import { fileOpen, fileSave } from "./filesystem"; import { cleanAppStateForExport, clearAppStateForDatabase } from "../appState"; import { DEFAULT_FILENAME, EXPORT_DATA_TYPES, EXPORT_SOURCE, MIME_TYPES, VERSIONS, } from "../constants"; import { clearElementsForDatabase, clearElementsForExport } from "../element"; import { ExcalidrawElement } from "../element/types"; import { AppState, BinaryFiles, LibraryItems } from "../types"; import { isImageFileHandle, loadFromBlob, normalizeFile } from "./blob"; import { ExportedDataState, ImportedDataState, ExportedLibraryData, ImportedLibraryData, } from "./types"; /** * Strips out files which are only referenced by deleted elements */ const filterOutDeletedFiles = ( elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], files: BinaryFiles, ) => { const nextFiles: BinaryFiles = {}; for (const element of elements) { if ( !element.isDeleted && "fileId" in element && element.fileId && files[element.fileId] ) { nextFiles[element.fileId] = files[element.fileId]; } } return nextFiles; }; export const serializeAsJSON = ( elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], appState: Partial<AppState>, files: BinaryFiles, type: "local" | "database", ): string => { const data: ExportedDataState = { type: EXPORT_DATA_TYPES.excalidraw, version: VERSIONS.excalidraw, source: EXPORT_SOURCE, elements: type === "local" ? clearElementsForExport(elements) : clearElementsForDatabase(elements), appState: type === "local" ? cleanAppStateForExport(appState) : clearAppStateForDatabase(appState), files: type === "local" ? filterOutDeletedFiles(elements, files) : // will be stripped from JSON undefined, }; return JSON.stringify(data, null, 2); }; export const saveAsJSON = async ( elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], appState: AppState, files: BinaryFiles, /** filename */ name: string = || DEFAULT_FILENAME, ) => { const serialized = serializeAsJSON(elements, appState, files, "local"); const blob = new Blob([serialized], { type: MIME_TYPES.excalidraw, }); const fileHandle = await fileSave(blob, { name, extension: "excalidraw", description: "Excalidraw file", fileHandle: isImageFileHandle(appState.fileHandle) ? null : appState.fileHandle, }); return { fileHandle }; }; export const loadFromJSON = async ( localAppState: AppState, localElements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[] | null, ) => { const file = await fileOpen({ description: "Excalidraw files", // ToDo: Be over-permissive until // gets resolved. Else, iOS users cannot open `.excalidraw` files. // extensions: ["json", "excalidraw", "png", "svg"], }); return loadFromBlob( await normalizeFile(file), localAppState, localElements, file.handle, ); }; export const isValidExcalidrawData = (data?: { type?: any; elements?: any; appState?: any; }): data is ImportedDataState => { return ( data?.type === EXPORT_DATA_TYPES.excalidraw && (!data.elements || (Array.isArray(data.elements) && (!data.appState || typeof data.appState === "object"))) ); }; export const isValidLibrary = (json: any): json is ImportedLibraryData => { return ( typeof json === "object" && json && json.type === EXPORT_DATA_TYPES.excalidrawLibrary && (json.version === 1 || json.version === 2) ); }; export const serializeLibraryAsJSON = (libraryItems: LibraryItems) => { const data: ExportedLibraryData = { type: EXPORT_DATA_TYPES.excalidrawLibrary, version: VERSIONS.excalidrawLibrary, source: EXPORT_SOURCE, libraryItems, }; return JSON.stringify(data, null, 2); }; export const saveLibraryAsJSON = async (libraryItems: LibraryItems) => { const serialized = serializeLibraryAsJSON(libraryItems); await fileSave( new Blob([serialized], { type: MIME_TYPES.excalidrawlib, }), { name: "library", extension: "excalidrawlib", description: "Excalidraw library file", }, ); };