import { BOUND_TEXT_PADDING, FONT_FAMILY } from "../constants"; import { API } from "../tests/helpers/api"; import { computeContainerDimensionForBoundText, getContainerCoords, getBoundTextMaxWidth, getBoundTextMaxHeight, wrapText, detectLineHeight, getLineHeightInPx, getDefaultLineHeight, parseTokens, } from "./textElement"; import { ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer, FontString } from "./types"; describe("Test wrapText", () => { const font = "20px Cascadia, width: Segoe UI Emoji" as FontString; it("shouldn't add new lines for trailing spaces", () => { const text = "Hello whats up "; const maxWidth = 200 - BOUND_TEXT_PADDING * 2; const res = wrapText(text, font, maxWidth); expect(res).toBe(text); }); it("should work with emojis", () => { const text = "πŸ˜€"; const maxWidth = 1; const res = wrapText(text, font, maxWidth); expect(res).toBe("πŸ˜€"); }); it("should show the text correctly when max width reached", () => { const text = "HelloπŸ˜€"; const maxWidth = 10; const res = wrapText(text, font, maxWidth); expect(res).toBe("H\ne\nl\nl\no\nπŸ˜€"); }); describe("When text doesn't contain new lines", () => { const text = "Hello whats up"; [ { desc: "break all words when width of each word is less than container width", width: 80, res: `Hello \nwhats \nup`, }, { desc: "break all characters when width of each character is less than container width", width: 25, res: `H e l l o w h a t s u p`, }, { desc: "break words as per the width", width: 140, res: `Hello whats \nup`, }, { desc: "fit the container", width: 250, res: "Hello whats up", }, { desc: "should push the word if its equal to max width", width: 60, res: `Hello whats up`, }, ].forEach((data) => { it(`should ${data.desc}`, () => { const res = wrapText(text, font, data.width - BOUND_TEXT_PADDING * 2); expect(res).toEqual(data.res); }); }); }); describe("When text contain new lines", () => { const text = `Hello whats up`; [ { desc: "break all words when width of each word is less than container width", width: 80, res: `Hello\nwhats \nup`, }, { desc: "break all characters when width of each character is less than container width", width: 25, res: `H e l l o w h a t s u p`, }, { desc: "break words as per the width", width: 150, res: `Hello whats up`, }, { desc: "fit the container", width: 250, res: `Hello whats up`, }, ].forEach((data) => { it(`should respect new lines and ${data.desc}`, () => { const res = wrapText(text, font, data.width - BOUND_TEXT_PADDING * 2); expect(res).toEqual(data.res); }); }); }); describe("When text is long", () => { const text = `hellolongtextthisiswhatsupwithyouIamtypingggggandtypinggg break it now`; [ { desc: "fit characters of long string as per container width", width: 170, res: `hellolongtextth\nisiswhatsupwith\nyouIamtypingggg\ngandtypinggg \nbreak it now`, }, { desc: "fit characters of long string as per container width and break words as per the width", width: 130, res: `hellolongte xtthisiswha tsupwithyou Iamtypinggg ggandtyping gg break it now`, }, { desc: "fit the long text when container width is greater than text length and move the rest to next line", width: 600, res: `hellolongtextthisiswhatsupwithyouIamtypingggggandtypinggg \nbreak it now`, }, ].forEach((data) => { it(`should ${data.desc}`, () => { const res = wrapText(text, font, data.width - BOUND_TEXT_PADDING * 2); expect(res).toEqual(data.res); }); }); }); it("should wrap the text correctly when word length is exactly equal to max width", () => { const text = "Hello Excalidraw"; // Length of "Excalidraw" is 100 and exacty equal to max width const res = wrapText(text, font, 100); expect(res).toEqual(`Hello \nExcalidraw`); }); it("should return the text as is if max width is invalid", () => { const text = "Hello Excalidraw"; expect(wrapText(text, font, NaN)).toEqual(text); expect(wrapText(text, font, -1)).toEqual(text); expect(wrapText(text, font, Infinity)).toEqual(text); }); it("should wrap the text correctly when text contains hyphen", () => { let text = "Wikipedia is hosted by Wikimedia- Foundation, a non-profit organization that also hosts a range-of other projects"; const res = wrapText(text, font, 110); expect(res).toBe( `Wikipedia \nis hosted \nby \nWikimedia-\nFoundation,\na non-\nprofit \norganizati\non that \nalso hosts\na range-of\nother \nprojects`, ); text = "Hello thereusing-now"; expect(wrapText(text, font, 100)).toEqual("Hello \nthereusin\ng-now"); }); }); describe("Test parseTokens", () => { it("should split into tokens correctly", () => { let text = "Excalidraw is a virtual collaborative whiteboard"; expect(parseTokens(text)).toEqual([ "Excalidraw", "is", "a", "virtual", "collaborative", "whiteboard", ]); text = "Wikipedia is hosted by Wikimedia- Foundation, a non-profit organization that also hosts a range-of other projects"; expect(parseTokens(text)).toEqual([ "Wikipedia", "is", "hosted", "by", "Wikimedia-", "", "Foundation,", "a", "non-", "profit", "organization", "that", "also", "hosts", "a", "range-", "of", "other", "projects", ]); }); }); describe("Test