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* Copyright (C) 2021, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
* this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
* the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
* use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
* the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
* subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
* copies or substantial portions of the Software.
* Implementation of functions defined in portable.h for the ARM CM4 MPU port.
/* Defining MPU_WRAPPERS_INCLUDED_FROM_API_FILE prevents task.h from redefining
* all the API functions to use the MPU wrappers. That should only be done when
* task.h is included from an application file. */
/* Scheduler includes. */
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "mpu_syscall_numbers.h"
#ifndef __ARM_FP
#error This port can only be used when the project options are configured to enable hardware floating point support.
#ifndef configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ
#define configSYSTICK_CLOCK_HZ configCPU_CLOCK_HZ
/* Ensure the SysTick is clocked at the same frequency as the core. */
#define portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK ( 1UL << 2UL )
/* The way the SysTick is clocked is not modified in case it is not the same
* as the core. */
#define portNVIC_SYSTICK_CLK ( 0 )
#warning "configALLOW_UNPRIVILEGED_CRITICAL_SECTIONS is not defined. We recommend defining it to 0 in FreeRTOSConfig.h for better security."
/* Prototype of all Interrupt Service Routines (ISRs). */
typedef void ( * portISR_t )( void );
/* Constants required to access and manipulate the NVIC. */
#define portNVIC_SYSTICK_CTRL_REG ( *( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000e010 ) )
#define portNVIC_SYSTICK_LOAD_REG ( *( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000e014 ) )
#define portNVIC_SYSTICK_CURRENT_VALUE_REG ( *( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000e018 ) )
#define portNVIC_SHPR3_REG ( *( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000ed20 ) )
#define portNVIC_SHPR2_REG ( *( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000ed1c ) )
#define portNVIC_SYS_CTRL_STATE_REG ( *( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000ed24 ) )
#define portNVIC_MEM_FAULT_ENABLE ( 1UL << 16UL )
/* Constants used to detect Cortex-M7 r0p0 and r0p1 cores, and ensure
* that a work around is active for errata 837070. */
#define portCPUID ( *( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xE000ed00 ) )
#define portCORTEX_M7_r0p1_ID ( 0x410FC271UL )
#define portCORTEX_M7_r0p0_ID ( 0x410FC270UL )
/* Constants required to access and manipulate the MPU. */
#define portMPU_TYPE_REG ( *( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000ed90 ) )
#define portMPU_REGION_BASE_ADDRESS_REG ( *( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000ed9C ) )
#define portMPU_REGION_ATTRIBUTE_REG ( *( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000edA0 ) )
#define portMPU_CTRL_REG ( *( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000ed94 ) )
#define portMPU_ENABLE ( 0x01UL )
#define portMPU_BACKGROUND_ENABLE ( 1UL << 2UL )
#define portMPU_REGION_VALID ( 0x10UL )
#define portMPU_REGION_ENABLE ( 0x01UL )
#define portPERIPHERALS_START_ADDRESS 0x40000000UL
/* Constants required to access and manipulate the SysTick. */
#define portNVIC_SYSTICK_INT ( 0x00000002UL )
#define portNVIC_SYSTICK_ENABLE ( 0x00000001UL )
#define portMIN_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY ( 255UL )
#define portNVIC_PENDSV_PRI ( ( ( uint32_t ) portMIN_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY ) << 16UL )
#define portNVIC_SYSTICK_PRI ( ( ( uint32_t ) portMIN_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY ) << 24UL )
/* Constants required to manipulate the VFP. */
#define portFPCCR ( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xe000ef34UL ) /* Floating point context control register. */
#define portASPEN_AND_LSPEN_BITS ( 0x3UL << 30UL )
/* Constants required to set up the initial stack. */
#define portINITIAL_XPSR ( 0x01000000UL )
#define portINITIAL_EXC_RETURN ( 0xfffffffdUL )
/* Constants used to check the installation of the FreeRTOS interrupt handlers. */
#define portSCB_VTOR_REG ( *( ( portISR_t ** ) 0xE000ED08 ) )
#define portVECTOR_INDEX_SVC ( 11 )
#define portVECTOR_INDEX_PENDSV ( 14 )
/* Constants required to check the validity of an interrupt priority. */
#define portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16 ( 0xE000E3F0 )
#define portAIRCR_REG ( *( ( volatile uint32_t * ) 0xE000ED0C ) )
#define portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE ( ( uint8_t ) 0xff )
#define portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE ( ( uint8_t ) 0x80 )
#define portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS ( ( uint8_t ) 7 )
#define portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK ( 0x07UL << 8UL )
#define portPRIGROUP_SHIFT ( 8UL )
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
/* Constants used during system call enter and exit. */
#define portPSR_STACK_PADDING_MASK ( 1UL << 9UL )
/* Offsets in the stack to the parameters when inside the SVC handler. */
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
#define portOFFSET_TO_LR ( 5 )
#define portOFFSET_TO_PC ( 6 )
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
#define portOFFSET_TO_PSR ( 7 )
/* For strict compliance with the Cortex-M spec the task start address should
* have bit-0 clear, as it is loaded into the PC on exit from an ISR. */
#define portSTART_ADDRESS_MASK ( ( StackType_t ) 0xfffffffeUL )
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
/* Does addr lie within [start, end] address range? */
#define portIS_ADDRESS_WITHIN_RANGE( addr, start, end ) \
( ( ( addr ) >= ( start ) ) && ( ( addr ) <= ( end ) ) )
/* Is the access request satisfied by the available permissions? */
#define portIS_AUTHORIZED( accessRequest, permissions ) \
( ( ( permissions ) & ( accessRequest ) ) == accessRequest )
/* Max value that fits in a uint32_t type. */
#define portUINT32_MAX ( ~( ( uint32_t ) 0 ) )
/* Check if adding a and b will result in overflow. */
#define portADD_UINT32_WILL_OVERFLOW( a, b ) ( ( a ) > ( portUINT32_MAX - ( b ) ) )
* Configure a number of standard MPU regions that are used by all tasks.
static void prvSetupMPU( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* Return the smallest MPU region size that a given number of bytes will fit
* into. The region size is returned as the value that should be programmed
* into the region attribute register for that region.
static uint32_t prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( uint32_t ulActualSizeInBytes ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* Setup the timer to generate the tick interrupts. The implementation in this
* file is weak to allow application writers to change the timer used to
* generate the tick interrupt.
void vPortSetupTimerInterrupt( void );
* Standard FreeRTOS exception handlers.
void xPortPendSVHandler( void ) __attribute__( ( naked ) ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
void xPortSysTickHandler( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
void vPortSVCHandler( void ) __attribute__( ( naked ) ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* Starts the scheduler by restoring the context of the first task to run.
static void prvRestoreContextOfFirstTask( void ) __attribute__( ( naked ) ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* C portion of the SVC handler. The SVC handler is split between an asm entry
* and a C wrapper for simplicity of coding and maintenance.
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
void vSVCHandler_C( uint32_t * pulRegisters ) __attribute__( ( noinline ) ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* Function to enable the VFP.
static void vPortEnableVFP( void ) __attribute__( ( naked ) );
* @brief Checks whether or not the processor is privileged.
* @return 1 if the processor is already privileged, 0 otherwise.
BaseType_t xIsPrivileged( void ) __attribute__( ( naked ) );
* @brief Lowers the privilege level by setting the bit 0 of the CONTROL
* register.
* Bit 0 of the CONTROL register defines the privilege level of Thread Mode.
* Bit[0] = 0 --> The processor is running privileged
* Bit[0] = 1 --> The processor is running unprivileged.
void vResetPrivilege( void ) __attribute__( ( naked ) );
* @brief Make a task unprivileged.
void vPortSwitchToUserMode( void );
* @brief Enter critical section.
void vPortEnterCritical( void ) FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL;
void vPortEnterCritical( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
* @brief Exit from critical section.
void vPortExitCritical( void ) FREERTOS_SYSTEM_CALL;
void vPortExitCritical( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
#if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 )
* @brief Sets up the system call stack so that upon returning from
* SVC, the system call stack is used.
* @param pulTaskStack The current SP when the SVC was raised.
* @param ulLR The value of Link Register (EXC_RETURN) in the SVC handler.
* @param ucSystemCallNumber The system call number of the system call.
void vSystemCallEnter( uint32_t * pulTaskStack,
uint32_t ulLR,
uint8_t ucSystemCallNumber ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
#endif /* #if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 ) */
#if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 )
* @brief Raise SVC for exiting from a system call.
void vRequestSystemCallExit( void ) __attribute__( ( naked ) ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
#endif /* #if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 ) */
#if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 )
* @brief Sets up the task stack so that upon returning from
* SVC, the task stack is used again.
* @param pulSystemCallStack The current SP when the SVC was raised.
* @param ulLR The value of Link Register (EXC_RETURN) in the SVC handler.
void vSystemCallExit( uint32_t * pulSystemCallStack,
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
#endif /* #if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 ) */
* @brief Checks whether or not the calling task is privileged.
* @return pdTRUE if the calling task is privileged, pdFALSE otherwise.
BaseType_t xPortIsTaskPrivileged( void ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION;
/* Each task maintains its own interrupt status in the critical nesting
* variable. Note this is not saved as part of the task context as context
* switches can only occur when uxCriticalNesting is zero. */
static UBaseType_t uxCriticalNesting = 0xaaaaaaaa;
#if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 )
* This variable is set to pdTRUE when the scheduler is started.
PRIVILEGED_DATA static BaseType_t xSchedulerRunning = pdFALSE;
#endif /* #if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 ) */
* Used by the portASSERT_IF_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY_INVALID() macro to ensure
* FreeRTOS API functions are not called from interrupts that have been assigned
* a priority above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY.
#if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )
static uint8_t ucMaxSysCallPriority = 0;
static uint32_t ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = 0;
static const volatile uint8_t * const pcInterruptPriorityRegisters = ( const volatile uint8_t * const ) portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16;
#endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */
* See header file for description.
