import type { AppStateChange, ElementsChange } from "./change"; import type { SceneElementsMap } from "./element/types"; import { Emitter } from "./emitter"; import type Scene from "./scene/Scene"; import type { Snapshot } from "./store"; import type { AppState } from "./types"; type HistoryStack = HistoryEntry[]; export class HistoryChangedEvent { constructor( public readonly isUndoStackEmpty: boolean = true, public readonly isRedoStackEmpty: boolean = true, ) {} } export class History { public readonly onHistoryChangedEmitter = new Emitter< [HistoryChangedEvent] >(); private readonly undoStack: HistoryStack = []; private readonly redoStack: HistoryStack = []; public get isUndoStackEmpty() { return this.undoStack.length === 0; } public get isRedoStackEmpty() { return this.redoStack.length === 0; } public clear() { this.undoStack.length = 0; this.redoStack.length = 0; } /** * Record a local change which will go into the history */ public record( elementsChange: ElementsChange, appStateChange: AppStateChange, ) { const entry = HistoryEntry.create(appStateChange, elementsChange); if (!entry.isEmpty()) { // we have the latest changes, no need to `applyLatest`, which is done within `History.push` this.undoStack.push(entry.inverse()); if (!entry.elementsChange.isEmpty()) { // don't reset redo stack on local appState changes, // as a simple click (unselect) could lead to losing all the redo entries // only reset on non empty elements changes! this.redoStack.length = 0; } this.onHistoryChangedEmitter.trigger( new HistoryChangedEvent(this.isUndoStackEmpty, this.isRedoStackEmpty), ); } } public undo( elements: SceneElementsMap, appState: AppState, snapshot: Readonly, scene: Scene, ) { return this.perform( elements, appState, snapshot, () => History.pop(this.undoStack), (entry: HistoryEntry) => History.push(this.redoStack, entry, elements), scene, ); } public redo( elements: SceneElementsMap, appState: AppState, snapshot: Readonly, scene: Scene, ) { return this.perform( elements, appState, snapshot, () => History.pop(this.redoStack), (entry: HistoryEntry) => History.push(this.undoStack, entry, elements), scene, ); } private perform( elements: SceneElementsMap, appState: AppState, snapshot: Readonly, pop: () => HistoryEntry | null, push: (entry: HistoryEntry) => void, scene: Scene, ): [SceneElementsMap, AppState] | void { try { let historyEntry = pop(); if (historyEntry === null) { return; } let nextElements = elements; let nextAppState = appState; let containsVisibleChange = false; // iterate through the history entries in case they result in no visible changes while (historyEntry) { try { [nextElements, nextAppState, containsVisibleChange] = historyEntry.applyTo(nextElements, nextAppState, snapshot, scene); } finally { // make sure to always push / pop, even if the increment is corrupted push(historyEntry); } if (containsVisibleChange) { break; } historyEntry = pop(); } return [nextElements, nextAppState]; } finally { // trigger the history change event before returning completely // also trigger it just once, no need doing so on each entry this.onHistoryChangedEmitter.trigger( new HistoryChangedEvent(this.isUndoStackEmpty, this.isRedoStackEmpty), ); } } private static pop(stack: HistoryStack): HistoryEntry | null { if (!stack.length) { return null; } const entry = stack.pop(); if (entry !== undefined) { return entry; } return null; } private static push( stack: HistoryStack, entry: HistoryEntry, prevElements: SceneElementsMap, ) { const updatedEntry = entry.inverse().applyLatestChanges(prevElements); return stack.push(updatedEntry); } } export class HistoryEntry { private constructor( public readonly appStateChange: AppStateChange, public readonly elementsChange: ElementsChange, ) {} public static create( appStateChange: AppStateChange, elementsChange: ElementsChange, ) { return new HistoryEntry(appStateChange, elementsChange); } public inverse(): HistoryEntry { return new HistoryEntry( this.appStateChange.inverse(), this.elementsChange.inverse(), ); } public applyTo( elements: SceneElementsMap, appState: AppState, snapshot: Readonly, scene: Scene, ): [SceneElementsMap, AppState, boolean] { const [nextElements, elementsContainVisibleChange] = this.elementsChange.applyTo(elements, snapshot.elements, scene); const [nextAppState, appStateContainsVisibleChange] = this.appStateChange.applyTo(appState, nextElements); const appliedVisibleChanges = elementsContainVisibleChange || appStateContainsVisibleChange; return [nextElements, nextAppState, appliedVisibleChanges]; } /** * Apply latest (remote) changes to the history entry, creates new instance of `HistoryEntry`. */ public applyLatestChanges(elements: SceneElementsMap): HistoryEntry { const updatedElementsChange = this.elementsChange.applyLatestChanges(elements); return HistoryEntry.create(this.appStateChange, updatedElementsChange); } public isEmpty(): boolean { return this.appStateChange.isEmpty() && this.elementsChange.isEmpty(); } }