import { getFontString, arrayToMap, isTestEnv, normalizeEOL } from "../utils"; import type { ElementsMap, ExcalidrawElement, ExcalidrawElementType, ExcalidrawTextContainer, ExcalidrawTextElement, ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer, FontString, NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, } from "./types"; import { mutateElement } from "./mutateElement"; import { ARROW_LABEL_FONT_SIZE_TO_MIN_WIDTH_RATIO, ARROW_LABEL_WIDTH_FRACTION, BOUND_TEXT_PADDING, DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, TEXT_ALIGN, VERTICAL_ALIGN, } from "../constants"; import type { MaybeTransformHandleType } from "./transformHandles"; import { isTextElement } from "."; import { isBoundToContainer, isArrowElement } from "./typeChecks"; import { LinearElementEditor } from "./linearElementEditor"; import type { AppState } from "../types"; import { resetOriginalContainerCache, updateOriginalContainerCache, } from "./containerCache"; import type { ExtractSetType } from "../utility-types"; export const normalizeText = (text: string) => { return ( normalizeEOL(text) // replace tabs with spaces so they render and measure correctly .replace(/\t/g, " ") ); }; const splitIntoLines = (text: string) => { return normalizeText(text).split("\n"); }; export const redrawTextBoundingBox = ( textElement: ExcalidrawTextElement, container: ExcalidrawElement | null, elementsMap: ElementsMap, informMutation = true, ) => { let maxWidth = undefined; const boundTextUpdates = { x: textElement.x, y: textElement.y, text: textElement.text, width: textElement.width, height: textElement.height, angle: container?.angle ?? textElement.angle, }; boundTextUpdates.text = textElement.text; if (container || !textElement.autoResize) { maxWidth = container ? getBoundTextMaxWidth(container, textElement) : textElement.width; boundTextUpdates.text = wrapText( textElement.originalText, getFontString(textElement), maxWidth, ); } const metrics = measureText( boundTextUpdates.text, getFontString(textElement), textElement.lineHeight, ); // Note: only update width for unwrapped text and bound texts (which always have autoResize set to true) if (textElement.autoResize) { boundTextUpdates.width = metrics.width; } boundTextUpdates.height = metrics.height; if (container) { const maxContainerHeight = getBoundTextMaxHeight( container, textElement as ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer, ); const maxContainerWidth = getBoundTextMaxWidth(container, textElement); if (!isArrowElement(container) && metrics.height > maxContainerHeight) { const nextHeight = computeContainerDimensionForBoundText( metrics.height, container.type, ); mutateElement(container, { height: nextHeight }, informMutation); updateOriginalContainerCache(, nextHeight); } if (metrics.width > maxContainerWidth) { const nextWidth = computeContainerDimensionForBoundText( metrics.width, container.type, ); mutateElement(container, { width: nextWidth }, informMutation); } const updatedTextElement = { ...textElement, ...boundTextUpdates, } as ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer; const { x, y } = computeBoundTextPosition( container, updatedTextElement, elementsMap, ); boundTextUpdates.x = x; boundTextUpdates.y = y; } mutateElement(textElement, boundTextUpdates, informMutation); }; export const bindTextToShapeAfterDuplication = ( newElements: ExcalidrawElement[], oldElements: ExcalidrawElement[], oldIdToDuplicatedId: Map, ): void => { const newElementsMap = arrayToMap(newElements) as Map< ExcalidrawElement["id"], ExcalidrawElement >; oldElements.forEach((element) => { const newElementId = oldIdToDuplicatedId.get( as string; const boundTextElementId = getBoundTextElementId(element); if (boundTextElementId) { const newTextElementId = oldIdToDuplicatedId.get(boundTextElementId); if (newTextElementId) { const newContainer = newElementsMap.get(newElementId); if (newContainer) { mutateElement(newContainer, { boundElements: (element.boundElements || []) .filter( (boundElement) => !== newTextElementId && !== boundTextElementId, ) .concat({ type: "text", id: newTextElementId, }), }); } const newTextElement = newElementsMap.get(newTextElementId); if (newTextElement && isTextElement(newTextElement)) { mutateElement(newTextElement, { containerId: newContainer ? newElementId : null, }); } } } }); }; export const handleBindTextResize = ( container: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, elementsMap: ElementsMap, transformHandleType: MaybeTransformHandleType, shouldMaintainAspectRatio = false, ) => { const boundTextElementId = getBoundTextElementId(container); if (!boundTextElementId) { return; } resetOriginalContainerCache(; const textElement = getBoundTextElement(container, elementsMap); if (textElement && textElement.text) { if (!container) { return; } let text = textElement.text; let nextHeight = textElement.height; let nextWidth = textElement.width; const maxWidth = getBoundTextMaxWidth(container, textElement); const maxHeight = getBoundTextMaxHeight(container, textElement); let containerHeight = container.height; if ( shouldMaintainAspectRatio || (transformHandleType !