import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import { fireEvent, GlobalTestState, render, screen, waitFor, } from "./test-utils"; import { UI, Pointer, Keyboard } from "./helpers/ui"; import { API } from "./helpers/api"; import { actionFlipHorizontal, actionFlipVertical } from "../actions"; import { getElementAbsoluteCoords } from "../element"; import { ExcalidrawElement, ExcalidrawImageElement, ExcalidrawLinearElement, ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer, FileId, } from "../element/types"; import { newLinearElement } from "../element"; import { Excalidraw } from "../index"; import { mutateElement } from "../element/mutateElement"; import { NormalizedZoomValue } from "../types"; import { ROUNDNESS } from "../constants"; import { vi } from "vitest"; import * as blob from "../data/blob"; import { KEYS } from "../keys"; import { getBoundTextElementPosition } from "../element/textElement"; import { createPasteEvent } from "../clipboard"; import { cloneJSON } from "../utils"; const { h } = window; const mouse = new Pointer("mouse"); // This needs to fixed in vitest mock, as when importActual used with mock // the tests hangs - // But fortunately spying and mocking the return value of spy works :p const resizeImageFileSpy = vi.spyOn(blob, "resizeImageFile"); const generateIdFromFileSpy = vi.spyOn(blob, "generateIdFromFile"); resizeImageFileSpy.mockImplementation(async (imageFile: File) => imageFile); generateIdFromFileSpy.mockImplementation(async () => "fileId" as FileId); beforeEach(async () => { // Unmount ReactDOM from root ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(document.getElementById("root")!); mouse.reset(); localStorage.clear(); sessionStorage.clear(); vi.clearAllMocks(); Object.assign(document, { elementFromPoint: () => GlobalTestState.canvas, }); await render(); h.setState({ zoom: { value: 1 as NormalizedZoomValue, }, }); }); const createAndSelectOneRectangle = (angle: number = 0) => { UI.createElement("rectangle", { x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 50, angle, }); }; const createAndSelectOneDiamond = (angle: number = 0) => { UI.createElement("diamond", { x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 50, angle, }); }; const createAndSelectOneEllipse = (angle: number = 0) => { UI.createElement("ellipse", { x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 50, angle, }); }; const createAndSelectOneArrow = (angle: number = 0) => { UI.createElement("arrow", { x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 50, angle, }); }; const createAndSelectOneLine = (angle: number = 0) => { UI.createElement("line", { x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 50, angle, }); }; const createAndReturnOneDraw = (angle: number = 0) => { return UI.createElement("freedraw", { x: 0, y: 0, width: 50, height: 100, angle, }); }; const createLinearElementWithCurveInsideMinMaxPoints = ( type: "line" | "arrow", extraProps: any = {}, ) => { return newLinearElement({ type, x: 2256.910668124894, y: -2412.5069664197654, width: 1750.4888916015625, height: 410.51605224609375, angle: 0, strokeColor: "#000000", backgroundColor: "#fa5252", fillStyle: "hachure", strokeWidth: 1, strokeStyle: "solid", roughness: 1, opacity: 100, groupIds: [], roundness: { type: ROUNDNESS.PROPORTIONAL_RADIUS }, boundElements: null, link: null, locked: false, points: [ [0, 0], [-922.4761962890625, 300.3277587890625], [828.0126953125, 410.51605224609375], ], startArrowhead: null, endArrowhead: null, }); }; const createLinearElementsWithCurveOutsideMinMaxPoints = ( type: "line" | "arrow", extraProps: any = {}, ) => { return newLinearElement({ type, x: -1388.6555370382996, y: 1037.698247710191, width: 591.2804897585779, height: 69.32871961377737, angle: 0, strokeColor: "#000000", backgroundColor: "transparent", fillStyle: "hachure", strokeWidth: 1, strokeStyle: "solid", roughness: 1, opacity: 100, groupIds: [], roundness: { type: ROUNDNESS.PROPORTIONAL_RADIUS }, boundElements: null, link: null, locked: false, points: [ [0, 0], [-584.1485186423079, -15.365636022723947], [-591.2804897585779, 