/** * Lazy loads wasm and respective bindings for woff2 compression and decompression. */ type Vector = any; let loadedWasm: ReturnType | null = null; // TODO: add support for fetching the wasm from an URL (external CDN, data URL, etc.) const load = (): Promise<{ compress: (buffer: ArrayBuffer) => Uint8Array; decompress: (buffer: ArrayBuffer) => Uint8Array; }> => { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { const [binary, bindings] = await Promise.all([ import("./woff2.wasm"), import("./woff2.bindings"), ]); // initializing the module manually, so that we could pass in the wasm binary bindings .default({ wasmBinary: binary.default }) .then( (module: { woff2Enc: (buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteLength: number) => Vector; woff2Dec: (buffer: ArrayBuffer, byteLength: number) => Vector; }) => { try { // re-map from internal vector into byte array function convertFromVecToUint8Array(vector: Vector): Uint8Array { const arr = []; for (let i = 0, l = vector.size(); i < l; i++) { arr.push(vector.get(i)); } return new Uint8Array(arr); } // re-exporting only compress and decompress functions (also avoids infinite loop inside emscripten bindings) const woff2 = { compress: (buffer: ArrayBuffer) => convertFromVecToUint8Array( module.woff2Enc(buffer, buffer.byteLength), ), decompress: (buffer: ArrayBuffer) => convertFromVecToUint8Array( module.woff2Dec(buffer, buffer.byteLength), ), }; resolve(woff2); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }, ); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }); }; // lazy loaded default export export default (): ReturnType => { if (!loadedWasm) { loadedWasm = load(); } return loadedWasm; };