import type { LocalPoint, GlobalPoint, Triangle, Vector, Radians, } from "../../math"; import { point, pointRotateRads, pointScaleFromOrigin, radiansToDegrees, triangleIncludesPoint, } from "../../math"; import { getCenterForBounds, type Bounds } from "./bounds"; import type { ExcalidrawBindableElement } from "./types"; export const HEADING_RIGHT = [1, 0] as Heading; export const HEADING_DOWN = [0, 1] as Heading; export const HEADING_LEFT = [-1, 0] as Heading; export const HEADING_UP = [0, -1] as Heading; export type Heading = [1, 0] | [0, 1] | [-1, 0] | [0, -1]; export const headingForDiamond = ( a: Point, b: Point, ) => { const angle = radiansToDegrees( Math.atan2(b[1] - a[1], b[0] - a[0]) as Radians, ); if (angle >= 315 || angle < 45) { return HEADING_UP; } else if (angle >= 45 && angle < 135) { return HEADING_RIGHT; } else if (angle >= 135 && angle < 225) { return HEADING_DOWN; } return HEADING_LEFT; }; export const vectorToHeading = (vec: Vector): Heading => { const [x, y] = vec; const absX = Math.abs(x); const absY = Math.abs(y); if (x > absY) { return HEADING_RIGHT; } else if (x <= -absY) { return HEADING_LEFT; } else if (y > absX) { return HEADING_DOWN; } return HEADING_UP; }; export const compareHeading = (a: Heading, b: Heading) => a[0] === b[0] && a[1] === b[1]; // Gets the heading for the point by creating a bounding box around the rotated // close fitting bounding box, then creating 4 search cones around the center of // the external bbox. export const headingForPointFromElement = < Point extends GlobalPoint | LocalPoint, >( element: Readonly, aabb: Readonly, p: Readonly, ): Heading => { const SEARCH_CONE_MULTIPLIER = 2; const midPoint = getCenterForBounds(aabb); if (element.type === "diamond") { if (p[0] < element.x) { return HEADING_LEFT; } else if (p[1] < element.y) { return HEADING_UP; } else if (p[0] > element.x + element.width) { return HEADING_RIGHT; } else if (p[1] > element.y + element.height) { return HEADING_DOWN; } const top = pointRotateRads( pointScaleFromOrigin( point(element.x + element.width / 2, element.y), midPoint, SEARCH_CONE_MULTIPLIER, ), midPoint, element.angle, ); const right = pointRotateRads( pointScaleFromOrigin( point(element.x + element.width, element.y + element.height / 2), midPoint, SEARCH_CONE_MULTIPLIER, ), midPoint, element.angle, ); const bottom = pointRotateRads( pointScaleFromOrigin( point(element.x + element.width / 2, element.y + element.height), midPoint, SEARCH_CONE_MULTIPLIER, ), midPoint, element.angle, ); const left = pointRotateRads( pointScaleFromOrigin( point(element.x, element.y + element.height / 2), midPoint, SEARCH_CONE_MULTIPLIER, ), midPoint, element.angle, ); if (triangleIncludesPoint([top, right, midPoint] as Triangle, p)) { return headingForDiamond(top, right); } else if ( triangleIncludesPoint([right, bottom, midPoint] as Triangle, p) ) { return headingForDiamond(right, bottom); } else if ( triangleIncludesPoint([bottom, left, midPoint] as Triangle, p) ) { return headingForDiamond(bottom, left); } return headingForDiamond(left, top); } const topLeft = pointScaleFromOrigin( point(aabb[0], aabb[1]), midPoint, SEARCH_CONE_MULTIPLIER, ) as Point; const topRight = pointScaleFromOrigin( point(aabb[2], aabb[1]), midPoint, SEARCH_CONE_MULTIPLIER, ) as Point; const bottomLeft = pointScaleFromOrigin( point(aabb[0], aabb[3]), midPoint, SEARCH_CONE_MULTIPLIER, ) as Point; const bottomRight = pointScaleFromOrigin( point(aabb[2], aabb[3]), midPoint, SEARCH_CONE_MULTIPLIER, ) as Point; return triangleIncludesPoint( [topLeft, topRight, midPoint] as Triangle, p, ) ? HEADING_UP : triangleIncludesPoint( [topRight, bottomRight, midPoint] as Triangle, p, ) ? HEADING_RIGHT : triangleIncludesPoint( [bottomRight, bottomLeft, midPoint] as Triangle, p, ) ? HEADING_DOWN : HEADING_LEFT; }; export const flipHeading = (h: Heading): Heading => [ h[0] === 0 ? 0 : h[0] > 0 ? -1 : 1, h[1] === 0 ? 0 : h[1] > 0 ? -1 : 1, ] as Heading;