You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

419 lines
16 KiB

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

"labels": {
"paste": "粘贴",
"pasteCharts": "粘贴图表",
"selectAll": "全部选中",
"multiSelect": "添加元素到选区",
"moveCanvas": "移动画布",
"cut": "剪切",
"copy": "拷贝",
"copyAsPng": "复制为 PNG 到剪贴板",
"copyAsSvg": "复制为 SVG 到剪贴板",
"bringForward": "上移一层",
"sendToBack": "置于底层",
"bringToFront": "置于顶层",
"sendBackward": "下移一层",
"delete": "删除",
"copyStyles": "复制样式",
"pasteStyles": "粘贴样式",
"stroke": "描边",
"background": "背景",
"fill": "填充",
"strokeWidth": "描边宽度",
"strokeStyle": "边框样式",
"strokeStyle_solid": "实线",
"strokeStyle_dashed": "虚线",
"strokeStyle_dotted": "点虚线",
"sloppiness": "线条风格",
"opacity": "透明度",
"textAlign": "文本对齐",
"edges": "边角",
"sharp": "尖锐",
"round": "圆润",
"arrowheads": "端点",
"arrowhead_none": "无",
"arrowhead_arrow": "箭头",
"arrowhead_bar": "条",
"arrowhead_dot": "圆点",
"arrowhead_triangle": "三角箭头",
"fontSize": "字体大小",
"fontFamily": "字体",
"onlySelected": "仅被选中",
"withBackground": "背景",
"exportEmbedScene": "包含画布数据",
"exportEmbedScene_details": "画布数据将被保存到导出的 PNG/SVG 文件,以便恢复。\n将会增加导出的文件大小。",
"addWatermark": "添加 “使用 Excalidraw 创建” 水印",
"handDrawn": "手写",
"normal": "正常",
"code": "代码",
"small": "小号",
"medium": "中等",
"large": "大号",
"veryLarge": "极大",
"solid": "实心",
"hachure": "线条",
"crossHatch": "交叉线条",
"thin": "细",
"bold": "粗",
"left": "左对齐",
"center": "居中",
"right": "右对齐",
"extraBold": "特粗",
"architect": "朴素",
"artist": "艺术",
"cartoonist": "漫画家",
"fileTitle": "文件名",
"colorPicker": "调色盘",
"canvasBackground": "画布背景",
"drawingCanvas": "绘制 Canvas",
"layers": "图层",
"actions": "操作",
"language": "语言",
"liveCollaboration": "实时协作",
"duplicateSelection": "复制",
"untitled": "无标题",
"name": "名字",
"yourName": "您的姓名",
"madeWithExcalidraw": "使用 Excalidraw 创建",
"group": "组选",
"ungroup": "取消组选",
"collaborators": "协作者",
"showGrid": "显示网格",
"addToLibrary": "添加到素材库中",
"removeFromLibrary": "从素材库中移除",
"libraryLoadingMessage": "正在加载素材库…",
"libraries": "浏览素材库",
"loadingScene": "正在加载绘图…",
"align": "对齐",
"alignTop": "顶部对齐",
"alignBottom": "底端对齐",
"alignLeft": "左对齐",
"alignRight": "右对齐",
"centerVertically": "垂直居中",
"centerHorizontally": "水平居中",
"distributeHorizontally": "水平等距分布",
"distributeVertically": "垂直等距分布",
"flipHorizontal": "水平翻转",
"flipVertical": "垂直翻转",
"viewMode": "查看模式",
"toggleExportColorScheme": "切换导出配色方案",
"share": "分享",
"showStroke": "显示描边颜色选择器",
