You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

67 lines
1.4 KiB

import { DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY } from "../../constants";
import type { ExcalidrawElement } from "../../element/types";
const elementBase: Omit<ExcalidrawElement, "type"> = {
id: "vWrqOAfkind2qcm7LDAGZ",
x: 414,
y: 237,
width: 214,
height: 214,
angle: 0,
strokeColor: "#000000",
backgroundColor: "#15aabf",
fillStyle: "hachure",
strokeWidth: 1,
strokeStyle: "solid",
roughness: 1,
opacity: 100,
groupIds: [],
frameId: null,
roundness: null,
index: null,
seed: 1041657908,
version: 120,
versionNonce: 1188004276,
isDeleted: false,
boundElements: null,
updated: 1,
link: null,
locked: false,
export const rectangleFixture: ExcalidrawElement = {
type: "rectangle",
export const embeddableFixture: ExcalidrawElement = {
type: "embeddable",
export const ellipseFixture: ExcalidrawElement = {
type: "ellipse",
export const diamondFixture: ExcalidrawElement = {
type: "diamond",
export const rectangleWithLinkFixture: ExcalidrawElement = {
type: "rectangle",
link: "",
export const textFixture: ExcalidrawElement = {
type: "text",
fontSize: 20,
text: "original text",
originalText: "original text",
textAlign: "left",
verticalAlign: "top",
containerId: null,
lineHeight: 1.25 as any,
autoResize: false,