__IOuint32_tDWT_CTRL;/*!< Use the DWT Control Register to enable the DWT unit. */
__IOuint32_tDWT_CYCCNT;/*!< The DWT_CYCCNT register characteristics are:Purpose Shows or sets the value of the processor cycle counter, CYCCNT.Usage constraints The DWT unit suspends CYCCNT counting when the processor is in Debug state.Configurations Implemented only when DWT_CTRL.NOCYCCNT is RAZ, see Control register, DWT_CTRL on page C1-879.When DWT_CTRL.NOCYCCNT is RAO no cycle counter is implemented and this register is UNK/SBZP.For more information see CYCCNT cycle counter and related timers on page C1-871. */
__IOuint32_tDWT_CPICNT;/*!< The DWT_CPICNT register characteristics are:Purpose Counts additional cycles required to execute multi-cycle instructions and instruction fetch stalls.Usage constraints The counter initializes to 0 when software enables its counter overflow event by setting the DWT_CTRL.CPIEVTENA bit to 1.Configurations Implemented only when DWT_CTRL.NOPRFCNT is RAZ, see Control register, DWT_CTRL on page C1-879.If DWT_CTRL.NOPRFCNT is RAO, indicating that the implementation does not include the profiling counters, this re */
__IOuint32_tDWT_EXCCNT;/*!< The DWT_EXCCNT register characteristics are:Purpose Counts the total cycles spent in exception processingUsage constraints The counter initializes to 0 when software enables its counter overflow event by setting the DWT_CTRL.EXCEVTENA bit to 1.Configurations Implemented only when DWT_CTRL.NOPRFCNT is RAZ, see Control register, DWT_CTRL on page C1-879.If DWT_CTRL.NOPRFCNT is RAO, indicating that the implementation does not include the profiling counters, this register is UNK/SBZP.For more information see Pr */
__IOuint32_tDWT_SLEEPCNT;/*!< The DWT_SLEEPCNT register characteristics are:Purpose Counts the total number of cycles that the processor is sleeping.Usage constraints The counter initializes to 0 when software enables its counter overflow event by setting the DWT_CTRL.SLEEPEVTENA bit to 1.Configurations Implemented only when DWT_CTRL.NOPRFCNT is RAZ, see Control register, DWT_CTRL on page C1-879.If DWT_CTRL.NOPRFCNT is RAO, indicating that the implementation does not include the profiling counters, this register is UNK/SBZP.ARM recomme */
__IOuint32_tDWT_LSUCNT;/*!< The DWT_LSUCNT register characteristics are:Purpose Increments on the additional cycles required to execute all load or store instructionsUsage constraints The counter initializes to 0 when software enables its counter overflow event by setting the DWT_CTRL.LSUEVTENA bit to 1.Configurations Implemented only when DWT_CTRL.NOPRFCNT is RAZ, see Control register, DWT_CTRL on page C1-879.If DWT_CTRL.NOPRFCNT is RAO, indicating that the implementation does not include the profiling counters, this register is UNK */
__IOuint32_tDWT_FOLDCNT;/*!< The DWT_FOLDCNT register characteristics are:Purpose Increments on each instruction that takes 0 cycles.Usage constraints The counter initializes to 0 when software enables its counter overflow event by setting the DWT_CTRL.FOLDEVTENA bit to 1. If an implementation includes profiling counters but does not support instruction folding, this counter can be RAZ/WI.Configurations Implemented only when DWT_CTRL.NOPRFCNT is RAZ, see Control register, DWT_CTRL on page C1-879.If DWT_CTRL.NOPRFCNT is RAO, indicating */
__Iuint32_tDWT_PCSR;/*!< The DWT_PCSR characteristics are:Purpose Samples the current value of the program counter.Usage constraints There are no usage constraints.NoteBit [0] of any sampled value is RAZ and does not reflect instruction set state as it does in a PC sample on the ARMv7-A and ARMv7-R architecture profiles.Configurations An optional feature. Register is RAZ/WI if not implemented.For more information see Program counter sampling support on page C1-877. */
__IOuint32_tDWT_COMP0;/*!< The DWT_COMP0 register characteristics are:Purpose Provides a reference value for use by comparator 0.Usage constraints The operation of comparator 0 depends also on the registers DWT_MASK0 and DWT_FUNCTION0, see Comparator Mask registers, DWT_MASKn on page C1-892 and Comparator Function registers, DWT_FUNCTIONn on page C1-893.Configurations Implemented only when DWT_CTRL.NUMCOMP is nonzero, see Control register, DWT_CTRL on page C1-879.DWT_CTRL.NUMCOMP defines the number of implemented DWT_COMPn registers */
__IOuint32_tDWT_MASK0;/*!< The DWT_MASK0 register characteristics are:Purpose Provides the size of the ignore mask applied to the access address for address range matching by comparator 0.Usage constraints The operation of comparator 0 depends also on the registers DWT_COMP0 and DWT_FUNCTION0, see Comparator registers, DWT_COMPn on page C1-891 and Comparator Function registers, DWT_FUNCTIONn on page C1-893.Configurations Implemented only when DWT_CTRL.NUMCOMP is nonzero, see Control register, DWT_CTRL on page C1-879.DWT_CTRL.NUMCOMP */
__IOuint32_tDWT_FUNCTION0;/*!