== "n" && transformHandleType !== "s") ) { if (text) { text = wrapText( textElement.originalText, getFontString(textElement), maxWidth, ); } const metrics = measureText( text, getFontString(textElement), textElement.lineHeight, ); nextHeight = metrics.height; nextWidth = metrics.width; } // increase height in case text element height exceeds if (nextHeight > maxHeight) { containerHeight = computeContainerDimensionForBoundText( nextHeight, container.type, ); const diff = containerHeight - container.height; // fix the y coord when resizing from ne/nw/n const updatedY = !isArrowElement(container) && (transformHandleType === "ne" || transformHandleType === "nw" || transformHandleType === "n") ? container.y - diff : container.y; mutateElement(container, { height: containerHeight, y: updatedY, }); } mutateElement(textElement, { text, width: nextWidth, height: nextHeight, }); if (!isArrowElement(container)) { mutateElement( textElement, computeBoundTextPosition(container, textElement, elementsMap), ); } } }; export const computeBoundTextPosition = ( container: ExcalidrawElement, boundTextElement: ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ) => { if (isArrowElement(container)) { return LinearElementEditor.getBoundTextElementPosition( container, boundTextElement, elementsMap, ); } const containerCoords = getContainerCoords(container); const maxContainerHeight = getBoundTextMaxHeight(container, boundTextElement); const maxContainerWidth = getBoundTextMaxWidth(container, boundTextElement); let x; let y; if (boundTextElement.verticalAlign === VERTICAL_ALIGN.TOP) { y = containerCoords.y; } else if (boundTextElement.verticalAlign === VERTICAL_ALIGN.BOTTOM) { y = containerCoords.y + (maxContainerHeight - boundTextElement.height); } else { y = containerCoords.y + (maxContainerHeight / 2 - boundTextElement.height / 2); } if (boundTextElement.textAlign === TEXT_ALIGN.LEFT) { x = containerCoords.x; } else if (boundTextElement.textAlign === TEXT_ALIGN.RIGHT) { x = containerCoords.x + (maxContainerWidth - boundTextElement.width); } else { x = containerCoords.x + (maxContainerWidth / 2 - boundTextElement.width / 2); } return { x, y }; }; export const measureText = ( text: string, font: FontString, lineHeight: ExcalidrawTextElement["lineHeight"], forceAdvanceWidth?: true, ) => { const _text = text .split("\n") // replace empty lines with single space because leading/trailing empty // lines would be stripped from computation .map((x) => x || " ") .join("\n"); const fontSize = parseFloat(font); const height = getTextHeight(_text, fontSize, lineHeight); const width = getTextWidth(_text, font, forceAdvanceWidth); return { width, height }; }; /** * To get unitless line-height (if unknown) we can calculate it by dividing * height-per-line by fontSize. */ export const detectLineHeight = (textElement: ExcalidrawTextElement) => { const lineCount = splitIntoLines(textElement.text).length; return (textElement.height / lineCount / textElement.fontSize) as ExcalidrawTextElement["lineHeight"]; }; /** * We calculate the line height from the font size and the unitless line height, * aligning with the W3C spec. */ export const getLineHeightInPx = ( fontSize: ExcalidrawTextElement["fontSize"], lineHeight: ExcalidrawTextElement["lineHeight"], ) => { return fontSize * lineHeight; }; // FIXME rename to getApproxMinContainerHeight export const getApproxMinLineHeight = ( fontSize: ExcalidrawTextElement["fontSize"], lineHeight: ExcalidrawTextElement["lineHeight"], ) => { return getLineHeightInPx(fontSize, lineHeight) + BOUND_TEXT_PADDING * 2; }; let canvas: HTMLCanvasElement | undefined; /** * @param forceAdvanceWidth use to force retrieve the "advance width" ~ `metrics.width`, instead of the actual boundind box width. * * > The advance width is the distance between the glyph's initial pen position and the next glyph's initial pen position. * * We need to use the advance width as that's the closest thing to the browser wrapping algo, hence using it for: * - text wrapping * - wysiwyg editor (+padding) * * Everything else should be based on the actual bounding box width. * * `Math.ceil` of the final width adds additional buffer which stabilizes slight wrapping incosistencies. */ const getLineWidth = ( text: string, font: FontString, forceAdvanceWidth?: true, ) => { if (!canvas) { canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); } const