
526 lines
22 KiB

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

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"pasteCharts": "Senṭeḍ udlifen",
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"duplicateSelection": "Sisleg",
"untitled": "War azwel",
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"yourName": "Isem-ik (im)",
"madeWithExcalidraw": "Yettwaxdem s Excalidraw",
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"removeFromLibrary": "Kkes si temkarḍit",
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"libraries": "Snirem timkarḍiyin",
"loadingScene": "Asali n usayes…",
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"noItems": "Ulac iferdisen yettwarnan yakan...",
"hint_emptyLibrary": "Fren aferdis di teɣzut nusuneɣ akken at-ternuḍ dagi, neɣ sbedd tamkarḍit seg usarsay azayez, ukessar-agi.",
"hint_emptyPrivateLibrary": "Fren aferdis di teɣzut nusuneɣ akken at-ternuḍ dagi."
"buttons": {
"clearReset": "Ales awennez n teɣzut n usuneɣ",
"exportJSON": "Sifeḍ afaylu",
"exportImage": "Sifeḍ tugna...",
"export": "Sekles di...",
"copyToClipboard": "Nɣel ɣer tecfawit",
"save": "Sekles deg ufaylu amiran",
"saveAs": "Sekles am",
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"getShareableLink": "Awi-d aseɣwen n beṭṭu",
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"edit": "Ẓreg",
"undo": "Sefsex",
"redo": "Err-d",
"resetLibrary": "Ales awennez n temkarḍit",
"createNewRoom": "Snulfu-d taxxamt tamaynutt",
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"lightMode": "Askar afaw",
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"exitZenMode": "Ffeɣ seg uskar Zen",
"cancel": "Sefsex",
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"clearReset": "Ayagi ad isfeḍ akk taɣzut n usuneɣ. Tetḥeqqeḍ?",
"couldNotCreateShareableLink": "D awezɣi asnulfu n useɣwen n beṭṭu.",
"couldNotCreateShareableLinkTooBig": "D awezɣi asnulfu n useɣwen n beṭṭu. Asayes ɣezzif aṭas",
"couldNotLoadInvalidFile": "D awezɣi asali n ufaylu armeɣtu",
"importBackendFailed": "Takterḍ seg uɣawas n deffir ur teddi ara.",
"cannotExportEmptyCanvas": "D awezɣi asifeḍ n teɣzut n usuneɣ tilemt.",
"couldNotCopyToClipboard": "Ulamek anɣal ɣer tecfawit.",
"decryptFailed": "D awezɣi tukksa n uwgelhen i yisefka.",
"uploadedSecurly": "Asili yettwasɣelles s uwgelhen ixef s ixef, ayagi yebɣa ad d-yini belli aqeddac n Excalidraw akked medden ur zmiren ara ad ɣren agbur.",
"loadSceneOverridePrompt": "Asali n wunuɣ uffiɣ ad isemselsi agbur-inek (m) yellan. Tebɣiḍ ad tkemmeleḍ?",
"collabStopOverridePrompt": "Aḥbas n tɣimit ad yesefsex unuɣ-inek (m) yettwaḥerzen yakan s wudem adigan. Tetḥeqqeḍ?\n(Ma tebɣiḍ ad teǧǧeḍ unuɣ-inek (m) adigan, mdel iccer n yiminig, deg umḍiq.)",
"errorAddingToLibrary": "Ulamek ara yettwarnu uferdis ɣer temkarḍit",
"errorRemovingFromLibrary": "Ulamek ara yettwakkes uferdis si temkarḍit",
"confirmAddLibrary": "Ayagi adirnu talɣa (win) {{numShapes}} ɣer temkarḍit-inek (m). Tetḥeqqeḍ?",
"imageDoesNotContainScene": "Tugna-agi tettban-d ur tesɛi ara isefka n usayes. Tesremdeḍ aseddu n usayes deg usifeḍ?",
"cannotRestoreFromImage": "Asayes ulamek ara d-yettwarr seg ufaylu-agi n tugna",
"invalidSceneUrl": "Ulamek taktert n usayes seg URL i d-ittunefken. Ahat mačči d tameɣtut neɣ ur tegbir ara isefka JSON n Excalidraw.",
"resetLibrary": "Ayagi ad isfeḍ tamkarḍit-inek•m. Tetḥeqqeḍ?",
"removeItemsFromsLibrary": "Ad tekkseḍ {{count}} n uferdis (en) si temkarḍit?",
"invalidEncryptionKey": "Tasarut n uwgelhen isefk ad tesɛu 22 n yiekkilen. Amɛiwen srid yensa.",
"collabOfflineWarning": "Ulac tuqqna n internet.\nIbedilen-ik ur ttwaklasen ara!"