36.09360810181511], [-148.56510566829502, 53.96308359105342], ], startArrowhead: null, endArrowhead: null, ...extraProps, }); }; const checkElementsBoundingBox = async ( element1: ExcalidrawElement, element2: ExcalidrawElement, toleranceInPx: number = 0, ) => { const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(element1); const [x12, y12, x22, y22] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(element2); await waitFor(() => { // Check if width and height did not change expect(x2 - x1).toBeCloseTo(x22 - x12, -1); expect(y2 - y1).toBeCloseTo(y22 - y12, -1); }); }; const checkHorizontalFlip = async (toleranceInPx: number = 0.00001) => { const originalElement = cloneJSON(h.elements[0]);; const newElement = h.elements[0]; await checkElementsBoundingBox(originalElement, newElement, toleranceInPx); }; const checkTwoPointsLineHorizontalFlip = async () => { const originalElement = cloneJSON(h.elements[0]) as ExcalidrawLinearElement;; const newElement = h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawLinearElement; await waitFor(() => { expect(originalElement.points[0][0]).toBeCloseTo( -newElement.points[0][0], 5, ); expect(originalElement.points[0][1]).toBeCloseTo( newElement.points[0][1], 5, ); expect(originalElement.points[1][0]).toBeCloseTo( -newElement.points[1][0], 5, ); expect(originalElement.points[1][1]).toBeCloseTo( newElement.points[1][1], 5, ); }); }; const checkTwoPointsLineVerticalFlip = async () => { const originalElement = cloneJSON(h.elements[0]) as ExcalidrawLinearElement;; const newElement = h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawLinearElement; await waitFor(() => { expect(originalElement.points[0][0]).toBeCloseTo( newElement.points[0][0], 5, ); expect(originalElement.points[0][1]).toBeCloseTo( -newElement.points[0][1], 5, ); expect(originalElement.points[1][0]).toBeCloseTo( newElement.points[1][0], 5, ); expect(originalElement.points[1][1]).toBeCloseTo( -newElement.points[1][1], 5, ); }); }; const checkRotatedHorizontalFlip = async ( expectedAngle: number, toleranceInPx: number = 0.00001, ) => { const originalElement = cloneJSON(h.elements[0]);; const newElement = h.elements[0]; await waitFor(() => { expect(newElement.angle).toBeCloseTo(expectedAngle); }); await checkElementsBoundingBox(originalElement, newElement, toleranceInPx); }; const checkRotatedVerticalFlip = async ( expectedAngle: number, toleranceInPx: number = 0.00001, ) => { const originalElement = cloneJSON(h.elements[0]);; const newElement = h.elements[0]; await waitFor(() => { expect(newElement.angle).toBeCloseTo(expectedAngle); }); await checkElementsBoundingBox(originalElement, newElement, toleranceInPx); }; const checkVerticalFlip = async (toleranceInPx: number = 0.00001) => { const originalElement = cloneJSON(h.elements[0]);; const newElement = h.elements[0]; await checkElementsBoundingBox(originalElement, newElement, toleranceInPx); }; const checkVerticalHorizontalFlip = async (toleranceInPx: number = 0.00001) => { const originalElement = cloneJSON(h.elements[0]);;; const newElement = h.elements[0]; await checkElementsBoundingBox(originalElement, newElement, toleranceInPx); }; const TWO_POINTS_LINEAR_ELEMENT_FLIP_TOLERANCE_IN_PIXELS = 5; const MULTIPOINT_LINEAR_ELEMENT_FLIP_TOLERANCE_IN_PIXELS = 20; // Rectangle element describe("rectangle", () => { it("flips an unrotated rectangle horizontally correctly", async () => { createAndSelectOneRectangle(); await checkHorizontalFlip(); }); it("flips an unrotated rectangle vertically correctly", async () => { createAndSelectOneRectangle(); await checkVerticalFlip(); }); it("flips a rotated rectangle horizontally correctly", async () => { const originalAngle = (3 * Math.PI) / 4; const expectedAngle = (5 * Math.PI) / 4; createAndSelectOneRectangle(originalAngle); await checkRotatedHorizontalFlip(expectedAngle); }); it("flips a rotated rectangle vertically correctly", async () => { const originalAngle = (3 * Math.PI) / 4; const expectedAgnle = (5 * Math.PI) / 4; createAndSelectOneRectangle(originalAngle); await checkRotatedVerticalFlip(expectedAgnle); }); }); // Diamond element describe("diamond", () => { it("flips