import { CODES, KEYS } from "../keys"; import { isWritableElement, getFontString, getFontFamilyString, isTestEnv, } from "../utils"; import Scene from "../scene/Scene"; import { isArrowElement, isBoundToContainer, isTextElement, } from "./typeChecks"; import { CLASSES } from "../constants"; import { ExcalidrawElement, ExcalidrawLinearElement, ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer, ExcalidrawTextElement, } from "./types"; import { AppState } from "../types"; import { bumpVersion, mutateElement } from "./mutateElement"; import { getBoundTextElementId, getContainerElement, getTextElementAngle, getTextWidth, normalizeText, redrawTextBoundingBox, wrapText, getBoundTextMaxHeight, getBoundTextMaxWidth, computeContainerDimensionForBoundText, computeBoundTextPosition, getBoundTextElement, } from "./textElement"; import { actionDecreaseFontSize, actionIncreaseFontSize, } from "../actions/actionProperties"; import { actionZoomIn, actionZoomOut } from "../actions/actionCanvas"; import App from "../components/App"; import { LinearElementEditor } from "./linearElementEditor"; import { parseClipboard } from "../clipboard"; import { originalContainerCache, updateOriginalContainerCache, } from "./containerCache"; const getTransform = ( width: number, height: number, angle: number, appState: AppState, maxWidth: number, maxHeight: number, ) => { const { zoom } = appState; const degree = (180 * angle) / Math.PI; let translateX = (width * (zoom.value - 1)) / 2; let translateY = (height * (zoom.value - 1)) / 2; if (width > maxWidth && zoom.value !== 1) { translateX = (maxWidth * (zoom.value - 1)) / 2; } if (height > maxHeight && zoom.value !== 1) { translateY = (maxHeight * (zoom.value - 1)) / 2; } return `translate(${translateX}px, ${translateY}px) scale(${zoom.value}) rotate(${degree}deg)`; }; export const textWysiwyg = ({ id, onChange, onSubmit, getViewportCoords, element, canvas, excalidrawContainer, app, }: { id: ExcalidrawElement["id"]; onChange?: (text: string) => void; onSubmit: (data: { text: string; viaKeyboard: boolean; originalText: string; }) => void; getViewportCoords: (x: number, y: number) => [number, number]; element: ExcalidrawTextElement; canvas: HTMLCanvasElement; excalidrawContainer: HTMLDivElement | null; app: App; }) => { const textPropertiesUpdated = ( updatedTextElement: ExcalidrawTextElement, editable: HTMLTextAreaElement, ) => { if (! || ! { return false; } const currentFont ="/g, ""); if ( getFontFamilyString({ fontFamily: updatedTextElement.fontFamily }) !== currentFont ) { return true; } if (`${updatedTextElement.fontSize}px` !== { return true; } return false; }; const updateWysiwygStyle = () => { const appState = app.state; const updatedTextElement = Scene.getScene(element)?.getElement<ExcalidrawTextElement>(id); if (!updatedTextElement) { return; } const { textAlign, verticalAlign } = updatedTextElement; const elementsMap = app.scene.getNonDeletedElementsMap(); if (updatedTextElement && isTextElement(updatedTextElement)) { let coordX = updatedTextElement.x; let coordY = updatedTextElement.y; const container = getContainerElement( updatedTextElement, app.scene.getNonDeletedElementsMap(), ); let maxWidth = updatedTextElement.width; let maxHeight = updatedTextElement.height; let textElementWidth = updatedTextElement.width; // Set to element height by default since that's // what is going to be used for unbounded text const textElementHeight = updatedTextElement.height; if (container && updatedTextElement.containerId) { if (isArrowElement(container)) { const boundTextCoords = LinearElementEditor.getBoundTextElementPosition( container, updatedTextElement as ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer, elementsMap, ); coordX = boundTextCoords.x; coordY = boundTextCoords.y; } const propertiesUpdated = textPropertiesUpdated( updatedTextElement, editable, ); let originalContainerData; if (propertiesUpdated) { originalContainerData = updateOriginalContainerCache(, container.height, ); } else { originalContainerData = originalContainerCache[]; if (!originalContainerData) { originalContainerData = updateOriginalContainerCache(, container.height, ); } } maxWidth = getBoundTextMaxWidth(container, updatedTextElement); maxHeight = getBoundTextMaxHeight( container, updatedTextElement as ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer, ); // autogrow container height if text exceeds if (!isArrowElement(container) && textElementHeight > maxHeight) { const targetContainerHeight = computeContainerDimensionForBoundText( textElementHeight, container.type, ); mutateElement(container, { height: targetContainerHeight }); return; } else if ( // autoshrink container height until original container height // is reached when text is removed !isArrowElement(container) && container.height > originalContainerData.height && textElementHeight < maxHeight ) { const targetContainerHeight = computeContainerDimensionForBoundText( textElementHeight, container.type, ); mutateElement(container, { height: targetContainerHeight }); } else { const { y } = computeBoundTextPosition( container, updatedTextElement as ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer, elementsMap, ); coordY = y; } } const [viewportX, viewportY] = getViewportCoords(coordX, coordY); const initialSelectionStart = editable.selectionStart; const initialSelectionEnd = editable.selectionEnd; const initialLength = editable.value.length; // restore cursor position after value updated so it doesn't // go to the end of text when container auto expanded if ( initialSelectionStart === initialSelectionEnd && initialSelectionEnd !== initialLength ) { // get diff between length and selection end and shift // the cursor by "diff" times to position correctly const diff = initialLength - initialSelectionEnd; editable.selectionStart = editable.value.length - diff; editable.selectionEnd = editable.value.length - diff; } if (!container) { maxWidth = (appState.width - 8 - viewportX) / appState.zoom.value; textElementWidth = Math.min(textElementWidth, maxWidth); } // Make sure text editor height doesn't go beyond viewport const editorMaxHeight = (appState.height - viewportY) / appState.zoom.value; Object.assign(, { font: getFontString(updatedTextElement), // must be defined *after* font ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lineHeight: updatedTextElement.lineHeight, width: `${textElementWidth}px`, height: `${textElementHeight}px`, left: `${viewportX}px`, top: `${viewportY}px`, transform: getTransform( textElementWidth, textElementHeight, getTextElementAngle(updatedTextElement, container), appState, maxWidth, editorMaxHeight, ), textAlign, verticalAlign, color: updatedTextElement.strokeColor, opacity: updatedTextElement.opacity / 100, filter: "var(--theme-filter)", maxHeight: `${editorMaxHeight}px`, }); editable.scrollTop = 0; // For some reason updating font attribute doesn't set font family // hence updating font family explicitly for test environment if (isTestEnv()) { = getFontFamilyString(updatedTextElement); } mutateElement(updatedTextElement, { x: coordX, y: coordY }); } }; const editable = document.createElement("textarea"); editable.dir = "auto"; editable.tabIndex = 0; editable.dataset.type = "wysiwyg"; // prevent line wrapping on Safari editable.wrap = "off"; editable.classList.add("excalidraw-wysiwyg"); let whiteSpace = "pre"; let wordBreak = "normal"; if (isBoundToContainer(element)) { whiteSpace = "pre-wrap"; wordBreak = "break-word"; } Object.assign(, { position: "absolute", display: "inline-block", minHeight: "1em", backfaceVisibility: "hidden", margin: 0, padding: 0, border: 0, outline: 0, resize: "none", background: "transparent", overflow: "hidden", // must be specified because in dark mode canvas creates a stacking context zIndex: "var(--zIndex-wysiwyg)", wordBreak, // prevent line wrapping (`whitespace: nowrap` doesn't work on FF) whiteSpace, overflowWrap: "break-word", boxSizing: "content-box", }); editable.value = element.originalText; updateWysiwygStyle(); if (onChange) { editable.onpaste = async (event) => { const clipboardData = await parseClipboard(event, true); if (!clipboardData.text) { return; } const data = normalizeText(clipboardData.text); if (!data) { return; } const container = getContainerElement( element, app.scene.getNonDeletedElementsMap(), ); const font = getFontString({ fontSize: app.state.currentItemFontSize, fontFamily: app.state.currentItemFontFamily, }); if (container) { const boundTextElement = getBoundTextElement( container, app.scene.getNonDeletedElementsMap(), ); const wrappedText = wrapText( `${editable.value}${data}`, font, getBoundTextMaxWidth(container, boundTextElement), ); const width = getTextWidth(wrappedText, font); = `${width}px`; } }; editable.oninput = () => { onChange(normalizeText(editable.value)); }; } editable.onkeydown = (event) => { if (!event.shiftKey && actionZoomIn.keyTest(event)) { event.preventDefault(); app.actionManager.executeAction(actionZoomIn); updateWysiwygStyle(); } else if (!event.shiftKey && actionZoomOut.keyTest(event)) { event.preventDefault(); app.actionManager.executeAction(actionZoomOut); updateWysiwygStyle(); } else if (actionDecreaseFontSize.keyTest(event)) { app.actionManager.executeAction(actionDecreaseFontSize); } else if (actionIncreaseFontSize.keyTest(event)) { app.actionManager.executeAction(actionIncreaseFontSize); } else if (event.key === KEYS.ESCAPE) { event.preventDefault(); submittedViaKeyboard = true; handleSubmit(); } else if (event.key === KEYS.ENTER && event[KEYS.CTRL_OR_CMD]) { event.preventDefault(); if (event.isComposing || event.keyCode === 229) { return; } submittedViaKeyboard = true; handleSubmit(); } else if ( event.key === KEYS.TAB || (event[KEYS.CTRL_OR_CMD] && (event.code === CODES.BRACKET_LEFT || event.code === CODES.BRACKET_RIGHT)) ) { event.preventDefault(); if (event.isComposing) { return; } else if (event.shiftKey || event.code === CODES.BRACKET_LEFT) { outdent(); } else { indent(); } // We must send an input event to resize the element editable.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")); } }; const TAB_SIZE = 4; const TAB = " ".repeat(TAB_SIZE); const RE_LEADING_TAB = new RegExp(`^ {1,${TAB_SIZE}}`); const indent = () => { const { selectionStart, selectionEnd } = editable; const linesStartIndices = getSelectedLinesStartIndices(); let value = editable.value; linesStartIndices.forEach((startIndex: number) => { const startValue = value.slice(0, startIndex); const endValue = value.slice(startIndex); value = `${startValue}${TAB}${endValue}`; }); editable.value = value; editable.selectionStart = selectionStart + TAB_SIZE; editable.selectionEnd = selectionEnd + TAB_SIZE * linesStartIndices.length; }; const outdent = () => { const { selectionStart, selectionEnd } = editable; const linesStartIndices = getSelectedLinesStartIndices(); const removedTabs: number[] = []; let value = editable.value; linesStartIndices.forEach((startIndex) => { const tabMatch = value .slice(startIndex, startIndex + TAB_SIZE) .match(RE_LEADING_TAB); if (tabMatch) { const startValue = value.slice(0, startIndex); const endValue = value.slice(startIndex + tabMatch[0].length); // Delete a tab from the line value = `${startValue}${endValue}`; removedTabs.push(startIndex); } }); editable.value = value; if (removedTabs.length) { if (selectionStart > removedTabs[removedTabs.length - 1]) { editable.selectionStart = Math.max( selectionStart - TAB_SIZE, removedTabs[removedTabs.length - 1], ); } else { // If the cursor is before the first tab removed, ex: // Line| #1 // Line #2 // Lin|e #3 // we should reset the selectionStart to his initial value. editable.selectionStart = selectionStart; } editable.selectionEnd = Math.max( editable.selectionStart, selectionEnd - TAB_SIZE * removedTabs.length, ); } }; /** * @returns indices of start positions of selected lines, in reverse order */ const getSelectedLinesStartIndices = () => { let { selectionStart, selectionEnd, value } = editable; // chars before selectionStart on the same line const startOffset = value.slice(0, selectionStart).match(/[^\n]*$/)![0] .length; // put caret at the start of the line selectionStart = selectionStart - startOffset; const selected = value.slice(selectionStart, selectionEnd); return selected .split("\n") .reduce( (startIndices, line, idx, lines) => startIndices.concat( idx ? // curr line index is prev line's start + prev line's length + \n startIndices[idx - 1] + lines[idx - 1].length + 1 : // first selected line selectionStart, ), [] as number[], ) .reverse(); }; const stopEvent = (event: Event) => { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); }; // using a state variable instead of passing it to the handleSubmit callback // so that we don't need to create separate a callback for event handlers let submittedViaKeyboard = false; const handleSubmit = () => { // cleanup must be run before onSubmit otherwise when app blurs the wysiwyg // it'd get stuck in an infinite loop of blur→onSubmit after we re-focus the // wysiwyg on update cleanup(); const updateElement = Scene.getScene(element)?.getElement(, ) as ExcalidrawTextElement; if (!updateElement) { return; } let text = editable.value; const container = getContainerElement( updateElement, app.scene.getNonDeletedElementsMap(), ); if (container) { text = updateElement.text; if (editable.value.trim()) { const boundTextElementId = getBoundTextElementId(container); if (!boundTextElementId || boundTextElementId !