"errors": {
"unsupportedFileType": "Anaw n ufaylu ur yettwasefrak ara.",
"imageInsertError": "D awezɣi tugra n tugna. Eɛreḍ tikkelt-nniḍen ardeqqal...",
"fileTooBig": "Afaylu meqqer aṭas. Tiddi tafellayt yurgen d {{maxSize}}.",
"svgImageInsertError": "D awezɣi tugra n tugna SVG. Acraḍ SVG yettban-d d armeɣtu.",
"failedToFetchImage": "",
"invalidSVGString": "SVG armeɣtu.",
"cannotResolveCollabServer": "Ulamek tuqqna s aqeddac n umyalel. Ma ulac uɣilif ales asali n usebter sakin eɛreḍ tikkelt-nniḍen.",
"importLibraryError": "Ur d-ssalay ara tamkarḍit",
"collabSaveFailed": "Ulamek asekles deg uzadur n yisefka deg ugilal. Ma ikemmel wugur, isefk ad teskelseḍ afaylu s wudem adigan akken ad tetḥeqqeḍ ur tesruḥuyeḍ ara amahil-inek•inem.",
"collabSaveFailed_sizeExceeded": "Ulamek asekles deg uzadur n yisefka deg ugilal, taɣzut n usuneɣ tettban-d temqer aṭas. Isefk ad teskelseḍ afaylu s wudem adigan akken ad tetḥeqqeḍ ur tesruḥuyeḍ ara amahil-inek•inem.",
"imageToolNotSupported": "",
"brave_measure_text_error": {
"line1": "",
"line2": "Ayagi yezmer ad d-iglu s truẓi n<bold>Iferdisen n uḍris</bold>deg wunuɣen-inek.",
"line3": "Ad k-nsemter ad tsexsiḍ aɣewwar-agi. Tzemreḍ ad tḍefreḍ<link>isurifen-agi</link> ɣef wamek ara txedmeḍ.",
"line4": ""
"libraryElementTypeError": {
"embeddable": "",
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"asyncPasteFailedOnRead": "",
"asyncPasteFailedOnParse": "",
"copyToSystemClipboardFailed": ""
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"selection": "Tafrayt",
"image": "Ger tugna",
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"line": "Izirig",
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"text": "Aḍris",
"library": "Tamkarḍit",
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"penMode": "Askar n yimru - gdel tanalit",
"link": "Rnu/leqqem aseɣwen i talɣa yettwafernen",
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"laser": "",
"hand": "Afus (afecku n usmutti n tmuɣli)",
"extraTools": "",
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"headings": {
"canvasActions": "Tigawin n teɣzut n usuneɣ",
"selectedShapeActions": "Tigawin n talɣa yettwafernen",
"shapes": "Talɣiwin"
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"canvasPanning": "Akken ad tesmuttiḍ taɣzut n usuneɣ, ṭṭef ṛṛuda n umumed, neɣ seqdec afecku Afus",
"linearElement": "Ssit akken ad tebduḍ aṭas n tenqiḍin, zuɣer i yiwen n yizirig",
"freeDraw": "Ssit yerna zuɣer, serreḥ ticki tfukeḍ",
"text": "Tixidest: tzemreḍ daɣen ad ternuḍ aḍris s usiti snat n tikkal anida tebɣiḍ s ufecku n tefrayt",
"embeddable": "",
"text_selected": "Ssit snat n tikkal neɣ ssed taqeffalt Kcem akken ad tẓergeḍ aḍris",
"text_editing": "Ssit Escape neɣ CtrlOrCmd+ENTER akken ad tfakkeḍ asiẓreg",
"linearElementMulti": "Ssit ɣef tenqiḍt taneggarut neɣ ssed taqeffalt Escape neɣ taqeffalt Kcem akken ad tfakkeḍ",
"lockAngle": "Tzemreḍ ad tḥettmeḍ tiɣmert s tuṭṭfa n tqeffalt SHIFT",
"resize": "Tzemreḍ ad tḥettemeḍ assaɣ s tuṭṭfa n tqeffalt SHIFT mi ara tettbeddileḍ tiddi,\nma teṭṭfeḍ ALT abeddel n tiddi ad yili si tlemmast",
"resizeImage": "Tzemreḍ ad talseḍ tiddi s tilelli s tuṭṭfa n SHIFT,\nṭṭef ALT akken ad talseḍ tiddi si tlemmast",
