@ -1638,12 +1638,12 @@ BaseType_t xQueueGiveMutexRecursive( QueueHandle_t xMutex ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* See FreeRTOS / Source / Demo / Common / Minimal / QueueSet . c for an example using this
* function .
* A queue set must be explicitly created using a call to xQueueCreateSet ( )
* before it can be used . Once created , standard FreeRTOS queues and semaphores
* can be added to the set using calls to xQueueAddToSet ( ) .
* xQueue SelectFromSet( ) is then used to determine which , if any , of the queues
* or semaphores contained in the set is in a state where a queue read or
* semaphore take operation would be successful .
* A queue set must be explicitly created using a call to xQueueCreateSet ( ) or
* xQueueCreateSetStatic ( ) before it can be used . Once created , standard
* FreeRTOS queues and semaphores can be added to the set using calls to
* xQueue AddToSet( ) . xQueue SelectFromSet( ) is then used to determine which , if
* any, of the queues or semaphores contained in the set is in a state where a
* queue read or semaphore take operation would be successful .
* Note 1 : See the documentation on https : //www.freertos.org/Documentation/02-Kernel/04-API-references/07-Queue-sets/00-RTOS-queue-sets
* for reasons why queue sets are very rarely needed in practice as there are
@ -1683,9 +1683,69 @@ BaseType_t xQueueGiveMutexRecursive( QueueHandle_t xMutex ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
QueueSetHandle_t xQueueCreateSet ( const UBaseType_t uxEventQueueLength ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION ;
# endif
* Queue sets provide a mechanism to allow a task to block ( pend ) on a read
* operation from multiple queues or semaphores simultaneously .
* See FreeRTOS / Source / Demo / Common / Minimal / QueueSet . c for an example using this
* function .
* A queue set must be explicitly created using a call to xQueueCreateSet ( )
* or xQueueCreateSetStatic ( ) before it can be used . Once created , standard
* FreeRTOS queues and semaphores can be added to the set using calls to
* xQueueAddToSet ( ) . xQueueSelectFromSet ( ) is then used to determine which , if
* any , of the queues or semaphores contained in the set is in a state where a
* queue read or semaphore take operation would be successful .
* Note 1 : See the documentation on https : //www.freertos.org/Documentation/02-Kernel/04-API-references/07-Queue-sets/00-RTOS-queue-sets
* for reasons why queue sets are very rarely needed in practice as there are
* simpler methods of blocking on multiple objects .
* Note 2 : Blocking on a queue set that contains a mutex will not cause the
* mutex holder to inherit the priority of the blocked task .
* Note 3 : An additional 4 bytes of RAM is required for each space in a every
* queue added to a queue set . Therefore counting semaphores that have a high
* maximum count value should not be added to a queue set .
* Note 4 : A receive ( in the case of a queue ) or take ( in the case of a
* semaphore ) operation must not be performed on a member of a queue set unless
* a call to xQueueSelectFromSet ( ) has first returned a handle to that set member .
* @ param uxEventQueueLength Queue sets store events that occur on
* the queues and semaphores contained in the set . uxEventQueueLength specifies
* the maximum number of events that can be queued at once . To be absolutely
* certain that events are not lost uxEventQueueLength should be set to the
* total sum of the length of the queues added to the set , where binary
* semaphores and mutexes have a length of 1 , and counting semaphores have a
* length set by their maximum count value . Examples :
* + If a queue set is to hold a queue of length 5 , another queue of length 12 ,
* and a binary semaphore , then uxEventQueueLength should be set to
* ( 5 + 12 + 1 ) , or 18.
* + If a queue set is to hold three binary semaphores then uxEventQueueLength
* should be set to ( 1 + 1 + 1 ) , or 3.
* + If a queue set is to hold a counting semaphore that has a maximum count of
* 5 , and a counting semaphore that has a maximum count of 3 , then
* uxEventQueueLength should be set to ( 5 + 3 ) , or 8.
* @ param pucQueueStorage pucQueueStorage must point to a uint8_t array that is
* at least large enough to hold uxEventQueueLength events .
* @ param pxQueueBuffer Must point to a variable of type StaticQueue_t , which
* will be used to hold the queue ' s data structure .
* @ return If the queue set is created successfully then a handle to the created
* queue set is returned . If pxQueueBuffer is NULL then NULL is returned .
# if ( ( configUSE_QUEUE_SETS == 1 ) && ( configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION == 1 ) )
QueueSetHandle_t xQueueCreateSetStatic ( const UBaseType_t uxEventQueueLength ,
uint8_t * pucQueueStorage ,
StaticQueue_t * pxStaticQueue ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION ;
# endif
* Adds a queue or semaphore to a queue set that was previously created by a
* call to xQueueCreateSet ( ) .
* call to xQueueCreateSet ( ) or xQueueCreateSetStatic ( ) .
* See FreeRTOS / Source / Demo / Common / Minimal / QueueSet . c for an example using this
* function .