Improve command input string handling in FreeRTOS+CLI to allow allow commands to be sub-strings of each other, and not to count trailing white space as a parameter.

Richard Barry 13 years ago
parent bf12aba59d
commit c0de8c984c

@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ portBASE_TYPE FreeRTOS_CLIProcessCommand( const int8_t * const pcCommandInput, i
static const CLI_Definition_List_Item_t *pxCommand = NULL;
portBASE_TYPE xReturn = pdTRUE;
const int8_t *pcRegisteredCommandString;
size_t xCommandStringLength;
/* Note: This function is not re-entrant. It must not be called from more
thank one task. */
@ -149,7 +150,15 @@ const int8_t *pcRegisteredCommandString;
for( pxCommand = &xRegisteredCommands; pxCommand != NULL; pxCommand = pxCommand->pxNext )
pcRegisteredCommandString = pxCommand->pxCommandLineDefinition->pcCommand;
if( strncmp( ( const char * ) pcCommandInput, ( const char * ) pcRegisteredCommandString, strlen( ( const char * ) pcRegisteredCommandString ) ) == 0 )
xCommandStringLength = strlen( ( const char * ) pcRegisteredCommandString );
/* To ensure the string lengths match exactly, so as not to pick up
a sub-string of a longer command, check the byte after the expected
end of the string is either the end of the string or a space before
a parameter. */
if( ( pcCommandInput[ xCommandStringLength ] == ' ' ) || ( pcCommandInput[ xCommandStringLength ] == 0x00 ) )
if( strncmp( ( const char * ) pcCommandInput, ( const char * ) pcRegisteredCommandString, xCommandStringLength ) == 0 )
/* The command has been found. Check it has the expected
number of parameters. If cExpectedNumberOfParameters is -1,
@ -167,6 +176,7 @@ const int8_t *pcRegisteredCommandString;
if( ( pxCommand != NULL ) && ( xReturn == pdFALSE ) )
@ -313,6 +323,13 @@ portBASE_TYPE xLastCharacterWasSpace = pdFALSE;
/* If the command string ended with spaces, then there will have been too
many parameters counted. */
if( xLastCharacterWasSpace == pdTRUE )
/* The value returned is one less than the number of space delimited words,
as the first word should be the command itself. */
return cParameters;
