import type { Radians } from "../../math"; import { pointFrom, pointScaleFromOrigin, pointTranslate, vector, vectorCross, vectorFromPoint, vectorScale, type GlobalPoint, type LocalPoint, type Vector, } from "../../math"; import BinaryHeap from "../binaryheap"; import { getSizeFromPoints } from "../points"; import { aabbForElement, pointInsideBounds } from "../shapes"; import type { AppState } from "../types"; import { isAnyTrue, toBrandedType, tupleToCoors } from "../utils"; import { bindPointToSnapToElementOutline, distanceToBindableElement, avoidRectangularCorner, getHoveredElementForBinding, FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE, getHeadingForElbowArrowSnap, getGlobalFixedPointForBindableElement, snapToMid, } from "./binding"; import type { Bounds } from "./bounds"; import type { Heading } from "./heading"; import { compareHeading, flipHeading, HEADING_DOWN, HEADING_LEFT, HEADING_RIGHT, HEADING_UP, vectorToHeading, } from "./heading"; import type { ElementUpdate } from "./mutateElement"; import { mutateElement } from "./mutateElement"; import { isBindableElement, isRectanguloidElement } from "./typeChecks"; import type { ExcalidrawElbowArrowElement, NonDeletedSceneElementsMap, SceneElementsMap, } from "./types"; import type { ElementsMap, ExcalidrawBindableElement } from "./types"; type GridAddress = [number, number] & { _brand: "gridaddress" }; type Node = { f: number; g: number; h: number; closed: boolean; visited: boolean; parent: Node | null; pos: GlobalPoint; addr: GridAddress; }; type Grid = { row: number; col: number; data: (Node | null)[]; }; const BASE_PADDING = 40; export const mutateElbowArrow = ( arrow: ExcalidrawElbowArrowElement, elementsMap: NonDeletedSceneElementsMap | SceneElementsMap, nextPoints: readonly LocalPoint[], offset?: Vector, otherUpdates?: Omit< ElementUpdate, "angle" | "x" | "y" | "width" | "height" | "elbowed" | "points" >, options?: { isDragging?: boolean; informMutation?: boolean; zoom?: AppState["zoom"]; }, ) => { const update = updateElbowArrow( arrow, elementsMap, nextPoints, offset, options, ); if (update) { mutateElement( arrow, { ...otherUpdates, ...update, angle: 0 as Radians, }, options?.informMutation, ); } else { console.error("Elbow arrow cannot find a route"); } }; export const updateElbowArrow = ( arrow: ExcalidrawElbowArrowElement, elementsMap: NonDeletedSceneElementsMap | SceneElementsMap, nextPoints: readonly LocalPoint[], offset?: Vector, options?: { isDragging?: boolean; disableBinding?: boolean; informMutation?: boolean; zoom?: AppState["zoom"]; }, ): ElementUpdate | null => { const origStartGlobalPoint: GlobalPoint = pointTranslate( pointTranslate( nextPoints[0], vector(arrow.x, arrow.y), ), offset, ); const origEndGlobalPoint: GlobalPoint = pointTranslate( pointTranslate( nextPoints[nextPoints.length - 1], vector(arrow.x, arrow.y), ), offset, ); const startElement = arrow.startBinding && getBindableElementForId(arrow.startBinding.elementId, elementsMap); const endElement = arrow.endBinding && getBindableElementForId(arrow.endBinding.elementId, elementsMap); const [hoveredStartElement, hoveredEndElement] = options?.isDragging ? getHoveredElements( origStartGlobalPoint, origEndGlobalPoint, elementsMap, options?.zoom, ) : [startElement, endElement]; const startGlobalPoint = getGlobalPoint( arrow.startBinding?.fixedPoint, origStartGlobalPoint, origEndGlobalPoint, elementsMap, startElement, hoveredStartElement, options?.isDragging, ); const endGlobalPoint = getGlobalPoint( arrow.endBinding?.fixedPoint, origEndGlobalPoint, origStartGlobalPoint, elementsMap, endElement, hoveredEndElement, options?.isDragging, ); const startHeading = getBindPointHeading( startGlobalPoint, endGlobalPoint, elementsMap, hoveredStartElement, origStartGlobalPoint, ); const endHeading = getBindPointHeading( endGlobalPoint, startGlobalPoint, elementsMap, hoveredEndElement, origEndGlobalPoint, ); const startPointBounds = [ startGlobalPoint[0] - 2, startGlobalPoint[1] - 2, startGlobalPoint[0] + 2, startGlobalPoint[1] + 2, ] as Bounds; const endPointBounds = [ endGlobalPoint[0] - 2, endGlobalPoint[1] - 2, endGlobalPoint[0] + 2, endGlobalPoint[1] + 2, ] as Bounds; const startElementBounds = hoveredStartElement ? aabbForElement( hoveredStartElement, offsetFromHeading( startHeading, arrow.startArrowhead ? FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE * 6 : FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE * 2, 1, ), ) : startPointBounds; const endElementBounds = hoveredEndElement ? aabbForElement( hoveredEndElement, offsetFromHeading( endHeading, arrow.endArrowhead ? FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE * 6 : FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE * 2, 1, ), ) : endPointBounds; const boundsOverlap = pointInsideBounds( startGlobalPoint, hoveredEndElement ? aabbForElement( hoveredEndElement, offsetFromHeading(endHeading, BASE_PADDING, BASE_PADDING), ) : endPointBounds, ) || pointInsideBounds( endGlobalPoint, hoveredStartElement ? aabbForElement( hoveredStartElement, offsetFromHeading(startHeading, BASE_PADDING, BASE_PADDING), ) : startPointBounds, ); const commonBounds = commonAABB( boundsOverlap ? [startPointBounds, endPointBounds] : [startElementBounds, endElementBounds], ); const dynamicAABBs = generateDynamicAABBs( boundsOverlap ? startPointBounds : startElementBounds, boundsOverlap ? endPointBounds : endElementBounds, commonBounds, boundsOverlap ? offsetFromHeading( startHeading, !hoveredStartElement && !hoveredEndElement ? 0 : BASE_PADDING, 0, ) : offsetFromHeading( startHeading, !hoveredStartElement && !hoveredEndElement ? 0 : BASE_PADDING - (arrow.startArrowhead ? FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE * 6 : FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE * 2), BASE_PADDING, ), boundsOverlap ? offsetFromHeading( endHeading, !hoveredStartElement && !hoveredEndElement ? 0 : BASE_PADDING, 0, ) : offsetFromHeading( endHeading, !hoveredStartElement && !hoveredEndElement ? 0 : BASE_PADDING - (arrow.endArrowhead ? FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE * 6 : FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE * 2), BASE_PADDING, ), boundsOverlap, hoveredStartElement && aabbForElement(hoveredStartElement), hoveredEndElement && aabbForElement(hoveredEndElement), ); const startDonglePosition = getDonglePosition( dynamicAABBs[0], startHeading, startGlobalPoint, ); const endDonglePosition = getDonglePosition( dynamicAABBs[1], endHeading, endGlobalPoint, ); // Canculate Grid positions const grid = calculateGrid( dynamicAABBs, startDonglePosition ? startDonglePosition : startGlobalPoint, startHeading, endDonglePosition ? endDonglePosition : endGlobalPoint, endHeading, commonBounds, ); const startDongle = startDonglePosition && pointToGridNode(startDonglePosition, grid); const endDongle = endDonglePosition && pointToGridNode(endDonglePosition, grid); // Do not allow stepping on the true end or true start points const endNode = pointToGridNode(endGlobalPoint, grid); if (endNode && hoveredEndElement) { endNode.closed = true; } const