import type { Point, ToolType } from "../../types"; import type { ExcalidrawElement, ExcalidrawLinearElement, ExcalidrawTextElement, ExcalidrawArrowElement, ExcalidrawRectangleElement, ExcalidrawEllipseElement, ExcalidrawDiamondElement, ExcalidrawTextContainer, ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer, } from "../../element/types"; import { getTransformHandles, getTransformHandlesFromCoords, OMIT_SIDES_FOR_FRAME, OMIT_SIDES_FOR_MULTIPLE_ELEMENTS, TransformHandleType, type TransformHandle, type TransformHandleDirection, } from "../../element/transformHandles"; import { KEYS } from "../../keys"; import { fireEvent, GlobalTestState, screen } from "../test-utils"; import { mutateElement } from "../../element/mutateElement"; import { API } from "./api"; import { isLinearElement, isFreeDrawElement, isTextElement, isFrameLikeElement, } from "../../element/typeChecks"; import { getCommonBounds, getElementPointsCoords } from "../../element/bounds"; import { rotatePoint } from "../../math"; import { getTextEditor } from "../queries/dom"; import { arrayToMap } from "../../utils"; const { h } = window; let altKey = false; let shiftKey = false; let ctrlKey = false; export type KeyboardModifiers = { alt?: boolean; shift?: boolean; ctrl?: boolean; }; export class Keyboard { static withModifierKeys = (modifiers: KeyboardModifiers, cb: () => void) => { const prevAltKey = altKey; const prevShiftKey = shiftKey; const prevCtrlKey = ctrlKey; altKey = !!modifiers.alt; shiftKey = !!modifiers.shift; ctrlKey = !!modifiers.ctrl; try { cb(); } finally { altKey = prevAltKey; shiftKey = prevShiftKey; ctrlKey = prevCtrlKey; } }; static keyDown = (key: string) => { fireEvent.keyDown(document, { key, ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, }); }; static keyUp = (key: string) => { fireEvent.keyUp(document, { key, ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, }); }; static keyPress = (key: string) => { Keyboard.keyDown(key); Keyboard.keyUp(key); }; static codeDown = (code: string) => { fireEvent.keyDown(document, { code, ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, }); }; static codeUp = (code: string) => { fireEvent.keyUp(document, { code, ctrlKey, shiftKey, altKey, }); }; static codePress = (code: string) => { Keyboard.codeDown(code); Keyboard.codeUp(code); }; } const getElementPointForSelection = (element: ExcalidrawElement): Point => { const { x, y, width, height, angle } = element; const target: Point = [ x + (isLinearElement(element) || isFreeDrawElement(element) ? 0 : width / 2), y, ]; let center: Point; if (isLinearElement(element)) { const bounds = getElementPointsCoords(element, element.points); center = [(bounds[0] + bounds[2]) / 2, (bounds[1] + bounds[3]) / 2]; } else { center = [x + width / 2, y + height / 2]; } if (isTextElement(element)) { return center; } return rotatePoint(target, center, angle); }; export class Pointer { public clientX = 0; public clientY = 0; constructor( private readonly pointerType: "mouse" | "touch" | "pen", private readonly pointerId = 1, ) {} reset() { this.clientX = 0; this.clientY = 0; } getPosition() { return [this.clientX, this.clientY]; } restorePosition(x = 0, y = 0) { this.clientX = x; this.clientY = y; fireEvent.pointerMove(GlobalTestState.interactiveCanvas, this.getEvent()); } private getEvent() { return { clientX: this.clientX, clientY: this.clientY, pointerType: this.pointerType, pointerId: this.pointerId, altKey, shiftKey, ctrlKey, }; } // incremental (moving by deltas) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- move(dx: number, dy: number) { if (dx !== 0 || dy !