"showBackground": "显示背景颜色选择器",
"toggleTheme": "切换主题",
"personalLib": "个人素材库",
"excalidrawLib": "Excalidraw 素材库",
"decreaseFontSize": "缩小字体大小",
"increaseFontSize": "放大字体大小",
"unbindText": "取消文本绑定",
"link": {
"edit": "编辑链接",
"create": "新建链接",
"label": "链接"
"buttons": {
"clearReset": "重置画布",
"exportJSON": "导出为文件",
"exportImage": "保存为图像",
"export": "导出",
"exportToPng": "导出为 PNG",
"exportToSvg": "导出为 SVG",
"copyToClipboard": "复制到剪贴板",
"copyPngToClipboard": "复制 PNG 到剪切板",
"scale": "缩放",
"save": "保存至当前文件",
"saveAs": "保存为",
"load": "载入文件",
"getShareableLink": "获取共享链接",
"close": "关闭",
"selectLanguage": "选择语言",
"scrollBackToContent": "滚动回到内容",
"zoomIn": "放大",
"zoomOut": "缩小",
"resetZoom": "重置缩放",
"menu": "菜单",
"done": "完成",
"edit": "编辑",
"undo": "撤销",
"redo": "重做",
"resetLibrary": "重置素材库",
"createNewRoom": "新建会议室",
"fullScreen": "全屏",
"darkMode": "深色模式",
"lightMode": "浅色模式",
"zenMode": "禅模式",
"exitZenMode": "退出禅模式",
"cancel": "取消",
"clear": "清除",
"remove": "删除",
"publishLibrary": "发布",
"submit": "提交",
"confirm": "确定"
"alerts": {
"clearReset": "这将会清除整个画布。您是否要继续?",
"couldNotCreateShareableLink": "无法创建共享链接",
"couldNotCreateShareableLinkTooBig": "无法创建可共享链接:画布过大",
"couldNotLoadInvalidFile": "无法加载无效的文件",
"importBackendFailed": "从后端导入失败。",
"cannotExportEmptyCanvas": "无法导出空白画布。",
"couldNotCopyToClipboard": "无法复制到剪贴板,请尝试使用 Chrome 浏览器。",
"decryptFailed": "无法解密数据。",
"uploadedSecurly": "上传已被端到端加密保护,这意味着 Excalidraw 的服务器和第三方都无法读取内容。",
"loadSceneOverridePrompt": "加载外部绘图将取代您现有的内容。您想要继续吗?",
"collabStopOverridePrompt": "停止会话将覆盖您先前本地存储的绘图。 您确定吗?\n\n(如果您想保持本地绘图,只需关闭浏览器选项卡。)",
"errorLoadingLibrary": "加载第三方素材库时出错。",
"errorAddingToLibrary": "无法将项目添加到素材库中",
"errorRemovingFromLibrary": "无法从素材库中移除项目",
"confirmAddLibrary": "这将添加 {{numShapes}} 个形状到您的素材库中。您确定吗?",
"imageDoesNotContainScene": "此图像似乎不包含任何画布数据。您是否在导出时启用了画布嵌入功能?",
"cannotRestoreFromImage": "无法从此图像文件恢复画布",
"invalidSceneUrl": "无法从提供的 URL 导入场景。它或者格式不正确,或者不包含有效的 Excalidraw JSON 数据。",
"resetLibrary": "这将会清除你的素材库。你确定要这么做吗?",
"removeItemsFromsLibrary": "确定要从素材库中删除 {{count}} 个项目吗?",
"invalidEncryptionKey": "密钥必须包含22个字符。实时协作已被禁用。"
"errors": {
"unsupportedFileType": "不支持的文件格式。",
"imageInsertError": "无法插入图像。请稍后再试……",
"fileTooBig": "文件过大。最大允许的大小为 {{maxSize}}。",
"svgImageInsertError": "无法插入 SVG 图像。该 SVG 标记似乎是无效的。",
"invalidSVGString": "无效的 SVG。"
"toolBar": {
"selection": "选择",
"image": "插入图像",
"rectangle": "矩形",
