Commit Graph

78 Commits (5dc9fe95a9fa256ce5d5868d5e500f5fe0f6bacd)

Author SHA1 Message Date
yihua.huang a1ef2523cc update xsoup version
yihua.huang aefd0569a5 update version
linkerlin ce988d2f19 增加了对文件编码的强制限定,限定于UTF-8
yihua.huang ad66d33f38 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
yihua.huang 9dc6b11954 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release webmagic-parent-0.2.1
yihua.huang 4f62dfc8a4 release
yihua.huang 74c940c758 [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
yihua.huang a4bb4e3429 [maven-release-plugin] prepare release webmagic-parent-0.2.1
yihua.huang 194f16aa75 update
yihua.huang 7003426898 update pom
yihua.huang 7335c67fe4 update parent pom
yihua.huang d460e136ef update version
yihua.huang 7829c8fe02 update pom
yihua.huang fd9ae6d93e update pom to saticify nexus standard
yihua.huang f41c8ef755 remove uncore package from pom
yihua.huang 521fbad987 move xpath2.0 support to seperate package
yihua.huang f1573b40a2 set selenium dep to seperate package
yihua.huang 5ef231a768 update version
yihua.huang 0954aa9a3c update maven dep
yihua.huang 0c8599e3b2 update packages structure
yihua.huang d7899e94ae test saxon and invite XPath2.0 support
yihua.huang 52fd5cfc1c fix encoding
yihua.huang c060861500 update structrue
yihua.huang d3e527fd6b try invite selenium
yihua.huang e9200a57d7 fix pom
yihua.huang 01f49aad3c fix a pom error
黄亿华 42a2ec03ee update pom
code4craft 359e965c7f init