canvas2dContext = canvas.getContext("2d")!; canvas2dContext.font = font; const metrics = canvas2dContext.measureText(text); const advanceWidth = metrics.width; // retrieve the actual bounding box width if these metrics are available (as of now > 95% coverage) if ( !forceAdvanceWidth && window.TextMetrics && "actualBoundingBoxLeft" in window.TextMetrics.prototype && "actualBoundingBoxRight" in window.TextMetrics.prototype ) { // could be negative, therefore getting the absolute value const actualWidth = Math.abs(metrics.actualBoundingBoxLeft) + Math.abs(metrics.actualBoundingBoxRight); // fallback to advance width if the actual width is zero, i.e. on text editing start // or when actual width does not respect whitespace chars, i.e. spaces // otherwise actual width should always be bigger return Math.max(actualWidth, advanceWidth); } // since in test env the canvas measureText algo // doesn't measure text and instead just returns number of // characters hence we assume that each letteris 10px if (isTestEnv()) { return advanceWidth * 10; } return advanceWidth; }; export const getTextWidth = ( text: string, font: FontString, forceAdvanceWidth?: true, ) => { const lines = splitIntoLines(text); let width = 0; lines.forEach((line) => { width = Math.max(width, getLineWidth(line, font, forceAdvanceWidth)); }); return width; }; export const getTextHeight = ( text: string, fontSize: number, lineHeight: ExcalidrawTextElement["lineHeight"], ) => { const lineCount = splitIntoLines(text).length; return getLineHeightInPx(fontSize, lineHeight) * lineCount; }; export const parseTokens = (text: string) => { // Splitting words containing "-" as those are treated as separate words // by css wrapping algorithm eg non-profit => non-, profit const words = text.split("-"); if (words.length > 1) { // non-proft org => ['non-', 'profit org'] words.forEach((word, index) => { if (index !== words.length - 1) { words[index] = word += "-"; } }); } // Joining the words with space and splitting them again with space to get the // final list of tokens // ['non-', 'profit org'] =>,'non- proft org' => ['non-','profit','org'] return words.join(" ").split(" "); }; export const wrapText = ( text: string, font: FontString, maxWidth: number, ): string => { // if maxWidth is not finite or NaN which can happen in case of bugs in // computation, we need to make sure we don't continue as we'll end up // in an infinite loop if (!Number.isFinite(maxWidth) || maxWidth < 0) { return text; } const lines: Array = []; const originalLines = text.split("\n"); const spaceAdvanceWidth = getLineWidth(" ", font, true); let currentLine = ""; let currentLineWidthTillNow = 0; const push = (str: string) => { if (str.trim()) { lines.push(str); } }; const resetParams = () => { currentLine = ""; currentLineWidthTillNow = 0; }; for (const originalLine of originalLines) { const currentLineWidth = getLineWidth(originalLine, font, true); // Push the line if its <= maxWidth if (currentLineWidth <= maxWidth) { lines.push(originalLine); continue; } const words = parseTokens(originalLine); resetParams(); let index = 0; while (index < words.length) { const currentWordWidth = getLineWidth(words[index], font, true); // This will only happen when single word takes entire width if (currentWordWidth === maxWidth) { push(words[index]); index++; } // Start breaking longer words exceeding max width else if (currentWordWidth > maxWidth) { // push current line since the current word exceeds the max width // so will be appended in next line push(currentLine); resetParams(); while (words[index].length > 0) { const currentChar = String.fromCodePoint( words[index].codePointAt(0)!, ); const line = currentLine + currentChar; // use advance width instead of the actual width as it's closest to the browser wapping algo // use width of the whole line instead of calculating individual chars to accomodate for kerning const lineAdvanceWidth = getLineWidth(line, font, true); const charAdvanceWidth = charWidth.calculate(currentChar, font); currentLineWidthTillNow = lineAdvanceWidth; words[index] = words[index].slice(currentChar.length); if (currentLineWidthTillNow >= maxWidth) { push(currentLine); currentLine = currentChar; currentLineWidthTillNow = charAdvanceWidth; } else { currentLine = line; } } // push current line if appending space exceeds max width if (currentLineWidthTillNow + spaceAdvanceWidth >= maxWidth) { push(currentLine); resetParams(); // space needs to be appended before next word // as currentLine contains chars which couldn't be appended // to previous line unless the line ends with hyphen to sync // with css word-wrap } else if (!currentLine.endsWith("-")) { currentLine += " "; currentLineWidthTillNow += spaceAdvanceWidth; } index++; } else { // Start appending words in a line till max width reached while (currentLineWidthTillNow < maxWidth && index < words.length) { const word = words[index]; currentLineWidthTillNow = getLineWidth( currentLine + word, font, true, ); if (currentLineWidthTillNow > maxWidth) { push(currentLine); resetParams(); break; } index++; // if word ends with "-" then we don't need to add space // to sync with css word-wrap const shouldAppendSpace = !word.endsWith("-"); currentLine += word; if (shouldAppendSpace) { currentLine += " "; } // Push the word if appending space exceeds max width if (currentLineWidthTillNow + spaceAdvanceWidth >= maxWidth) { if (shouldAppendSpace) { lines.push(currentLine.slice(0, -1)); } else { lines.push(currentLine); } resetParams(); break; } } } } if (currentLine.slice(-1) === " ") { // only remove last trailing space which we have added when joining words currentLine = currentLine.slice(0, -1); push(currentLine); } } return lines.join("\n"); }; export const charWidth = (() => { const cachedCharWidth: { [key: FontString]: Array } = {}; const calculate = (char: string, font: FontString) => { const ascii = char.charCodeAt(0); if (!cachedCharWidth[font]) { cachedCharWidth[font] = []; } if (!cachedCharWidth[font][ascii]) { const width = getLineWidth(char, font, true); cachedCharWidth[font][ascii] = width; } return cachedCharWidth[font][ascii]; }; const getCache = (font: FontString) => { return cachedCharWidth[font]; }; return { calculate, getCache, }; })(); const DUMMY_TEXT = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789".toLocaleUpperCase(); // FIXME rename to getApproxMinContainerWidth export const getApproxMinLineWidth = ( font: FontString, lineHeight: ExcalidrawTextElement["lineHeight"], ) => { const maxCharWidth = getMaxCharWidth(font); if (maxCharWidth === 0) { return ( measureText(DUMMY_TEXT.split("").join("\n"), font, lineHeight).width + BOUND_TEXT_PADDING * 2 ); } return maxCharWidth + BOUND_TEXT_PADDING * 2; }; export const getMinCharWidth = (font: FontString) => { const cache = charWidth.getCache(font); if (!cache) { return 0; } const cacheWithOutEmpty = cache.filter((val) => val !== undefined); return Math.min(...cacheWithOutEmpty); }; export const getMaxCharWidth = (font: FontString) => { const cache = charWidth.getCache(font); if (!cache) { return 0; } const cacheWithOutEmpty = cache.filter((val) => val !== undefined); return Math.max(...cacheWithOutEmpty); }; export const getBoundTextElementId = (container: ExcalidrawElement | null) => { return container?.boundElements?.length ? container?.boundElements?.find((ele) => ele.type === "text")?.id || null : null; }; export const getBoundTextElement = ( element: ExcalidrawElement | null, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ) => { if (!element) { return null; } const boundTextElementId = getBoundTextElementId(element); if (boundTextElementId) { return (elementsMap.get(boundTextElementId) || null) as ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer | null; } return null; }; export const getContainerElement = ( element: ExcalidrawTextElement | null, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ): ExcalidrawTextContainer | null => { if (!element) { return null; } if (element.containerId) { return (elementsMap.get(element.containerId) || null) as ExcalidrawTextContainer | null; } return null; }; export const getContainerCenter = ( container: ExcalidrawElement, appState: AppState, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ) => { if (!isArrowElement(container)) { return { x: container.x + container.width / 2, y: container.y + container.height / 2, }; } const points = LinearElementEditor.getPointsGlobalCoordinates( container, elementsMap, ); if (points.length % 2 === 1) { const index = Math.floor(container.points.length / 2); const midPoint = LinearElementEditor.getPointGlobalCoordinates( container, container.points[index], elementsMap, ); return { x: midPoint[0], y: midPoint[1] }; } const index = container.points.length / 2 - 1; let midSegmentMidpoint = LinearElementEditor.getEditorMidPoints( container, elementsMap, appState, )[index]; if (!midSegmentMidpoint) { midSegmentMidpoint = LinearElementEditor.getSegmentMidPoint( container, points[index], points[index + 1], index + 1, elementsMap, ); } return { x: midSegmentMidpoint[0], y: midSegmentMidpoint[1] }; }; export const getContainerCoords = (container: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement) => { let offsetX = BOUND_TEXT_PADDING; let offsetY = BOUND_TEXT_PADDING; if (container.type === "ellipse") { // The derivation of coordinates is explained in offsetX += (container.width / 2) * (1 - Math.sqrt(2) / 2); offsetY += (container.height / 2) * (1 - Math.sqrt(2) / 2); } // The derivation