import type { ExcalidrawElement, ExcalidrawFreeDrawElement, ExcalidrawLinearElement, NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, } from "../excalidraw/element/types"; import { isArrowElement, isExcalidrawElement, isFreeDrawElement, isLinearElement, isTextElement, } from "../excalidraw/element/typeChecks"; import { isValueInRange, rotatePoint } from "../excalidraw/math"; import type { Point } from "../excalidraw/types"; import type { Bounds } from "../excalidraw/element/bounds"; import { getElementBounds } from "../excalidraw/element/bounds"; import { arrayToMap } from "../excalidraw/utils"; type Element = NonDeletedExcalidrawElement; type Elements = readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[]; type Points = readonly Point[]; /** @returns vertices relative to element's top-left [0,0] position */ const getNonLinearElementRelativePoints = ( element: Exclude< Element, ExcalidrawLinearElement | ExcalidrawFreeDrawElement >, ): [TopLeft: Point, TopRight: Point, BottomRight: Point, BottomLeft: Point] => { if (element.type === "diamond") { return [ [element.width / 2, 0], [element.width, element.height / 2], [element.width / 2, element.height], [0, element.height / 2], ]; } return [ [0, 0], [0 + element.width, 0], [0 + element.width, element.height], [0, element.height], ]; }; /** @returns vertices relative to element's top-left [0,0] position */ const getElementRelativePoints = (element: ExcalidrawElement): Points => { if (isLinearElement(element) || isFreeDrawElement(element)) { return element.points; } return getNonLinearElementRelativePoints(element); }; const getMinMaxPoints = (points: Points) => { const ret = points.reduce( (limits, [x, y]) => { limits.minY = Math.min(limits.minY, y); limits.minX = Math.min(limits.minX, x); limits.maxX = Math.max(limits.maxX, x); limits.maxY = Math.max(limits.maxY, y); return limits; }, { minX: Infinity, minY: Infinity, maxX: -Infinity, maxY: -Infinity, cx: 0, cy: 0, }, ); = (ret.maxX + ret.minX) / 2; = (ret.maxY + ret.minY) / 2; return ret; }; const getRotatedBBox = (element: Element): Bounds => { const points = getElementRelativePoints(element); const { cx, cy } = getMinMaxPoints(points); const centerPoint: Point = [cx, cy]; const rotatedPoints = => rotatePoint([point[0], point[1]], centerPoint, element.angle), ); const { minX, minY, maxX, maxY } = getMinMaxPoints(rotatedPoints); return [ minX + element.x, minY + element.y, maxX + element.x, maxY + element.y, ]; }; export const isElementInsideBBox = ( element: Element, bbox: Bounds, eitherDirection = false, ): boolean => { const elementBBox = getRotatedBBox(element); const elementInsideBbox = bbox[0] <= elementBBox[0] && bbox[2] >= elementBBox[2] && bbox[1] <= elementBBox[1] && bbox[3] >= elementBBox[3]; if (!eitherDirection) { return elementInsideBbox; } if (elementInsideBbox) { return true; } return ( elementBBox[0] <= bbox[0] && elementBBox[2] >= bbox[2] && elementBBox[1] <= bbox[1] && elementBBox[3] >= bbox[3] ); }; export const elementPartiallyOverlapsWithOrContainsBBox = ( element: Element, bbox: Bounds, ): boolean => { const elementBBox = getRotatedBBox(element); return ( (isValueInRange(elementBBox[0], bbox[0], bbox[2]) || isValueInRange(bbox[0], elementBBox[0], elementBBox[2])) && (isValueInRange(elementBBox[1], bbox[1], bbox[3]) || isValueInRange(bbox[1], elementBBox[1], elementBBox[3])) ); }; export const elementsOverlappingBBox = ({ elements, bounds, type, errorMargin = 0, }: { elements: Elements; bounds: Bounds | ExcalidrawElement; /** safety offset. Defaults to 0. */ errorMargin?: number; /** * - overlap: elements overlapping or inside bounds * - contain: elements inside bounds or bounds inside elements * - inside: elements inside bounds **/ type: "overlap" | "contain" | "inside"; }) => { if (isExcalidrawElement(bounds)) { bounds = getElementBounds(bounds, arrayToMap(elements)); } const adjustedBBox: Bounds = [ bounds[0] - errorMargin, bounds[1] - errorMargin, bounds[2] + errorMargin, bounds[3] + errorMargin, ]; const includedElementSet = new Set<string>(); for (const element of elements) { if (includedElementSet.has( { continue; } const isOverlaping = type === "overlap" ? elementPartiallyOverlapsWithOrContainsBBox(element, adjustedBBox) : type === "inside" ? isElementInsideBBox(element, adjustedBBox) : isElementInsideBBox(element, adjustedBBox, true); if (isOverlaping) { includedElementSet.add(; if (element.boundElements) { for (const boundElement of element.boundElements) { includedElementSet.add(; } } if (isTextElement(element) && element.containerId) { includedElementSet.add(element.containerId); } if (isArrowElement(element)) { if (element.startBinding) { includedElementSet.add(element.startBinding.elementId); } if (element.endBinding) { includedElementSet.add(element.endBinding?.elementId); } } } } return elements.filter((element) => includedElementSet.has(; };