StackType_t * pxPortInitialiseStack( StackType_t * pxTopOfStack,
TaskFunction_t pxCode,
void * pvParameters,
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
BaseType_t xRunPrivileged,
xMPU_SETTINGS * xMPUSettings )
if( xRunPrivileged == pdTRUE )
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
xMPUSettings->ulTaskFlags |= portTASK_IS_PRIVILEGED_FLAG;
xMPUSettings->ulContext[ 0 ] = portINITIAL_CONTROL_IF_PRIVILEGED;
xMPUSettings->ulTaskFlags &= ( ~( portTASK_IS_PRIVILEGED_FLAG ) );
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
xMPUSettings->ulContext[ 0 ] = portINITIAL_CONTROL_IF_UNPRIVILEGED;
xMPUSettings->ulContext[ 1 ] = 0x04040404; /* r4. */
xMPUSettings->ulContext[ 2 ] = 0x05050505; /* r5. */
xMPUSettings->ulContext[ 3 ] = 0x06060606; /* r6. */
xMPUSettings->ulContext[ 4 ] = 0x07070707; /* r7. */
xMPUSettings->ulContext[ 5 ] = 0x08080808; /* r8. */
xMPUSettings->ulContext[ 6 ] = 0x09090909; /* r9. */
xMPUSettings->ulContext[ 7 ] = 0x10101010; /* r10. */
xMPUSettings->ulContext[ 8 ] = 0x11111111; /* r11. */
xMPUSettings->ulContext[ 9 ] = portINITIAL_EXC_RETURN; /* EXC_RETURN. */
xMPUSettings->ulContext[ 10 ] = ( uint32_t ) ( pxTopOfStack - 8 ); /* PSP with the hardware saved stack. */
xMPUSettings->ulContext[ 11 ] = ( uint32_t ) pvParameters; /* r0. */
xMPUSettings->ulContext[ 12 ] = 0x01010101; /* r1. */
xMPUSettings->ulContext[ 13 ] = 0x02020202; /* r2. */
xMPUSettings->ulContext[ 14 ] = 0x03030303; /* r3. */
xMPUSettings->ulContext[ 15 ] = 0x12121212; /* r12. */
xMPUSettings->ulContext[ 16 ] = 0; /* LR. */
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
xMPUSettings->ulContext[ 17 ] = ( ( uint32_t ) pxCode ) & portSTART_ADDRESS_MASK; /* PC. */
xMPUSettings->ulContext[ 18 ] = portINITIAL_XPSR; /* xPSR. */
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
#if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 )
/* Ensure that the system call stack is double word aligned. */
xMPUSettings->xSystemCallStackInfo.pulSystemCallStack = &( xMPUSettings->xSystemCallStackInfo.ulSystemCallStackBuffer[ configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE - 1 ] );
xMPUSettings->xSystemCallStackInfo.pulSystemCallStack = ( uint32_t * ) ( ( uint32_t ) ( xMPUSettings->xSystemCallStackInfo.pulSystemCallStack ) &
( uint32_t ) ( ~( portBYTE_ALIGNMENT_MASK ) ) );
/* This is not NULL only for the duration of a system call. */
xMPUSettings->xSystemCallStackInfo.pulTaskStack = NULL;
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
#endif /* #if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 ) */
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
return &( xMPUSettings->ulContext[ 19 ] );
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
#if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 )
void vPortSVCHandler( void ) /* __attribute__( ( naked ) ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */
__asm volatile
".syntax unified \n"
".extern vSVCHandler_C \n"
".extern vSystemCallEnter \n"
".extern vSystemCallExit \n"
" \n"
"tst lr, #4 \n"
"ite eq \n"
"mrseq r0, msp \n"
"mrsne r0, psp \n"
" \n"
"ldr r1, [r0, #24] \n"
"ldrb r2, [r1, #-2] \n"
"cmp r2, %0 \n"
"blt syscall_enter \n"
"cmp r2, %1 \n"
"beq syscall_exit \n"
"b vSVCHandler_C \n"
" \n"
"syscall_enter: \n"
" mov r1, lr \n"
" b vSystemCallEnter \n"
" \n"
"syscall_exit: \n"
" mov r1, lr \n"
" b vSystemCallExit \n"
" \n"
: /* No outputs. */
: "r0", "r1", "r2", "memory"
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
#else /* #if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 ) */
void vPortSVCHandler( void )
/* Assumes psp was in use. */
__asm volatile
#ifndef USE_PROCESS_STACK /* Code should not be required if a main() is using the process stack. */
" tst lr, #4 \n"
" ite eq \n"
" mrseq r0, msp \n"
" mrsne r0, psp \n"
" mrs r0, psp \n"
" b %0 \n"
::"i" ( vSVCHandler_C ) : "r0", "memory"
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
#endif /* #if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 ) */
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
void vSVCHandler_C( uint32_t * pulParam ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */
uint8_t ucSVCNumber;
uint32_t ulPC;
#if ( ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 1 ) && ( configENFORCE_SYSTEM_CALLS_FROM_KERNEL_ONLY == 1 ) )
#if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION )
/* Declaration when these variable are defined in code instead of being
* exported from linker scripts. */
extern uint32_t * __syscalls_flash_start__;
extern uint32_t * __syscalls_flash_end__;
/* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */
extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__[];
extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_end__[];
#endif /* #if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */
#endif /* #if ( ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 1 ) && ( configENFORCE_SYSTEM_CALLS_FROM_KERNEL_ONLY == 1 ) ) */
/* The stack contains: r0, r1, r2, r3, r12, LR, PC and xPSR. The first
* argument (r0) is pulParam[ 0 ]. */
ulPC = pulParam[ portOFFSET_TO_PC ];
ucSVCNumber = ( ( uint8_t * ) ulPC )[ -2 ];
switch( ucSVCNumber )
case portSVC_YIELD:
/* Barriers are normally not required
* but do ensure the code is completely
* within the specified behaviour for the
* architecture. */
__asm volatile ( "dsb" ::: "memory" );
__asm volatile ( "isb" );
#if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 1 )
case portSVC_RAISE_PRIVILEGE: /* Only raise the privilege, if the
* svc was raised from any of the
* system calls. */
if( ( ulPC >= ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_start__ ) &&
( ulPC <= ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_end__ ) )
__asm volatile
" mrs r1, control \n" /* Obtain current control value. */
" bic r1, #1 \n" /* Set privilege bit. */
" msr control, r1 \n" /* Write back new control value. */
::: "r1", "memory"
#else /* if ( configENFORCE_SYSTEM_CALLS_FROM_KERNEL_ONLY == 1 ) */
__asm volatile
" mrs r1, control \n" /* Obtain current control value. */
" bic r1, #1 \n" /* Set privilege bit. */
" msr control, r1 \n" /* Write back new control value. */
::: "r1", "memory"
#endif /* #if( configENFORCE_SYSTEM_CALLS_FROM_KERNEL_ONLY == 1 ) */
#endif /* #if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 1 ) */
default: /* Unknown SVC call. */
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
#if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 )
void vSystemCallEnter( uint32_t * pulTaskStack,
uint32_t ulLR,
uint8_t ucSystemCallNumber ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */
extern TaskHandle_t pxCurrentTCB;
extern UBaseType_t uxSystemCallImplementations[ NUM_SYSTEM_CALLS ];
xMPU_SETTINGS * pxMpuSettings;
uint32_t * pulSystemCallStack;
uint32_t ulStackFrameSize, ulSystemCallLocation, i;
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
#if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION )
/* Declaration when these variable are defined in code instead of being
* exported from linker scripts. */
extern uint32_t * __syscalls_flash_start__;
extern uint32_t * __syscalls_flash_end__;
/* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */
extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_start__[];
extern uint32_t __syscalls_flash_end__[];
#endif /* #if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
ulSystemCallLocation = pulTaskStack[ portOFFSET_TO_PC ];
pxMpuSettings = xTaskGetMPUSettings( pxCurrentTCB );
/* Checks:
* 1. SVC is raised from the system call section (i.e. application is
* not raising SVC directly).
* 2. pxMpuSettings->xSystemCallStackInfo.pulTaskStack must be NULL as
* it is non-NULL only during the execution of a system call (i.e.
* between system call enter and exit).
* 3. System call is not for a kernel API disabled by the configuration
* in FreeRTOSConfig.h.
* 4. We do not need to check that ucSystemCallNumber is within range
* because the assembly SVC handler checks that before calling
* this function.
if( ( ulSystemCallLocation >= ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_start__ ) &&
( ulSystemCallLocation <= ( uint32_t ) __syscalls_flash_end__ ) &&
( pxMpuSettings->xSystemCallStackInfo.pulTaskStack == NULL ) &&
( uxSystemCallImplementations[ ucSystemCallNumber ] != ( UBaseType_t ) 0 ) )
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
pulSystemCallStack = pxMpuSettings->xSystemCallStackInfo.pulSystemCallStack;
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
/* Extended frame i.e. FPU in use. */
ulStackFrameSize = 26;
__asm volatile (
" vpush {s0} \n" /* Trigger lazy stacking. */
" vpop {s0} \n" /* Nullify the affect of the above instruction. */
::: "memory"
/* Standard frame i.e. FPU not in use. */
ulStackFrameSize = 8;
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
/* Make space on the system call stack for the stack frame. */
pulSystemCallStack = pulSystemCallStack - ulStackFrameSize;
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
/* Copy the stack frame. */
for( i = 0; i < ulStackFrameSize; i++ )
pulSystemCallStack[ i ] = pulTaskStack[ i ];
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
/* Use the pulSystemCallStack in thread mode. */
__asm volatile ( "msr psp, %0" : : "r" ( pulSystemCallStack ) );
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
/* Raise the privilege for the duration of the system call. */
__asm volatile (
" mrs r1, control \n" /* Obtain current control value. */
" bic r1, #1 \n" /* Clear nPRIV bit. */
" msr control, r1 \n" /* Write back new control value. */
::: "r1", "memory"
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
/* Remember the location where we should copy the stack frame when we exit from
* the system call. */
pxMpuSettings->xSystemCallStackInfo.pulTaskStack = pulTaskStack + ulStackFrameSize;
/* Store the value of the Link Register before the SVC was raised.