"diamond": "菱形",
"ellipse": "椭圆",
"arrow": "箭头",
"line": "线条",
"freedraw": "自由书写",
"text": "文字",
"library": "素材库",
"lock": "绘制后保持所选的工具栏状态",
"penMode": "禁用手势缩放并只接收来自触控笔的输入",
"link": "为选中的形状添加/更新链接"
"headings": {
"canvasActions": "画布动作",
"selectedShapeActions": "选定形状操作",
"shapes": "形状"
"hints": {
"canvasPanning": "要移动画布,请按住鼠标滚轮或空格键,再拖拽鼠标",
"linearElement": "点击创建多个点 拖动创建直线",
"freeDraw": "点击并拖动,完成时松开",
"text": "提示:您也可以使用选择工具双击任意位置来添加文字",
"text_selected": "双击或按回车键以编辑文本",
"text_editing": "按下 Escape 或 CtrlOrCmd+ENTER 完成编辑",
"linearElementMulti": "点击最后一个点或按下 Esc/Enter 来完成",
"lockAngle": "可以按住 Shift 来约束角度",
"resize": "您可以按住SHIFT来限制比例大小\n按住ALT来调整中心大小",
"resizeImage": "按住SHIFT可以自由缩放\n按住ALT可以从中间缩放",
"rotate": "旋转时可以按住 Shift 来约束角度",
"lineEditor_info": "双击或按回车键编辑",
"lineEditor_pointSelected": "按下 Delete 移除点Ctrl 或 Cmd+D 以复制,拖动以移动",
"lineEditor_nothingSelected": "选择要编辑的点 (按住 SHIFT 选择多个)\n或按住 Alt 并点击以添加新点",
"placeImage": "点击放置图像,或者点击并拖动以手动设置图像大小",
"publishLibrary": "发布您自己的素材库",
"bindTextToElement": "按下 Enter 以添加文本",
"deepBoxSelect": "按住 CtrlOrCmd 以深度选择,并避免拖拽"
"canvasError": {
"cannotShowPreview": "无法显示预览",
"canvasTooBig": "画布可能过大。",
"canvasTooBigTip": "提示:尝试将最远的元素移动到和其它元素更近一些。"
"errorSplash": {
"headingMain_pre": "遇到异常。请尝试",
"headingMain_button": "重新加载页面。",
"clearCanvasMessage": "如果重新加载页面无效, 请尝试",
"clearCanvasMessage_button": "清除画布。",
"clearCanvasCaveat": "这会造成当前工作丢失",
"trackedToSentry_pre": "带有标识符的错误",
"trackedToSentry_post": "已在我们的系统中跟踪",
"openIssueMessage_pre": "我们非常谨慎地处理错误信息,您的画布内容不会被包含在错误报告中。如果您的画布内容不需要保持私密,请考虑使用我们的",
"openIssueMessage_button": "错误追踪器。",
"openIssueMessage_post": " 请复制并粘贴以下信息到 GitHub Issue 中。",
"sceneContent": "画布内容:"
"roomDialog": {
"desc_intro": "你可以邀请其他人到目前的画面中与你协作。",
"desc_privacy": "别担心, 该会话使用端到端加密, 无论绘制什么都将保持私密,甚至连我们的服务器也无法查看。",
"button_startSession": "启动会议",
"button_stopSession": "结束会议",
"desc_inProgressIntro": "实时协作会议正在进行。",
"desc_shareLink": "分享此链接给你要协作的用户",
"desc_exitSession": "停止会话将中断您在与房间的连接,但您依然可以在本地继续使用画布. 请注意,这不会影响到其他用户, 他们仍可以在他们的版本上继续协作。",
"shareTitle": "加入 Excalidraw 实时协作会议"
"errorDialog": {
"title": "错误"
"exportDialog": {
"disk_title": "保存到本地",
"disk_details": "将画布数据导出为文件,以便以后导入",
"disk_button": "保存为文件",
"link_title": "分享链接",
"link_details": "导出为只读链接。",
"link_button": "导出链接",
"excalidrawplus_description": "将画布保存到您的 Excalidraw+ 工作区。",
"excalidrawplus_button": "导出",
"excalidrawplus_exportError": "暂时无法导出到 Excalidraw+ ..."