"rotate": "Tzemreḍ ad tḥettemeḍ tiɣemmar s tuṭṭfa n SHIFT di tuzzya",
"lineEditor_info": "Ssed ɣef CtrlOrCmd yerna ssit snat n tikkal neɣ ssed ɣef CtrlOrCmd + Kcem akken ad tẓergeḍ tineqqiḍin",
"lineEditor_pointSelected": "Ssed taqeffalt kkes akken ad tekkseḍ tanqiḍ (tinqiḍin),\nCtrlOrCmd+D akken ad tsiselgeḍ, neɣ zuɣer akken ad tesmuttiḍ",
"lineEditor_nothingSelected": "Fren tanqiḍt akken ad tẓergeḍ (ṭṭef SHIFT akken ad tferneḍ aṭas),\nneɣ ṭṭef Alt akken ad ternuḍ tinqiḍin timaynutin",
"placeImage": "Ssit akken ad tserseḍ tugna, neɣ ssit u zuɣer akken ad tesbaduḍ tiddi-ines s ufus",
"publishLibrary": "Siẓreg tamkarḍit-inek•inem",
"bindTextToElement": "Ssed ɣef kcem akken ad ternuḍ aḍris",
"deepBoxSelect": "Ṭṭef CtrlOrCmd akken ad tferneḍ s telqey, yerna ad trewleḍ i uzuɣer",
"eraserRevert": "Ssed Alt akken ad tsefsxeḍ iferdisen yettwacerḍen i tukksa",
"firefox_clipboard_write": "",
"disableSnapping": ""
"canvasError": {
"cannotShowPreview": "Ulamek abeqqeḍ n teskant",
"canvasTooBig": "Taɣzut n usuneɣ tezmer ad tili temeqqer aṭas.",
"canvasTooBigTip": "Tixidest: eɛreḍ ad tesqerbeḍ ciṭ iferdisen yembaɛaden."
"errorSplash": {
"headingMain": "Teḍra-d tuccḍa. Eɛreḍ <button>asali n usebter tikkelt-nniḍen.</button>",
"clearCanvasMessage": "Ma yella tulsa n usali ur tefri ara ugur, eɛreḍ <button>asfaḍ n teɣzut n usuneɣ.</button>",
"clearCanvasCaveat": " Ayagi ad d-iglu s usṛuḥu n umahil ",
"trackedToSentry": "Tuccḍa akked umesmagi {{eventId}} tettwasekles deg unagraw-nneɣ.",
"openIssueMessage": "Nḥuder aṭas akken ur nseddu ara talɣut n usayes-inek (m) di tuccḍa. Ma yella asayes-inek (m) mačči d amaẓlay, ttxil-k (m) xemmem ad ḍefreḍ <button>afecku n weḍfar n yibugen.</button> Ma ulac uɣilif seddu talɣut ukessar-agi s wenɣal akked usenṭeḍ di GitHub issue.",
"sceneContent": "Agbur n usayes:"
"roomDialog": {
"desc_intro": "Tzemreḍ ad d-teɛerḍeḍ medden ɣer usayes-inek (m) amiran akken ad ttekkin yid-k.",
"desc_privacy": "Ur tqelliq ara, tiɣimit tsseqdac awgelhen ixef s ixef, dɣa ayen ara tsunɣeḍ ad iqqim d amaẓlay. Ula d aqeddac-nneɣ ur yezmir ara ad iwali acu txeddemeḍ.",
"button_startSession": "Bdu tiɣimit",
"button_stopSession": "Ḥbes tiɣimit",
"desc_inProgressIntro": "Tiɣimit n umɛawen s srid tetteddu akka tura.",
"desc_shareLink": "Bḍu aseɣwen-agi akked medden ukud tebɣiḍ ad temɛawaneḍ:",
"desc_exitSession": "Aḥbas n tɣimit ad k (m) yesenser si texxamt, maca ad tizmireḍ ad tkemmeleḍ amahil s usayes, s wudem adigan. Ẓer belli ayagi ur yettḥaz ara imdanen-nniḍen, yerna ad izmiren ad kemmelen ad mɛawanen di tsuffeɣt-nnsen.",
"shareTitle": "Rnu ɣer tɣimit n umɛiwen s srid n Excalidraw"
"errorDialog": {
"title": "Tuccḍa"
"exportDialog": {
"disk_title": "Sekles deg uḍebsi",
"disk_details": "Sekles isefka n usayes deg ufaylu ansi ara tizmireḍ ad d-tketreḍ areḍqal.",
"disk_button": "Sekles deg ufaylu",
"link_title": "Aseɣwen n beṭṭu",
"link_details": "Sifeḍ am useɣwen n tɣuri kan.",
"link_button": "Sifeḍ deg useɣwen",
"excalidrawplus_description": "Sekles asayes-inek•inem di tallunt n umahil Excalidraw+.",
"excalidrawplus_button": "Sifeḍ",
"excalidrawplus_exportError": "Ulamek asifeḍ ɣer Excalidraw+ akka tura..."