* It contains the address of the caller of the System Call entry
* point (i.e. the caller of the MPU_<API>). We need to restore it
* when we exit from the system call. */
pxMpuSettings->xSystemCallStackInfo.ulLinkRegisterAtSystemCallEntry = pulTaskStack[ portOFFSET_TO_LR ];
/* Start executing the system call upon returning from this handler. */
pulSystemCallStack[ portOFFSET_TO_PC ] = uxSystemCallImplementations[ ucSystemCallNumber ];
/* Raise a request to exit from the system call upon finishing the
* system call. */
pulSystemCallStack[ portOFFSET_TO_LR ] = ( uint32_t ) vRequestSystemCallExit;
/* Record if the hardware used padding to force the stack pointer
* to be double word aligned. */
if( ( pulTaskStack[ portOFFSET_TO_PSR ] & portPSR_STACK_PADDING_MASK ) == portPSR_STACK_PADDING_MASK )
pxMpuSettings->ulTaskFlags |= portSTACK_FRAME_HAS_PADDING_FLAG;
pxMpuSettings->ulTaskFlags &= ( ~portSTACK_FRAME_HAS_PADDING_FLAG );
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
/* We ensure in pxPortInitialiseStack that the system call stack is
* double word aligned and therefore, there is no need of padding.
* Clear the bit[9] of stacked xPSR. */
pulSystemCallStack[ portOFFSET_TO_PSR ] &= ( ~portPSR_STACK_PADDING_MASK );
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
#endif /* #if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 ) */
#if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 )
void vRequestSystemCallExit( void ) /* __attribute__( ( naked ) ) PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */
__asm volatile ( "svc %0 \n" ::"i" ( portSVC_SYSTEM_CALL_EXIT ) : "memory" );
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
#endif /* #if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 ) */
#if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 )
void vSystemCallExit( uint32_t * pulSystemCallStack,
uint32_t ulLR ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */
extern TaskHandle_t pxCurrentTCB;
xMPU_SETTINGS * pxMpuSettings;
uint32_t * pulTaskStack;
uint32_t ulStackFrameSize, ulSystemCallLocation, i;
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
#if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION )
/* Declaration when these variable are defined in code instead of being
* exported from linker scripts. */
extern uint32_t * __privileged_functions_start__;
extern uint32_t * __privileged_functions_end__;
/* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */
extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_start__[];
extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_end__[];
#endif /* #if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
ulSystemCallLocation = pulSystemCallStack[ portOFFSET_TO_PC ];
pxMpuSettings = xTaskGetMPUSettings( pxCurrentTCB );
/* Checks:
* 1. SVC is raised from the privileged code (i.e. application is not
* raising SVC directly). This SVC is only raised from
* vRequestSystemCallExit which is in the privileged code section.
* 2. pxMpuSettings->xSystemCallStackInfo.pulTaskStack must not be NULL -
* this means that we previously entered a system call and the
* application is not attempting to exit without entering a system
* call.
if( ( ulSystemCallLocation >= ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) &&
( ulSystemCallLocation <= ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ ) &&
( pxMpuSettings->xSystemCallStackInfo.pulTaskStack != NULL ) )
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
pulTaskStack = pxMpuSettings->xSystemCallStackInfo.pulTaskStack;
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
/* Extended frame i.e. FPU in use. */
ulStackFrameSize = 26;
__asm volatile (
" vpush {s0} \n" /* Trigger lazy stacking. */
" vpop {s0} \n" /* Nullify the affect of the above instruction. */
::: "memory"
/* Standard frame i.e. FPU not in use. */
ulStackFrameSize = 8;
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
/* Make space on the task stack for the stack frame. */
pulTaskStack = pulTaskStack - ulStackFrameSize;
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
/* Copy the stack frame. */
for( i = 0; i < ulStackFrameSize; i++ )
pulTaskStack[ i ] = pulSystemCallStack[ i ];
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
/* Use the pulTaskStack in thread mode. */
__asm volatile ( "msr psp, %0" : : "r" ( pulTaskStack ) );
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
/* Drop the privilege before returning to the thread mode. */
__asm volatile (
" mrs r1, control \n" /* Obtain current control value. */
" orr r1, #1 \n" /* Set nPRIV bit. */
" msr control, r1 \n" /* Write back new control value. */
::: "r1", "memory"
/* Return to the caller of the System Call entry point (i.e. the
* caller of the MPU_<API>). */
pulTaskStack[ portOFFSET_TO_PC ] = pxMpuSettings->xSystemCallStackInfo.ulLinkRegisterAtSystemCallEntry;
/* Ensure that LR has a valid value.*/
pulTaskStack[ portOFFSET_TO_LR ] = pxMpuSettings->xSystemCallStackInfo.ulLinkRegisterAtSystemCallEntry;
/* If the hardware used padding to force the stack pointer
* to be double word aligned, set the stacked xPSR bit[9],
* otherwise clear it. */
if( ( pxMpuSettings->ulTaskFlags & portSTACK_FRAME_HAS_PADDING_FLAG ) == portSTACK_FRAME_HAS_PADDING_FLAG )
pulTaskStack[ portOFFSET_TO_PSR ] |= portPSR_STACK_PADDING_MASK;
pulTaskStack[ portOFFSET_TO_PSR ] &= ( ~portPSR_STACK_PADDING_MASK );
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
/* This is not NULL only for the duration of the system call. */
pxMpuSettings->xSystemCallStackInfo.pulTaskStack = NULL;
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
#endif /* #if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 ) */
BaseType_t xPortIsTaskPrivileged( void ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */
BaseType_t xTaskIsPrivileged = pdFALSE;
const xMPU_SETTINGS * xTaskMpuSettings = xTaskGetMPUSettings( NULL ); /* Calling task's MPU settings. */
if( ( xTaskMpuSettings->ulTaskFlags & portTASK_IS_PRIVILEGED_FLAG ) == portTASK_IS_PRIVILEGED_FLAG )
xTaskIsPrivileged = pdTRUE;
return xTaskIsPrivileged;
static void prvRestoreContextOfFirstTask( void )
__asm volatile
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
" ldr r0, =0xE000ED08 \n" /* Use the NVIC offset register to locate the stack. */
" ldr r0, [r0] \n"
" ldr r0, [r0] \n"
" msr msp, r0 \n" /* Set the msp back to the start of the stack. */
" \n"
/*------------ Program MPU. ------------ */
" ldr r3, =pxCurrentTCB \n" /* r3 = =pxCurrentTCB. */
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
" ldr r2, [r3] \n" /* r2 = pxCurrentTCB. */
" add r2, r2, #4 \n" /* r2 = Second item in the TCB which is xMPUSettings. */
" \n"
" dmb \n" /* Complete outstanding transfers before disabling MPU. */
" ldr r0, =0xe000ed94 \n" /* MPU_CTRL register. */
" ldr r3, [r0] \n" /* Read the value of MPU_CTRL. */
" bic r3, #1 \n" /* r3 = r3 & ~1 i.e. Clear the bit 0 in r3. */
" str r3, [r0] \n" /* Disable MPU. */
" \n"
" ldr r0, =0xe000ed9c \n" /* Region Base Address register. */
" ldmia r2!, {r4-r11} \n" /* Read 4 sets of MPU registers [MPU Region # 0 - 3]. */
" stmia r0, {r4-r11} \n" /* Write 4 sets of MPU registers [MPU Region # 0 - 3]. */
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
" \n"
#if ( configTOTAL_MPU_REGIONS == 16 )
" ldmia r2!, {r4-r11} \n" /* Read 4 sets of MPU registers [MPU Region # 4 - 8]. */
" stmia r0, {r4-r11} \n" /* Write 4 sets of MPU registers. [MPU Region # 4 - 8]. */
" ldmia r2!, {r4-r11} \n" /* Read 4 sets of MPU registers [MPU Region # 9 - 12]. */
" stmia r0, {r4-r11} \n" /* Write 4 sets of MPU registers. [MPU Region # 9 - 12]. */
#endif /* configTOTAL_MPU_REGIONS == 16. */
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
" \n"
" ldr r0, =0xe000ed94 \n" /* MPU_CTRL register. */
" ldr r3, [r0] \n" /* Read the value of MPU_CTRL. */
" orr r3, #1 \n" /* r3 = r3 | 1 i.e. Set the bit 0 in r3. */
" str r3, [r0] \n" /* Enable MPU. */
" dsb \n" /* Force memory writes before continuing. */
" \n"
/*---------- Restore Context. ---------- */
" ldr r3, =pxCurrentTCB \n" /* r3 = =pxCurrentTCB. */
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
" ldr r2, [r3] \n" /* r2 = pxCurrentTCB. */
" ldr r1, [r2] \n" /* r1 = Location of saved context in TCB. */
" \n"
" ldmdb r1!, {r0, r4-r11} \n" /* r0 contains PSP after the hardware had saved context. r4-r11 contain hardware saved context. */
" msr psp, r0 \n"
" stmia r0, {r4-r11} \n" /* Copy the hardware saved context on the task stack. */
" ldmdb r1!, {r3-r11, lr} \n" /* r3 contains CONTROL register. r4-r11 and LR restored. */
" msr control, r3 \n"
" str r1, [r2] \n" /* Save the location where the context should be saved next as the first member of TCB. */
" \n"
" mov r0, #0 \n"
" msr basepri, r0 \n"
" bx lr \n"
" \n"
" .ltorg \n" /* Assemble current literal pool to avoid offset-out-of-bound errors with lto. */
* See header file for description.
BaseType_t xPortStartScheduler( void )
/* Errata 837070 workaround must only be enabled on Cortex-M7 r0p0
* and r0p1 cores. */
#if ( configENABLE_ERRATA_837070_WORKAROUND == 1 )
configASSERT( ( portCPUID == portCORTEX_M7_r0p1_ID ) || ( portCPUID == portCORTEX_M7_r0p0_ID ) );
/* When using this port on a Cortex-M7 r0p0 or r0p1 core, define
* configENABLE_ERRATA_837070_WORKAROUND to 1 in your
* FreeRTOSConfig.h. */
configASSERT( portCPUID != portCORTEX_M7_r0p1_ID );
configASSERT( portCPUID != portCORTEX_M7_r0p0_ID );
/* An application can install FreeRTOS interrupt handlers in one of the
* following ways:
* 1. Direct Routing - Install the functions vPortSVCHandler and
* xPortPendSVHandler for SVCall and PendSV interrupts respectively.
* 2. Indirect Routing - Install separate handlers for SVCall and PendSV
* interrupts and route program control from those handlers to
* vPortSVCHandler and xPortPendSVHandler functions.