== 0) { this.clientX += dx; this.clientY += dy; fireEvent.pointerMove(GlobalTestState.interactiveCanvas, this.getEvent()); } } down(dx = 0, dy = 0) { this.move(dx, dy); fireEvent.pointerDown(GlobalTestState.interactiveCanvas, this.getEvent()); } up(dx = 0, dy = 0) { this.move(dx, dy); fireEvent.pointerUp(GlobalTestState.interactiveCanvas, this.getEvent()); } click(dx = 0, dy = 0) { this.down(dx, dy); this.up(); } doubleClick(dx = 0, dy = 0) { this.move(dx, dy); fireEvent.doubleClick(GlobalTestState.interactiveCanvas, this.getEvent()); } // absolute coords // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- moveTo(x: number = this.clientX, y: number = this.clientY) { this.clientX = x; this.clientY = y; // fire "mousemove" to update editor cursor position fireEvent.mouseMove(document, this.getEvent()); fireEvent.pointerMove(GlobalTestState.interactiveCanvas, this.getEvent()); } downAt(x = this.clientX, y = this.clientY) { this.clientX = x; this.clientY = y; fireEvent.pointerDown(GlobalTestState.interactiveCanvas, this.getEvent()); } upAt(x = this.clientX, y = this.clientY) { this.clientX = x; this.clientY = y; fireEvent.pointerUp(GlobalTestState.interactiveCanvas, this.getEvent()); } clickAt(x: number, y: number) { this.downAt(x, y); this.upAt(); } rightClickAt(x: number, y: number) { fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.interactiveCanvas, { button: 2, clientX: x, clientY: y, }); } doubleClickAt(x: number, y: number) { this.moveTo(x, y); fireEvent.doubleClick(GlobalTestState.interactiveCanvas, this.getEvent()); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- select( /** if multiple elements supplied, they're shift-selected */ elements: ExcalidrawElement | ExcalidrawElement[], ) { API.clearSelection(); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true }, () => { elements = Array.isArray(elements) ? elements : [elements]; elements.forEach((element) => { this.reset();; }); }); this.reset(); } clickOn(element: ExcalidrawElement) { this.reset();; this.reset(); } doubleClickOn(element: ExcalidrawElement) { this.reset(); this.doubleClick(...getElementPointForSelection(element)); this.reset(); } } const mouse = new Pointer("mouse"); const transform = ( element: ExcalidrawElement | ExcalidrawElement[], handle: TransformHandleType, mouseMove: [deltaX: number, deltaY: number], keyboardModifiers: KeyboardModifiers = {}, ) => { const elements = Array.isArray(element) ? element : [element];; let handleCoords: TransformHandle | undefined; if (elements.length === 1) { handleCoords = getTransformHandles( elements[0], h.state.zoom, arrayToMap(h.elements), "mouse", )[handle]; } else { const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getCommonBounds(elements); const isFrameSelected = elements.some(isFrameLikeElement); const transformHandles = getTransformHandlesFromCoords( [x1, y1, x2, y2, (x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2], 0, h.state.zoom, "mouse", isFrameSelected ? OMIT_SIDES_FOR_FRAME : OMIT_SIDES_FOR_MULTIPLE_ELEMENTS, ); handleCoords = transformHandles[handle]; } if (!handleCoords) { throw new Error(`There is no "${handle}" handle for this selection`); } const clientX = handleCoords[0] + handleCoords[2] / 2; const clientY = handleCoords[1] + handleCoords[3] / 2; Keyboard.withModifierKeys(keyboardModifiers, () => { mouse.reset(); mouse.down(clientX, clientY); mouse.move(mouseMove[0], mouseMove[1]); mouse.up(); }); }; const proxy = ( element: T, ): typeof element & { /** Returns the actual, current element from the elements array, instead of the proxy */ get(): typeof element; } => { return new Proxy( {}, { get(target, prop) { const currentElement = h.elements.find( ({ id }) => id ===, ) as any; if (prop === "get") { if (currentElement.hasOwnProperty("get")) { throw new Error( "trying to get `get` test property, but ExcalidrawElement seems to define its own", ); } return () => currentElement; } return currentElement[prop]; }, }, ) as any; }; /** Tools that can be used to draw shapes */ type DrawingToolName = Exclude; type Element = T extends "line" | "freedraw" ? ExcalidrawLinearElement : T extends "arrow" ? ExcalidrawArrowElement : T extends "text" ? ExcalidrawTextElement : T extends "rectangle" ? ExcalidrawRectangleElement : T extends "ellipse" ? ExcalidrawEllipseElement : T extends "diamond" ? ExcalidrawDiamondElement : ExcalidrawElement; export class UI { static clickTool = (toolName: ToolType | "lock") => {; }; static clickLabeledElement = (label: string) => { const element = document.querySelector(`[aria-label='${label}']`); if (!element) { throw new Error(`No labeled element found: ${label}`); }; }; static clickOnTestId = (testId: string) => { const element = document.querySelector(`[data-testid='${testId}']`); // const element = GlobalTestState.renderResult.queryByTestId(testId); if (!element) { throw new Error(`No element with testid "${testId}" found`); }; }; static clickByTitle = (title: string) => {; }; /** * Creates an Excalidraw element, and returns a proxy that wraps it so that * accessing props will return the latest ones from the object existing in * the app's elements array. This is because across the app lifecycle we tend * to recreate element objects and the returned reference will become stale. * * If you need to get the actual element, not the proxy, call `get()` method * on the proxy object. */ static createElement( type: T, { position = 0, x = position, y = position, size = 10, width: initialWidth = size, height: initialHeight = initialWidth, angle = 0, points: initialPoints, }: { position?: number; x?: number; y?: number; size?: number; width?: number; height?: number; angle?: number; points?: T extends "line" | "arrow" | "freedraw" ? Point[] : never; } = {}, ): Element & { /** Returns the actual, current element from the elements array, instead of the proxy */ get(): Element; } { const width = initialWidth ?? initialHeight ?? size; const height = initialHeight ?? size; const points: Point[] = initialPoints ?? [ [0, 0], [width, height], ]; UI.clickTool(type); if (type === "text") { mouse.reset();, y); } else if ((type === "line" || type === "arrow") && points.length > 2) { points.forEach((point) => { mouse.reset(); + point[0], y + point[1]); }); Keyboard.keyPress(KEYS.ESCAPE); } else if (type === "freedraw" && points.length > 2) { const firstPoint = points[0]; mouse.reset(); mouse.down(x + firstPoint[0], y + firstPoint[1]); points .slice(1) .forEach((point) => mouse.moveTo(x + point[0], y + point[1])); mouse.upAt(); Keyboard.keyPress(KEYS.ESCAPE); } else { mouse.reset(); mouse.down(x, y); mouse.reset(); mouse.up(x + width, y + height); } const origElement = h.elements[h.elements.length - 1] as any; if (angle !== 0) { mutateElement(origElement, { angle }); } return proxy(origElement); } static async editText< T extends ExcalidrawTextElement | ExcalidrawTextContainer, >(element: T, text: string) { const textEditorSelector = ".excalidraw-textEditorContainer > textarea"; const openedEditor = document.querySelector(textEditorSelector); if (!openedEditor) {; Keyboard.keyPress(KEYS.ENTER); } const editor = await getTextEditor(textEditorSelector); if (!editor) { throw new Error("Can't find wysiwyg text editor in the dom"); } fireEvent.input(editor, { target: { value: text } }); await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 0)); editor.blur(); return isTextElement(element) ? element : proxy( h.elements[ h.elements.length - 1 ] as ExcalidrawTextElementWithContainer, ); } static resize( element: ExcalidrawElement | ExcalidrawElement[], handle: TransformHandleDirection, mouseMove: [deltaX: number, deltaY: number], keyboardModifiers: KeyboardModifiers = {}, ) { return transform(element, handle, mouseMove, keyboardModifiers); } static rotate( element: ExcalidrawElement | ExcalidrawElement[], mouseMove: [deltaX: number, deltaY: number], keyboardModifiers: KeyboardModifiers = {}, ) { return transform(element, "rotation", mouseMove, keyboardModifiers); } static group(elements: ExcalidrawElement[]) {; Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true }, () => { Keyboard.keyPress(KEYS.G); }); } static ungroup(elements: ExcalidrawElement[]) {; Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true, shift: true }, () => { Keyboard.keyPress(KEYS.G); }); } static queryContextMenu = () => { return GlobalTestState.renderResult.container.querySelector( ".context-menu", ) as HTMLElement | null; }; }