@ -67,6 +67,14 @@
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "Task.h"
/* Xilinx includes. */
#include "xscutimer.h"
#include "xscugic.h"
static XScuTimer Timer; /* A9 timer counter */
* The application must provide a function that configures a peripheral to
* create the FreeRTOS tick interrupt, then define configSETUP_TICK_INTERRUPT()
@ -75,6 +83,61 @@
void vConfigureTickInterrupt( void )
static XScuGic InterruptController; /* Interrupt controller instance */
int Status;
extern void FreeRTOS_Tick_Handler( void );
XScuTimer_Config *ScuConfig;
XScuGic_Config *IntcConfig;
IntcConfig = XScuGic_LookupConfig(XPAR_SCUGIC_SINGLE_DEVICE_ID);
Status = XScuGic_CfgInitialize(&InterruptController, IntcConfig, IntcConfig->CpuBaseAddress );
configASSERT( Status == XST_SUCCESS );
* Connect to the interrupt controller
Status = XScuGic_Connect(&InterruptController, XPAR_SCUTIMER_INTR, (Xil_ExceptionHandler) FreeRTOS_Tick_Handler, (void *)&Timer);
configASSERT( Status == XST_SUCCESS );
* Initialize the A9Timer driver.
ScuConfig = XScuTimer_LookupConfig(XPAR_SCUTIMER_DEVICE_ID);
Status = XScuTimer_CfgInitialize(&Timer, ScuConfig, ScuConfig->BaseAddr);
configASSERT( Status == XST_SUCCESS );
* Enable Auto reload mode.
* Load the timer counter register.
XScuTimer_LoadTimer(&Timer, XSCUTIMER_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ);
* Start the timer counter and then wait for it
* to timeout a number of times.
* Enable the interrupt for the Timer in the interrupt controller
XScuGic_Enable(&InterruptController, XPAR_SCUTIMER_INTR);
* Enable the timer interrupts for timer mode.
* Do NOT enable interrupts in the ARM processor here.
* This happens when the scheduler is started.
@ -91,6 +154,33 @@ unsigned long ulGetRunTimeCounterValue( void )
void vInitialiseRunTimeStats( void )
extern XScuGic_Config XScuGic_ConfigTable[];
static const XScuGic_Config *CfgPtr = &XScuGic_ConfigTable[ XPAR_SCUGIC_SINGLE_DEVICE_ID ];
void vApplicationIRQHandler( uint32_t ulICCIAR )
uint32_t ulInterruptID;
XScuGic_VectorTableEntry *TablePtr;
//XScuGic_Config *CfgPtr;
//extern XScuGic_Config XScuGic_ConfigTable[];
// CfgPtr = &XScuGic_ConfigTable[ XPAR_SCUGIC_SINGLE_DEVICE_ID ];
/* Re-enable interrupts. */
__asm ( "cpsie i" );
/* The ID of the interrupt can be obtained by bitwise anding the ICCIAR value
with 0x3FF. */
ulInterruptID = ulICCIAR & 0x3FFUL;
/* Call the function installed in the array of installed handler functions. */
TablePtr = &(CfgPtr->HandlerTable[ ulInterruptID ]);
// intc_func_table[ ulInterruptID ]( 0 );