You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

176 lines
5.2 KiB

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

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"clearReset": "這將會清除整個 canvas。你確定嗎",
"couldNotCreateShareableLink": "無法建立共享連結",
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"cannotExportEmptyCanvas": "無法輸出空白的 canvas。",
"couldNotCopyToClipboard": "無法複製到剪貼簿。嘗試使用 Chrome 瀏覽器。",
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"openIssueMessage_button": "bug tracker.",
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"sceneContent": "場景內容"
"roomDialog": {
"desc_intro": "你可以邀請其他人到你的目前的畫面與你合作。",
"desc_privacy": "別擔心,此會議使用 end-to-end 加密,因此無論你畫了什麼都會保持私密,甚至連我們的伺服器都無法看到。",
"button_startSession": "啟動會議",
"button_stopSession": "暫停會議",
"desc_inProgressIntro": "即時協作會議正在進行中。",
"desc_persistenceWarning": "",
"desc_shareLink": "與要協作的任何人分享此連結:",
"desc_exitSession": ""
"errorDialog": {
"title": "錯誤"
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"editor": "編輯器",
"view": "",
"blog": "閱讀部落格",
"howto": "官方指南",
"github": "發現問題?發個 PR",
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"zoomToFit": "回到完整畫面"
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