import { Fragment, memo, useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"; import { collapseDownIcon, upIcon, searchIcon } from "./icons"; import { TextField } from "./TextField"; import { Button } from "./Button"; import { useApp, useExcalidrawSetAppState } from "./App"; import { debounce } from "lodash"; import type { AppClassProperties } from "../types"; import { isTextElement, newTextElement } from "../element"; import type { ExcalidrawTextElement } from "../element/types"; import { addEventListener, getFontString } from "../utils"; import { KEYS } from "../keys"; import clsx from "clsx"; import { atom, useAtom } from "../editor-jotai"; import { t } from "../i18n"; import { isElementCompletelyInViewport } from "../element/sizeHelpers"; import { randomInteger } from "../random"; import { CLASSES, EVENT } from "../constants"; import { useStable } from "../hooks/useStable"; import "./SearchMenu.scss"; import { round } from "../../math"; import { measureText } from "../element/textMeasurements"; const searchQueryAtom = atom(""); export const searchItemInFocusAtom = atom(null); const SEARCH_DEBOUNCE = 350; type SearchMatchItem = { textElement: ExcalidrawTextElement; searchQuery: SearchQuery; index: number; preview: { indexInSearchQuery: number; previewText: string; moreBefore: boolean; moreAfter: boolean; }; matchedLines: { offsetX: number; offsetY: number; width: number; height: number; }[]; }; type SearchMatches = { nonce: number | null; items: SearchMatchItem[]; }; type SearchQuery = string & { _brand: "SearchQuery" }; export const SearchMenu = () => { const app = useApp(); const setAppState = useExcalidrawSetAppState(); const searchInputRef = useRef(null); const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useAtom(searchQueryAtom); const searchQuery = inputValue.trim() as SearchQuery; const [isSearching, setIsSearching] = useState(false); const [searchMatches, setSearchMatches] = useState({ nonce: null, items: [], }); const searchedQueryRef = useRef(null); const lastSceneNonceRef = useRef(undefined); const [focusIndex, setFocusIndex] = useAtom(searchItemInFocusAtom); const elementsMap = app.scene.getNonDeletedElementsMap(); useEffect(() => { if (isSearching) { return; } if ( searchQuery !== searchedQueryRef.current || app.scene.getSceneNonce() !== lastSceneNonceRef.current ) { searchedQueryRef.current = null; handleSearch(searchQuery, app, (matchItems, index) => { setSearchMatches({ nonce: randomInteger(), items: matchItems, }); searchedQueryRef.current = searchQuery; lastSceneNonceRef.current = app.scene.getSceneNonce(); setAppState({ searchMatches: => ({ id:, focus: false, matchedLines: searchMatch.matchedLines, })), }); }); } }, [ isSearching, searchQuery, elementsMap, app, setAppState, setFocusIndex, lastSceneNonceRef, ]); const goToNextItem = () => { if (searchMatches.items.length > 0) { setFocusIndex((focusIndex) => { if (focusIndex === null) { return 0; } return (focusIndex + 1) % searchMatches.items.length; }); } }; const goToPreviousItem = () => { if (searchMatches.items.length > 0) { setFocusIndex((focusIndex) => { if (focusIndex === null) { return 0; } return focusIndex - 1 < 0 ? searchMatches.items.length - 1 : focusIndex - 1; }); } }; useEffect(() => { setAppState((state) => { return { searchMatches:, index) => { if (index === focusIndex) { return { ...match, focus: true }; } return { ...match, focus: false }; }), }; }); }, [focusIndex, setAppState]); useEffect(() => { if (searchMatches.items.length > 0 && focusIndex !== null) { const match = searchMatches.items[focusIndex]; if (match) { const zoomValue = app.state.zoom.value; const matchAsElement = newTextElement({ text: match.searchQuery, x: match.textElement.x + (match.matchedLines[0]?.offsetX ?? 0), y: match.textElement.y + (match.matchedLines[0]?.offsetY ?? 0), width: match.matchedLines[0]?.width, height: match.matchedLines[0]?.height, fontSize: match.textElement.fontSize, fontFamily: match.textElement.fontFamily, }); const FONT_SIZE_LEGIBILITY_THRESHOLD = 14; const fontSize = match.textElement.fontSize; const isTextTiny = fontSize * zoomValue < FONT_SIZE_LEGIBILITY_THRESHOLD; if ( !isElementCompletelyInViewport( [matchAsElement], app.canvas.width / window.devicePixelRatio, app.canvas.height / window.devicePixelRatio, { offsetLeft: app.state.offsetLeft, offsetTop: app.state.offsetTop, scrollX: app.state.scrollX, scrollY: app.state.scrollY, zoom: app.state.zoom, }, app.scene.getNonDeletedElementsMap(), app.getEditorUIOffsets(), ) || isTextTiny ) { let zoomOptions: Parameters[1]; if (isTextTiny) { if (fontSize >= FONT_SIZE_LEGIBILITY_THRESHOLD) { zoomOptions = { fitToContent: true }; } else { zoomOptions = { fitToViewport: true, // calculate zoom level to make the fontSize ~equal to FONT_SIZE_THRESHOLD, rounded