an unrotated diamond horizontally correctly", async () => { createAndSelectOneDiamond(); await checkHorizontalFlip(); }); it("flips an unrotated diamond vertically correctly", async () => { createAndSelectOneDiamond(); await checkVerticalFlip(); }); it("flips a rotated diamond horizontally correctly", async () => { const originalAngle = (5 * Math.PI) / 4; const expectedAngle = (3 * Math.PI) / 4; createAndSelectOneDiamond(originalAngle); await checkRotatedHorizontalFlip(expectedAngle); }); it("flips a rotated diamond vertically correctly", async () => { const originalAngle = (5 * Math.PI) / 4; const expectedAngle = (3 * Math.PI) / 4; createAndSelectOneDiamond(originalAngle); await checkRotatedVerticalFlip(expectedAngle); }); }); // Ellipse element describe("ellipse", () => { it("flips an unrotated ellipse horizontally correctly", async () => { createAndSelectOneEllipse(); await checkHorizontalFlip(); }); it("flips an unrotated ellipse vertically correctly", async () => { createAndSelectOneEllipse(); await checkVerticalFlip(); }); it("flips a rotated ellipse horizontally correctly", async () => { const originalAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4; const expectedAngle = Math.PI / 4; createAndSelectOneEllipse(originalAngle); await checkRotatedHorizontalFlip(expectedAngle); }); it("flips a rotated ellipse vertically correctly", async () => { const originalAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4; const expectedAngle = Math.PI / 4; createAndSelectOneEllipse(originalAngle); await checkRotatedVerticalFlip(expectedAngle); }); }); // Arrow element describe("arrow", () => { it("flips an unrotated arrow horizontally with line inside min/max points bounds", async () => { const arrow = createLinearElementWithCurveInsideMinMaxPoints("arrow");[arrow]);{ selectedElementIds: { []: true } }); await checkHorizontalFlip( MULTIPOINT_LINEAR_ELEMENT_FLIP_TOLERANCE_IN_PIXELS, ); }); it("flips an unrotated arrow vertically with line inside min/max points bounds", async () => { const arrow = createLinearElementWithCurveInsideMinMaxPoints("arrow");[arrow]);{ selectedElementIds: { []: true } }); await checkVerticalFlip(50); }); it("flips a rotated arrow horizontally with line inside min/max points bounds", async () => { const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4; const expectedAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4; const line = createLinearElementWithCurveInsideMinMaxPoints("arrow");[line]); h.state.selectedElementIds = { ...h.state.selectedElementIds, []: true, }; mutateElement(line, { angle: originalAngle, }); await checkRotatedHorizontalFlip( expectedAngle, MULTIPOINT_LINEAR_ELEMENT_FLIP_TOLERANCE_IN_PIXELS, ); }); it("flips a rotated arrow vertically with line inside min/max points bounds", async () => { const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4; const expectedAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4; const line = createLinearElementWithCurveInsideMinMaxPoints("arrow");[line]); h.state.selectedElementIds = { ...h.state.selectedElementIds, []: true, }; mutateElement(line, { angle: originalAngle, }); await checkRotatedVerticalFlip( expectedAngle, MULTIPOINT_LINEAR_ELEMENT_FLIP_TOLERANCE_IN_PIXELS, ); }); //TODO: elements with curve outside minMax points have a wrong bounding box!!! it.skip("flips an unrotated arrow horizontally with line outside min/max points bounds", async () => { const arrow = createLinearElementsWithCurveOutsideMinMaxPoints("arrow");[arrow]);{ selectedElementIds: { []: true } }); await checkHorizontalFlip( MULTIPOINT_LINEAR_ELEMENT_FLIP_TOLERANCE_IN_PIXELS, ); }); //TODO: elements with curve outside minMax points have a wrong bounding box!!! it.skip("flips a rotated arrow horizontally with line outside min/max points bounds", async () => { const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4; const expectedAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4; const line = createLinearElementsWithCurveOutsideMinMaxPoints("arrow"); mutateElement(line, { angle: originalAngle });[line]);{ selectedElementIds: { []: true } }); await