"helpDialog": {
"blog": "浏览我们的博客",
"click": "单击",
"deepSelect": "深度选择",
"deepBoxSelect": "在方框内深度选择并避免拖拽",
"curvedArrow": "曲线箭头",
"curvedLine": "曲线",
"documentation": "文档",
"doubleClick": "双击",
"drag": "拖动",
"editor": "编辑器",
"editSelectedShape": "编辑选中的形状 (文本、箭头或线条)",
"github": "提交问题",
"howto": "帮助文档",
"or": "或",
"preventBinding": "禁用箭头吸附",
"shapes": "形状",
"shortcuts": "快捷键列表",
"textFinish": "完成编辑 (文本编辑器)",
"textNewLine": "添加新行(文本编辑器)",
"title": "帮助",
"view": "视图",
"zoomToFit": "缩放以适应所有元素",
"zoomToSelection": "缩放到选区"
"clearCanvasDialog": {
"title": "清除画布"
"publishDialog": {
"title": "发布素材库",
"itemName": "项目名称",
"authorName": "作者名",
"githubUsername": "GitHub 用户名",
"twitterUsername": "Twitter 用户名",
"libraryName": "名称",
"libraryDesc": "简介",
"website": "网址",
"placeholder": {
"authorName": "您的名字或用户名",
"libraryName": "素材库名称",
"libraryDesc": "介绍您的素材库,让人们了解其用途",
"githubHandle": "GitHub 用户名(可选),填写后,您可以编辑已提交待审的素材库",
"twitterHandle": "Twitter 用户名可选填写后当我们在Twitter发布推广信息时便可提及您",
"website": "您个人网站的或任意的链接(可选)"
"errors": {
"required": "必填",
"website": "输入一个有效的URL"
"noteDescription": {
"pre": "提交后,您的素材库将被包含在 ",
"link": "公共素材库广场",
"post": "以供其他人在绘图中使用。"
"noteGuidelines": {
"pre": "提交的素材库需先经人工审核。在提交之前,请先阅读 ",
"link": "指南",
"post": " 。后续沟通和对库的修改需要 GitHub 账号,但这不是必须的。"
"noteLicense": {
"pre": "提交即表明您已同意素材库将遵循 ",
"link": "MIT 许可证, ",
"post": "简而言之,任何人都可以不受限制地使用它们。"
"noteItems": "素材库中每个项目都有各自的名称以供筛选。以下项目将被包含:",
"atleastOneLibItem": "请选择至少一个素材库以开始"
"publishSuccessDialog": {
"title": "素材库已提交",
"content": "谢谢你 {{authorName}}。您的素材库已被提交审核。跟进此次提交的状态请点击",
"link": "此处"
"confirmDialog": {
"resetLibrary": "重置素材库",
"removeItemsFromLib": "从素材库中删除选中的项目"
"encrypted": {
"tooltip": "您的绘图采用的端到端加密其内容对于Excalidraw服务器是不可见的。",
"link": "Excalidraw 中关于端到端加密的博客"
"stats": {
"angle": "角度",
"element": "元素",
"elements": "元素",
"height": "高度",
"scene": "画布",
"selected": "选中",
"storage": "存储",
"title": "详细统计信息",
"total": "总计",
"version": "版本",
"versionCopy": "点击复制",
"versionNotAvailable": "版本不可用",
"width": "宽度"
"toast": {
"addedToLibrary": "添加到素材库中",
"copyStyles": "复制样式",
"copyToClipboard": "已复制到剪切板。",
"copyToClipboardAsPng": "已将 {{exportSelection}} 作为 PNG 复制到剪贴板\n({{exportColorScheme}})",
"fileSaved": "文件已保存。",
"fileSavedToFilename": "保存到 {filename}",
"canvas": "画布",
"selection": "选择项"
"colors": {
"ffffff": "白",
"f8f9fa": "灰 0",
"f1f3f5": "灰 1",
"fff5f5": "红 0",
"fff0f6": "粉红 0",
"f8f0fc": "紫红 0",
"f3f0ff": "蓝紫 0",
"edf2ff": "靛蓝 0",
"e7f5ff": "蓝 0",
"e3fafc": "青 0",
"e6fcf5": "蓝绿 0",
"ebfbee": "绿 0",
"f4fce3": "柠檬绿 0",
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"fff4e6": "橙 0",
"transparent": "透明",
"ced4da": "灰 4",
"868e96": "灰 6",
"fa5252": "红 6",
"e64980": "粉红 6",
"be4bdb": "紫红 6",
"7950f2": "蓝紫 6",
"4c6ef5": "靛蓝 6",
"228be6": "蓝 6",
"15aabf": "青 6",
"12b886": "蓝绿 6",
"40c057": "绿 6",
"82c91e": "柠檬绿 6",
"fab005": "黄 6",
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"495057": "灰 7",
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"862e9c": "紫红 9",
"5f3dc4": "蓝紫 9",
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"1864ab": "蓝 9",
"0b7285": "青 9",
"087f5b": "蓝绿 9",
"2b8a3e": "绿 9",
"5c940d": "柠檬绿 9",
"e67700": "黄 9",
"d9480f": "橙 9"