import { fireEvent, render } from "./test-utils"; import { Excalidraw, isLinearElement } from "../index"; import { UI, Pointer, Keyboard } from "./helpers/ui"; import { getTransformHandles } from "../element/transformHandles"; import { API } from "./helpers/api"; import { KEYS } from "../keys"; import { actionWrapTextInContainer } from "../actions/actionBoundText"; import { arrayToMap } from "../utils"; const { h } = window; const mouse = new Pointer("mouse"); describe("element binding", () => { beforeEach(async () => { await render(); }); it("should create valid binding if duplicate start/end points", async () => { const rect = API.createElement({ type: "rectangle", x: 0, y: 0, width: 50, height: 50, }); const arrow = API.createElement({ type: "arrow", x: 100, y: 0, width: 100, height: 1, points: [ [0, 0], [0, 0], [100, 0], [100, 0], ], }); h.elements = [rect, arrow]; expect(arrow.startBinding).toBe(null); // select arrow mouse.clickAt(150, 0); // move arrow start to potential binding position mouse.downAt(100, 0); mouse.moveTo(55, 0); mouse.up(0, 0); // Point selection is evaluated like the points are rendered, // from right to left. So clicking on the first point should move the joint, // not the start point. expect(arrow.startBinding).toBe(null); // Now that the start point is free, move it into overlapping position mouse.downAt(100, 0); mouse.moveTo(55, 0); mouse.up(0, 0); expect(API.getSelectedElements()).toEqual([arrow]); expect(arrow.startBinding).toEqual({ elementId:, focus: expect.toBeNonNaNNumber(), gap: expect.toBeNonNaNNumber(), }); // Move the end point to the overlapping binding position mouse.downAt(200, 0); mouse.moveTo(55, 0); mouse.up(0, 0); // Both the start and the end points should be bound expect(arrow.startBinding).toEqual({ elementId:, focus: expect.toBeNonNaNNumber(), gap: expect.toBeNonNaNNumber(), }); expect(arrow.endBinding).toEqual({ elementId:, focus: expect.toBeNonNaNNumber(), gap: expect.toBeNonNaNNumber(), }); }); //@TODO fix the test with rotation it.skip("rotation of arrow should rebind both ends", () => { const rectLeft = UI.createElement("rectangle", { x: 0, width: 200, height: 500, }); const rectRight = UI.createElement("rectangle", { x: 400, width: 200, height: 500, }); const arrow = UI.createElement("arrow", { x: 210, y: 250, width: 180, height: 1, }); expect(arrow.startBinding?.elementId).toBe(; expect(arrow.endBinding?.elementId).toBe(; const rotation = getTransformHandles( arrow, h.state.zoom, arrayToMap(h.elements), "mouse", ).rotation!; const rotationHandleX = rotation[0] + rotation[2] / 2; const rotationHandleY = rotation[1] + rotation[3] / 2; mouse.down(rotationHandleX, rotationHandleY); mouse.move(300, 400); mouse.up(); expect(arrow.angle).toBeGreaterThan(0.7 * Math.PI); expect(arrow.angle).toBeLessThan(1.3 * Math.PI); expect(arrow.startBinding?.elementId).toBe(; expect(arrow.endBinding?.elementId).toBe(; }); // TODO fix & reenable once we rewrite tests to work with concurrency it.skip( "editing arrow and moving its head to bind it to element A, finalizing the" + "editing by clicking on element A should end up selecting A", async () => { UI.createElement("rectangle", { y: 0, size: 100, }); // Create arrow bound to rectangle UI.clickTool("arrow"); mouse.down(50, -100); mouse.up(0, 80); // Edit arrow with multi-point mouse.doubleClick(); // move arrow head mouse.down(); mouse.up(0, 10); expect(API.getSelectedElement().type).toBe("arrow"); // NOTE this mouse down/up + await needs to be done in order to repro // the issue, due to mouse.reset(); expect(h.state.editingLinearElement).not.toBe(null); mouse.down(0, 0); await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 100)); expect(h.state.editingLinearElement).toBe(null); expect(API.getSelectedElement().type).toBe("rectangle"); mouse.up(); expect(API.getSelectedElement().type).toBe("rectangle"); }, ); it("should unbind arrow when moving it with keyboard", () => { const rectangle = UI.createElement("rectangle", { x: 75, y: 0, size: 100, }); // Creates arrow 1px away from bidding with rectangle const arrow = UI.createElement("arrow", { x: 0, y: 0, size: 50, }); expect(arrow.endBinding).toBe(null); mouse.downAt(50, 50); mouse.moveTo(51, 0); mouse.up(0, 0); // Test sticky connection expect(API.getSelectedElement().type).toBe("arrow"); Keyboard.keyPress(KEYS.ARROW_RIGHT); expect(arrow.endBinding?.elementId).toBe(; Keyboard.keyPress(KEYS.ARROW_LEFT); expect(arrow.endBinding?.elementId).toBe(; // Sever connection expect(API.getSelectedElement().type).toBe("arrow"); Keyboard.keyPress(KEYS.ARROW_LEFT); expect(arrow.endBinding).toBe(null); Keyboard.keyPress(KEYS.ARROW_RIGHT); expect(arrow.endBinding).toBe(null); }); it("should unbind on bound element deletion", () => { const rectangle = UI.createElement("rectangle", { x: 60, y: 0, size: 100, }); const arrow = UI.createElement("arrow", { x: 0, y: 0, size: 50, }); expect(arrow.endBinding?.elementId).toBe(;; expect(API.getSelectedElement().type).toBe("rectangle"); Keyboard.keyDown(KEYS.DELETE); expect(arrow.endBinding).toBe(null); }); it("should