import React, { useEffect } from "react"; import { InitializeApp } from "./components/InitializeApp"; import App from "./components/App"; import { isShallowEqual } from "./utils"; import "./css/app.scss"; import "./css/styles.scss"; import { AppProps, ExcalidrawProps } from "./types"; import { defaultLang } from "./i18n"; import { DEFAULT_UI_OPTIONS } from "./constants"; import { Provider } from "jotai"; import { jotaiScope, jotaiStore } from "./jotai"; import Footer from "./components/footer/FooterCenter"; import MainMenu from "./components/main-menu/MainMenu"; import WelcomeScreen from "./components/welcome-screen/WelcomeScreen"; import LiveCollaborationTrigger from "./components/live-collaboration/LiveCollaborationTrigger"; const ExcalidrawBase = (props: ExcalidrawProps) => { const { onChange, initialData, excalidrawAPI, isCollaborating = false, onPointerUpdate, renderTopRightUI, langCode = defaultLang.code, viewModeEnabled, zenModeEnabled, gridModeEnabled, libraryReturnUrl, theme, name, renderCustomStats, onPaste, detectScroll = true, handleKeyboardGlobally = false, onLibraryChange, autoFocus = false, generateIdForFile, onLinkOpen, onPointerDown, onScrollChange, children, validateEmbeddable, renderEmbeddable, aiEnabled, } = props; const canvasActions = props.UIOptions?.canvasActions; // FIXME normalize/set defaults in parent component so that the memo resolver // compares the same values const UIOptions: AppProps["UIOptions"] = { ...props.UIOptions, canvasActions: { ...DEFAULT_UI_OPTIONS.canvasActions, ...canvasActions, }, tools: { image: props.UIOptions?.tools?.image ?? true, }, }; if (canvasActions?.export) { UIOptions.canvasActions.export.saveFileToDisk = canvasActions.export?.saveFileToDisk ?? DEFAULT_UI_OPTIONS.canvasActions.export.saveFileToDisk; } if ( UIOptions.canvasActions.toggleTheme === null && typeof theme === "undefined" ) { UIOptions.canvasActions.toggleTheme = true; } useEffect(() => { // Block pinch-zooming on iOS outside of the content area const handleTouchMove = (event: TouchEvent) => { // @ts-ignore if (typeof event.scale === "number" && event.scale !== 1) { event.preventDefault(); } }; document.addEventListener("touchmove", handleTouchMove, { passive: false, }); return () => { document.removeEventListener("touchmove", handleTouchMove); }; }, []); return ( jotaiStore} scope={jotaiScope}> {children} ); }; const areEqual = (prevProps: ExcalidrawProps, nextProps: ExcalidrawProps) => { // short-circuit early if (prevProps.children !== nextProps.children) { return false; } const { initialData: prevInitialData, UIOptions: prevUIOptions = {}, ...prev } = prevProps; const { initialData: nextInitialData, UIOptions: nextUIOptions = {}, } = nextProps; // comparing UIOptions const prevUIOptionsKeys = Object.keys(prevUIOptions) as (keyof Partial< typeof DEFAULT_UI_OPTIONS >)[]; const nextUIOptionsKeys = Object.keys(nextUIOptions) as (keyof Partial< typeof DEFAULT_UI_OPTIONS >)[]; if (prevUIOptionsKeys.length !== nextUIOptionsKeys.length) { return false; } const isUIOptionsSame = prevUIOptionsKeys.every((key) => { if (key === "canvasActions") { const canvasOptionKeys = Object.keys( prevUIOptions.canvasActions!, ) as (keyof Partial)[]; return canvasOptionKeys.every((key) => { if ( key === "export" && prevUIOptions?.canvasActions?.export && nextUIOptions?.canvasActions?.export ) { return ( prevUIOptions.canvasActions.export.saveFileToDisk === nextUIOptions.canvasActions.export.saveFileToDisk ); } return ( prevUIOptions?.canvasActions?.[key] === nextUIOptions?.canvasActions?.[key] ); }); } return prevUIOptions[key] === nextUIOptions[key]; }); return isUIOptionsSame && isShallowEqual(prev, next); }; export const Excalidraw = React.memo(ExcalidrawBase, areEqual); Excalidraw.displayName = "Excalidraw"; export { getSceneVersion, isInvisiblySmallElement, getNonDeletedElements, } from "./element"; export { defaultLang, useI18n, languages } from "./i18n"; export { restore, restoreAppState, restoreElements, restoreLibraryItems, } from "./data/restore"; export { exportToCanvas, exportToBlob, exportToSvg, serializeAsJSON, serializeLibraryAsJSON, loadLibraryFromBlob, loadFromBlob, loadSceneOrLibraryFromBlob, getFreeDrawSvgPath, exportToClipboard, mergeLibraryItems, } from "../utils"; export { isLinearElement } from "./element/typeChecks"; export { FONT_FAMILY, THEME, MIME_TYPES } from "./constants"; export { mutateElement, newElementWith, bumpVersion, } from "./element/mutateElement"; export { parseLibraryTokensFromUrl, useHandleLibrary } from "./data/library"; export { sceneCoordsToViewportCoords, viewportCoordsToSceneCoords, } from "./utils"; export { Sidebar } from "./components/Sidebar/Sidebar"; export { Button } from "./components/Button"; export { Footer }; export { MainMenu }; export { useDevice } from "./components/App"; export { WelcomeScreen }; export { LiveCollaborationTrigger }; export { DefaultSidebar } from "./components/DefaultSidebar"; export { TTDDialog } from "./components/TTDDialog/TTDDialog"; export { TTDDialogTrigger } from "./components/TTDDialog/TTDDialogTrigger"; export { normalizeLink } from "./data/url"; export { convertToExcalidrawElements } from "./data/transform"; export { getCommonBounds } from "./element/bounds"; export { elementsOverlappingBBox, isElementInsideBBox, elementPartiallyOverlapsWithOrContainsBBox, } from "../withinBounds";