startNode = pointToGridNode(startGlobalPoint, grid); if (startNode && arrow.startBinding) { startNode.closed = true; } const dongleOverlap = startDongle && endDongle && (pointInsideBounds(startDongle.pos, dynamicAABBs[1]) || pointInsideBounds(endDongle.pos, dynamicAABBs[0])); // Create path to end dongle from start dongle const path = astar( startDongle ? startDongle : startNode!, endDongle ? endDongle : endNode!, grid, startHeading ? startHeading : HEADING_RIGHT, endHeading ? endHeading : HEADING_RIGHT, dongleOverlap ? [] : dynamicAABBs, ); if (path) { const points = => [ node.pos[0], node.pos[1], ]) as GlobalPoint[]; startDongle && points.unshift(startGlobalPoint); endDongle && points.push(endGlobalPoint); return normalizedArrowElementUpdate(simplifyElbowArrowPoints(points), 0, 0); } return null; }; const offsetFromHeading = ( heading: Heading, head: number, side: number, ): [number, number, number, number] => { switch (heading) { case HEADING_UP: return [head, side, side, side]; case HEADING_RIGHT: return [side, head, side, side]; case HEADING_DOWN: return [side, side, head, side]; } return [side, side, side, head]; }; /** * Routing algorithm based on the A* path search algorithm. * @see * * Binary heap is used to optimize node lookup. * See {@link calculateGrid} for the grid calculation details. * * Additional modifications added due to aesthetic route reasons: * 1) Arrow segment direction change is penalized by specific linear constant (bendMultiplier) * 2) Arrow segments are not allowed to go "backwards", overlapping with the previous segment */ const astar = ( start: Node, end: Node, grid: Grid, startHeading: Heading, endHeading: Heading, aabbs: Bounds[], ) => { const bendMultiplier = m_dist(start.pos, end.pos); const open = new BinaryHeap((node) => node.f); open.push(start); while (open.size() > 0) { // Grab the lowest f(x) to process next. Heap keeps this sorted for us. const current = open.pop(); if (!current || current.closed) { // Current is not passable, continue with next element continue; } // End case -- result has been found, return the traced path. if (current === end) { return pathTo(start, current); } // Normal case -- move current from open to closed, process each of its neighbors. current.closed = true; // Find all neighbors for the current node. const neighbors = getNeighbors(current.addr, grid); for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { const neighbor = neighbors[i]; if (!neighbor || neighbor.closed) { // Not a valid node to process, skip to next neighbor. continue; } // Intersect const neighborHalfPoint = pointScaleFromOrigin( neighbor.pos, current.pos, 0.5, ); if ( isAnyTrue( => pointInsideBounds(neighborHalfPoint, aabb)), ) ) { continue; } // The g score is the shortest distance from start to current node. // We need to check if the path we have arrived at this neighbor is the shortest one we have seen yet. const neighborHeading = neighborIndexToHeading(i as 0 | 1 | 2 | 3); const previousDirection = current.parent ? vectorToHeading(vectorFromPoint(current.pos, current.parent.pos)) : startHeading; // Do not allow going in reverse const reverseHeading = flipHeading(previousDirection); const neighborIsReverseRoute = compareHeading(reverseHeading, neighborHeading) || (gridAddressesEqual(start.addr, neighbor.addr) && compareHeading(neighborHeading, startHeading)) || (gridAddressesEqual(end.addr, neighbor.addr) && compareHeading(neighborHeading, endHeading)); if (neighborIsReverseRoute) { continue; } const directionChange = previousDirection !