import { defineConfig } from "vitest/config"; import { woff2BrowserPlugin } from "./scripts/woff2/woff2-vite-plugins"; export default defineConfig({ //@ts-ignore plugins: [woff2BrowserPlugin()], test: { // Since hooks are running in stack in v2, which means all hooks run serially whereas // we need to run them in parallel sequence: { hooks: 'parallel', }, setupFiles: ["./setupTests.ts"], globals: true, environment: "jsdom", coverage: { reporter: ["text", "json-summary", "json", "html", "lcovonly"], // Since v2, it ignores empty lines by default and we need to disable it as it affects the coverage // Additionally the thresholds also needs to be updated slightly as a result of this change ignoreEmptyLines: false, thresholds: { lines: 66, branches: 70, functions: 63, statements: 66, }, }, }, });