"helpDialog": {
"blog": "Ɣeṛ ablug-nneɣ",
"click": "ssit",
"deepSelect": "Afran s telqey",
"deepBoxSelect": "Afran s telqey s tnaka, yerna ad tyrewleḍ i uzuɣer",
"curvedArrow": "Taneccabt izelgen",
"curvedLine": "Izirig izelgen",
"documentation": "Tasemlit",
"doubleClick": "ssit snat n tikkal",
"drag": "zuɣer",
"editor": "Amaẓrag",
"editLineArrowPoints": "Ẓreg tinqiḍin n yizirig/taneccabt",
"editText": "Ẓreg aḍris/rnu tabzimt",
"github": "Tufiḍ-d ugur? Azen-aɣ-d",
"howto": "Ḍfer imniren-nneɣ",
"or": "neɣ",
"preventBinding": "Seḥbes tuqqna n tneccabin",
"tools": "Ifecka",
"shortcuts": "Inegzumen n unasiw",
"textFinish": "Fak asiẓreg (amaẓrag n uḍris)",
"textNewLine": "Rnu ajerriḍ amaynut (amaẓrag n uḍris)",
"title": "Tallelt",
"view": "Tamuɣli",
"zoomToFit": "Simɣur akken ad twliḍ akk iferdisen",
"zoomToSelection": "Simɣur ɣer tefrayt",
"toggleElementLock": "Sekkeṛ/kkes asekker i tefrayt",
"movePageUpDown": "Smutti asebter d asawen/akessar",
"movePageLeftRight": "Smutti asebter s azelmaḍ/ayfus"
"clearCanvasDialog": {
"title": "Sfeḍ taɣzut n usuneɣ"
"publishDialog": {
"title": "Suffeɣ-d tamkarḍit",
"itemName": "Isem n uferdis",
"authorName": "Isem n umeskar",
"githubUsername": "Isem n useqdac n GitHub",
"twitterUsername": "Isem n useqdac n Twitter",
"libraryName": "Isem n temkarḍit",
"libraryDesc": "Aglam n temkarḍit",
"website": "Asmel n web",
"placeholder": {
"authorName": "Isem neɣ isem n useqdac inek•inem",
"libraryName": "Isem n temkarḍit-inek•inem",
"libraryDesc": "Aglam n temkarḍit-inek•inem akken ad tɛiwneḍ medden ad fehmen aseqdec-inec",
"githubHandle": "Isem n useqdac n GitHub ( d anefrunan) akken ad tizmireḍ ad tisẓrigeḍ tamkarḍit ticki tuzneḍ-tt i uselken",
"twitterHandle": "Isem n useqdac n Twitter (d anefrunan) akken ad nẓer anwa ara nsenmer deg udellel di Twitter",
"website": "Aseɣwen ɣer usmel-inek•inem neɣ wayeḍ (d anefrunan)"
"errors": {
"required": "Yettwasra",
"website": "Sekcem URL ameɣtu"
"noteDescription": "Azen tamkarḍit-inek•inem akken ad teddu di <link>akaram azayez n temkarḍit</link>i yimdanen-nniḍen ara isqedcen deg wunuɣen-nnsen.",
"noteGuidelines": "Tamkarḍit teḥwaǧ ad tettwaqbel s ufus qbel. Ma ulac uɣilif ɣer <link>iwellihen</link> send ad tazneḍ. Tesriḍ amiḍan n GitHub akken ad tmmeslayeḍ yerna ad tgeḍ ibeddilen ma yelaq, maca mačči d ayen yettwaḥetmen.",
"noteLicense": "Mi tuzneḍ ad tqebleḍ akken tamkarḍit ad d-teffeɣ s <link>Turagt MIT, </link>ayen yebɣan ad d-yini belli yal yiwen izmer ad ten-iseqdec war tilist.",
"noteItems": "Yal aferdis n temkarḍit isefk ad isɛu isem-is i yiman-is akken ad yili wamek ara yettusizdeg. Iferdisen-agi n temkarḍit ad ddun:",
"atleastOneLibItem": "Ma ulac uɣilif fern ma drus yiwen n uferdis n temkarḍit akken ad tebduḍ",
"republishWarning": "Tamawt: kra n yiferdisen yettwafernen ttwacerḍen ffeɣen-d/ttwaznen. Isefk ad talseḍ tuzzna n yiferdisen anagar mi ara tleqqemeḍ tamkarḍit neɣ tuzzna yellan."
"publishSuccessDialog": {
"title": "Tamkarḍit tettwazen",
"content": "Tanemmirt-ik•im {{authorName}}. Tamkarḍit-inek•inem tettwazen i weselken. Tzemreḍ ad tḍefreḍ aẓayer<link>dagi</link>"
"confirmDialog": {
"resetLibrary": "Ales awennez n temkarḍit",
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"menuHint": "Asifeḍ, ismenyifen, tutlayin, ..."
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"menuHint": "Asifeḍ, ismenyifen, d wayen-nniḍen...",
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