import { Excalidraw } from "../index"; import { queryByTestId } from "@testing-library/react"; import { render } from "../tests/test-utils"; import { UI } from "../tests/helpers/ui"; import { API } from "../tests/helpers/api"; import { COLOR_PALETTE, DEFAULT_ELEMENT_BACKGROUND_PICKS } from "../colors"; import { FONT_FAMILY, STROKE_WIDTH } from "../constants"; const { h } = window; describe("element locking", () => { beforeEach(async () => { await render(<Excalidraw />); }); describe("properties when tool selected", () => { it("should show active background top picks", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); const color = DEFAULT_ELEMENT_BACKGROUND_PICKS[1]; // just in case we change it in the future expect(color).not.toBe(COLOR_PALETTE.transparent); h.setState({ currentItemBackgroundColor: color, }); const activeColor = queryByTestId( document.body, `color-top-pick-${color}`, ); expect(activeColor).toHaveClass("active"); }); it("should show fill style when background non-transparent", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); const color = DEFAULT_ELEMENT_BACKGROUND_PICKS[1]; // just in case we change it in the future expect(color).not.toBe(COLOR_PALETTE.transparent); h.setState({ currentItemBackgroundColor: color, currentItemFillStyle: "hachure", }); const hachureFillButton = queryByTestId(document.body, `fill-hachure`); expect(hachureFillButton).toHaveClass("active"); h.setState({ currentItemFillStyle: "solid", }); const solidFillStyle = queryByTestId(document.body, `fill-solid`); expect(solidFillStyle).toHaveClass("active"); }); it("should not show fill style when background transparent", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); h.setState({ currentItemBackgroundColor: COLOR_PALETTE.transparent, currentItemFillStyle: "hachure", }); const hachureFillButton = queryByTestId(document.body, `fill-hachure`); expect(hachureFillButton).toBe(null); }); it("should show horizontal text align for text tool", () => { UI.clickTool("text"); h.setState({ currentItemTextAlign: "right", }); const centerTextAlign = queryByTestId(document.body, `align-right`); expect(centerTextAlign).toBeChecked(); }); }); describe("properties when elements selected", () => { it("should show active styles when single element selected", () => { const rect = API.createElement({ type: "rectangle", backgroundColor: "red", fillStyle: "cross-hatch", }); h.elements = [rect]; API.setSelectedElements([rect]); const crossHatchButton = queryByTestId(document.body, `fill-cross-hatch`); expect(crossHatchButton).toHaveClass("active"); }); it("should not show fill style selected element's background is transparent", () => { const rect = API.createElement({ type: "rectangle", backgroundColor: COLOR_PALETTE.transparent, fillStyle: "cross-hatch", }); h.elements = [rect]; API.setSelectedElements([rect]); const crossHatchButton = queryByTestId(document.body, `fill-cross-hatch`); expect(crossHatchButton).toBe(null); }); it("should highlight common stroke width of selected elements", () => { const rect1 = API.createElement({ type: "rectangle", strokeWidth: STROKE_WIDTH.thin, }); const rect2 = API.createElement({ type: "rectangle", strokeWidth: STROKE_WIDTH.thin, }); h.elements = [rect1, rect2]; API.setSelectedElements([rect1, rect2]); const thinStrokeWidthButton = queryByTestId( document.body, `strokeWidth-thin`, ); expect(thinStrokeWidthButton).toBeChecked(); }); it("should not highlight any stroke width button if no common style", () => { const rect1 = API.createElement({ type: "rectangle", strokeWidth: STROKE_WIDTH.thin, }); const rect2 = API.createElement({ type: "rectangle", strokeWidth: STROKE_WIDTH.bold, }); h.elements = [rect1, rect2]; API.setSelectedElements([rect1, rect2]); expect(queryByTestId(document.body, `strokeWidth-thin`)).not.toBe(null); expect( queryByTestId(document.body, `strokeWidth-thin`), ).not.toBeChecked(); expect( queryByTestId(document.body, `strokeWidth-bold`), ).not.toBeChecked(); expect( queryByTestId(document.body, `strokeWidth-extraBold`), ).not.toBeChecked(); }); it("should show properties of different element types when selected", () => { const rect = API.createElement({ type: "rectangle", strokeWidth: STROKE_WIDTH.bold, }); const text = API.createElement({ type: "text", fontFamily: FONT_FAMILY.Cascadia, }); h.elements = [rect, text]; API.setSelectedElements([rect, text]); expect(queryByTestId(document.body, `strokeWidth-bold`)).toBeChecked(); expect(queryByTestId(document.body, `font-family-code`)).toBeChecked(); }); }); });