new xTaskAbortDelay() function.
- Update the Win32 Visual Studio project to use Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition.
- Rename the xGenericListItem TCB member to xStateListItem as it better describes the member's purpose.
9 years ago
Richard Barry 825b43a188 Update version number ready for the V8.2.3 release. 10 years ago
Richard Barry 99d4f2c454 Update version numbers in preparation for new release. 10 years ago
Richard Barry 693d0520bc Update version number ready for V8.2.1 release. 10 years ago
Richard Barry 501a531d46 Update version number in preparation for official V8.2.0 release. 10 years ago
Richard Barry 6741592026 Update version numbers in preparation for V8.2.0 release candidate 1. 10 years ago
Richard Barry 85fb1cc024 + New feature added: Task notifications.
+ Optimise Cortex-M4F ports by inlining some critical section macros.
+ Original ports used a #define to set the path to portmacro.h - that method has been obsolete for years and now all the old definitions have been moved into a separate header files called deprecated_definitions.h.
+ Cortex-M port now check the active vector bits against 0xff when determining if a function is called from an interrupt - previously only a subset of the bits (0x1f) were checked.
+ Add in new standard demo/test files TaskNotify.c/h and include the files in the simulator demos.
+ Update trace recorder code, and some demos to use the new version (more to do).
+ Introduce uxTaskPriorityGetFromISR().
+ Minor typo corrections.
+ Update MingW simulator demo to match the MSVC simulator demo.
10 years ago
Richard Barry d55e7e77a2 Update version number to 8.1.2 after moving the defaulting of configUSE_PORT_OPTIMISED_TASK_SELECTION into individual port layers so it does not affect ports that do not support the definition. 11 years ago
Richard Barry a60ce58731 Update version number to 8.1.1 for patch release that re-enables mutexes to be given from an interrupt. 11 years ago
Richard Barry d33a14b5fb ***IMMINENT RELEASE NOTICE***
Update version numbers ready for FreeRTOS V8.1.0 release in about 10 days.
11 years ago
Richard Barry 0bb794301a Update version number ready for release. 11 years ago
Richard Barry e101e7e437 Update version number to V8.0.0 (without the release candidate number). 11 years ago
Richard Barry 660162a5b8 Update the Win32/MingW demo to match the latest Win32/MSVC demo. 11 years ago
Richard Barry a56d4b998c Minor tidy ups that don't effect code generation, plus:
When a task is unblocked the need for a context switch is only signalled if the unblocked task has a priority higher than the currently running task, instead of higher than or equal to the priority of the currently running task.
11 years ago
Richard Barry a8836b5c43 Change version numbers ready for V8.0.0 release candidate 1 tag. 11 years ago
Richard Barry 3705435417 Add the event group interrupt tests to the Win32 demo projects. 11 years ago
Richard Barry 0147415c40 Change some task priorities in the MingW simulator demo. 11 years ago
Richard Barry 39b2d049a6 Update GCC/Eclipse Win32 simulator port to make better use of Eclipse resource filters and match the functionality of the MSVC equivalent. 11 years ago
Richard Barry 0cd79ad81d Change version numbers in preparation for V7.6.0 release. 11 years ago
Richard Barry 2ee43fbc64 Set the MSVC Win32 demo back to create the simply blinky demo by default.
Set the MingW Wind32 demo back to include the #error to remind people to run the CreateProjectDirectoryStructure batch file.
12 years ago
Richard Barry 73df0ffdff Update the Eclipse/MingW project to account for the new Win32 simulator port layer (which has better timing). 12 years ago
Richard Barry a12ea2d212 Update FreeRTOS version number to V7.5.3
Update FreeRTOS+CLI version number to V1.0.2
Update FreeRTOS+UDP version number to V1.0.1
12 years ago
Richard Barry 2f754d9b0c Add additional critical section to the default tickless implementations.
Update version number for maintenance release.
12 years ago
Richard Barry 3cbe0a724d Update version number. 12 years ago
Richard Barry 7d6758ee1a Minor updates and change version number for V7.5.0 release. 12 years ago
Richard Barry 96ceae8edd Update version number ready to release the FAT file system demo. 12 years ago
Richard Barry f9918345e1 Update version numbers to V7.4.1. 12 years ago
Richard Barry a5d0e3f0c1 Prepare for V7.4.0 release. 12 years ago
Richard Barry f06a945444 Prepare for V7.3.0 release. 13 years ago
Richard Barry e0bab5981a Prepare for V7.2.0 release. 13 years ago
Richard Barry f508a5f653 Add FreeRTOS-Plus directory. 13 years ago