* Applications that use Indirect Routing must set
* configCHECK_HANDLER_INSTALLATION to 0 in their FreeRTOSConfig.h. Direct
* routing, which is validated here when configCHECK_HANDLER_INSTALLATION
* is 1, should be preferred when possible. */
const portISR_t * const pxVectorTable = portSCB_VTOR_REG;
/* Validate that the application has correctly installed the FreeRTOS
* handlers for SVCall and PendSV interrupts. We do not check the
* installation of the SysTick handler because the application may
* choose to drive the RTOS tick using a timer other than the SysTick
* timer by overriding the weak function vPortSetupTimerInterrupt().
* Assertion failures here indicate incorrect installation of the
* FreeRTOS handlers. For help installing the FreeRTOS handlers, see
* Systems with a configurable address for the interrupt vector table
* can also encounter assertion failures or even system faults here if
* VTOR is not set correctly to point to the application's vector table. */
configASSERT( pxVectorTable[ portVECTOR_INDEX_SVC ] == vPortSVCHandler );
configASSERT( pxVectorTable[ portVECTOR_INDEX_PENDSV ] == xPortPendSVHandler );
#if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )
volatile uint8_t ucOriginalPriority;
volatile uint32_t ulImplementedPrioBits = 0;
volatile uint8_t * const pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ( volatile uint8_t * const ) ( portNVIC_IP_REGISTERS_OFFSET_16 + portFIRST_USER_INTERRUPT_NUMBER );
volatile uint8_t ucMaxPriorityValue;
/* Determine the maximum priority from which ISR safe FreeRTOS API
* functions can be called. ISR safe functions are those that end in
* "FromISR". FreeRTOS maintains separate thread and ISR API functions to
* ensure interrupt entry is as fast and simple as possible.
* Save the interrupt priority value that is about to be clobbered. */
ucOriginalPriority = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;
/* Determine the number of priority bits available. First write to all
* possible bits. */
*pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = portMAX_8_BIT_VALUE;
/* Read the value back to see how many bits stuck. */
ucMaxPriorityValue = *pucFirstUserPriorityRegister;
/* Use the same mask on the maximum system call priority. */
ucMaxSysCallPriority = configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ucMaxPriorityValue;
/* Check that the maximum system call priority is nonzero after
* accounting for the number of priority bits supported by the
* hardware. A priority of 0 is invalid because setting the BASEPRI
* register to 0 unmasks all interrupts, and interrupts with priority 0
* cannot be masked using BASEPRI.
* See */
configASSERT( ucMaxSysCallPriority );
/* Check that the bits not implemented in hardware are zero in
configASSERT( ( configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & ( ~ucMaxPriorityValue ) ) == 0U );
/* Calculate the maximum acceptable priority group value for the number
* of bits read back. */
while( ( ucMaxPriorityValue & portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE ) == portTOP_BIT_OF_BYTE )
ucMaxPriorityValue <<= ( uint8_t ) 0x01;
if( ulImplementedPrioBits == 8 )
/* When the hardware implements 8 priority bits, there is no way for
* the software to configure PRIGROUP to not have sub-priorities. As
* a result, the least significant bit is always used for sub-priority
* and there are 128 preemption priorities and 2 sub-priorities.
* This may cause some confusion in some cases - for example, if
* configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY is set to 5, both 5 and 4
* priority interrupts will be masked in Critical Sections as those
* are at the same preemption priority. This may appear confusing as
* 4 is higher (numerically lower) priority than
* configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY and therefore, should not
* have been masked. Instead, if we set configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY
* to 4, this confusion does not happen and the behaviour remains the same.
* The following assert ensures that the sub-priority bit in the
* configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY is clear to avoid the above mentioned
* confusion. */
configASSERT( ( configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY & 0x1U ) == 0U );
ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = 0;
ulMaxPRIGROUPValue = portMAX_PRIGROUP_BITS - ulImplementedPrioBits;
/* Shift the priority group value back to its position within the AIRCR
* register. */
/* Restore the clobbered interrupt priority register to its original
* value. */
*pucFirstUserPriorityRegister = ucOriginalPriority;
#endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */
/* Make PendSV and SysTick the lowest priority interrupts, and make SVCall
* the highest priority. */
portNVIC_SHPR2_REG = 0;
/* Configure the regions in the MPU that are common to all tasks. */
/* Start the timer that generates the tick ISR. Interrupts are disabled
* here already. */
/* Initialise the critical nesting count ready for the first task. */
uxCriticalNesting = 0;
#if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 )
xSchedulerRunning = pdTRUE;
#endif /* #if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 ) */
/* Ensure the VFP is enabled - it should be anyway. */
/* Lazy save always. */
/* Start the first task. This also clears the bit that indicates the FPU is
* in use in case the FPU was used before the scheduler was started - which
* would otherwise result in the unnecessary leaving of space in the SVC stack
* for lazy saving of FPU registers. */
__asm volatile (
" ldr r0, =0xE000ED08 \n" /* Use the NVIC offset register to locate the stack. */
" ldr r0, [r0] \n"
" ldr r0, [r0] \n"
" msr msp, r0 \n" /* Set the msp back to the start of the stack. */
" mov r0, #0 \n" /* Clear the bit that indicates the FPU is in use, see comment above. */
" msr control, r0 \n"
" cpsie i \n" /* Globally enable interrupts. */
" cpsie f \n"
" dsb \n"
" isb \n"
" svc %0 \n" /* System call to start first task. */
" nop \n"
" .ltorg \n"
::"i" ( portSVC_START_SCHEDULER ) : "memory" );
/* Should not get here! */
return 0;
void vPortEndScheduler( void )
/* Not implemented in ports where there is nothing to return to.
* Artificially force an assert. */
configASSERT( uxCriticalNesting == 1000UL );
void vPortEnterCritical( void )
if( portIS_PRIVILEGED() == pdFALSE )
#else /* if ( configALLOW_UNPRIVILEGED_CRITICAL_SECTIONS == 1 ) */
#endif /* if ( configALLOW_UNPRIVILEGED_CRITICAL_SECTIONS == 1 ) */
void vPortExitCritical( void )
if( portIS_PRIVILEGED() == pdFALSE )
configASSERT( uxCriticalNesting );
if( uxCriticalNesting == 0 )
configASSERT( uxCriticalNesting );
if( uxCriticalNesting == 0 )
#else /* if ( configALLOW_UNPRIVILEGED_CRITICAL_SECTIONS == 1 ) */
configASSERT( uxCriticalNesting );
if( uxCriticalNesting == 0 )
#endif /* if ( configALLOW_UNPRIVILEGED_CRITICAL_SECTIONS == 1 ) */
void xPortPendSVHandler( void )
/* This is a naked function. */
__asm volatile
" ldr r3, =pxCurrentTCB \n" /* r3 = =pxCurrentTCB. */
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
" ldr r2, [r3] \n" /* r2 = pxCurrentTCB. */
" ldr r1, [r2] \n" /* r1 = Location where the context should be saved. */
" \n"
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
/*------------ Save Context. ----------- */
" mrs r3, control \n"
" mrs r0, psp \n"
" isb \n"
" \n"
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
" add r0, r0, #0x20 \n" /* Move r0 to location where s0 is saved. */
" tst lr, #0x10 \n"
" ittt eq \n"
" vstmiaeq r1!, {s16-s31} \n" /* Store s16-s31. */
" vldmiaeq r0, {s0-s16} \n" /* Copy hardware saved FP context into s0-s16. */
" vstmiaeq r1!, {s0-s16} \n" /* Store hardware saved FP context. */
" sub r0, r0, #0x20 \n" /* Set r0 back to the location of hardware saved context. */
" \n"
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
" stmia r1!, {r3-r11, lr} \n" /* Store CONTROL register, r4-r11 and LR. */
" ldmia r0, {r4-r11} \n" /* Copy hardware saved context into r4-r11. */
" stmia r1!, {r0, r4-r11} \n" /* Store original PSP (after hardware has saved context) and the hardware saved context. */
" str r1, [r2] \n" /* Save the location from where the context should be restored as the first member of TCB. */
" \n"
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
/*---------- Select next task. --------- */
" mov r0, %0 \n"
#if ( configENABLE_ERRATA_837070_WORKAROUND == 1 )
" cpsid i \n" /* ARM Cortex-M7 r0p1 Errata 837070 workaround. */
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
" msr basepri, r0 \n"
" dsb \n"
" isb \n"
#if ( configENABLE_ERRATA_837070_WORKAROUND == 1 )
" cpsie i \n" /* ARM Cortex-M7 r0p1 Errata 837070 workaround. */
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
" bl vTaskSwitchContext \n"
" mov r0, #0 \n"
" msr basepri, r0 \n"
" \n"
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
/*------------ Program MPU. ------------ */
" ldr r3, =pxCurrentTCB \n" /* r3 = =pxCurrentTCB. */
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
" ldr r2, [r3] \n" /* r2 = pxCurrentTCB. */
" add r2, r2, #4 \n" /* r2 = Second item in the TCB which is xMPUSettings. */
" \n"
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
" dmb \n" /* Complete outstanding transfers before disabling MPU. */
" ldr r0, =0xe000ed94 \n" /* MPU_CTRL register. */
" ldr r3, [r0] \n" /* Read the value of MPU_CTRL. */
" bic r3, #1 \n" /* r3 = r3 & ~1 i.e. Clear the bit 0 in r3. */
" str r3, [r0] \n" /* Disable MPU. */
" \n"
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
" ldr r0, =0xe000ed9c \n" /* Region Base Address register. */
" ldmia r2!, {r4-r11} \n" /* Read 4 sets of MPU registers [MPU Region # 0 - 3]. */
" stmia r0, {r4-r11} \n" /* Write 4 sets of MPU registers [MPU Region # 0 - 3]. */
" \n"
#if ( configTOTAL_MPU_REGIONS == 16 )
" ldmia r2!, {r4-r11} \n" /* Read 4 sets of MPU registers [MPU Region # 4 - 7]. */
" stmia r0, {r4-r11} \n" /* Write 4 sets of MPU registers. [MPU Region # 4 - 7]. */
" ldmia r2!, {r4-r11} \n" /* Read 4 sets of MPU registers [MPU Region # 8 - 11]. */
" stmia r0, {r4-r11} \n" /* Write 4 sets of MPU registers. [MPU Region # 8 - 11]. */
#endif /* configTOTAL_MPU_REGIONS == 16. */
" \n"
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
" ldr r0, =0xe000ed94 \n" /* MPU_CTRL register. */
" ldr r3, [r0] \n" /* Read the value of MPU_CTRL. */
" orr r3, #1 \n" /* r3 = r3 | 1 i.e. Set the bit 0 in r3. */
" str r3, [r0] \n" /* Enable MPU. */
" dsb \n" /* Force memory writes before continuing. */
" \n"
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
/*---------- Restore Context. ---------- */
" ldr r3, =pxCurrentTCB \n" /* r3 = =pxCurrentTCB. */
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
" ldr r2, [r3] \n" /* r2 = pxCurrentTCB. */
" ldr r1, [r2] \n" /* r1 = Location of saved context in TCB. */
" \n"
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
" ldmdb r1!, {r0, r4-r11} \n" /* r0 contains PSP after the hardware had saved context. r4-r11 contain hardware saved context. */
" msr psp, r0 \n"
" stmia r0!, {r4-r11} \n" /* Copy the hardware saved context on the task stack. */
" ldmdb r1!, {r3-r11, lr} \n" /* r3 contains CONTROL register. r4-r11 and LR restored. */
" msr control, r3 \n"
" tst lr, #0x10 \n"
" ittt eq \n"
" vldmdbeq r1!, {s0-s16} \n" /* s0-s16 contain hardware saved FP context. */
" vstmiaeq r0!, {s0-s16} \n" /* Copy hardware saved FP context on the task stack. */
" vldmdbeq r1!, {s16-s31} \n" /* Restore s16-s31. */
" str r1, [r2] \n" /* Save the location where the context should be saved next as the first member of TCB. */
" bx lr \n"
" \n"
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
" .ltorg \n" /* Assemble the current literal pool to avoid offset-out-of-bound errors with lto. */
void xPortSysTickHandler( void )
uint32_t ulDummy;
/* Increment the RTOS tick. */
if( xTaskIncrementTick() != pdFALSE )
/* Pend a context switch. */
* Setup the systick timer to generate the tick interrupts at the required
* frequency.
