import { vi } from "vitest"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import { render, waitFor, GlobalTestState } from "./test-utils"; import { Pointer, Keyboard } from "./helpers/ui"; import { Excalidraw } from "../index"; import { KEYS } from "../keys"; import { getLineHeightInPx } from "../element/textElement"; import { getElementBounds } from "../element"; import type { NormalizedZoomValue } from "../types"; import { API } from "./helpers/api"; import { createPasteEvent, serializeAsClipboardJSON } from "../clipboard"; import { arrayToMap } from "../utils"; import { mockMermaidToExcalidraw } from "./helpers/mocks"; import { getLineHeight } from "../fonts"; const { h } = window; const mouse = new Pointer("mouse"); vi.mock("../keys.ts", async (importOriginal) => { const module: any = await importOriginal(); return { __esmodule: true, ...module, isDarwin: false, KEYS: { ...module.KEYS, CTRL_OR_CMD: "ctrlKey", }, }; }); const sendPasteEvent = (text: string) => { const clipboardEvent = createPasteEvent({ types: { "text/plain": text, }, }); document.dispatchEvent(clipboardEvent); }; const pasteWithCtrlCmdShiftV = (text: string) => { Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true, shift: true }, () => { //triggering keydown with an empty clipboard Keyboard.keyPress(KEYS.V); //triggering paste event with faked clipboard sendPasteEvent(text); }); }; const pasteWithCtrlCmdV = (text: string) => { Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true }, () => { //triggering keydown with an empty clipboard Keyboard.keyPress(KEYS.V); //triggering paste event with faked clipboard sendPasteEvent(text); }); }; const sleep = (ms: number) => { return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(null), ms)); }; beforeEach(async () => { ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(document.getElementById("root")!); localStorage.clear(); mouse.reset(); await render( , ); Object.assign(document, { elementFromPoint: () => GlobalTestState.canvas, }); }); describe("general paste behavior", () => { it("should randomize seed on paste", async () => { const rectangle = API.createElement({ type: "rectangle" }); const clipboardJSON = await serializeAsClipboardJSON({ elements: [rectangle], files: null, }); pasteWithCtrlCmdV(clipboardJSON); await waitFor(() => { expect(h.elements.length).toBe(1); expect(h.elements[0].seed).not.toBe(rectangle.seed); }); }); it("should retain seed on shift-paste", async () => { const rectangle = API.createElement({ type: "rectangle" }); const clipboardJSON = await serializeAsClipboardJSON({ elements: [rectangle], files: null, }); // assert we don't randomize seed on shift-paste pasteWithCtrlCmdShiftV(clipboardJSON); await waitFor(() => { expect(h.elements.length).toBe(1); expect(h.elements[0].seed).toBe(rectangle.seed); }); }); }); describe("paste text as single lines", () => { it("should create an element for each line when copying with Ctrl/Cmd+V", async () => { const text = "sajgfakfn\naaksfnknas\nakefnkasf"; pasteWithCtrlCmdV(text); await waitFor(() => { expect(h.elements.length).toEqual(text.split("\n").length); }); }); it("should ignore empty lines when creating an element for each line", async () => { const text = "\n\nsajgfakfn\n\n\naaksfnknas\n\nakefnkasf\n\n\n"; pasteWithCtrlCmdV(text); await waitFor(() => { expect(h.elements.length).toEqual(3); }); }); it("should not create any element if clipboard has only new lines", async () => { const text = "\n\n\n\n\n"; pasteWithCtrlCmdV(text); await waitFor(async () => { await sleep(50); // elements lenght will always be zero if we don't wait, since paste is async expect(h.elements.length).toEqual(0); }); }); it("should space items correctly", async () => { const elementsMap = arrayToMap(h.elements); const text = "hkhkjhki\njgkjhffjh\njgkjhffjh"; const lineHeightPx = getLineHeightInPx(, getLineHeight(h.state.currentItemFontFamily), ) + 