import * as GA from "./ga"; import * as GALine from "./galines"; import type { Point, Line } from "./ga"; import { join } from "./ga"; export const from = ([x, y]: readonly [number, number]): Point => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, y, x, 1, 0, ]; export const toTuple = (point: Point): [number, number] => [point[5], point[4]]; export const abs = (point: Point): Point => [ 0, 0, 0, 0, Math.abs(point[4]), Math.abs(point[5]), 1, 0, ]; export const intersect = (line1: Line, line2: Line): Point => GA.normalized(, line2)); // Projects `point` onto the `line`. // The returned point is the closest point on the `line` to the `point`. export const project = (point: Point, line: Line): Point => intersect(GALine.orthogonal(line, point), line); export const distance = (point1: Point, point2: Point): number => GA.norm(join(point1, point2)); export const distanceToLine = (point: Point, line: Line): number => GA.joinScalar(point, line);