__attribute__( ( weak ) ) void vPortSetupTimerInterrupt( void )
/* Stop and clear the SysTick. */
/* Configure SysTick to interrupt at the requested rate. */
/* This is a naked function. */
static void vPortEnableVFP( void )
__asm volatile
" ldr.w r0, =0xE000ED88 \n" /* The FPU enable bits are in the CPACR. */
" ldr r1, [r0] \n"
" \n"
" orr r1, r1, #( 0xf << 20 ) \n" /* Enable CP10 and CP11 coprocessors, then save back. */
" str r1, [r0] \n"
" bx r14 \n"
" .ltorg \n"
static void prvSetupMPU( void )
#if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION )
/* Declaration when these variable are defined in code instead of being
* exported from linker scripts. */
extern uint32_t * __privileged_functions_start__;
extern uint32_t * __privileged_functions_end__;
extern uint32_t * __FLASH_segment_start__;
extern uint32_t * __FLASH_segment_end__;
extern uint32_t * __privileged_data_start__;
extern uint32_t * __privileged_data_end__;
/* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */
extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_start__[];
extern uint32_t __privileged_functions_end__[];
extern uint32_t __FLASH_segment_start__[];
extern uint32_t __FLASH_segment_end__[];
extern uint32_t __privileged_data_start__[];
extern uint32_t __privileged_data_end__[];
#endif /* if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */
/* The only permitted number of regions are 8 or 16. */
configASSERT( ( configTOTAL_MPU_REGIONS == 8 ) || ( configTOTAL_MPU_REGIONS == 16 ) );
/* Ensure that the configTOTAL_MPU_REGIONS is configured correctly. */
/* Check the expected MPU is present. */
/* First setup the unprivileged flash for unprivileged read only access. */
portMPU_REGION_BASE_ADDRESS_REG = ( ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_start__ ) | /* Base address. */
( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __FLASH_segment_start__ ) ) |
/* Setup the privileged flash for privileged only access. This is where
* the kernel code is placed. */
portMPU_REGION_BASE_ADDRESS_REG = ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) | /* Base address. */
( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_functions_start__ ) ) |
/* Setup the privileged data RAM region. This is where the kernel data
* is placed. */
portMPU_REGION_BASE_ADDRESS_REG = ( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_start__ ) | /* Base address. */
prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __privileged_data_start__ ) |
/* By default allow everything to access the general peripherals. The
* system peripherals and registers are protected. */
/* Enable the memory fault exception. */
/* Enable the MPU with the background region configured. */
static uint32_t prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( uint32_t ulActualSizeInBytes )
uint32_t ulRegionSize, ulReturnValue = 4;
/* 32 is the smallest region size, 31 is the largest valid value for
* ulReturnValue. */
for( ulRegionSize = 32UL; ulReturnValue < 31UL; ( ulRegionSize <<= 1UL ) )
if( ulActualSizeInBytes <= ulRegionSize )
/* Shift the code by one before returning so it can be written directly
* into the the correct bit position of the attribute register. */
return( ulReturnValue << 1UL );
BaseType_t xIsPrivileged( void ) /* __attribute__ (( naked )) */
__asm volatile
" mrs r0, control \n" /* r0 = CONTROL. */
" tst r0, #1 \n" /* Perform r0 & 1 (bitwise AND) and update the conditions flag. */
" ite ne \n"
" movne r0, #0 \n" /* CONTROL[0]!=0. Return false to indicate that the processor is not privileged. */
" moveq r0, #1 \n" /* CONTROL[0]==0. Return true to indicate that the processor is privileged. */
" bx lr \n" /* Return. */
::: "r0", "memory"
void vResetPrivilege( void ) /* __attribute__ (( naked )) */
__asm volatile
" mrs r0, control \n" /* r0 = CONTROL. */
" orr r0, #1 \n" /* r0 = r0 | 1. */
" msr control, r0 \n" /* CONTROL = r0. */
" bx lr \n" /* Return to the caller. */
::: "r0", "memory"
void vPortSwitchToUserMode( void )
/* Load the current task's MPU settings from its TCB. */
xMPU_SETTINGS * xTaskMpuSettings = xTaskGetMPUSettings( NULL );
/* Mark the task as unprivileged. */
xTaskMpuSettings->ulTaskFlags &= ( ~( portTASK_IS_PRIVILEGED_FLAG ) );
/* Lower the processor's privilege level. */
void vPortStoreTaskMPUSettings( xMPU_SETTINGS * xMPUSettings,
const struct xMEMORY_REGION * const xRegions,
StackType_t * pxBottomOfStack,
use configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE consequently (updated for 11.0.x) (#942) * use configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE consequently * update default to uint32_t * Update FreeRTOS.h Revert for backwards compatibility * Update portable.h * configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE - unify stack variable naming * update lexicon.txt * update typo lexicon.txt * Update task.h * Update timers.h * fix merge typo * fix stack type * fix timer stack type * fix timer stack more * fix affinity set stack * adjust ports to use configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE * fix vTaskListTasks * set default stack depth type in portable.h * fix History.txt * update affinityset * resolve reviewer comments * fix prvTaskCheckFreeStackSpace for variable stack size type * restore CoRoutine defines * remove obsolete stack ttype casts * fix (attempt) for format portable.h * Formatting fixes * prvTaskCheckFreeStackSpace make variable naming compliant * Update portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/non_secure/port.c Co-authored-by: Soren Ptak <> * Update portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/non_secure/port.c Co-authored-by: Soren Ptak <> * Apply suggestions from code review Update ulStackDepth to uxStackDepth Co-authored-by: Soren Ptak <> * Correct uxStackDepth in port.c Also add uint32_t cast prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting. * Update ARM CM3 MPU port.c Revert casting of ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack * Code review suggestions Signed-off-by: Gaurav Aggarwal <> --------- Signed-off-by: Gaurav Aggarwal <> Co-authored-by: Rahul Kar <> Co-authored-by: Soren Ptak <> Co-authored-by: Gaurav-Aggarwal-AWS <> Co-authored-by: Gaurav Aggarwal <>
1 year ago
configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE uxStackDepth )
#if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION )
/* Declaration when these variable are defined in code instead of being
* exported from linker scripts. */
extern uint32_t * __SRAM_segment_start__;
extern uint32_t * __SRAM_segment_end__;
extern uint32_t * __privileged_data_start__;
extern uint32_t * __privileged_data_end__;
/* Declaration when these variable are exported from linker scripts. */
extern uint32_t __SRAM_segment_start__[];
extern uint32_t __SRAM_segment_end__[];
extern uint32_t __privileged_data_start__[];
extern uint32_t __privileged_data_end__[];
#endif /* if defined( __ARMCC_VERSION ) */
int32_t lIndex;
uint32_t ul;
if( xRegions == NULL )
/* No MPU regions are specified so allow access to all RAM. */
xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionBaseAddress =
( ( uint32_t ) __SRAM_segment_start__ ) | /* Base address. */
( portSTACK_REGION ); /* Region number. */
xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionAttribute =
( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( ( uint32_t ) __SRAM_segment_end__ - ( uint32_t ) __SRAM_segment_start__ ) ) |
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
xMPUSettings->xRegionSettings[ 0 ].ulRegionStartAddress = ( uint32_t ) __SRAM_segment_start__;
xMPUSettings->xRegionSettings[ 0 ].ulRegionEndAddress = ( uint32_t ) __SRAM_segment_end__;
xMPUSettings->xRegionSettings[ 0 ].ulRegionPermissions = ( tskMPU_READ_PERMISSION |
/* Invalidate user configurable regions. */
for( ul = 1UL; ul <= portNUM_CONFIGURABLE_REGIONS; ul++ )
xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionBaseAddress = ( ( ul - 1UL ) | portMPU_REGION_VALID );
xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute = 0UL;
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
xMPUSettings->xRegionSettings[ ul ].ulRegionStartAddress = 0UL;
xMPUSettings->xRegionSettings[ ul ].ulRegionEndAddress = 0UL;
xMPUSettings->xRegionSettings[ ul ].ulRegionPermissions = 0UL;
/* This function is called automatically when the task is created - in
* which case the stack region parameters will be valid. At all other
* times the stack parameters will not be valid and it is assumed that the
* stack region has already been configured. */
use configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE consequently (updated for 11.0.x) (#942) * use configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE consequently * update default to uint32_t * Update FreeRTOS.h Revert for backwards compatibility * Update portable.h * configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE - unify stack variable naming * update lexicon.txt * update typo lexicon.txt * Update task.h * Update timers.h * fix merge typo * fix stack type * fix timer stack type * fix timer stack more * fix affinity set stack * adjust ports to use configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE * fix vTaskListTasks * set default stack depth type in portable.h * fix History.txt * update affinityset * resolve reviewer comments * fix prvTaskCheckFreeStackSpace for variable stack size type * restore CoRoutine defines * remove obsolete stack ttype casts * fix (attempt) for format portable.h * Formatting fixes * prvTaskCheckFreeStackSpace make variable naming compliant * Update portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/non_secure/port.c Co-authored-by: Soren Ptak <> * Update portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/non_secure/port.c Co-authored-by: Soren Ptak <> * Apply suggestions from code review Update ulStackDepth to uxStackDepth Co-authored-by: Soren Ptak <> * Correct uxStackDepth in port.c Also add uint32_t cast prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting. * Update ARM CM3 MPU port.c Revert casting of ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack * Code review suggestions Signed-off-by: Gaurav Aggarwal <> --------- Signed-off-by: Gaurav Aggarwal <> Co-authored-by: Rahul Kar <> Co-authored-by: Soren Ptak <> Co-authored-by: Gaurav-Aggarwal-AWS <> Co-authored-by: Gaurav Aggarwal <>
