import type { GlobalPoint, Radians } from "../../math"; import { arc, arcDistanceFromPoint, curve, curvePointDistance, distanceToLineSegment, lineSegment, pointFrom, pointRotateRads, rectangle, } from "../../math"; import { ellipse, ellipseDistanceFromPoint } from "../../math/ellipse"; import { getCornerRadius } from "../shapes"; import { getDiamondPoints } from "./bounds"; import type { ExcalidrawBindableElement, ExcalidrawDiamondElement, ExcalidrawEllipseElement, ExcalidrawRectanguloidElement, } from "./types"; export const distanceToBindableElement = ( element: ExcalidrawBindableElement, p: GlobalPoint, ): number => { switch (element.type) { case "rectangle": case "image": case "text": case "iframe": case "embeddable": case "frame": case "magicframe": return distanceToRectanguloidElement(element, p); case "diamond": return distanceToDiamondElement(element, p); case "ellipse": return distanceToEllipseElement(element, p); } }; /** * Returns the distance of a point and the provided rectangular-shaped element, * accounting for roundness and rotation * * @param element The rectanguloid element * @param p The point to consider * @returns The eucledian distance to the outline of the rectanguloid element */ export const distanceToRectanguloidElement = ( element: ExcalidrawRectanguloidElement, p: GlobalPoint, ) => { const r = rectangle( pointFrom(element.x, element.y), pointFrom(element.x + element.width, element.y + element.height), ); // To emulate a rotated rectangle we rotate the point in the inverse angle // instead. It's all the same distance-wise. const rotatedPoint = pointRotateRads( p, pointFrom(element.x + element.width / 2, element.y + element.height / 2), -element.angle as Radians, ); const roundness = getCornerRadius( Math.min(element.width, element.height), element, ); const sideDistances = [ lineSegment( pointFrom(r[0][0] + roundness, r[0][1]), pointFrom(r[1][0] - roundness, r[0][1]), ), lineSegment( pointFrom(r[1][0], r[0][1] + roundness), pointFrom(r[1][0], r[1][1] - roundness), ), lineSegment( pointFrom(r[1][0] - roundness, r[1][1]), pointFrom(r[0][0] + roundness, r[1][1]), ), lineSegment( pointFrom(r[0][0], r[1][1] - roundness), pointFrom(r[0][0], r[0][1] + roundness), ), ].map((s) => distanceToLineSegment(rotatedPoint, s)); const cornerDistances = roundness > 0 ? [ arc( pointFrom(r[0][0] + roundness, r[0][1] + roundness), roundness, Math.PI as Radians, ((3 / 4) * Math.PI) as Radians, ), arc( pointFrom(r[1][0] - roundness, r[0][1] + roundness), roundness, ((3 / 4) * Math.PI) as Radians, 0 as Radians, ), arc( pointFrom(r[1][0] - roundness, r[1][1] - roundness), roundness, 0 as Radians, ((1 / 2) * Math.PI) as Radians, ), arc( pointFrom(r[0][0] + roundness, r[1][1] - roundness), roundness, ((1 / 2) * Math.PI) as Radians, Math.PI as Radians, ), ].map((a) => arcDistanceFromPoint(a, rotatedPoint)) : []; return Math.min(...[...sideDistances, ...cornerDistances]); }; /** * Returns the distance of a point and the provided diamond element, accounting * for roundness and rotation * * @param element The diamond element * @param p The point to consider * @returns The eucledian distance to the outline of the diamond */ export const distanceToDiamondElement = ( element: ExcalidrawDiamondElement, p: GlobalPoint, ): number => { const [topX, topY, rightX, rightY, bottomX, bottomY, leftX, leftY] = getDiamondPoints(element); const center = pointFrom( (topX + bottomX) / 2, (topY + bottomY) / 2, ); const verticalRadius = getCornerRadius(Math.abs(topX - leftX), element); const horizontalRadius = getCornerRadius(Math.abs(rightY - topY), element); // Rotate the point to the inverse direction to simulate the rotated diamond // points. It's all the same distance-wise. const rotatedPoint = pointRotateRads(p, center, -element.angle as Radians); const [top, right, bottom, left]: GlobalPoint[] = [ pointFrom(element.x + topX, element.y + topY), pointFrom(element.x + rightX, element.y + rightY), pointFrom(element.x + bottomX, element.y + bottomY), pointFrom(element.x + leftX, element.y + leftY), ]; // Create the line segment parts of the diamond // NOTE: Horizontal and vertical seems to be flipped here const topRight = lineSegment( pointFrom(top[0] + verticalRadius, top[1] + horizontalRadius), pointFrom(right[0] + verticalRadius, right[1] + horizontalRadius), ); const bottomRight = lineSegment( pointFrom(bottom[0] + verticalRadius, bottom[1] + horizontalRadius), pointFrom(right[0] + verticalRadius, right[1] + horizontalRadius), ); const bottomLeft = lineSegment( pointFrom(bottom[0] + verticalRadius, bottom[1] + horizontalRadius), pointFrom(left[0] + verticalRadius, left[1] + horizontalRadius), ); const topLeft = lineSegment( pointFrom(top[0] + verticalRadius, top[1] + horizontalRadius), pointFrom(left[0] + verticalRadius, left[1] + horizontalRadius), ); const curves = element.roundness ? [ curve(topRight[1], right, right, bottomRight[1]), // RIGHT curve(bottomRight[0], bottom, bottom, bottomLeft[0]), // BOTTOM curve(bottomLeft[1], left, left, topLeft[1]), // LEFT curve(topLeft[0], top, top, topRight[0]), // LEFT ] : []; return Math.min( ...[ ...[topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft, topLeft].map((s) => distanceToLineSegment(rotatedPoint, s), ), => curvePointDistance(a, rotatedPoint)), ], ); }; /** * Returns the distance of a point and the provided ellipse element, accounting * for roundness and rotation * * @param element The ellipse element * @param p The point to consider * @returns The eucledian distance to the outline of the ellipse */ export const distanceToEllipseElement = ( element: ExcalidrawEllipseElement, p: GlobalPoint, ): number => { const center = pointFrom( element.x + element.width / 2, element.y + element.height / 2, ); return ellipseDistanceFromPoint( // Instead of rotating the ellipse, rotate the point to the inverse angle pointRotateRads(p, center, -element.angle as Radians), ellipse(center, element.width / 2, element.height / 2), ); };