import { atom, useAtom } from "jotai"; import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { COLOR_PALETTE } from "../colors"; import { jotaiScope } from "../jotai"; import { exportToSvg } from "../../utils/export"; import type { LibraryItem } from "../types"; export type SvgCache = Map<LibraryItem["id"], SVGSVGElement>; export const libraryItemSvgsCache = atom<SvgCache>(new Map()); const exportLibraryItemToSvg = async (elements: LibraryItem["elements"]) => { return await exportToSvg({ elements, appState: { exportBackground: false, viewBackgroundColor: COLOR_PALETTE.white, }, files: null, renderEmbeddables: false, }); }; export const useLibraryItemSvg = ( id: LibraryItem["id"] | null, elements: LibraryItem["elements"] | undefined, svgCache: SvgCache, ): SVGSVGElement | undefined => { const [svg, setSvg] = useState<SVGSVGElement>(); useEffect(() => { if (elements) { if (id) { // Try to load cached svg const cachedSvg = svgCache.get(id); if (cachedSvg) { setSvg(cachedSvg); } else { // When there is no svg in cache export it and save to cache (async () => { const exportedSvg = await exportLibraryItemToSvg(elements); exportedSvg.querySelector(".style-fonts")?.remove(); if (exportedSvg) { svgCache.set(id, exportedSvg); setSvg(exportedSvg); } })(); } } else { // When we have no id (usualy selected items from canvas) just export the svg (async () => { const exportedSvg = await exportLibraryItemToSvg(elements); setSvg(exportedSvg); })(); } } }, [id, elements, svgCache, setSvg]); return svg; }; export const useLibraryCache = () => { const [svgCache] = useAtom(libraryItemSvgsCache, jotaiScope); const clearLibraryCache = () => svgCache.clear(); const deleteItemsFromLibraryCache = (items: LibraryItem["id"][]) => { items.forEach((item) => svgCache.delete(item)); }; return { clearLibraryCache, deleteItemsFromLibraryCache, svgCache, }; };