measureText", () => { describe("Test getContainerCoords", () => { const params = { width: 200, height: 100, x: 10, y: 20 }; it("should compute coords correctly when ellipse", () => { const element = API.createElement({ type: "ellipse", ...params, }); expect(getContainerCoords(element)).toEqual({ x: 44.2893218813452455, y: 39.64466094067262, }); }); it("should compute coords correctly when rectangle", () => { const element = API.createElement({ type: "rectangle", ...params, }); expect(getContainerCoords(element)).toEqual({ x: 15, y: 25, }); }); it("should compute coords correctly when diamond", () => { const element = API.createElement({ type: "diamond", ...params, }); expect(getContainerCoords(element)).toEqual({ x: 65, y: 50, }); }); }); describe("Test computeContainerDimensionForBoundText", () => { const params = { width: 178, height: 194, }; it("should compute container height correctly for rectangle", () => { const element = API.createElement({ type: "rectangle", ...params, }); expect(computeContainerDimensionForBoundText(150, element.type)).toEqual( 160, ); }); it("should compute container height correctly for ellipse", () => { const element = API.createElement({ type: "ellipse", ...params, }); expect(computeContainerDimensionForBoundText(150, element.type)).toEqual( 226, ); }); it("should compute container height correctly for diamond", () => { const element = API.createElement({ type: "diamond", ...params, }); expect(computeContainerDimensionForBoundText(150, element.type)).toEqual( 320, ); }); }); describe("Test getBoundTextMaxWidth", () => { const params = { width: 178, height: 194, }; it("should return max width when container is rectangle", () => { const container = API.createElement({ type: "rectangle", ...params }); expect(getBoundTextMaxWidth(container, null)).toBe(168); }); it("should return max width when container is ellipse", () => { const container = API.createElement({ type: "ellipse", ...params }); expect(getBoundTextMaxWidth(container, null)).toBe(116); }); it("should return max width when container is diamond", () => { const container = API.createElement({ type: "diamond", ...params }); expect(getBoundTextMaxWidth(container, null)).toBe(79); }); }); describe("Test getBoundTextMaxHeight", () => { const params = { width: 178, height: 194, id: '"container-id', }; const boundTextElement = API.createElement({ type: "text", id: "text-id", x: 560.51171875, y: 202.033203125, width: 154, height: 175, fontSize: 20, fontFamily: 1, text: "Excalidraw is a\nvirtual \nopensource \nwhiteboard for \nsketching \nhand-drawn like\ndiagrams", textAlign: "center", verticalAlign: "middle", containerId:, }) as ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer; it("should return max height when container is rectangle", () => { const container = API.createElement({ type: "rectangle", ...params }); expect(getBoundTextMaxHeight(container, boundTextElement)).toBe(184); }); it("should return max height when container is ellipse", () => { const container = API.createElement({ type: "ellipse", ...params }); expect(getBoundTextMaxHeight(container, boundTextElement)).toBe(127); }); it("should return max height when container is diamond", () => { const container = API.createElement({ type: "diamond", ...params }); expect(getBoundTextMaxHeight(container, boundTextElement)).toBe(87); }); it("should return max height when container is arrow", () => { const container = API.createElement({ type: "arrow", ...params, }); expect(getBoundTextMaxHeight(container, boundTextElement)).toBe(194); }); it("should return max height when container is arrow and height is less than threshold", () => { const container = API.createElement({ type: "arrow", ...params, height: 70, boundElements: [{ type: "text", id: "text-id" }], }); expect(getBoundTextMaxHeight(container, boundTextElement)).toBe( boundTextElement.height, ); }); }); }); const textElement = API.createElement({ type: "text", text: "Excalidraw is a\nvirtual \nopensource \nwhiteboard for \nsketching \nhand-drawn like\ndiagrams", fontSize: 20, fontFamily: 1, height: 175, }); describe("Test detectLineHeight", () => { it("should return correct line height", () => { expect(detectLineHeight(textElement)).toBe(1.25); }); }); describe("Test getLineHeightInPx", () => { it("should return correct line height", () => { expect( getLineHeightInPx(textElement.fontSize, textElement.lineHeight), ).toBe(25); }); }); describe("Test getDefaultLineHeight", () => { it("should return line height using default font family when not passed", () => { //@ts-ignore expect(getDefaultLineHeight()).toBe(1.25); }); it("should return line height using default font family for unknown font", () => { const UNKNOWN_FONT = 5; expect(getDefaultLineHeight(UNKNOWN_FONT)).toBe(1.25); }); it("should return correct line height", () => { expect(getDefaultLineHeight(FONT_FAMILY.Cascadia)).toBe(1.2); }); });