checkRotatedVerticalFlip( expectedAngle, MULTIPOINT_LINEAR_ELEMENT_FLIP_TOLERANCE_IN_PIXELS, ); }); //TODO: elements with curve outside minMax points have a wrong bounding box!!! it.skip("flips an unrotated arrow vertically with line outside min/max points bounds", async () => { const arrow = createLinearElementsWithCurveOutsideMinMaxPoints("arrow");[arrow]);{ selectedElementIds: { []: true } }); await checkVerticalFlip(MULTIPOINT_LINEAR_ELEMENT_FLIP_TOLERANCE_IN_PIXELS); }); //TODO: elements with curve outside minMax points have a wrong bounding box!!! it.skip("flips a rotated arrow vertically with line outside min/max points bounds", async () => { const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4; const expectedAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4; const line = createLinearElementsWithCurveOutsideMinMaxPoints("arrow"); mutateElement(line, { angle: originalAngle });[line]);{ selectedElementIds: { []: true } }); await checkRotatedVerticalFlip( expectedAngle, MULTIPOINT_LINEAR_ELEMENT_FLIP_TOLERANCE_IN_PIXELS, ); }); it("flips an unrotated arrow horizontally correctly", async () => { createAndSelectOneArrow(); await checkHorizontalFlip( TWO_POINTS_LINEAR_ELEMENT_FLIP_TOLERANCE_IN_PIXELS, ); }); it("flips an unrotated arrow vertically correctly", async () => { createAndSelectOneArrow(); await checkVerticalFlip(TWO_POINTS_LINEAR_ELEMENT_FLIP_TOLERANCE_IN_PIXELS); }); it("flips a two points arrow horizontally correctly", async () => { createAndSelectOneArrow(); await checkTwoPointsLineHorizontalFlip(); }); it("flips a two points arrow vertically correctly", async () => { createAndSelectOneArrow(); await checkTwoPointsLineVerticalFlip(); }); }); // Line element describe("line", () => { it("flips an unrotated line horizontally with line inside min/max points bounds", async () => { const line = createLinearElementWithCurveInsideMinMaxPoints("line");[line]);{ selectedElementIds: { []: true } }); await checkHorizontalFlip( MULTIPOINT_LINEAR_ELEMENT_FLIP_TOLERANCE_IN_PIXELS, ); }); it("flips an unrotated line vertically with line inside min/max points bounds", async () => { const line = createLinearElementWithCurveInsideMinMaxPoints("line");[line]);{ selectedElementIds: { []: true } }); await checkVerticalFlip(MULTIPOINT_LINEAR_ELEMENT_FLIP_TOLERANCE_IN_PIXELS); }); it("flips an unrotated line horizontally correctly", async () => { createAndSelectOneLine(); await checkHorizontalFlip( TWO_POINTS_LINEAR_ELEMENT_FLIP_TOLERANCE_IN_PIXELS, ); }); //TODO: elements with curve outside minMax points have a wrong bounding box it.skip("flips an unrotated line horizontally with line outside min/max points bounds", async () => { const line = createLinearElementsWithCurveOutsideMinMaxPoints("line");[line]);{ selectedElementIds: { []: true } }); await checkHorizontalFlip( MULTIPOINT_LINEAR_ELEMENT_FLIP_TOLERANCE_IN_PIXELS, ); }); //TODO: elements with curve outside minMax points have a wrong bounding box it.skip("flips an unrotated line vertically with line outside min/max points bounds", async () => { const line = createLinearElementsWithCurveOutsideMinMaxPoints("line");[line]);{ selectedElementIds: { []: true } }); await checkVerticalFlip(MULTIPOINT_LINEAR_ELEMENT_FLIP_TOLERANCE_IN_PIXELS); }); //TODO: elements with curve outside minMax points have a wrong bounding box it.skip("flips a rotated line horizontally with line outside min/max points bounds", async () => { const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4; const expectedAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4; const line = createLinearElementsWithCurveOutsideMinMaxPoints("line"); mutateElement(line, { angle: originalAngle });[line]);{ selectedElementIds: { []: true } }); await checkRotatedHorizontalFlip( expectedAngle, MULTIPOINT_LINEAR_ELEMENT_FLIP_TOLERANCE_IN_PIXELS, ); }); //TODO: elements with curve outside minMax points have a wrong bounding box it.skip("flips a rotated line vertically with line outside min/max points bounds", async () => { const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4; const expectedAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4; const