unbind on text element deletion by submitting empty text", async () => { const text = API.createElement({ type: "text", text: "ola", x: 60, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100, }); h.elements = [text]; const arrow = UI.createElement("arrow", { x: 0, y: 0, size: 50, }); expect(arrow.endBinding?.elementId).toBe(; // edit text element and submit // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- UI.clickTool("text"); mouse.clickAt(text.x + 50, text.y + 50); const editor = document.querySelector( ".excalidraw-textEditorContainer > textarea", ) as HTMLTextAreaElement; expect(editor).not.toBe(null); fireEvent.change(editor, { target: { value: "" } }); fireEvent.keyDown(editor, { key: KEYS.ESCAPE }); expect( document.querySelector(".excalidraw-textEditorContainer > textarea"), ).toBe(null); expect(arrow.endBinding).toBe(null); }); it("should keep binding on text update", async () => { const text = API.createElement({ type: "text", text: "ola", x: 60, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100, }); h.elements = [text]; const arrow = UI.createElement("arrow", { x: 0, y: 0, size: 50, }); expect(arrow.endBinding?.elementId).toBe(; // delete text element by submitting empty text // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- UI.clickTool("text"); mouse.clickAt(text.x + 50, text.y + 50); const editor = document.querySelector( ".excalidraw-textEditorContainer > textarea", ) as HTMLTextAreaElement; expect(editor).not.toBe(null); fireEvent.change(editor, { target: { value: "asdasdasdasdas" } }); fireEvent.keyDown(editor, { key: KEYS.ESCAPE }); expect( document.querySelector(".excalidraw-textEditorContainer > textarea"), ).toBe(null); expect(arrow.endBinding?.elementId).toBe(; }); it("should update binding when text containerized", async () => { const rectangle1 = API.createElement({ type: "rectangle", id: "rectangle1", width: 100, height: 100, boundElements: [ { id: "arrow1", type: "arrow" }, { id: "arrow2", type: "arrow" }, ], }); const arrow1 = API.createElement({ type: "arrow", id: "arrow1", points: [ [0, 0], [0, -87.45777932247563], ], startBinding: { elementId: "rectangle1", focus: 0.2, gap: 7, }, endBinding: { elementId: "text1", focus: 0.2, gap: 7, }, }); const arrow2 = API.createElement({ type: "arrow", id: "arrow2", points: [ [0, 0], [0, -87.45777932247563], ], startBinding: { elementId: "text1", focus: 0.2, gap: 7, }, endBinding: { elementId: "rectangle1", focus: 0.2, gap: 7, }, }); const text1 = API.createElement({ type: "text", id: "text1", text: "ola", boundElements: [ { id: "arrow1", type: "arrow" }, { id: "arrow2", type: "arrow" }, ], }); h.elements = [rectangle1, arrow1, arrow2, text1]; API.setSelectedElements([text1]); expect(h.state.selectedElementIds[]).toBe(true);; // new text container will be placed before the text element const container =!; expect(container.type).toBe("rectangle"); expect(; expect(container).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ boundElements: expect.arrayContaining([ { type: "text", id:, }, { type: "arrow", id:, }, { type: "arrow", id:, }, ]), }), ); expect(arrow1.startBinding?.elementId).toBe(; expect(arrow1.endBinding?.elementId).toBe(; expect(arrow2.startBinding?.elementId).toBe(; expect(arrow2.endBinding?.elementId).toBe(; }); // #6459 it("should unbind arrow only from the latest element", () => { const rectLeft = UI.createElement("rectangle", { x: 0, width: 200, height: 500, }); const rectRight = UI.createElement("rectangle", { x: 400, width: 200, height: 500, }); const arrow = UI.createElement("arrow", { x: 210, y: 250, width: 180, height: 1, }); expect(arrow.startBinding?.elementId).toBe(; expect(arrow.endBinding?.elementId).toBe(; // Drag arrow off of bound rectangle range const handles = getTransformHandles( arrow, h.state.zoom, arrayToMap(h.elements), "mouse", ).se!; Keyboard.keyDown(KEYS.CTRL_OR_CMD); const elX = handles[0] + handles[2] / 2; const elY = handles[1] + handles[3] / 2; mouse.downAt(elX, elY); mouse.moveTo(300, 400); mouse.up(); expect(arrow.startBinding).not.toBe(null); expect(arrow.endBinding).toBe(null); }); it("should not unbind when duplicating via selection group", () => { const rectLeft = UI.createElement("rectangle", { x: 0, width: 200, height: 500, }); const rectRight = UI.createElement("rectangle", { x: 400, y: 200, width: 200, height: 500, }); const arrow = UI.createElement("arrow", { x: 210, y: 250, width: 177, height: 1, }); expect(arrow.startBinding?.elementId).toBe(; expect(arrow.endBinding?.elementId).toBe(; mouse.downAt(-100, -100); mouse.moveTo(650, 750); mouse.up(0, 0); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBe(3); mouse.moveTo(5, 5); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ alt: true }, () => { mouse.downAt(5, 5); mouse.moveTo(1000, 1000); mouse.up(0, 0); expect(window.h.elements.length).toBe(6); window.h.elements.forEach((element) => { if (isLinearElement(element)) { expect(element.startBinding).not.toBe(null); expect(element.endBinding).not.toBe(null); } else { expect(element.boundElements).not.toBe(null); } }); }); }); });