== neighborHeading; const gScore = current.g + m_dist(neighbor.pos, current.pos) + (directionChange ? Math.pow(bendMultiplier, 3) : 0); const beenVisited = neighbor.visited; if (!beenVisited || gScore < neighbor.g) { const estBendCount = estimateSegmentCount( neighbor, end, neighborHeading, endHeading, ); // Found an optimal (so far) path to this node. Take score for node to see how good it is. neighbor.visited = true; neighbor.parent = current; neighbor.h = m_dist(end.pos, neighbor.pos) + estBendCount * Math.pow(bendMultiplier, 2); neighbor.g = gScore; neighbor.f = neighbor.g + neighbor.h; if (!beenVisited) { // Pushing to heap will put it in proper place based on the 'f' value. open.push(neighbor); } else { // Already seen the node, but since it has been rescored we need to reorder it in the heap open.rescoreElement(neighbor); } } } } return null; }; const pathTo = (start: Node, node: Node) => { let curr = node; const path = []; while (curr.parent) { path.unshift(curr); curr = curr.parent; } path.unshift(start); return path; }; const m_dist = (a: GlobalPoint | LocalPoint, b: GlobalPoint | LocalPoint) => Math.abs(a[0] - b[0]) + Math.abs(a[1] - b[1]); /** * Create dynamically resizing, always touching * bounding boxes having a minimum extent represented * by the given static bounds. */ const generateDynamicAABBs = ( a: Bounds, b: Bounds, common: Bounds, startDifference?: [number, number, number, number], endDifference?: [number, number, number, number], disableSideHack?: boolean, startElementBounds?: Bounds | null, endElementBounds?: Bounds | null, ): Bounds[] => { const startEl = startElementBounds ?? a; const endEl = endElementBounds ?? b; const [startUp, startRight, startDown, startLeft] = startDifference ?? [ 0, 0, 0, 0, ]; const [endUp, endRight, endDown, endLeft] = endDifference ?? [0, 0, 0, 0]; const first = [ a[0] > b[2] ? a[1] > b[3] || a[3] < b[1] ? Math.min((startEl[0] + endEl[2]) / 2, a[0] - startLeft) : (startEl[0] + endEl[2]) / 2 : a[0] > b[0] ? a[0] - startLeft : common[0] - startLeft, a[1] > b[3] ? a[0] > b[2] || a[2] < b[0] ? Math.min((startEl[1] + endEl[3]) / 2, a[1] - startUp) : (startEl[1] + endEl[3]) / 2 : a[1] > b[1] ? a[1] - startUp : common[1] - startUp, a[2] < b[0] ? a[1] > b[3] || a[3] < b[1] ? Math.max((startEl[2] + endEl[0]) / 2, a[2] + startRight) : (startEl[2] + endEl[0]) / 2 : a[2] < b[2] ? a[2] + startRight : common[2] + startRight, a[3] < b[1] ? a[0] > b[2] || a[2] < b[0] ? Math.max((startEl[3] + endEl[1]) / 2, a[3] + startDown) : (startEl[3] + endEl[1]) / 2 : a[3] < b[3] ? a[3] + startDown : common[3] + startDown, ] as Bounds; const second = [ b[0] > a[2] ? b[1] > a[3] || b[3] < a[1] ? Math.min((endEl[0] + startEl[2]) / 2, b[0] - endLeft) : (endEl[0] + startEl[2]) / 2 : b[0] > a[0] ? b[0] - endLeft : common[0] - endLeft, b[1] > a[3] ? b[0] > a[2] || b[2] < a[0] ? Math.min((endEl[1] + startEl[3]) / 2, b[1] - endUp) : (endEl[1] + startEl[3]) / 2 : b[1] > a[1] ? b[1] - endUp : common[1] - endUp, b[2] < a[0] ? b[1] > a[3] || b[3] < a[1] ? Math.max((endEl[2] + startEl[0]) / 2, b[2] + endRight) : (endEl[2] + startEl[0]) / 2 : b[2] < a[2] ? b[2] + endRight : common[2] + endRight, b[3] < a[1] ? b[0] > a[2] || b[2] < a[0] ? Math.max((endEl[3] + startEl[1]) / 2, b[3] + endDown) : (endEl[3] + startEl[1]) / 2 : b[3] < a[3] ? b[3] + endDown : common[3] + endDown, ] as Bounds; const c = commonAABB([first, second]); if ( !disableSideHack && first[2] - first[0] + second[2] - second[0] > c[2] - c[0] + 0.00000000001 && first[3] - first[1] + second[3] - second[1] > c[3] - c[1] + 