< The DWT_FUNCTION0 register characteristics are:Purpose Controls the operation of comparator 0.Usage constraints The operation of comparator 0 depends also on the registers DWT_COMP0 and DWT_MASK0, see Comparator registers, DWT_COMPn on page C1-891 and Comparator Mask registers, DWT_MASKn on page C1-892.Reading this register clears some fields to zero. See the field descriptions in Table C1-39 on page C1-894 for more information, and for the usage constraints of individual fields.Configurations Implemented */
__IOuint32_tDWT_COMP1;/*!< The DWT_COMP1 register characteristics are:Purpose Provides a reference value for use by comparator n.Usage constraints The operation of comparator 1 depends also on the registers DWT_MASK1 and DWT_FUNCTION1, see Comparator Mask registers, DWT_MASKn on page C1-892 and Comparator Function registers, DWT_FUNCTIONn on page C1-893.Configurations Implemented only when DWT_CTRL.NUMCOMP is nonzero, see Control register, DWT_CTRL on page C1-879.DWT_CTRL.NUMCOMP defines the number of implemented DWT_COMPn registers */
__IOuint32_tDWT_MASK1;/*!< The DWT_MASK1 register characteristics are:Purpose Provides the size of the ignore mask applied to the access address for address range matching by comparator 1.Usage constraints The operation of comparator 1 depends also on the registers DWT_COMP1 and DWT_FUNCTION1, see Comparator registers, DWT_COMPn on page C1-891 and Comparator Function registers, DWT_FUNCTIONn on page C1-893.Configurations Implemented only when DWT_CTRL.NUMCOMP is nonzero, see Control register, DWT_CTRL on page C1-879.DWT_CTRL.NUMCOMP */
__IOuint32_tDWT_FUNCTION1;/*!< The DWT_FUNCTION1 register characteristics are:Purpose Controls the operation of comparator 1.Usage constraints The operation of comparator 1 depends also on the registers DWT_COMP1 and DWT_MASK1, see Comparator registers, DWT_COMPn on page C1-891 and Comparator Mask registers, DWT_MASKn on page C1-892.Reading this register clears some fields to zero. See the field descriptions in Table C1-39 on page C1-894 for more information, and for the usage constraints of individual fields.Configurations Implemented */
__IOuint32_tDWT_COMP2;/*!< The DWT_COMP2 register characteristics are:Purpose Provides a reference value for use by comparator n.Usage constraints The operation of comparator n depends also on the registers DWT_MASK2 and DWT_FUNCTION2, see Comparator Mask registers, DWT_MASKn on page C1-892 and Comparator Function registers, DWT_FUNCTIONn on page C1-893.Configurations Implemented only when DWT_CTRL.NUMCOMP is nonzero, see Control register, DWT_CTRL on page C1-879.DWT_CTRL.NUMCOMP defines the number of implemented DWT_COMPn registers */
__IOuint32_tDWT_MASK2;/*!< The DWT_MASK2 register characteristics are:Purpose Provides the size of the ignore mask applied to the access address for address range matching by comparator 2.Usage constraints The operation of comparator 2 depends also on the registers DWT_COMP2 and DWT_FUNCTION2, see Comparator registers, DWT_COMPn on page C1-891 and Comparator Function registers, DWT_FUNCTIONn on page C1-893.Configurations Implemented only when DWT_CTRL.NUMCOMP is nonzero, see Control register, DWT_CTRL on page C1-879.DWT_CTRL.NUMCOMP */
__IOuint32_tDWT_FUNCTION2;/*!< The DWT_FUNCTION2 register characteristics are:Purpose Controls the operation of comparator 2.Usage constraints The operation of comparator 2 depends also on the registers DWT_COMP2 and DWT_MASK2, see Comparator registers, DWT_COMPn on page C1-891 and Comparator Mask registers, DWT_MASKn on page C1-892.Reading this register clears some fields to zero. See the field descriptions in Table C1-39 on page C1-894 for more information, and for the usage constraints of individual fields.Configurations Implemented */
__IOuint32_tDWT_COMP3;/*!< The DWT_COMP3 register characteristics are:Purpose Provides a reference value for use by comparator n.Usage constraints The operation of comparator 3 depends also on the registers DWT_MASK3 and DWT_FUNCTION3, see Comparator Mask registers, DWT_MASKn on page C1-892 and Comparator Function registers, DWT_FUNCTIONn on page C1-893.Configurations Implemented only when DWT_CTRL.NUMCOMP is nonzero, see Control register, DWT_CTRL on page C1-879.DWT_CTRL.NUMCOMP defines the number of implemented DWT_COMPn registers */
__IOuint32_tDWT_MASK3;/*!< The DWT_MASK3 register characteristics are:Purpose Provides the size of the ignore mask applied to the access address for address range matching by comparator 3.Usage constraints The operation of comparator 3 depends also on the registers DWT_COMP3 and DWT_FUNCTION3, see Comparator registers, DWT_COMPn on page C1-891 and Comparator Function registers, DWT_FUNCTIONn on page C1-893.Configurations Implemented only when DWT_CTRL.NUMCOMP is nonzero, see Control register, DWT_CTRL on page C1-879.DWT_CTRL.NUMCOMP */
__IOuint32_tDWT_FUNCTION3;/*!< The DWT_FUNCTION3 register characteristics are:Purpose Controls the operation of comparator 3.Usage constraints The operation of comparator 3 depends also on the registers DWT_COMP3 and DWT_MASK3, see Comparator registers, DWT_COMPn on page C1-891 and Comparator Mask registers, DWT_MASKn on page C1-892.Reading this register clears some fields to zero. See the field descriptions in Table C1-39 on page C1-894 for more information, and for the usage constraints of individual fields.Configurations Implemented */