import { type Point } from "points-on-curve"; import { type Radians, pointFrom, pointCenter, pointRotateRads, vectorFromPoint, vectorNormalize, vectorSubtract, vectorAdd, vectorScale, pointFromVector, clamp, isCloseTo, } from "../../math"; import type { TransformHandleType } from "./transformHandles"; import type { ElementsMap, ExcalidrawElement, ExcalidrawImageElement, ImageCrop, NonDeleted, } from "./types"; import { getElementAbsoluteCoords, getResizedElementAbsoluteCoords, } from "./bounds"; const MINIMAL_CROP_SIZE = 10; export const cropElement = ( element: ExcalidrawImageElement, transformHandle: TransformHandleType, naturalWidth: number, naturalHeight: number, pointerX: number, pointerY: number, widthAspectRatio?: number, ) => { const { width: uncroppedWidth, height: uncroppedHeight } = getUncroppedWidthAndHeight(element); const naturalWidthToUncropped = naturalWidth / uncroppedWidth; const naturalHeightToUncropped = naturalHeight / uncroppedHeight; const croppedLeft = (element.crop?.x ?? 0) / naturalWidthToUncropped; const croppedTop = (element.crop?.y ?? 0) / naturalHeightToUncropped; /** * uncropped width * *––––––––––––––––––––––––* * | (x,y) (natural) | * | *–––––––* | * | |///////| height | uncropped height * | *–––––––* | * | width (natural) | * *––––––––––––––––––––––––* */ const rotatedPointer = pointRotateRads( pointFrom(pointerX, pointerY), pointFrom(element.x + element.width / 2, element.y + element.height / 2), -element.angle as Radians, ); pointerX = rotatedPointer[0]; pointerY = rotatedPointer[1]; let nextWidth = element.width; let nextHeight = element.height; let crop: ImageCrop | null = element.crop ?? { x: 0, y: 0, width: naturalWidth, height: naturalHeight, naturalWidth, naturalHeight, }; const previousCropHeight = crop.height; const previousCropWidth = crop.width; const isFlippedByX = element.scale[0] === -1; const isFlippedByY = element.scale[1] === -1; let changeInHeight = pointerY - element.y; let changeInWidth = pointerX - element.x; if (transformHandle.includes("n")) { nextHeight = clamp( element.height - changeInHeight, MINIMAL_CROP_SIZE, isFlippedByY ? uncroppedHeight - croppedTop : element.height + croppedTop, ); } if (transformHandle.includes("s")) { changeInHeight = pointerY - element.y - element.height; nextHeight = clamp( element.height + changeInHeight, MINIMAL_CROP_SIZE, isFlippedByY ? element.height + croppedTop : uncroppedHeight - croppedTop, ); } if (transformHandle.includes("e")) { changeInWidth = pointerX - element.x - element.width; nextWidth = clamp( element.width + changeInWidth, MINIMAL_CROP_SIZE, isFlippedByX ? element.width + croppedLeft : uncroppedWidth - croppedLeft, ); } if (transformHandle.includes("w")) { nextWidth = clamp( element.width - changeInWidth, MINIMAL_CROP_SIZE, isFlippedByX ? uncroppedWidth - croppedLeft : element.width + croppedLeft, ); } const updateCropWidthAndHeight = (crop: ImageCrop) => { crop.height = nextHeight * naturalHeightToUncropped; crop.width = nextWidth * naturalWidthToUncropped; }; updateCropWidthAndHeight(crop); const adjustFlipForHandle = ( handle: TransformHandleType, crop: ImageCrop, ) => { updateCropWidthAndHeight(crop); if (handle.includes("n")) { if (!isFlippedByY) { crop.y += previousCropHeight - crop.height; } } if (handle.includes("s")) { if (isFlippedByY) { crop.y += previousCropHeight - crop.height; } } if (handle.includes("e")) { if (isFlippedByX) { crop.x += previousCropWidth - crop.width; } } if (handle.includes("w")) { if (!isFlippedByX) { crop.x += previousCropWidth - crop.width; } } }; switch (transformHandle) { case "n": { if (widthAspectRatio) { const distanceToLeft = croppedLeft + element.width / 2; const distanceToRight = uncroppedWidth - croppedLeft - element.width / 2; const MAX_WIDTH = Math.min(distanceToLeft, distanceToRight) * 2; nextWidth = clamp( nextHeight * widthAspectRatio, MINIMAL_CROP_SIZE, MAX_WIDTH, ); nextHeight = nextWidth / widthAspectRatio; } adjustFlipForHandle(transformHandle, crop); if (widthAspectRatio) { crop.x += (previousCropWidth - crop.width) / 2; } break; } case "s": { if (widthAspectRatio) { const distanceToLeft = croppedLeft + element.width / 2; const distanceToRight = uncroppedWidth - croppedLeft - element.width / 2; const MAX_WIDTH = Math.min(distanceToLeft, distanceToRight) * 2; nextWidth = clamp( nextHeight * widthAspectRatio, MINIMAL_CROP_SIZE, MAX_WIDTH, ); nextHeight = nextWidth / widthAspectRatio; } adjustFlipForHandle(transformHandle, crop); if (widthAspectRatio) { crop.x += (previousCropWidth - crop.width) / 2; } break; } case "w": { if (widthAspectRatio) { const distanceToTop = croppedTop + element.height / 2; const distanceToBottom = uncroppedHeight - croppedTop - element.height / 2; const MAX_HEIGHT = Math.min(distanceToTop, distanceToBottom) * 2; nextHeight = clamp( nextWidth / widthAspectRatio, MINIMAL_CROP_SIZE, MAX_HEIGHT, ); nextWidth = nextHeight * widthAspectRatio; } adjustFlipForHandle(transformHandle, crop); if (widthAspectRatio) { crop.y += (previousCropHeight - crop.height) / 2; } break; } case "e": { if (widthAspectRatio) { const distanceToTop = croppedTop + element.height / 2; const distanceToBottom = uncroppedHeight - croppedTop - element.height / 2; const MAX_HEIGHT = Math.min(distanceToTop, distanceToBottom) * 2; nextHeight = clamp( nextWidth / widthAspectRatio, MINIMAL_CROP_SIZE, MAX_HEIGHT, ); nextWidth = nextHeight * widthAspectRatio; } adjustFlipForHandle(transformHandle, crop); if (widthAspectRatio) { crop.y += (previousCropHeight - crop.height) / 2; } break; } case "ne": { if (widthAspectRatio) { if (changeInWidth > -changeInHeight) { const MAX_HEIGHT = isFlippedByY ? uncroppedHeight - croppedTop : croppedTop + element.height; nextHeight = clamp( nextWidth / widthAspectRatio, MINIMAL_CROP_SIZE, MAX_HEIGHT, ); nextWidth = nextHeight * widthAspectRatio; } else { const MAX_WIDTH = isFlippedByX ? croppedLeft + element.width : uncroppedWidth - croppedLeft; nextWidth = clamp( nextHeight * widthAspectRatio, MINIMAL_CROP_SIZE, MAX_WIDTH, ); nextHeight = nextWidth / widthAspectRatio; } } adjustFlipForHandle(transformHandle, crop); break; } case "nw": { if (widthAspectRatio) { if (changeInWidth < changeInHeight) { const MAX_HEIGHT = isFlippedByY ? uncroppedHeight - croppedTop : croppedTop + element.height; nextHeight = clamp( nextWidth / widthAspectRatio, MINIMAL_CROP_SIZE, MAX_HEIGHT, ); nextWidth = nextHeight * widthAspectRatio; } else { const MAX_WIDTH = isFlippedByX ? uncroppedWidth - croppedLeft : croppedLeft + element.width; nextWidth = clamp( nextHeight * widthAspectRatio, MINIMAL_CROP_SIZE, MAX_WIDTH, ); nextHeight = nextWidth / widthAspectRatio; } } adjustFlipForHandle(transformHandle, crop); break; } case "se": { if (widthAspectRatio) { if (changeInWidth > changeInHeight) { const MAX_HEIGHT = isFlippedByY ? croppedTop + element.height : uncroppedHeight - croppedTop; nextHeight = clamp( nextWidth / widthAspectRatio, MINIMAL_CROP_SIZE, MAX_HEIGHT, ); nextWidth = nextHeight * widthAspectRatio; } else { const MAX_WIDTH = isFlippedByX ? croppedLeft + element.width : uncroppedWidth - croppedLeft; nextWidth = clamp( nextHeight * widthAspectRatio, MINIMAL_CROP_SIZE, MAX_WIDTH, ); nextHeight = nextWidth / widthAspectRatio; } } adjustFlipForHandle(transformHandle, crop); break; } case "sw": { if (widthAspectRatio) { if (-changeInWidth > changeInHeight) { const MAX_HEIGHT = isFlippedByY ? croppedTop + element.height : uncroppedHeight - croppedTop; nextHeight = clamp( nextWidth / widthAspectRatio, MINIMAL_CROP_SIZE, MAX_HEIGHT, ); nextWidth = nextHeight * widthAspectRatio; } else { const MAX_WIDTH = isFlippedByX ? uncroppedWidth - croppedLeft : croppedLeft + element.width; nextWidth = clamp( nextHeight * widthAspectRatio, MINIMAL_CROP_SIZE, MAX_WIDTH, ); nextHeight = nextWidth / widthAspectRatio; } } adjustFlipForHandle(transformHandle, crop); break; } default: break; } const newOrigin = recomputeOrigin( element, transformHandle, nextWidth, nextHeight, !!widthAspectRatio, ); // reset crop to null if we're back to orig size if ( isCloseTo(crop.width, crop.naturalWidth) && isCloseTo(crop.height, crop.naturalHeight) ) { crop = null; } return { x: newOrigin[0], y: newOrigin[1], width: nextWidth, height: nextHeight, crop, }; }; const recomputeOrigin = ( stateAtCropStart: NonDeleted, transformHandle: TransformHandleType, width: number, height: number, shouldMaintainAspectRatio?: boolean, ) => { const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getResizedElementAbsoluteCoords( stateAtCropStart, stateAtCropStart.width, stateAtCropStart.height, true, ); const