import { COLOR_PALETTE, DEFAULT_CHART_COLOR_INDEX, getAllColorsSpecificShade, } from "./colors"; import { DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, VERTICAL_ALIGN, } from "./constants"; import { newElement, newLinearElement, newTextElement } from "./element"; import type { NonDeletedExcalidrawElement } from "./element/types"; import { randomId } from "./random"; export type ChartElements = readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[]; const BAR_WIDTH = 32; const BAR_GAP = 12; const BAR_HEIGHT = 256; const GRID_OPACITY = 50; export interface Spreadsheet { title: string | null; labels: string[] | null; values: number[]; } export const NOT_SPREADSHEET = "NOT_SPREADSHEET"; export const VALID_SPREADSHEET = "VALID_SPREADSHEET"; type ParseSpreadsheetResult = | { type: typeof NOT_SPREADSHEET; reason: string } | { type: typeof VALID_SPREADSHEET; spreadsheet: Spreadsheet }; /** * @private exported for testing */ export const tryParseNumber = (s: string): number | null => { const match = /^([-+]?)[$€£¥₩]?([-+]?)([\d.,]+)[%]?$/.exec(s); if (!match) { return null; } return parseFloat(`${(match[1] || match[2]) + match[3]}`.replace(/,/g, "")); }; const isNumericColumn = (lines: string[][], columnIndex: number) => lines.slice(1).every((line) => tryParseNumber(line[columnIndex]) !== null); /** * @private exported for testing */ export const tryParseCells = (cells: string[][]): ParseSpreadsheetResult => { const numCols = cells[0].length; if (numCols > 2) { return { type: NOT_SPREADSHEET, reason: "More than 2 columns" }; } if (numCols === 1) { if (!isNumericColumn(cells, 0)) { return { type: NOT_SPREADSHEET, reason: "Value is not numeric" }; } const hasHeader = tryParseNumber(cells[0][0]) === null; const values = (hasHeader ? cells.slice(1) : cells).map((line) => tryParseNumber(line[0]), ); if (values.length < 2) { return { type: NOT_SPREADSHEET, reason: "Less than two rows" }; } return { type: VALID_SPREADSHEET, spreadsheet: { title: hasHeader ? cells[0][0] : null, labels: null, values: values as number[], }, }; } const labelColumnNumeric = isNumericColumn(cells, 0); const valueColumnNumeric = isNumericColumn(cells, 1); if (!labelColumnNumeric && !valueColumnNumeric) { return { type: NOT_SPREADSHEET, reason: "Value is not numeric" }; } const [labelColumnIndex, valueColumnIndex] = valueColumnNumeric ? [0, 1] : [1, 0]; const hasHeader = tryParseNumber(cells[0][valueColumnIndex]) === null; const rows = hasHeader ? cells.slice(1) : cells; if (rows.length < 2) { return { type: NOT_SPREADSHEET, reason: "Less than 2 rows" }; } return { type: VALID_SPREADSHEET, spreadsheet: { title: hasHeader ? cells[0][valueColumnIndex] : null, labels: => row[labelColumnIndex]), values: => tryParseNumber(row[valueColumnIndex])!), }, }; }; const transposeCells = (cells: string[][]) => { const nextCells: string[][] = []; for (let col = 0; col < cells[0].length; col++) { const nextCellRow: string[] = []; for (let row = 0; row < cells.length; row++) { nextCellRow.push(cells[row][col]); } nextCells.push(nextCellRow); } return nextCells; }; export const tryParseSpreadsheet = (text: string): ParseSpreadsheetResult => { // Copy/paste from excel, spreadsheets, tsv, csv. // For now we only accept 2 columns with an optional header // Check for tab separated values let lines = text .trim() .split("\n") .map((line) => line.trim().split("\t")); // Check for comma separated files if (lines.length && lines[0].length !