== { mutateElement(container, { boundElements: (container.boundElements || []).concat({ type: "text", id:, }), }); } else if (isArrowElement(container)) { // updating an arrow label may change bounds, prevent stale cache: bumpVersion(container); } } else { mutateElement(container, { boundElements: container.boundElements?.filter( (ele) => !isTextElement( ele as ExcalidrawTextElement | ExcalidrawLinearElement, ), ), }); } redrawTextBoundingBox( updateElement, container, app.scene.getNonDeletedElementsMap(), ); } onSubmit({ text, viaKeyboard: submittedViaKeyboard, originalText: editable.value, }); }; const cleanup = () => { if (isDestroyed) { return; } isDestroyed = true; // remove events to ensure they don't late-fire editable.onblur = null; editable.oninput = null; editable.onkeydown = null; if (observer) { observer.disconnect(); } window.removeEventListener("resize", updateWysiwygStyle); window.removeEventListener("wheel", stopEvent, true); window.removeEventListener("pointerdown", onPointerDown); window.removeEventListener("pointerup", bindBlurEvent); window.removeEventListener("blur", handleSubmit); window.removeEventListener("beforeunload", handleSubmit); unbindUpdate(); editable.remove(); }; const bindBlurEvent = (event?: MouseEvent) => { window.removeEventListener("pointerup", bindBlurEvent); // Deferred so that the pointerdown that initiates the wysiwyg doesn't // trigger the blur on ensuing pointerup. // Also to handle cases such as picking a color which would trigger a blur // in that same tick. const target = event?.target; const isTargetPickerTrigger = target instanceof HTMLElement && target.classList.contains("active-color"); setTimeout(() => { editable.onblur = handleSubmit; if (isTargetPickerTrigger) { const callback = ( mutationList: MutationRecord[], observer: MutationObserver, ) => { const radixIsRemoved = mutationList.find( (mutation) => mutation.removedNodes.length > 0 && (mutation.removedNodes[0] as HTMLElement).dataset ?.radixPopperContentWrapper !== undefined, ); if (radixIsRemoved) { // should work without this in theory // and i think it does actually but radix probably somewhere, // somehow sets the focus elsewhere setTimeout(() => { editable.focus(); }); observer.disconnect(); } }; const observer = new MutationObserver(callback); observer.observe(document.querySelector(".excalidraw-container")!, { childList: true, }); } // case: clicking on the same property → no change → no update → no focus if (!isTargetPickerTrigger) { editable.focus(); } }); }; // prevent blur when changing properties from the menu const onPointerDown = (event: MouseEvent) => { const isTargetPickerTrigger = instanceof HTMLElement &&"active-color"); if ( (( instanceof HTMLElement || instanceof SVGElement) &&`.${CLASSES.SHAPE_ACTIONS_MENU}`) && !isWritableElement( || isTargetPickerTrigger ) { editable.onblur = null; window.addEventListener("pointerup", bindBlurEvent); // handle edge-case where pointerup doesn't fire e.g. due to user // alt-tabbing away window.addEventListener("blur", handleSubmit); } }; // handle updates of textElement properties of editing element const unbindUpdate = Scene.getScene(element)!.addCallback(() => { updateWysiwygStyle(); const isColorPickerActive = !!document.activeElement?.closest( ".color-picker-content", ); if (!isColorPickerActive) { editable.focus(); } }); // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- let isDestroyed = false; // select on init (focusing is done separately inside the bindBlurEvent() // because we need it to happen *after* the blur event from `pointerdown`); bindBlurEvent(); // reposition wysiwyg in case of canvas is resized. Using ResizeObserver // is preferred so we catch changes from host, where window may not resize. let observer: ResizeObserver | null = null; if (canvas && "ResizeObserver" in window) { observer = new window.ResizeObserver(() => { updateWysiwygStyle(); }); observer.observe(canvas); } else { window.addEventListener("resize", updateWysiwygStyle); } window.addEventListener("pointerdown", onPointerDown); window.addEventListener("wheel", stopEvent, { passive: false, capture: true, }); window.addEventListener("beforeunload", handleSubmit); excalidrawContainer ?.querySelector(".excalidraw-textEditorContainer")! .appendChild(editable); };