0.00000000001 ) { const [endCenterX, endCenterY] = [ (second[0] + second[2]) / 2, (second[1] + second[3]) / 2, ]; if (b[0] > a[2] && a[1] > b[3]) { // BOTTOM LEFT const cX = first[2] + (second[0] - first[2]) / 2; const cY = second[3] + (first[1] - second[3]) / 2; if ( vectorCross( vector(a[2] - endCenterX, a[1] - endCenterY), vector(a[0] - endCenterX, a[3] - endCenterY), ) > 0 ) { return [ [first[0], first[1], cX, first[3]], [cX, second[1], second[2], second[3]], ]; } return [ [first[0], cY, first[2], first[3]], [second[0], second[1], second[2], cY], ]; } else if (a[2] < b[0] && a[3] < b[1]) { // TOP LEFT const cX = first[2] + (second[0] - first[2]) / 2; const cY = first[3] + (second[1] - first[3]) / 2; if ( vectorCross( vector(a[0] - endCenterX, a[1] - endCenterY), vector(a[2] - endCenterX, a[3] - endCenterY), ) > 0 ) { return [ [first[0], first[1], first[2], cY], [second[0], cY, second[2], second[3]], ]; } return [ [first[0], first[1], cX, first[3]], [cX, second[1], second[2], second[3]], ]; } else if (a[0] > b[2] && a[3] < b[1]) { // TOP RIGHT const cX = second[2] + (first[0] - second[2]) / 2; const cY = first[3] + (second[1] - first[3]) / 2; if ( vectorCross( vector(a[2] - endCenterX, a[1] - endCenterY), vector(a[0] - endCenterX, a[3] - endCenterY), ) > 0 ) { return [ [cX, first[1], first[2], first[3]], [second[0], second[1], cX, second[3]], ]; } return [ [first[0], first[1], first[2], cY], [second[0], cY, second[2], second[3]], ]; } else if (a[0] > b[2] && a[1] > b[3]) { // BOTTOM RIGHT const cX = second[2] + (first[0] - second[2]) / 2; const cY = second[3] + (first[1] - second[3]) / 2; if ( vectorCross( vector(a[0] - endCenterX, a[1] - endCenterY), vector(a[2] - endCenterX, a[3] - endCenterY), ) > 0 ) { return [ [cX, first[1], first[2], first[3]], [second[0], second[1], cX, second[3]], ]; } return [ [first[0], cY, first[2], first[3]], [second[0], second[1], second[2], cY], ]; } } return [first, second]; }; /** * Calculates the grid which is used as nodes at * the grid line intersections by the A* algorithm. * * NOTE: This is not a uniform grid. It is built at * various intersections of bounding boxes. */ const calculateGrid = ( aabbs: Bounds[], start: GlobalPoint, startHeading: Heading, end: GlobalPoint, endHeading: Heading, common: Bounds, ): Grid => { const horizontal = new Set(); const vertical = new Set(); if (startHeading === HEADING_LEFT || startHeading === HEADING_RIGHT) { vertical.add(start[1]); } else { horizontal.add(start[0]); } if (endHeading === HEADING_LEFT || endHeading === HEADING_RIGHT) { vertical.add(end[1]); } else { horizontal.add(end[0]); } aabbs.forEach((aabb) => { horizontal.add(aabb[0]); horizontal.add(aabb[2]); vertical.add(aabb[1]); vertical.add(aabb[3]); }); horizontal.add(common[0]); horizontal.add(common[2]); vertical.add(common[1]); vertical.add(common[3]); const _vertical = Array.from(vertical).sort((a, b) => a - b); const _horizontal = Array.from(horizontal).sort((a, b) => a - b); return { row: _vertical.length, col: _horizontal.length, data: _vertical.flatMap((y, row) => (x, col): Node => ({ f: 0, g: 0, h: 0, closed: false, visited: false, parent: null, addr: [col, row] as GridAddress, pos: [x, y] as GlobalPoint, }), ), ), }; }; const getDonglePosition = ( bounds: Bounds, heading: Heading, p: GlobalPoint, ): GlobalPoint => { switch (heading) { case HEADING_UP: return pointFrom(p[0], bounds[1]); case HEADING_RIGHT: return pointFrom(bounds[2], p[1]); case HEADING_DOWN: return pointFrom(p[0], bounds[3]); } return pointFrom(bounds[0], p[1]); }; const