of coordinates is explained in if (container.type === "diamond") { offsetX += container.width / 4; offsetY += container.height / 4; } return { x: container.x + offsetX, y: container.y + offsetY, }; }; export const getTextElementAngle = ( textElement: ExcalidrawTextElement, container: ExcalidrawTextContainer | null, ) => { if (!container || isArrowElement(container)) { return textElement.angle; } return container.angle; }; export const getBoundTextElementPosition = ( container: ExcalidrawElement, boundTextElement: ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ) => { if (isArrowElement(container)) { return LinearElementEditor.getBoundTextElementPosition( container, boundTextElement, elementsMap, ); } }; export const shouldAllowVerticalAlign = ( selectedElements: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], elementsMap: ElementsMap, ) => { return selectedElements.some((element) => { if (isBoundToContainer(element)) { const container = getContainerElement(element, elementsMap); if (isArrowElement(container)) { return false; } return true; } return false; }); }; export const suppportsHorizontalAlign = ( selectedElements: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], elementsMap: ElementsMap, ) => { return selectedElements.some((element) => { if (isBoundToContainer(element)) { const container = getContainerElement(element, elementsMap); if (isArrowElement(container)) { return false; } return true; } return isTextElement(element); }); }; const VALID_CONTAINER_TYPES = new Set([ "rectangle", "ellipse", "diamond", "arrow", ]); export const isValidTextContainer = (element: { type: ExcalidrawElementType; }) => VALID_CONTAINER_TYPES.has(element.type); export const computeContainerDimensionForBoundText = ( dimension: number, containerType: ExtractSetType, ) => { dimension = Math.ceil(dimension); const padding = BOUND_TEXT_PADDING * 2; if (containerType === "ellipse") { return Math.round(((dimension + padding) / Math.sqrt(2)) * 2); } if (containerType === "arrow") { return dimension + padding * 8; } if (containerType === "diamond") { return 2 * (dimension + padding); } return dimension + padding; }; export const getBoundTextMaxWidth = ( container: ExcalidrawElement, boundTextElement: ExcalidrawTextElement | null, ) => { const { width } = container; if (isArrowElement(container)) { const minWidth = (boundTextElement?.fontSize ?? DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE) * ARROW_LABEL_FONT_SIZE_TO_MIN_WIDTH_RATIO; return Math.max(ARROW_LABEL_WIDTH_FRACTION * width, minWidth); } if (container.type === "ellipse") { // The width of the largest rectangle inscribed inside an ellipse is // Math.round((ellipse.width / 2) * Math.sqrt(2)) which is derived from // equation of an ellipse - return Math.round((width / 2) * Math.sqrt(2)) - BOUND_TEXT_PADDING * 2; } if (container.type === "diamond") { // The width of the largest rectangle inscribed inside a rhombus is // Math.round(width / 2) - return Math.round(width / 2) - BOUND_TEXT_PADDING * 2; } return width - BOUND_TEXT_PADDING * 2; }; export const getBoundTextMaxHeight = ( container: ExcalidrawElement, boundTextElement: ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer, ) => { const { height } = container; if (isArrowElement(container)) { const containerHeight = height - BOUND_TEXT_PADDING * 8 * 2; if (containerHeight <= 0) { return boundTextElement.height; } return height; } if (container.type === "ellipse") { // The height of the largest rectangle inscribed inside an ellipse is // Math.round((ellipse.height / 2) * Math.sqrt(2)) which is derived from // equation of an ellipse - return Math.round((height / 2) * Math.sqrt(2)) - BOUND_TEXT_PADDING * 2; } if (container.type === "diamond") { // The height of the largest rectangle inscribed inside a rhombus is // Math.round(height / 2) - return Math.round(height / 2) - BOUND_TEXT_PADDING * 2; } return height - BOUND_TEXT_PADDING * 2; }; export const isMeasureTextSupported = () => { const width = getTextWidth( DUMMY_TEXT, getFontString({ fontSize: DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, fontFamily: DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY, }), ); return width > 0; }; export const getMinTextElementWidth = ( font: FontString, lineHeight: ExcalidrawTextElement["lineHeight"], ) => { return measureText("", font, lineHeight).width + BOUND_TEXT_PADDING * 2; }; /** retrieves text from text elements and concatenates to a single string */ export const getTextFromElements = ( elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], separator = "\n\n", ) => { const text = elements .reduce((acc: string[], element) => { if (isTextElement(element)) { acc.push(element.text); } return acc; }, []) .join(separator); return text; };