to nearest 10% maxZoom: round(FONT_SIZE_LEGIBILITY_THRESHOLD / fontSize, 1), }; } } else { zoomOptions = { fitToContent: true }; } app.scrollToContent(matchAsElement, { animate: true, duration: 300, ...zoomOptions, canvasOffsets: app.getEditorUIOffsets(), }); } } } }, [focusIndex, searchMatches, app]); useEffect(() => { return () => { setFocusIndex(null); searchedQueryRef.current = null; lastSceneNonceRef.current = undefined; setAppState({ searchMatches: [], }); setIsSearching(false); }; }, [setAppState, setFocusIndex]); const stableState = useStable({ goToNextItem, goToPreviousItem, searchMatches, }); useEffect(() => { const eventHandler = (event: KeyboardEvent) => { if ( event.key === KEYS.ESCAPE && !app.state.openDialog && !app.state.openPopup ) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); setAppState({ openSidebar: null, }); return; } if (event[KEYS.CTRL_OR_CMD] && event.key === KEYS.F) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if (!searchInputRef.current?.matches(":focus")) { if (app.state.openDialog) { setAppState({ openDialog: null, }); } searchInputRef.current?.focus(); searchInputRef.current?.select(); } else { setAppState({ openSidebar: null, }); } } if ( instanceof HTMLElement &&".layer-ui__search") ) { if (stableState.searchMatches.items.length) { if (event.key === KEYS.ENTER) { event.stopPropagation(); stableState.goToNextItem(); } if (event.key === KEYS.ARROW_UP) { event.stopPropagation(); stableState.goToPreviousItem(); } else if (event.key === KEYS.ARROW_DOWN) { event.stopPropagation(); stableState.goToNextItem(); } } } }; // `capture` needed to prevent firing on initial open from App.tsx, // as well as to handle events before App ones return addEventListener(window, EVENT.KEYDOWN, eventHandler, { capture: true, passive: false, }); }, [setAppState, stableState, app]); const matchCount = `${searchMatches.items.length} ${ searchMatches.items.length === 1 ? t("search.singleResult") : t("search.multipleResults") }`; return (
{ setInputValue(value); setIsSearching(true); const searchQuery = value.trim() as SearchQuery; handleSearch(searchQuery, app, (matchItems, index) => { setSearchMatches({ nonce: randomInteger(), items: matchItems, }); setFocusIndex(index); searchedQueryRef.current = searchQuery; lastSceneNonceRef.current = app.scene.getSceneNonce(); setAppState({ searchMatches: => ({ id:, focus: false, matchedLines: searchMatch.matchedLines, })), }); setIsSearching(false); }); }} selectOnRender />
{searchMatches.items.length > 0 && ( <> {focusIndex !== null && focusIndex > -1 ? (
{focusIndex + 1} / {matchCount}
) : (
)} {searchMatches.items.length === 0 && searchQuery && searchedQueryRef.current && (
); }; const ListItem = (props: { preview: SearchMatchItem["preview"]; searchQuery: SearchQuery; highlighted: boolean; onClick?: () => void; }) => { const preview = [ props.preview.moreBefore ? "..." : "", props.preview.previewText.slice(0, props.preview.indexInSearchQuery), props.preview.previewText.slice( props.preview.indexInSearchQuery, props.preview.indexInSearchQuery + props.searchQuery.length, ), props.preview.previewText.slice( props.preview.indexInSearchQuery + props.searchQuery.length, ), props.preview.moreAfter ? "..." : "", ]; return (
{ if (props.highlighted) { ref?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "auto", block: "nearest" }); } }} >
{preview.flatMap((text, idx) => ( {idx === 2 ? {text} : text} ))}
); }; interface MatchListProps { matches: SearchMatches; onItemClick: (index: number) => void; focusIndex: number | null; searchQuery: SearchQuery; } const MatchListBase = (props: MatchListProps) => { return (
{, index) => ( props.onItemClick(index)} /> ))}
); }; const areEqual = (prevProps: MatchListProps, nextProps: MatchListProps) => { return ( prevProps.matches.nonce === nextProps.matches.nonce && prevProps.focusIndex === nextProps.focusIndex ); }; const MatchList = memo(MatchListBase, areEqual); const getMatchPreview = ( text: string, index: number, searchQuery: SearchQuery, ) => { const WORDS_BEFORE = 2; const WORDS_AFTER = 5; const substrBeforeQuery = text.slice(0, index); const wordsBeforeQuery = substrBeforeQuery.split(/\s+/); // text = "small", query = "mall", not complete before // text = "small", query = "smal", complete before const isQueryCompleteBefore = substrBeforeQuery.endsWith(" "); const startWordIndex = wordsBeforeQuery.length - WORDS_BEFORE - 1 - (isQueryCompleteBefore ? 0 : 1); let wordsBeforeAsString = wordsBeforeQuery.slice(startWordIndex <= 0 ? 