== 2) { lines = text .trim() .split("\n") .map((line) => line.trim().split(",")); } if (lines.length === 0) { return { type: NOT_SPREADSHEET, reason: "No values" }; } const numColsFirstLine = lines[0].length; const isSpreadsheet = lines.every((line) => line.length === numColsFirstLine); if (!isSpreadsheet) { return { type: NOT_SPREADSHEET, reason: "All rows don't have same number of columns", }; } const result = tryParseCells(lines); if (result.type !== VALID_SPREADSHEET) { const transposedResults = tryParseCells(transposeCells(lines)); if (transposedResults.type === VALID_SPREADSHEET) { return transposedResults; } } return result; }; const bgColors = getAllColorsSpecificShade(DEFAULT_CHART_COLOR_INDEX); // Put all the common properties here so when the whole chart is selected // the properties dialog shows the correct selected values const commonProps = { fillStyle: "hachure", fontFamily: DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY, fontSize: DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, opacity: 100, roughness: 1, strokeColor:, roundness: null, strokeStyle: "solid", strokeWidth: 1, verticalAlign: VERTICAL_ALIGN.MIDDLE, locked: false, } as const; const getChartDimensions = (spreadsheet: Spreadsheet) => { const chartWidth = (BAR_WIDTH + BAR_GAP) * spreadsheet.values.length + BAR_GAP; const chartHeight = BAR_HEIGHT + BAR_GAP * 2; return { chartWidth, chartHeight }; }; const chartXLabels = ( spreadsheet: Spreadsheet, x: number, y: number, groupId: string, backgroundColor: string, ): ChartElements => { return ( spreadsheet.labels?.map((label, index) => { return newTextElement({ groupIds: [groupId], backgroundColor, ...commonProps, text: label.length > 8 ? `${label.slice(0, 5)}...` : label, x: x + index * (BAR_WIDTH + BAR_GAP) + BAR_GAP * 2, y: y + BAR_GAP / 2, width: BAR_WIDTH, angle: 5.87, fontSize: 16, textAlign: "center", verticalAlign: "top", }); }) || [] ); }; const chartYLabels = ( spreadsheet: Spreadsheet, x: number, y: number, groupId: string, backgroundColor: string, ): ChartElements => { const minYLabel = newTextElement({ groupIds: [groupId], backgroundColor, ...commonProps, x: x - BAR_GAP, y: y - BAR_GAP, text: "0", textAlign: "right", }); const maxYLabel = newTextElement({ groupIds: [groupId], backgroundColor, ...commonProps, x: x - BAR_GAP, y: y - BAR_HEIGHT - minYLabel.height / 2, text: Math.max(...spreadsheet.values).toLocaleString(), textAlign: "right", }); return [minYLabel, maxYLabel]; }; const chartLines = ( spreadsheet: Spreadsheet, x: number, y: number, groupId: string, backgroundColor: string, ): ChartElements => { const { chartWidth, chartHeight } = getChartDimensions(spreadsheet); const xLine = newLinearElement({ backgroundColor, groupIds: [groupId], ...commonProps, type: "line", x, y, width: chartWidth, points: [ [0, 0], [chartWidth, 0], ], }); const yLine = newLinearElement({ backgroundColor, groupIds: [groupId], ...commonProps, type: "line", x, y, height: chartHeight, points: [ [0, 0], [0, -chartHeight], ], }); const maxLine = newLinearElement({ backgroundColor, groupIds: [groupId], ...commonProps, type: "line", x, y: y - BAR_HEIGHT - BAR_GAP, strokeStyle: "dotted", width: chartWidth, opacity: GRID_OPACITY, points: [ [0, 0], [chartWidth, 0], ], }); return [xLine, yLine, maxLine]; }; // For the maths behind it,O_5xfD-Agh32tytHpRJx1g const chartBaseElements = ( spreadsheet: Spreadsheet, x: number, y: number, groupId: string, backgroundColor: string, debug?: boolean, ): ChartElements => { const { chartWidth, chartHeight } = getChartDimensions(spreadsheet); const title = spreadsheet.title ? newTextElement({ backgroundColor, groupIds: [groupId], ...commonProps, text: spreadsheet.title, x: x + chartWidth / 2, y: y - BAR_HEIGHT - BAR_GAP * 2 - DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, roundness: null, textAlign: "center", }) : null; const debugRect = debug ? newElement({ backgroundColor, groupIds: [groupId], ...commonProps, type: "rectangle", x, y: y - chartHeight, width: chartWidth, height: chartHeight, strokeColor:, fillStyle: "solid", opacity: 6, }) : null; return [ ...(debugRect ? [debugRect] : []), ...(title ? [title] : []), ...chartXLabels(spreadsheet, x, y, groupId, backgroundColor), ...chartYLabels(spreadsheet, x, y, groupId, backgroundColor), ...chartLines(spreadsheet, x, y, groupId, backgroundColor), ]; }; const chartTypeBar = ( spreadsheet: Spreadsheet, x: number, y: number, ): ChartElements => { const max = Math.max(...spreadsheet.values); const groupId = randomId(); const backgroundColor = bgColors[Math.floor(Math.random() * bgColors.length)]; const bars =, index) => { const barHeight = (value / max) * BAR_HEIGHT; return newElement({ backgroundColor, groupIds: [groupId], ...commonProps, type: "rectangle", x: x + index * (BAR_WIDTH + BAR_GAP) + BAR_GAP, y: y - barHeight - BAR_GAP, width: BAR_WIDTH, height: barHeight, }); }); return [ ...bars, ...chartBaseElements( spreadsheet, x, y, groupId, backgroundColor, import.meta.env.DEV, ), ]; }; const chartTypeLine = ( spreadsheet: Spreadsheet, x: number, y: number, ): ChartElements => { const max = Math.max(...spreadsheet.values); const groupId = randomId(); const backgroundColor = bgColors[Math.floor(Math.random() * bgColors.length)]; let index = 0; const points = []; for (const value of spreadsheet.values) { const cx = index * (BAR_WIDTH + BAR_GAP); const cy = -(value / max) * BAR_HEIGHT; points.push([cx, cy]); index++; } const maxX = Math.max( => element[0])); const maxY = Math.max( => element[1])); const minX = Math.min( => element[0])); const minY = Math.min( => element[1])); const line = newLinearElement({ backgroundColor, groupIds: [groupId], ...commonProps, type: "line", x: x + BAR_GAP + BAR_WIDTH / 2, y: y - BAR_GAP, height: maxY - minY, width: maxX - minX, strokeWidth: 2, points: points as any, }); const dots =, index) => { const cx = index * (BAR_WIDTH + BAR_GAP) + BAR_GAP / 2; const cy = -(value / max) * BAR_HEIGHT + BAR_GAP / 2; return newElement({ backgroundColor, groupIds: [groupId], ...commonProps, fillStyle: "solid", strokeWidth: 2, type: "ellipse", x: x + cx + BAR_WIDTH / 2, y: y + cy - BAR_GAP * 2, width: BAR_GAP, height: BAR_GAP, }); }); const lines =, index) => { const cx = index * (BAR_WIDTH + BAR_GAP) + BAR_GAP / 2; const cy = (value / max) * BAR_HEIGHT + BAR_GAP / 2 + BAR_GAP; return newLinearElement({ backgroundColor, groupIds: [groupId], ...commonProps, type: "line", x: x + cx + BAR_WIDTH / 2 + BAR_GAP / 2, y: y - cy, height: cy, strokeStyle: "dotted", opacity: GRID_OPACITY, points: [ [0, 0], [0, cy], ], }); }); return [ ...chartBaseElements( spreadsheet, x, y, groupId, backgroundColor, import.meta.env.DEV, ), line, ...lines, ...dots, ]; }; export const renderSpreadsheet = ( chartType: string, spreadsheet: Spreadsheet, x: number, y: number, ): ChartElements => { if (chartType === "line") { return chartTypeLine(spreadsheet, x, y); } return chartTypeBar(spreadsheet, x, y); };