import { FRAME_STYLE } from "../constants"; import { getElementAbsoluteCoords } from "../element"; import { elementOverlapsWithFrame, getTargetFrame, isElementInFrame, } from "../frame"; import { isEmbeddableElement, isIframeLikeElement, isTextElement, } from "../element/typeChecks"; import { renderElement } from "../renderer/renderElement"; import { createPlaceholderEmbeddableLabel } from "../element/embeddable"; import { StaticCanvasAppState, Zoom } from "../types"; import { ElementsMap, ExcalidrawFrameLikeElement, NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, } from "../element/types"; import { StaticCanvasRenderConfig, StaticSceneRenderConfig, } from "../scene/types"; import { EXTERNAL_LINK_IMG, getLinkHandleFromCoords, } from "../components/hyperlink/helpers"; import { bootstrapCanvas, getNormalizedCanvasDimensions } from "./helpers"; import { throttleRAF } from "../utils"; import { getBoundTextElement } from "../element/textElement"; const strokeGrid = ( context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, gridSize: number, scrollX: number, scrollY: number, zoom: Zoom, width: number, height: number, ) => { const BOLD_LINE_FREQUENCY = 5; enum GridLineColor { Bold = "#cccccc", Regular = "#e5e5e5", } const offsetX = -Math.round(zoom.value / gridSize) * gridSize + (scrollX % gridSize); const offsetY = -Math.round(zoom.value / gridSize) * gridSize + (scrollY % gridSize); const lineWidth = Math.min(1 / zoom.value, 1); const spaceWidth = 1 / zoom.value; const lineDash = [lineWidth * 3, spaceWidth + (lineWidth + spaceWidth)];; context.lineWidth = lineWidth; for (let x = offsetX; x < offsetX + width + gridSize * 2; x += gridSize) { const isBold = Math.round(x - scrollX) % (BOLD_LINE_FREQUENCY * gridSize) === 0; context.beginPath(); context.setLineDash(isBold ? [] : lineDash); context.strokeStyle = isBold ? GridLineColor.Bold : GridLineColor.Regular; context.moveTo(x, offsetY - gridSize); context.lineTo(x, offsetY + height + gridSize * 2); context.stroke(); } for (let y = offsetY; y < offsetY + height + gridSize * 2; y += gridSize) { const isBold = Math.round(y - scrollY) % (BOLD_LINE_FREQUENCY * gridSize) === 0; context.beginPath(); context.setLineDash(isBold ? [] : lineDash); context.strokeStyle = isBold ? GridLineColor.Bold : GridLineColor.Regular; context.moveTo(offsetX - gridSize, y); context.lineTo(offsetX + width + gridSize * 2, y); context.stroke(); } context.restore(); }; const frameClip = ( frame: ExcalidrawFrameLikeElement, context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, renderConfig: StaticCanvasRenderConfig, appState: StaticCanvasAppState, ) => { context.translate(frame.x + appState.scrollX, frame.y + appState.scrollY); context.beginPath(); if (context.roundRect) { context.roundRect( 0, 0, frame.width, frame.height, FRAME_STYLE.radius / appState.zoom.value, ); } else { context.rect(0, 0, frame.width, frame.height); } context.clip(); context.translate( -(frame.x + appState.scrollX), -(frame.y + appState.scrollY), ); }; let linkCanvasCache: any; const renderLinkIcon = ( element: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, appState: StaticCanvasAppState, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ) => { if ( && !appState.selectedElementIds[]) { const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(element, elementsMap); const [x, y, width, height] = getLinkHandleFromCoords( [x1, y1, x2, y2], element.angle, appState, ); const centerX = x + width / 2; const centerY = y + height / 2;; context.translate(appState.scrollX + centerX, appState.scrollY + centerY); context.rotate(element.angle); if (!linkCanvasCache || linkCanvasCache.zoom !== appState.zoom.value) { linkCanvasCache = document.createElement("canvas"); linkCanvasCache.zoom = appState.zoom.value; linkCanvasCache.width = width * window.devicePixelRatio * appState.zoom.value; linkCanvasCache.height = height * window.devicePixelRatio * appState.zoom.value; const linkCanvasCacheContext = linkCanvasCache.getContext("2d")!; linkCanvasCacheContext.scale( window.devicePixelRatio * appState.zoom.value, window.devicePixelRatio * appState.zoom.value, ); linkCanvasCacheContext.fillStyle = "#fff"; linkCanvasCacheContext.