10 /; mouse.moveTo(100, 100); pasteWithCtrlCmdV(text); await waitFor(async () => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const [fx, firstElY] = getElementBounds(h.elements[0], elementsMap); for (let i = 1; i < h.elements.length; i++) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const [fx, elY] = getElementBounds(h.elements[i], elementsMap); expect(elY).toEqual(firstElY + lineHeightPx * i); } }); }); it("should leave a space for blank new lines", async () => { const elementsMap = arrayToMap(h.elements); const text = "hkhkjhki\n\njgkjhffjh"; const lineHeightPx = getLineHeightInPx(, getLineHeight(h.state.currentItemFontFamily), ) + 10 /; mouse.moveTo(100, 100); pasteWithCtrlCmdV(text); await waitFor(async () => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const [fx, firstElY] = getElementBounds(h.elements[0], elementsMap); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const [lx, lastElY] = getElementBounds(h.elements[1], elementsMap); expect(lastElY).toEqual(firstElY + lineHeightPx * 2); }); }); }); describe("paste text as a single element", () => { it("should create single text element when copying text with Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+V", async () => { const text = "sajgfakfn\naaksfnknas\nakefnkasf"; pasteWithCtrlCmdShiftV(text); await waitFor(() => { expect(h.elements.length).toEqual(1); }); }); it("should not create any element when only new lines in clipboard", async () => { const text = "\n\n\n\n"; pasteWithCtrlCmdShiftV(text); await waitFor(async () => { await sleep(50); expect(h.elements.length).toEqual(0); }); }); }); describe("Paste bound text container", () => { const container = { type: "ellipse", id: "container-id", x: 554.984375, y: 196.0234375, width: 166, height: 187.01953125, roundness: { type: 2 }, boundElements: [{ type: "text", id: "text-id" }], }; const textElement = { type: "text", id: "text-id", x: 560.51171875, y: 202.033203125, width: 154, height: 175, fontSize: 20, fontFamily: 1, text: "Excalidraw is a\nvirtual \nopensource \nwhiteboard for \nsketching \nhand-drawn like\ndiagrams", baseline: 168, textAlign: "center", verticalAlign: "middle", containerId:, originalText: "Excalidraw is a virtual opensource whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams", }; it("should fix ellipse bounding box", async () => { const data = JSON.stringify({ type: "excalidraw/clipboard", elements: [container, textElement], }); pasteWithCtrlCmdShiftV(data); await waitFor(async () => { await sleep(1); expect(h.elements.length).toEqual(2); const container = h.elements[0]; expect(container.height).toBe(368); expect(container.width).toBe(166); }); }); it("should fix diamond bounding box", async () => { const data = JSON.stringify({ type: "excalidraw/clipboard", elements: [ { ...container, type: "diamond", }, textElement, ], }); pasteWithCtrlCmdShiftV(data); await waitFor(async () => { await sleep(1); expect(h.elements.length).toEqual(2); const container = h.elements[0]; expect(container.height).toBe(770); expect(container.width).toBe(166); }); }); }); describe("pasting & frames", () => { it("should add pasted elements to frame under cursor", async () => { const frame = API.createElement({ type: "frame", width: 100, height: 100, x: 0, y: 0, }); const rect = API.createElement({ type: "rectangle" }); h.elements = [frame]; const clipboardJSON = await serializeAsClipboardJSON({ elements: [rect], files: null, }); mouse.moveTo(50, 50); pasteWithCtrlCmdV(clipboardJSON); await waitFor(() => { expect(h.elements.length).toBe(2); expect(h.elements[1].type).toBe(rect.type); expect(h.elements[1].frameId).toBe(; }); }); it("should filter out elements not overlapping frame", async () => { const frame = API.createElement({ type: "frame", width: 100, height: 100, x: 0, y: 0, }); const rect = API.createElement({ type: "rectangle", width: 50, height: 50, }); const rect2 = API.createElement({ type: "rectangle", width: 50, height: 50, x: 100, y: 100, }); h.elements = [frame]; const clipboardJSON = await serializeAsClipboardJSON({ elements: [rect, rect2], files: null, }); mouse.moveTo(90, 90); pasteWithCtrlCmdV(clipboardJSON); await waitFor(() => { expect(h.elements.length).toBe(3); expect(h.elements[1].type).toBe(rect.type); expect(h.elements[1].frameId).toBe(; expect(h.elements[2].type).toBe(rect2.type); expect(h.elements[2].frameId).toBe(null); }); }); it("should not filter out elements not overlapping frame if part of group", async () => { const frame = API.createElement({ type: "frame", width: 100, height: 100, x: 0, y: 0, }); const rect = API.createElement({ type: "rectangle", width: 50, height: 50, groupIds: ["g1"], }); const rect2 = API.createElement({ type: "rectangle", width: 50, height: 50, x: 100, y: 100, groupIds: ["g1"], }); h.elements = [frame]; const clipboardJSON = await serializeAsClipboardJSON({ elements: [rect, rect2], files: null, }); mouse.moveTo(90, 90); pasteWithCtrlCmdV(clipboardJSON); await waitFor(() => { expect(h.elements.length).toBe(3); expect(h.elements[1].type).toBe(rect.type); expect(h.elements[1].frameId).toBe(; expect(h.elements[2].type).toBe(rect2.type); expect(h.elements[2].frameId).toBe(; }); }); it("should not filter out other frames and their children", async () => { const frame = API.createElement({ type: "frame", width: 100, height: 100, x: 0, y: 0, }); const rect = API.createElement({ type: "rectangle", width: 50, height: 50, groupIds: ["g1"], }); const frame2 = API.createElement({ type: "frame", width: 75, height: 75, x: 0, y: 0, }); const rect2 = API.createElement({ type: "rectangle", width: 50, height: 50, x: 55, y: 55, frameId:, }); h.elements = [frame]; const clipboardJSON = await serializeAsClipboardJSON({ elements: [rect, rect2, frame2], files: null, }); mouse.moveTo(90, 90); pasteWithCtrlCmdV(clipboardJSON); await waitFor(() => { expect(h.elements.length).toBe(4); expect(h.elements[1].type).toBe(rect.type); expect(h.elements[1].frameId).toBe(; expect(h.elements[2].type).toBe(rect2.type); expect(h.elements[2].frameId).toBe(h.elements[3].id); expect(h.elements[3].type).toBe(frame2.type); expect(h.elements[3].frameId).toBe(null); }); }); }); describe("clipboard - pasting mermaid definition", () => { beforeAll(() => { mockMermaidToExcalidraw({ parseMermaidToExcalidraw: async (definition) => { const lines = definition.split("\n"); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (lines.some((line) => line === "flowchart TD")) { resolve({ elements: [ { id: "rect1", type: "rectangle", groupIds: [], x: 0, y: 0, width: 69.703125, height: 44, strokeWidth: 2, label: { groupIds: [], text: "A", fontSize: 20, }, link: null, }, ], }); } else { reject(new Error("ERROR")); } }); }, }); }); it("should detect and paste as mermaid", async () => { const text = "flowchart TD\nA"; pasteWithCtrlCmdV(text); await waitFor(() => { expect(h.elements.length).toEqual(2); expect(h.elements).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ type: "rectangle" }), expect.objectContaining({ type: "text", text: "A" }), ]), ); }); }); it("should support directives", async () => { const text = "%%{init: { **config** } }%%\nflowchart TD\nA"; pasteWithCtrlCmdV(text); await waitFor(() => { expect(h.elements.length).toEqual(2); expect(h.elements).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ type: "rectangle" }), expect.objectContaining({ type: "text", text: "A" }), ]), ); }); }); it("should paste as normal text if invalid mermaid", async () => { const text = "flowchart TD xx\nA"; pasteWithCtrlCmdV(text); await waitFor(() => { expect(h.elements.length).toEqual(2); expect(h.elements).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ expect.objectContaining({ type: "text", text: "flowchart TD xx" }), expect.objectContaining({ type: "text", text: "A" }), ]), ); }); }); });