0 : startWordIndex).join(" ") + (isQueryCompleteBefore ? " " : ""); const MAX_ALLOWED_CHARS = 20; wordsBeforeAsString = wordsBeforeAsString.length > MAX_ALLOWED_CHARS ? wordsBeforeAsString.slice(-MAX_ALLOWED_CHARS) : wordsBeforeAsString; const substrAfterQuery = text.slice(index + searchQuery.length); const wordsAfter = substrAfterQuery.split(/\s+/); // text = "small", query = "mall", complete after // text = "small", query = "smal", not complete after const isQueryCompleteAfter = !substrAfterQuery.startsWith(" "); const numberOfWordsToTake = isQueryCompleteAfter ? WORDS_AFTER + 1 : WORDS_AFTER; const wordsAfterAsString = (isQueryCompleteAfter ? "" : " ") + wordsAfter.slice(0, numberOfWordsToTake).join(" "); return { indexInSearchQuery: wordsBeforeAsString.length, previewText: wordsBeforeAsString + searchQuery + wordsAfterAsString, moreBefore: startWordIndex > 0, moreAfter: wordsAfter.length > numberOfWordsToTake, }; }; const normalizeWrappedText = ( wrappedText: string, originalText: string, ): string => { const wrappedLines = wrappedText.split("\n"); const normalizedLines: string[] = []; let originalIndex = 0; for (let i = 0; i < wrappedLines.length; i++) { let currentLine = wrappedLines[i]; const nextLine = wrappedLines[i + 1]; if (nextLine) { const nextLineIndexInOriginal = originalText.indexOf( nextLine, originalIndex, ); if (nextLineIndexInOriginal > currentLine.length + originalIndex) { let j = nextLineIndexInOriginal - (currentLine.length + originalIndex); while (j > 0) { currentLine += " "; j--; } } } normalizedLines.push(currentLine); originalIndex = originalIndex + currentLine.length; } return normalizedLines.join("\n"); }; const getMatchedLines = ( textElement: ExcalidrawTextElement, searchQuery: SearchQuery, index: number, ) => { const normalizedText = normalizeWrappedText( textElement.text, textElement.originalText, ); const lines = normalizedText.split("\n"); const lineIndexRanges = []; let currentIndex = 0; let lineNumber = 0; for (const line of lines) { const startIndex = currentIndex; const endIndex = startIndex + line.length - 1; lineIndexRanges.push({ line, startIndex, endIndex, lineNumber, }); // Move to the next line's start index currentIndex = endIndex + 1; lineNumber++; } let startIndex = index; let remainingQuery = textElement.originalText.slice( index, index + searchQuery.length, ); const matchedLines: { offsetX: number; offsetY: number; width: number; height: number; }[] = []; for (const lineIndexRange of lineIndexRanges) { if (remainingQuery === "") { break; } if ( startIndex >= lineIndexRange.startIndex && startIndex <= lineIndexRange.endIndex ) { const matchCapacity = lineIndexRange.endIndex + 1 - startIndex; const textToStart = lineIndexRange.line.slice( 0, startIndex - lineIndexRange.startIndex, ); const matchedWord = remainingQuery.slice(0, matchCapacity); remainingQuery = remainingQuery.slice(matchCapacity); const offset = measureText( textToStart, getFontString(textElement), textElement.lineHeight, ); // measureText returns a non-zero width for the empty string // which is not what we're after here, hence the check and the correction if (textToStart === "") { offset.width = 0; } if (textElement.textAlign !== "left" && lineIndexRange.line.length > 0) { const lineLength = measureText( lineIndexRange.line, getFontString(textElement), textElement.lineHeight, ); const spaceToStart = textElement.textAlign === "center" ? (textElement.width - lineLength.width) / 2 : textElement.width - lineLength.width; offset.width += spaceToStart; } const { width, height } = measureText( matchedWord, getFontString(textElement), textElement.lineHeight, ); const offsetX = offset.width; const offsetY = lineIndexRange.lineNumber * offset.height; matchedLines.push({ offsetX, offsetY, width, height, }); startIndex += matchCapacity; } } return matchedLines; }; const escapeSpecialCharacters = (string: string) => { return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\-]/g, "\\$&"); }; const handleSearch = debounce( ( searchQuery: SearchQuery, app: AppClassProperties, cb: (matchItems: SearchMatchItem[], focusIndex: number | null) => void, ) => { if (!searchQuery || searchQuery === "") { cb([], null); return; } const elements = app.scene.getNonDeletedElements(); const texts = elements.filter((el) => isTextElement(el), ) as ExcalidrawTextElement[]; texts.sort((a, b) => a.y - b.y); const matchItems: SearchMatchItem[] = []; const regex = new RegExp(escapeSpecialCharacters(searchQuery), "gi"); for (const textEl of texts) { let match = null; const text = textEl.originalText; while ((match = regex.exec(text)) !== null) { const preview = getMatchPreview(text, match.index, searchQuery); const matchedLines = getMatchedLines(textEl, searchQuery, match.index); if (matchedLines.length > 0) { matchItems.push({ textElement: textEl, searchQuery, preview, index: match.index, matchedLines, }); } } } const visibleIds = new Set( =>, ); const focusIndex = matchItems.findIndex((matchItem) => visibleIds.has(, ) ?? null; cb(matchItems, focusIndex); }, SEARCH_DEBOUNCE, );