1 year ago
if( uxStackDepth > 0 )
/* Define the region that allows access to the stack. */
xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionBaseAddress =
( ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack ) |
( portSTACK_REGION ); /* Region number. */
xMPUSettings->xRegion[ 0 ].ulRegionAttribute =
use configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE consequently (updated for 11.0.x) (#942) * use configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE consequently * update default to uint32_t * Update FreeRTOS.h Revert for backwards compatibility * Update portable.h * configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE - unify stack variable naming * update lexicon.txt * update typo lexicon.txt * Update task.h * Update timers.h * fix merge typo * fix stack type * fix timer stack type * fix timer stack more * fix affinity set stack * adjust ports to use configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE * fix vTaskListTasks * set default stack depth type in portable.h * fix History.txt * update affinityset * resolve reviewer comments * fix prvTaskCheckFreeStackSpace for variable stack size type * restore CoRoutine defines * remove obsolete stack ttype casts * fix (attempt) for format portable.h * Formatting fixes * prvTaskCheckFreeStackSpace make variable naming compliant * Update portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/non_secure/port.c Co-authored-by: Soren Ptak <> * Update portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/non_secure/port.c Co-authored-by: Soren Ptak <> * Apply suggestions from code review Update ulStackDepth to uxStackDepth Co-authored-by: Soren Ptak <> * Correct uxStackDepth in port.c Also add uint32_t cast prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting. * Update ARM CM3 MPU port.c Revert casting of ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack * Code review suggestions Signed-off-by: Gaurav Aggarwal <> --------- Signed-off-by: Gaurav Aggarwal <> Co-authored-by: Rahul Kar <> Co-authored-by: Soren Ptak <> Co-authored-by: Gaurav-Aggarwal-AWS <> Co-authored-by: Gaurav Aggarwal <>
1 year ago
( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( uxStackDepth * ( configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) ) |
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
xMPUSettings->xRegionSettings[ 0 ].ulRegionStartAddress = ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack;
xMPUSettings->xRegionSettings[ 0 ].ulRegionEndAddress = ( uint32_t ) ( ( uint32_t ) ( pxBottomOfStack ) +
use configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE consequently (updated for 11.0.x) (#942) * use configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE consequently * update default to uint32_t * Update FreeRTOS.h Revert for backwards compatibility * Update portable.h * configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE - unify stack variable naming * update lexicon.txt * update typo lexicon.txt * Update task.h * Update timers.h * fix merge typo * fix stack type * fix timer stack type * fix timer stack more * fix affinity set stack * adjust ports to use configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE * fix vTaskListTasks * set default stack depth type in portable.h * fix History.txt * update affinityset * resolve reviewer comments * fix prvTaskCheckFreeStackSpace for variable stack size type * restore CoRoutine defines * remove obsolete stack ttype casts * fix (attempt) for format portable.h * Formatting fixes * prvTaskCheckFreeStackSpace make variable naming compliant * Update portable/GCC/ARM_CM33/non_secure/port.c Co-authored-by: Soren Ptak <> * Update portable/GCC/ARM_CM23/non_secure/port.c Co-authored-by: Soren Ptak <> * Apply suggestions from code review Update ulStackDepth to uxStackDepth Co-authored-by: Soren Ptak <> * Correct uxStackDepth in port.c Also add uint32_t cast prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting. * Update ARM CM3 MPU port.c Revert casting of ( uint32_t ) pxBottomOfStack * Code review suggestions Signed-off-by: Gaurav Aggarwal <> --------- Signed-off-by: Gaurav Aggarwal <> Co-authored-by: Rahul Kar <> Co-authored-by: Soren Ptak <> Co-authored-by: Gaurav-Aggarwal-AWS <> Co-authored-by: Gaurav Aggarwal <>
1 year ago
( uxStackDepth * ( configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE ) sizeof( StackType_t ) ) - 1UL );
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
xMPUSettings->xRegionSettings[ 0 ].ulRegionPermissions = ( tskMPU_READ_PERMISSION |
lIndex = 0;
for( ul = 1UL; ul <= portNUM_CONFIGURABLE_REGIONS; ul++ )
if( ( xRegions[ lIndex ] ).ulLengthInBytes > 0UL )
/* Translate the generic region definition contained in
* xRegions into the CM4 specific MPU settings that are then
* stored in xMPUSettings. */
xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionBaseAddress =
( ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress ) |
( ul - 1UL ); /* Region number. */
xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute =
( prvGetMPURegionSizeSetting( xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes ) ) |
( xRegions[ lIndex ].ulParameters ) |
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
xMPUSettings->xRegionSettings[ ul ].ulRegionStartAddress = ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress;
xMPUSettings->xRegionSettings[ ul ].ulRegionEndAddress = ( uint32_t ) ( ( uint32_t ) xRegions[ lIndex ].pvBaseAddress + xRegions[ lIndex ].ulLengthInBytes - 1UL );
xMPUSettings->xRegionSettings[ ul ].ulRegionPermissions = 0UL;
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
if( ( ( xRegions[ lIndex ].ulParameters & portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY ) == portMPU_REGION_READ_ONLY ) ||
xMPUSettings->xRegionSettings[ ul ].ulRegionPermissions = tskMPU_READ_PERMISSION;
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
if( ( xRegions[ lIndex ].ulParameters & portMPU_REGION_READ_WRITE ) == portMPU_REGION_READ_WRITE )
xMPUSettings->xRegionSettings[ ul ].ulRegionPermissions = ( tskMPU_READ_PERMISSION | tskMPU_WRITE_PERMISSION );
/* Invalidate the region. */
xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionBaseAddress = ( ( ul - 1UL ) | portMPU_REGION_VALID );
xMPUSettings->xRegion[ ul ].ulRegionAttribute = 0UL;
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
xMPUSettings->xRegionSettings[ ul ].ulRegionStartAddress = 0UL;
xMPUSettings->xRegionSettings[ ul ].ulRegionEndAddress = 0UL;
xMPUSettings->xRegionSettings[ ul ].ulRegionPermissions = 0UL;
#if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 )
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
BaseType_t xPortIsAuthorizedToAccessBuffer( const void * pvBuffer,
uint32_t ulBufferLength,
uint32_t ulAccessRequested ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
uint32_t i, ulBufferStartAddress, ulBufferEndAddress;
BaseType_t xAccessGranted = pdFALSE;
const xMPU_SETTINGS * xTaskMpuSettings = xTaskGetMPUSettings( NULL ); /* Calling task's MPU settings. */
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
if( xSchedulerRunning == pdFALSE )
/* Grant access to all the kernel objects before the scheduler
* is started. It is necessary because there is no task running
* yet and therefore, we cannot use the permissions of any
* task. */
xAccessGranted = pdTRUE;
else if( ( xTaskMpuSettings->ulTaskFlags & portTASK_IS_PRIVILEGED_FLAG ) == portTASK_IS_PRIVILEGED_FLAG )
xAccessGranted = pdTRUE;
if( portADD_UINT32_WILL_OVERFLOW( ( ( uint32_t ) pvBuffer ), ( ulBufferLength - 1UL ) ) == pdFALSE )
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
ulBufferStartAddress = ( uint32_t ) pvBuffer;
ulBufferEndAddress = ( ( ( uint32_t ) pvBuffer ) + ulBufferLength - 1UL );
for( i = 0; i < portTOTAL_NUM_REGIONS_IN_TCB; i++ )
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
if( portIS_ADDRESS_WITHIN_RANGE( ulBufferStartAddress,
xTaskMpuSettings->xRegionSettings[ i ].ulRegionStartAddress,
xTaskMpuSettings->xRegionSettings[ i ].ulRegionEndAddress ) &&
portIS_ADDRESS_WITHIN_RANGE( ulBufferEndAddress,
xTaskMpuSettings->xRegionSettings[ i ].ulRegionStartAddress,
xTaskMpuSettings->xRegionSettings[ i ].ulRegionEndAddress ) &&
portIS_AUTHORIZED( ulAccessRequested, xTaskMpuSettings->xRegionSettings[ i ].ulRegionPermissions ) )
xAccessGranted = pdTRUE;
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
return xAccessGranted;
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
#endif /* #if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 ) */
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
#if ( configASSERT_DEFINED == 1 )
void vPortValidateInterruptPriority( void )
uint32_t ulCurrentInterrupt;
uint8_t ucCurrentPriority;
/* Obtain the number of the currently executing interrupt. */
__asm volatile ( "mrs %0, ipsr" : "=r" ( ulCurrentInterrupt )::"memory" );
/* Is the interrupt number a user defined interrupt? */
if( ulCurrentInterrupt >= portFIRST_USER_INTERRUPT_NUMBER )
/* Look up the interrupt's priority. */
ucCurrentPriority = pcInterruptPriorityRegisters[ ulCurrentInterrupt ];
/* The following assertion will fail if a service routine (ISR) for
* an interrupt that has been assigned a priority above
* function. ISR safe FreeRTOS API functions must *only* be called
* from interrupts that have been assigned a priority at or below
* Numerically low interrupt priority numbers represent logically high
* interrupt priorities, therefore the priority of the interrupt must
* be set to a value equal to or numerically *higher* than
* Interrupts that use the FreeRTOS API must not be left at their
* default priority of zero as that is the highest possible priority,
* which is guaranteed to be above configMAX_SYSCALL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY,
* and therefore also guaranteed to be invalid.