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); linkCanvasCacheContext.drawImage(EXTERNAL_LINK_IMG, 0, 0, width, height); linkCanvasCacheContext.restore(); context.drawImage( linkCanvasCache, x - centerX, y - centerY, width, height, ); } else { context.drawImage( linkCanvasCache, x - centerX, y - centerY, width, height, ); } context.restore(); } }; const _renderStaticScene = ({ canvas, rc, elementsMap, allElementsMap, visibleElements, scale, appState, renderConfig, }: StaticSceneRenderConfig) => { if (canvas === null) { return; } const { renderGrid = true, isExporting } = renderConfig; const [normalizedWidth, normalizedHeight] = getNormalizedCanvasDimensions( canvas, scale, ); const context = bootstrapCanvas({ canvas, scale, normalizedWidth, normalizedHeight, theme: appState.theme, isExporting, viewBackgroundColor: appState.viewBackgroundColor, }); // Apply zoom context.scale(appState.zoom.value, appState.zoom.value); // Grid if (renderGrid && appState.gridSize) { strokeGrid( context, appState.gridSize, appState.scrollX, appState.scrollY, appState.zoom, normalizedWidth / appState.zoom.value, normalizedHeight / appState.zoom.value, ); } const groupsToBeAddedToFrame = new Set(); visibleElements.forEach((element) => { if ( element.groupIds.length > 0 && appState.frameToHighlight && appState.selectedElementIds[] && (elementOverlapsWithFrame( element, appState.frameToHighlight, elementsMap, ) || element.groupIds.find((groupId) => groupsToBeAddedToFrame.has(groupId))) ) { element.groupIds.forEach((groupId) => groupsToBeAddedToFrame.add(groupId), ); } }); // Paint visible elements visibleElements .filter((el) => !isIframeLikeElement(el)) .forEach((element) => { try { const frameId = element.frameId || appState.frameToHighlight?.id; if ( isTextElement(element) && element.containerId && elementsMap.has(element.containerId) ) { // will be rendered with the container return; }; if ( frameId && appState.frameRendering.enabled && appState.frameRendering.clip ) { const frame = getTargetFrame(element, elementsMap, appState); // TODO do we need to check isElementInFrame here? if (frame && isElementInFrame(element, elementsMap, appState)) { frameClip(frame, context, renderConfig, appState); } renderElement( element, elementsMap, allElementsMap, rc, context, renderConfig, appState, ); } else { renderElement( element, elementsMap, allElementsMap, rc, context, renderConfig, appState, ); } const boundTextElement = getBoundTextElement(element, elementsMap); if (boundTextElement) { renderElement( boundTextElement, elementsMap, allElementsMap, rc, context, renderConfig, appState, ); } context.restore(); if (!isExporting) { renderLinkIcon(element, context, appState, elementsMap); } } catch (error: any) { console.error(error); } }); // render embeddables on top visibleElements .filter((el) => isIframeLikeElement(el)) .forEach((element) => { try { const render = () => { renderElement( element, elementsMap, allElementsMap, rc, context, renderConfig, appState, ); if ( isIframeLikeElement(element) && (isExporting || (isEmbeddableElement(element) && renderConfig.embedsValidationStatus.get( !== true)) && element.width && element.height ) { const label = createPlaceholderEmbeddableLabel(element); renderElement( label, elementsMap, allElementsMap, rc, context, renderConfig, appState, ); } if (!isExporting) { renderLinkIcon(element, context, appState, elementsMap); } }; // - when exporting the whole canvas, we DO NOT apply clipping // - when we are exporting a particular frame, apply clipping // if the containing frame is not selected, apply clipping const frameId = element.frameId || appState.frameToHighlight?.id; if ( frameId && appState.frameRendering.enabled && appState.frameRendering.clip ) {; const frame = getTargetFrame(element, elementsMap, appState); if (frame && isElementInFrame(element, elementsMap, appState)) { frameClip(frame, context, renderConfig, appState); } render(); context.restore(); } else { render(); } } catch (error: any) { console.error(error); } }); }; /** throttled to animation framerate */ export const renderStaticSceneThrottled = throttleRAF( (config: StaticSceneRenderConfig) => { _renderStaticScene(config); }, { trailing: true }, ); /** * Static scene is the non-ui canvas where we render elements. */ export const renderStaticScene = ( renderConfig: StaticSceneRenderConfig, throttle?: boolean, ) => { if (throttle) { renderStaticSceneThrottled(renderConfig); return; } _renderStaticScene(renderConfig); };