startTopLeft = pointFrom(x1, y1); const startBottomRight = pointFrom(x2, y2); const startCenter: any = pointCenter(startTopLeft, startBottomRight); const [newBoundsX1, newBoundsY1, newBoundsX2, newBoundsY2] = getResizedElementAbsoluteCoords(stateAtCropStart, width, height, true); const newBoundsWidth = newBoundsX2 - newBoundsX1; const newBoundsHeight = newBoundsY2 - newBoundsY1; // Calculate new topLeft based on fixed corner during resize let newTopLeft = [...startTopLeft] as [number, number]; if (["n", "w", "nw"].includes(transformHandle)) { newTopLeft = [ startBottomRight[0] - Math.abs(newBoundsWidth), startBottomRight[1] - Math.abs(newBoundsHeight), ]; } if (transformHandle === "ne") { const bottomLeft = [startTopLeft[0], startBottomRight[1]]; newTopLeft = [bottomLeft[0], bottomLeft[1] - Math.abs(newBoundsHeight)]; } if (transformHandle === "sw") { const topRight = [startBottomRight[0], startTopLeft[1]]; newTopLeft = [topRight[0] - Math.abs(newBoundsWidth), topRight[1]]; } if (shouldMaintainAspectRatio) { if (["s", "n"].includes(transformHandle)) { newTopLeft[0] = startCenter[0] - newBoundsWidth / 2; } if (["e", "w"].includes(transformHandle)) { newTopLeft[1] = startCenter[1] - newBoundsHeight / 2; } } // adjust topLeft to new rotation point const angle = stateAtCropStart.angle; const rotatedTopLeft = pointRotateRads(newTopLeft, startCenter, angle); const newCenter: Point = [ newTopLeft[0] + Math.abs(newBoundsWidth) / 2, newTopLeft[1] + Math.abs(newBoundsHeight) / 2, ]; const rotatedNewCenter = pointRotateRads(newCenter, startCenter, angle); newTopLeft = pointRotateRads( rotatedTopLeft, rotatedNewCenter, -angle as Radians, ); const newOrigin = [...newTopLeft]; newOrigin[0] += stateAtCropStart.x - newBoundsX1; newOrigin[1] += stateAtCropStart.y - newBoundsY1; return newOrigin; }; // refer to export const getUncroppedImageElement = ( element: ExcalidrawImageElement, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ) => { if (element.crop) { const { width, height } = getUncroppedWidthAndHeight(element); const [x1, y1, x2, y2, cx, cy] = getElementAbsoluteCoords( element, elementsMap, ); const topLeftVector = vectorFromPoint( pointRotateRads(pointFrom(x1, y1), pointFrom(cx, cy), element.angle), ); const topRightVector = vectorFromPoint( pointRotateRads(pointFrom(x2, y1), pointFrom(cx, cy), element.angle), ); const topEdgeNormalized = vectorNormalize( vectorSubtract(topRightVector, topLeftVector), ); const bottomLeftVector = vectorFromPoint( pointRotateRads(pointFrom(x1, y2), pointFrom(cx, cy), element.angle), ); const leftEdgeVector = vectorSubtract(bottomLeftVector, topLeftVector); const leftEdgeNormalized = vectorNormalize(leftEdgeVector); const { cropX, cropY } = adjustCropPosition(element.crop, element.scale); const rotatedTopLeft = vectorAdd( vectorAdd( topLeftVector, vectorScale( topEdgeNormalized, (-cropX * width) / element.crop.naturalWidth, ), ), vectorScale( leftEdgeNormalized, (-cropY * height) / element.crop.naturalHeight, ), ); const center = pointFromVector( vectorAdd( vectorAdd(rotatedTopLeft, vectorScale(topEdgeNormalized, width / 2)), vectorScale(leftEdgeNormalized, height / 2), ), ); const unrotatedTopLeft = pointRotateRads( pointFromVector(rotatedTopLeft), center, -element.angle as Radians, ); const uncroppedElement: ExcalidrawImageElement = { ...element, x: unrotatedTopLeft[0], y: unrotatedTopLeft[1], width, height, crop: null, }; return uncroppedElement; } return element; }; export const getUncroppedWidthAndHeight = (element: ExcalidrawImageElement) => { if (element.crop) { const width = element.width / (element.crop.width / element.crop.naturalWidth); const height = element.height / (element.crop.height / element.crop.naturalHeight); return { width, height, }; } return { width: element.width, height: element.height, }; }; const adjustCropPosition = ( crop: ImageCrop, scale: ExcalidrawImageElement["scale"], ) => { let cropX = crop.x; let cropY = crop.y; const flipX = scale[0] === -1; const flipY = scale[1] === -1; if (flipX) { cropX = crop.naturalWidth - Math.abs(cropX) - crop.width; } if (flipY) { cropY = crop.naturalHeight - Math.abs(cropY) - crop.height; } return { cropX, cropY, }; };