estimateSegmentCount = ( start: Node, end: Node, startHeading: Heading, endHeading: Heading, ) => { if (endHeading === HEADING_RIGHT) { switch (startHeading) { case HEADING_RIGHT: { if (start.pos[0] >= end.pos[0]) { return 4; } if (start.pos[1] === end.pos[1]) { return 0; } return 2; } case HEADING_UP: if (start.pos[1] > end.pos[1] && start.pos[0] < end.pos[0]) { return 1; } return 3; case HEADING_DOWN: if (start.pos[1] < end.pos[1] && start.pos[0] < end.pos[0]) { return 1; } return 3; case HEADING_LEFT: if (start.pos[1] === end.pos[1]) { return 4; } return 2; } } else if (endHeading === HEADING_LEFT) { switch (startHeading) { case HEADING_RIGHT: if (start.pos[1] === end.pos[1]) { return 4; } return 2; case HEADING_UP: if (start.pos[1] > end.pos[1] && start.pos[0] > end.pos[0]) { return 1; } return 3; case HEADING_DOWN: if (start.pos[1] < end.pos[1] && start.pos[0] > end.pos[0]) { return 1; } return 3; case HEADING_LEFT: if (start.pos[0] <= end.pos[0]) { return 4; } if (start.pos[1] === end.pos[1]) { return 0; } return 2; } } else if (endHeading === HEADING_UP) { switch (startHeading) { case HEADING_RIGHT: if (start.pos[1] > end.pos[1] && start.pos[0] < end.pos[0]) { return 1; } return 3; case HEADING_UP: if (start.pos[1] >= end.pos[1]) { return 4; } if (start.pos[0] === end.pos[0]) { return 0; } return 2; case HEADING_DOWN: if (start.pos[0] === end.pos[0]) { return 4; } return 2; case HEADING_LEFT: if (start.pos[1] > end.pos[1] && start.pos[0] > end.pos[0]) { return 1; } return 3; } } else if (endHeading === HEADING_DOWN) { switch (startHeading) { case HEADING_RIGHT: if (start.pos[1] < end.pos[1] && start.pos[0] < end.pos[0]) { return 1; } return 3; case HEADING_UP: if (start.pos[0] === end.pos[0]) { return 4; } return 2; case HEADING_DOWN: if (start.pos[1] <= end.pos[1]) { return 4; } if (start.pos[0] === end.pos[0]) { return 0; } return 2; case HEADING_LEFT: if (start.pos[1] < end.pos[1] && start.pos[0] > end.pos[0]) { return 1; } return 3; } } return 0; }; /** * Get neighboring points for a gived grid address */ const getNeighbors = ([col, row]: [number, number], grid: Grid) => [ gridNodeFromAddr([col, row - 1], grid), gridNodeFromAddr([col + 1, row], grid), gridNodeFromAddr([col, row + 1], grid), gridNodeFromAddr([col - 1, row], grid), ] as [Node | null, Node | null, Node | null, Node | null]; const gridNodeFromAddr = ( [col, row]: [col: number, row: number], grid: Grid, ): Node | null => { if (col < 0 || col >= grid.col || row < 0 || row >= grid.row) { return null; } return[row * grid.col + col] ?? null; }; /** * Get node for global point on canvas (if exists) */ const pointToGridNode = (point: GlobalPoint, grid: Grid): Node | null => { for (let col = 0; col < grid.col; col++) { for (let row = 0; row < grid.row; row++) { const candidate = gridNodeFromAddr([col, row], grid); if ( candidate && point[0] === candidate.pos[0] && point[1] === candidate.pos[1] ) { return candidate; } } } return null; }; const commonAABB = (aabbs: Bounds[]): Bounds => [ Math.min( => aabb[0])), Math.min( => aabb[1])), Math.max( => aabb[2])), Math.max( => aabb[3])), ]; /// #region Utils const getBindableElementForId = ( id: string, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ): ExcalidrawBindableElement | null => { const element = elementsMap.get(id); if (element && isBindableElement(element)) { return element; } return null; }; const normalizedArrowElementUpdate = ( global: GlobalPoint[], externalOffsetX?: number, externalOffsetY?: number, ): { points: LocalPoint[]; x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number; } => { const offsetX = global[0][0]; const offsetY = global[0][1]; const points = => pointTranslate( p, vectorScale(vectorFromPoint(global[0]), -1), ), ); return { points, x: offsetX + (externalOffsetX ?? 