
28 lines
1.0 KiB

const fs = require("fs");
const updateReadme = () => {
const excalidrawDir = `${__dirname}/../src/packages/excalidraw`;
let data = fs.readFileSync(`${excalidrawDir}/`, "utf8");
// remove note for unstable release
data = data.replace(
/<!-- unstable-readme-start-->[\s\S]*?<!-- unstable-readme-end-->/,
// replace "excalidraw-next" with "excalidraw"
data = data.replace(/excalidraw-next/g, "excalidraw");
data = data.trim();
const demoIndex = data.indexOf("### Demo");
const excalidrawNextNote =
"#### Note\n\n**If you don't want to wait for the next stable release and try out the unreleased changes you can use [@excalidraw/excalidraw-next](**\n\n";
// Add excalidraw next note to try out for unreleased changes
data = data.slice(0, demoIndex) + excalidrawNextNote + data.slice(demoIndex);
// update readme
fs.writeFileSync(`${excalidrawDir}/`, data, "utf8");
module.exports = updateReadme;