line = createLinearElementsWithCurveOutsideMinMaxPoints("line"); mutateElement(line, { angle: originalAngle });[line]);{ selectedElementIds: { []: true } }); await checkRotatedVerticalFlip( expectedAngle, MULTIPOINT_LINEAR_ELEMENT_FLIP_TOLERANCE_IN_PIXELS, ); }); it("flips an unrotated line vertically correctly", async () => { createAndSelectOneLine(); await checkVerticalFlip(TWO_POINTS_LINEAR_ELEMENT_FLIP_TOLERANCE_IN_PIXELS); }); it("flips a rotated line horizontally with line inside min/max points bounds", async () => { const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4; const expectedAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4; const line = createLinearElementWithCurveInsideMinMaxPoints("line");[line]); h.state.selectedElementIds = { ...h.state.selectedElementIds, []: true, }; mutateElement(line, { angle: originalAngle, }); await checkRotatedHorizontalFlip( expectedAngle, MULTIPOINT_LINEAR_ELEMENT_FLIP_TOLERANCE_IN_PIXELS, ); }); it("flips a rotated line vertically with line inside min/max points bounds", async () => { const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4; const expectedAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4; const line = createLinearElementWithCurveInsideMinMaxPoints("line");[line]); h.state.selectedElementIds = { ...h.state.selectedElementIds, []: true, }; mutateElement(line, { angle: originalAngle, }); await checkRotatedVerticalFlip( expectedAngle, MULTIPOINT_LINEAR_ELEMENT_FLIP_TOLERANCE_IN_PIXELS, ); }); it("flips a two points line horizontally correctly", async () => { createAndSelectOneLine(); await checkTwoPointsLineHorizontalFlip(); }); it("flips a two points line vertically correctly", async () => { createAndSelectOneLine(); await checkTwoPointsLineVerticalFlip(); }); }); // Draw element describe("freedraw", () => { it("flips an unrotated drawing horizontally correctly", async () => { const draw = createAndReturnOneDraw(); // select draw, since not done automatically h.state.selectedElementIds = { ...h.state.selectedElementIds, []: true, }; await checkHorizontalFlip(); }); it("flips an unrotated drawing vertically correctly", async () => { const draw = createAndReturnOneDraw(); // select draw, since not done automatically h.state.selectedElementIds = { ...h.state.selectedElementIds, []: true, }; await checkVerticalFlip(); }); it("flips a rotated drawing horizontally correctly", async () => { const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4; const expectedAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4; const draw = createAndReturnOneDraw(originalAngle); // select draw, since not done automatically h.state.selectedElementIds = { ...h.state.selectedElementIds, []: true, }; await checkRotatedHorizontalFlip(expectedAngle); }); it("flips a rotated drawing vertically correctly", async () => { const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4; const expectedAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4; const draw = createAndReturnOneDraw(originalAngle); // select draw, since not done automatically h.state.selectedElementIds = { ...h.state.selectedElementIds, []: true, }; await checkRotatedVerticalFlip(expectedAngle); }); }); //image //TODO: currently there is no test for pixel colors at flipped positions. describe("image", () => { const createImage = async () => { const sendPasteEvent = (file?: File) => { const clipboardEvent = createPasteEvent({ files: file ? [file] : [] }); document.dispatchEvent(clipboardEvent); }; sendPasteEvent(await API.loadFile("./fixtures/smiley_embedded_v2.png")); }; it("flips an unrotated image horizontally correctly", async () => { //paste image await createImage(); await waitFor(() => { expect((h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement).scale).toEqual([1, 1]); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].type).toEqual("image"); expect(; }); await checkHorizontalFlip(); expect((h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement).scale).toEqual([-1, 1]); expect(h.elements[0].angle).toBeCloseTo(0); }); it("flips an unrotated image vertically correctly", async () => { //paste image await createImage(); await waitFor(() => { expect((h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement).scale).toEqual([1, 1]); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].type).toEqual("image"); expect(; }); await checkVerticalFlip(); expect((h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement).scale).toEqual([1, -1]); expect(h.elements[0].angle).toBeCloseTo(0); }); it("flips an rotated image horizontally correctly", async () => { const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4; const expectedAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4; //paste image await createImage(); await waitFor(() => { expect((h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement).scale).toEqual([1, 1]); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].type).toEqual("image"); expect(; }); mutateElement(h.elements[0], { angle: originalAngle, }); await checkRotatedHorizontalFlip(expectedAngle); expect((h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement).scale).toEqual([-1, 1]); }); it("flips an rotated image vertically correctly", async () => { const originalAngle = Math.PI / 4; const expectedAngle = (7 * Math.PI) / 4; //paste image await createImage(); await waitFor(() => { expect((h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement).scale).toEqual([1, 1]); expect(h.elements[0].angle).toEqual(0); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].type).toEqual("image"); expect(; }); mutateElement(h.elements[0], { angle: originalAngle, }); await checkRotatedVerticalFlip(expectedAngle); expect((h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement).scale).toEqual([1, -1]); expect(h.elements[0].angle).toBeCloseTo(expectedAngle); }); it("flips an image both vertically & horizontally", async () => { //paste image await createImage(); await waitFor(() => { expect((h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement).scale).toEqual([1, 1]); expect(API.getSelectedElements().length).toBeGreaterThan(0); expect(API.getSelectedElements()[0].type).toEqual("image"); expect(; }); await checkVerticalHorizontalFlip(); expect((h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement).scale).toEqual([-1, -1]); expect(h.elements[0].angle).toBeCloseTo(0); }); }); describe("mutliple elements", () => { it("with bound text flip correctly", async () => { UI.clickTool("arrow");"Architect")); const arrow = UI.createElement("arrow", { x: 0, y: 0, width: 180, height: 80, }); Keyboard.keyPress(KEYS.ENTER); let editor = document.querySelector( ".excalidraw-textEditorContainer > textarea", )!; fireEvent.input(editor, { target: { value: "arrow" } }); await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 0)); Keyboard.keyPress(KEYS.ESCAPE); const rectangle = UI.createElement("rectangle", { x: 0, y: 100, width: 100, height: 100, }); Keyboard.keyPress(KEYS.ENTER); editor = document.querySelector( ".excalidraw-textEditorContainer > textarea", )!; fireEvent.input(editor, { target: { value: "rect\ntext" } }); await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 0)); Keyboard.keyPress(KEYS.ESCAPE);[arrow, rectangle]);;; const arrowText = h.elements[1] as ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer; const arrowTextPos = getBoundTextElementPosition(arrow.get(), arrowText)!; const rectText = h.elements[3] as ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer; expect(arrow.x).toBeCloseTo(180); expect(arrow.y).toBeCloseTo(200); expect(arrow.points[1][0]).toBeCloseTo(-180); expect(arrow.points[1][1]).toBeCloseTo(-80); expect(arrowTextPos.x - (arrow.x - arrow.width)).toBeCloseTo( arrow.x - (arrowTextPos.x + arrowText.width), ); expect(arrowTextPos.y - (arrow.y - arrow.height)).toBeCloseTo( arrow.y - (arrowTextPos.y + arrowText.height), ); expect(rectangle.x).toBeCloseTo(80); expect(rectangle.y).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(rectText.x - rectangle.x).toBeCloseTo( rectangle.x + rectangle.width - (rectText.x + rectText.width), ); expect(rectText.y - rectangle.y).toBeCloseTo( rectangle.y + rectangle.height - (rectText.y + rectText.height), ); }); });