0), y: offsetY + (externalOffsetY ?? 0), ...getSizeFromPoints(points), }; }; /// If last and current segments have the same heading, skip the middle point const simplifyElbowArrowPoints = (points: GlobalPoint[]): GlobalPoint[] => points .slice(2) .reduce( (result, p) => compareHeading( vectorToHeading( vectorFromPoint( result[result.length - 1], result[result.length - 2], ), ), vectorToHeading(vectorFromPoint(p, result[result.length - 1])), ) ? [...result.slice(0, -1), p] : [...result, p], [points[0] ?? [0, 0], points[1] ?? [1, 0]], ); const neighborIndexToHeading = (idx: number): Heading => { switch (idx) { case 0: return HEADING_UP; case 1: return HEADING_RIGHT; case 2: return HEADING_DOWN; } return HEADING_LEFT; }; const getGlobalPoint = ( fixedPointRatio: [number, number] | undefined | null, initialPoint: GlobalPoint, otherPoint: GlobalPoint, elementsMap: NonDeletedSceneElementsMap | SceneElementsMap, boundElement?: ExcalidrawBindableElement | null, hoveredElement?: ExcalidrawBindableElement | null, isDragging?: boolean, ): GlobalPoint => { if (isDragging) { if (hoveredElement) { const snapPoint = getSnapPoint( initialPoint, otherPoint, hoveredElement, elementsMap, ); return snapToMid(hoveredElement, snapPoint); } return initialPoint; } if (boundElement) { const fixedGlobalPoint = getGlobalFixedPointForBindableElement( fixedPointRatio || [0, 0], boundElement, ); // NOTE: Resize scales the binding position point too, so we need to update it return Math.abs( distanceToBindableElement(boundElement, fixedGlobalPoint, elementsMap) - FIXED_BINDING_DISTANCE, ) > 0.01 ? getSnapPoint(initialPoint, otherPoint, boundElement, elementsMap) : fixedGlobalPoint; } return initialPoint; }; const getSnapPoint = ( p: GlobalPoint, otherPoint: GlobalPoint, element: ExcalidrawBindableElement, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ) => bindPointToSnapToElementOutline( isRectanguloidElement(element) ? avoidRectangularCorner(element, p) : p, otherPoint, element, elementsMap, ); const getBindPointHeading = ( p: GlobalPoint, otherPoint: GlobalPoint, elementsMap: NonDeletedSceneElementsMap | SceneElementsMap, hoveredElement: ExcalidrawBindableElement | null | undefined, origPoint: GlobalPoint, ) => getHeadingForElbowArrowSnap( p, otherPoint, hoveredElement, hoveredElement && aabbForElement( hoveredElement, Array(4).fill( distanceToBindableElement(hoveredElement, p, elementsMap), ) as [number, number, number, number], ), elementsMap, origPoint, ); const getHoveredElements = ( origStartGlobalPoint: GlobalPoint, origEndGlobalPoint: GlobalPoint, elementsMap: NonDeletedSceneElementsMap | SceneElementsMap, zoom?: AppState["zoom"], ) => { // TODO: Might be a performance bottleneck and the Map type // remembers the insertion order anyway... const nonDeletedSceneElementsMap = toBrandedType( new Map([...elementsMap].filter((el) => !el[1].isDeleted)), ); const elements = Array.from(elementsMap.values()); return [ getHoveredElementForBinding( tupleToCoors(origStartGlobalPoint), elements, nonDeletedSceneElementsMap, zoom, true, ), getHoveredElementForBinding( tupleToCoors(origEndGlobalPoint), elements, nonDeletedSceneElementsMap, zoom, true, ), ]; }; const gridAddressesEqual = (a: GridAddress, b: GridAddress): boolean => a[0] === b[0] && a[1] === b[1];