* FreeRTOS maintains separate thread and ISR API functions to ensure
* interrupt entry is as fast and simple as possible.
* The following links provide detailed information:
* */
configASSERT( ucCurrentPriority >= ucMaxSysCallPriority );
/* Priority grouping: The interrupt controller (NVIC) allows the bits
* that define each interrupt's priority to be split between bits that
* define the interrupt's pre-emption priority bits and bits that define
* the interrupt's sub-priority. For simplicity all bits must be defined
* to be pre-emption priority bits. The following assertion will fail if
* this is not the case (if some bits represent a sub-priority).
* If the application only uses CMSIS libraries for interrupt
* configuration then the correct setting can be achieved on all Cortex-M
* devices by calling NVIC_SetPriorityGrouping( 0 ); before starting the
* scheduler. Note however that some vendor specific peripheral libraries
* assume a non-zero priority group setting, in which cases using a value
* of zero will result in unpredictable behaviour. */
configASSERT( ( portAIRCR_REG & portPRIORITY_GROUP_MASK ) <= ulMaxPRIGROUPValue );
#endif /* configASSERT_DEFINED */
Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements (#705) Memory Protection Unit (MPU) Enhancements This commit introduces a new MPU wrapper that places additional restrictions on unprivileged tasks. The following is the list of changes introduced with the new MPU wrapper: 1. Opaque and indirectly verifiable integers for kernel object handles: All the kernel object handles (for example, queue handles) are now opaque integers. Previously object handles were raw pointers. 2. Saving the task context in Task Control Block (TCB): When a task is swapped out by the scheduler, the task's context is now saved in its TCB. Previously the task's context was saved on its stack. 3. Execute system calls on a separate privileged only stack: FreeRTOS system calls, which execute with elevated privilege, now use a separate privileged only stack. Previously system calls used the calling task's stack. The application writer can control the size of the system call stack using new configSYSTEM_CALL_STACK_SIZE config macro. 4. Memory bounds checks: FreeRTOS system calls which accept a pointer and de-reference it, now verify that the calling task has required permissions to access the memory location referenced by the pointer. 5. System call restrictions: The following system calls are no longer available to unprivileged tasks: - vQueueDelete - xQueueCreateMutex - xQueueCreateMutexStatic - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphore - xQueueCreateCountingSemaphoreStatic - xQueueGenericCreate - xQueueGenericCreateStatic - xQueueCreateSet - xQueueRemoveFromSet - xQueueGenericReset - xTaskCreate - xTaskCreateStatic - vTaskDelete - vTaskPrioritySet - vTaskSuspendAll - xTaskResumeAll - xTaskGetHandle - xTaskCallApplicationTaskHook - vTaskList - vTaskGetRunTimeStats - xTaskCatchUpTicks - xEventGroupCreate - xEventGroupCreateStatic - vEventGroupDelete - xStreamBufferGenericCreate - xStreamBufferGenericCreateStatic - vStreamBufferDelete - xStreamBufferReset Also, an unprivileged task can no longer use vTaskSuspend to suspend any task other than itself. We thank the following people for their inputs in these enhancements: - David Reiss of Meta Platforms, Inc. - Lan Luo, Xinhui Shao, Yumeng Wei, Zixia Liu, Huaiyu Yan and Zhen Ling of School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University, China. - Xinwen Fu of Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA. - Yuequi Chen, Zicheng Wang, Minghao Lin of University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
2 years ago
Add Access Control List to MPU ports (#765) This PR adds Access Control to kernel objects on a per task basis to MPU ports. The following needs to be defined in the `FreeRTOSConfig.h` to enable this feature: ```c #define configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 0 #define configENABLE_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST 1 ``` This PR adds the following new APIs: ```c void vGrantAccessToTask( TaskHandle_t xTask, TaskHandle_t xTaskToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToTask( TaskHandle_t xTask, TaskHandle_t xTaskToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToSemaphore( TaskHandle_t xTask, SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToSemaphore( TaskHandle_t xTask, SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToQueue( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueHandle_t xQueueToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToQueue( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueHandle_t xQueueToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToQueueSet( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueSetHandle_t xQueueSetToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToQueueSet( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueSetHandle_t xQueueSetToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToEventGroup( TaskHandle_t xTask, EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroupToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToEventGroup( TaskHandle_t xTask, EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroupToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToStreamBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBufferToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToStreamBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBufferToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToMessageBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, MessageBufferHandle_t xMessageBufferToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToMessageBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, MessageBufferHandle_t xMessageBufferToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToTimer( TaskHandle_t xTask, TimerHandle_t xTimerToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToTimer( TaskHandle_t xTask, TimerHandle_t xTimerToRevokeAccess ); ``` An unprivileged task by default has access to itself only and no other kernel object. The application writer needs to explicitly grant an unprivileged task access to all the kernel objects it needs. The best place to do that is before starting the scheduler when all the kernel objects are created. For example, let's say an unprivileged tasks needs access to a queue and an event group, the application writer needs to do the following: ```c vGrantAccessToQueue( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xQueue ); vGrantAccessToEventGroup( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xEventGroup ); ``` The application writer MUST revoke all the accesses before deleting a task. Failing to do so will result in undefined behavior. In the above example, the application writer needs to make the following 2 calls before deleting the task: ```c vRevokeAccessToQueue( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xQueue ); vRevokeAccessToEventGroup( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xEventGroup ); ```
2 years ago
#if ( ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 ) && ( configENABLE_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST == 1 ) )
void vPortGrantAccessToKernelObject( TaskHandle_t xInternalTaskHandle,
int32_t lInternalIndexOfKernelObject ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */
uint32_t ulAccessControlListEntryIndex, ulAccessControlListEntryBit;
xMPU_SETTINGS * xTaskMpuSettings;
ulAccessControlListEntryIndex = ( ( uint32_t ) lInternalIndexOfKernelObject / portACL_ENTRY_SIZE_BITS );
ulAccessControlListEntryBit = ( ( uint32_t ) lInternalIndexOfKernelObject % portACL_ENTRY_SIZE_BITS );
xTaskMpuSettings = xTaskGetMPUSettings( xInternalTaskHandle );
xTaskMpuSettings->ulAccessControlList[ ulAccessControlListEntryIndex ] |= ( 1U << ulAccessControlListEntryBit );
#endif /* #if ( ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 ) && ( configENABLE_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST == 1 ) ) */
#if ( ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 ) && ( configENABLE_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST == 1 ) )
void vPortRevokeAccessToKernelObject( TaskHandle_t xInternalTaskHandle,
int32_t lInternalIndexOfKernelObject ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */
uint32_t ulAccessControlListEntryIndex, ulAccessControlListEntryBit;
xMPU_SETTINGS * xTaskMpuSettings;
ulAccessControlListEntryIndex = ( ( uint32_t ) lInternalIndexOfKernelObject / portACL_ENTRY_SIZE_BITS );
ulAccessControlListEntryBit = ( ( uint32_t ) lInternalIndexOfKernelObject % portACL_ENTRY_SIZE_BITS );
xTaskMpuSettings = xTaskGetMPUSettings( xInternalTaskHandle );
xTaskMpuSettings->ulAccessControlList[ ulAccessControlListEntryIndex ] &= ~( 1U << ulAccessControlListEntryBit );
#endif /* #if ( ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 ) && ( configENABLE_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST == 1 ) ) */
#if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 )
BaseType_t xPortIsAuthorizedToAccessKernelObject( int32_t lInternalIndexOfKernelObject ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */
uint32_t ulAccessControlListEntryIndex, ulAccessControlListEntryBit;
BaseType_t xAccessGranted = pdFALSE;
const xMPU_SETTINGS * xTaskMpuSettings;
Add Access Control List to MPU ports (#765) This PR adds Access Control to kernel objects on a per task basis to MPU ports. The following needs to be defined in the `FreeRTOSConfig.h` to enable this feature: ```c #define configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 0 #define configENABLE_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST 1 ``` This PR adds the following new APIs: ```c void vGrantAccessToTask( TaskHandle_t xTask, TaskHandle_t xTaskToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToTask( TaskHandle_t xTask, TaskHandle_t xTaskToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToSemaphore( TaskHandle_t xTask, SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToSemaphore( TaskHandle_t xTask, SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToQueue( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueHandle_t xQueueToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToQueue( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueHandle_t xQueueToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToQueueSet( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueSetHandle_t xQueueSetToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToQueueSet( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueSetHandle_t xQueueSetToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToEventGroup( TaskHandle_t xTask, EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroupToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToEventGroup( TaskHandle_t xTask, EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroupToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToStreamBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBufferToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToStreamBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBufferToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToMessageBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, MessageBufferHandle_t xMessageBufferToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToMessageBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, MessageBufferHandle_t xMessageBufferToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToTimer( TaskHandle_t xTask, TimerHandle_t xTimerToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToTimer( TaskHandle_t xTask, TimerHandle_t xTimerToRevokeAccess ); ``` An unprivileged task by default has access to itself only and no other kernel object. The application writer needs to explicitly grant an unprivileged task access to all the kernel objects it needs. The best place to do that is before starting the scheduler when all the kernel objects are created. For example, let's say an unprivileged tasks needs access to a queue and an event group, the application writer needs to do the following: ```c vGrantAccessToQueue( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xQueue ); vGrantAccessToEventGroup( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xEventGroup ); ``` The application writer MUST revoke all the accesses before deleting a task. Failing to do so will result in undefined behavior. In the above example, the application writer needs to make the following 2 calls before deleting the task: ```c vRevokeAccessToQueue( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xQueue ); vRevokeAccessToEventGroup( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xEventGroup ); ```
2 years ago
if( xSchedulerRunning == pdFALSE )
Add Access Control List to MPU ports (#765) This PR adds Access Control to kernel objects on a per task basis to MPU ports. The following needs to be defined in the `FreeRTOSConfig.h` to enable this feature: ```c #define configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 0 #define configENABLE_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST 1 ``` This PR adds the following new APIs: ```c void vGrantAccessToTask( TaskHandle_t xTask, TaskHandle_t xTaskToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToTask( TaskHandle_t xTask, TaskHandle_t xTaskToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToSemaphore( TaskHandle_t xTask, SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToSemaphore( TaskHandle_t xTask, SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToQueue( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueHandle_t xQueueToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToQueue( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueHandle_t xQueueToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToQueueSet( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueSetHandle_t xQueueSetToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToQueueSet( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueSetHandle_t xQueueSetToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToEventGroup( TaskHandle_t xTask, EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroupToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToEventGroup( TaskHandle_t xTask, EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroupToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToStreamBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBufferToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToStreamBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBufferToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToMessageBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, MessageBufferHandle_t xMessageBufferToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToMessageBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, MessageBufferHandle_t xMessageBufferToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToTimer( TaskHandle_t xTask, TimerHandle_t xTimerToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToTimer( TaskHandle_t xTask, TimerHandle_t xTimerToRevokeAccess ); ``` An unprivileged task by default has access to itself only and no other kernel object. The application writer needs to explicitly grant an unprivileged task access to all the kernel objects it needs. The best place to do that is before starting the scheduler when all the kernel objects are created. For example, let's say an unprivileged tasks needs access to a queue and an event group, the application writer needs to do the following: ```c vGrantAccessToQueue( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xQueue ); vGrantAccessToEventGroup( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xEventGroup ); ``` The application writer MUST revoke all the accesses before deleting a task. Failing to do so will result in undefined behavior. In the above example, the application writer needs to make the following 2 calls before deleting the task: ```c vRevokeAccessToQueue( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xQueue ); vRevokeAccessToEventGroup( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xEventGroup ); ```
2 years ago
/* Grant access to all the kernel objects before the scheduler
* is started. It is necessary because there is no task running
* yet and therefore, we cannot use the permissions of any
* task. */
Add Access Control List to MPU ports (#765) This PR adds Access Control to kernel objects on a per task basis to MPU ports. The following needs to be defined in the `FreeRTOSConfig.h` to enable this feature: ```c #define configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 0 #define configENABLE_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST 1 ``` This PR adds the following new APIs: ```c void vGrantAccessToTask( TaskHandle_t xTask, TaskHandle_t xTaskToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToTask( TaskHandle_t xTask, TaskHandle_t xTaskToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToSemaphore( TaskHandle_t xTask, SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToSemaphore( TaskHandle_t xTask, SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToQueue( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueHandle_t xQueueToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToQueue( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueHandle_t xQueueToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToQueueSet( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueSetHandle_t xQueueSetToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToQueueSet( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueSetHandle_t xQueueSetToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToEventGroup( TaskHandle_t xTask, EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroupToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToEventGroup( TaskHandle_t xTask, EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroupToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToStreamBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBufferToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToStreamBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBufferToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToMessageBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, MessageBufferHandle_t xMessageBufferToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToMessageBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, MessageBufferHandle_t xMessageBufferToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToTimer( TaskHandle_t xTask, TimerHandle_t xTimerToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToTimer( TaskHandle_t xTask, TimerHandle_t xTimerToRevokeAccess ); ``` An unprivileged task by default has access to itself only and no other kernel object. The application writer needs to explicitly grant an unprivileged task access to all the kernel objects it needs. The best place to do that is before starting the scheduler when all the kernel objects are created. For example, let's say an unprivileged tasks needs access to a queue and an event group, the application writer needs to do the following: ```c vGrantAccessToQueue( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xQueue ); vGrantAccessToEventGroup( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xEventGroup ); ``` The application writer MUST revoke all the accesses before deleting a task. Failing to do so will result in undefined behavior. In the above example, the application writer needs to make the following 2 calls before deleting the task: ```c vRevokeAccessToQueue( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xQueue ); vRevokeAccessToEventGroup( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xEventGroup ); ```
2 years ago
xAccessGranted = pdTRUE;
xTaskMpuSettings = xTaskGetMPUSettings( NULL ); /* Calling task's MPU settings. */
ulAccessControlListEntryIndex = ( ( uint32_t ) lInternalIndexOfKernelObject / portACL_ENTRY_SIZE_BITS );
ulAccessControlListEntryBit = ( ( uint32_t ) lInternalIndexOfKernelObject % portACL_ENTRY_SIZE_BITS );
if( ( xTaskMpuSettings->ulTaskFlags & portTASK_IS_PRIVILEGED_FLAG ) == portTASK_IS_PRIVILEGED_FLAG )
Add Access Control List to MPU ports (#765) This PR adds Access Control to kernel objects on a per task basis to MPU ports. The following needs to be defined in the `FreeRTOSConfig.h` to enable this feature: ```c #define configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 0 #define configENABLE_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST 1 ``` This PR adds the following new APIs: ```c void vGrantAccessToTask( TaskHandle_t xTask, TaskHandle_t xTaskToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToTask( TaskHandle_t xTask, TaskHandle_t xTaskToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToSemaphore( TaskHandle_t xTask, SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToSemaphore( TaskHandle_t xTask, SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToQueue( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueHandle_t xQueueToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToQueue( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueHandle_t xQueueToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToQueueSet( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueSetHandle_t xQueueSetToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToQueueSet( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueSetHandle_t xQueueSetToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToEventGroup( TaskHandle_t xTask, EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroupToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToEventGroup( TaskHandle_t xTask, EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroupToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToStreamBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBufferToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToStreamBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBufferToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToMessageBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, MessageBufferHandle_t xMessageBufferToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToMessageBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, MessageBufferHandle_t xMessageBufferToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToTimer( TaskHandle_t xTask, TimerHandle_t xTimerToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToTimer( TaskHandle_t xTask, TimerHandle_t xTimerToRevokeAccess ); ``` An unprivileged task by default has access to itself only and no other kernel object. The application writer needs to explicitly grant an unprivileged task access to all the kernel objects it needs. The best place to do that is before starting the scheduler when all the kernel objects are created. For example, let's say an unprivileged tasks needs access to a queue and an event group, the application writer needs to do the following: ```c vGrantAccessToQueue( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xQueue ); vGrantAccessToEventGroup( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xEventGroup ); ``` The application writer MUST revoke all the accesses before deleting a task. Failing to do so will result in undefined behavior. In the above example, the application writer needs to make the following 2 calls before deleting the task: ```c vRevokeAccessToQueue( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xQueue ); vRevokeAccessToEventGroup( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xEventGroup ); ```
2 years ago
xAccessGranted = pdTRUE;
if( ( xTaskMpuSettings->ulAccessControlList[ ulAccessControlListEntryIndex ] & ( 1U << ulAccessControlListEntryBit ) ) != 0 )
xAccessGranted = pdTRUE;
Add Access Control List to MPU ports (#765) This PR adds Access Control to kernel objects on a per task basis to MPU ports. The following needs to be defined in the `FreeRTOSConfig.h` to enable this feature: ```c #define configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 0 #define configENABLE_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST 1 ``` This PR adds the following new APIs: ```c void vGrantAccessToTask( TaskHandle_t xTask, TaskHandle_t xTaskToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToTask( TaskHandle_t xTask, TaskHandle_t xTaskToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToSemaphore( TaskHandle_t xTask, SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToSemaphore( TaskHandle_t xTask, SemaphoreHandle_t xSemaphoreToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToQueue( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueHandle_t xQueueToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToQueue( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueHandle_t xQueueToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToQueueSet( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueSetHandle_t xQueueSetToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToQueueSet( TaskHandle_t xTask, QueueSetHandle_t xQueueSetToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToEventGroup( TaskHandle_t xTask, EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroupToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToEventGroup( TaskHandle_t xTask, EventGroupHandle_t xEventGroupToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToStreamBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBufferToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToStreamBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, StreamBufferHandle_t xStreamBufferToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToMessageBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, MessageBufferHandle_t xMessageBufferToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToMessageBuffer( TaskHandle_t xTask, MessageBufferHandle_t xMessageBufferToRevokeAccess ); void vGrantAccessToTimer( TaskHandle_t xTask, TimerHandle_t xTimerToGrantAccess ); void vRevokeAccessToTimer( TaskHandle_t xTask, TimerHandle_t xTimerToRevokeAccess ); ``` An unprivileged task by default has access to itself only and no other kernel object. The application writer needs to explicitly grant an unprivileged task access to all the kernel objects it needs. The best place to do that is before starting the scheduler when all the kernel objects are created. For example, let's say an unprivileged tasks needs access to a queue and an event group, the application writer needs to do the following: ```c vGrantAccessToQueue( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xQueue ); vGrantAccessToEventGroup( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xEventGroup ); ``` The application writer MUST revoke all the accesses before deleting a task. Failing to do so will result in undefined behavior. In the above example, the application writer needs to make the following 2 calls before deleting the task: ```c vRevokeAccessToQueue( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xQueue ); vRevokeAccessToEventGroup( xUnprivilegedTaskHandle, xEventGroup ); ```
2 years ago
return xAccessGranted;
#else /* #if ( configENABLE_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST == 1 ) */
BaseType_t xPortIsAuthorizedToAccessKernelObject( int32_t lInternalIndexOfKernelObject ) /* PRIVILEGED_FUNCTION */
( void ) lInternalIndexOfKernelObject;
/* If Access Control List feature is not used, all the tasks have
* access to all the kernel objects. */
return pdTRUE;
#endif /* #if ( configENABLE_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST == 1 ) */
#endif /* #if ( configUSE_MPU_WRAPPERS_V1 == 0 ) */