import rough from "roughjs/bin/rough"; import type { ExcalidrawElement, ExcalidrawFrameLikeElement, ExcalidrawTextElement, NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, NonDeletedSceneElementsMap, } from "../element/types"; import type { Bounds } from "../element/bounds"; import { getCommonBounds, getElementAbsoluteCoords } from "../element/bounds"; import { renderSceneToSvg } from "../renderer/staticSvgScene"; import { arrayToMap, distance, getFontString, PromisePool, promiseTry, toBrandedType, } from "../utils"; import type { AppState, BinaryFiles } from "../types"; import { DEFAULT_EXPORT_PADDING, FRAME_STYLE, FONT_FAMILY, SVG_NS, THEME, THEME_FILTER, FONT_FAMILY_FALLBACKS, getFontFamilyFallbacks, CJK_HAND_DRAWN_FALLBACK_FONT, } from "../constants"; import { getDefaultAppState } from "../appState"; import { serializeAsJSON } from "../data/json"; import { getInitializedImageElements, updateImageCache, } from "../element/image"; import { getElementsOverlappingFrame, getFrameLikeElements, getFrameLikeTitle, getRootElements, } from "../frame"; import { newTextElement } from "../element"; import { type Mutable } from "../utility-types"; import { newElementWith } from "../element/mutateElement"; import { isFrameLikeElement, isTextElement } from "../element/typeChecks"; import type { RenderableElementsMap } from "./types"; import { syncInvalidIndices } from "../fractionalIndex"; import { renderStaticScene } from "../renderer/staticScene"; import { Fonts } from "../fonts"; import { containsCJK } from "../element/textElement"; const SVG_EXPORT_TAG = ``; const truncateText = (element: ExcalidrawTextElement, maxWidth: number) => { if (element.width <= maxWidth) { return element; } const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")!; ctx.font = getFontString({ fontFamily: element.fontFamily, fontSize: element.fontSize, }); let text = element.text; const metrics = ctx.measureText(text); if (metrics.width > maxWidth) { // we iterate from the right, removing characters one by one instead // of bulding the string up. This assumes that it's more likely // your frame names will overflow by not that many characters // (if ever), so it sohuld be faster this way. for (let i = text.length; i > 0; i--) { const newText = `${text.slice(0, i)}...`; if (ctx.measureText(newText).width <= maxWidth) { text = newText; break; } } } return newElementWith(element, { text, width: maxWidth }); }; /** * When exporting frames, we need to render frame labels which are currently * being rendered in DOM when editing. Adding the labels as regular text * elements seems like a simple hack. In the future we'll want to move to * proper canvas rendering, even within editor (instead of DOM). */ const addFrameLabelsAsTextElements = ( elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], opts: Pick, ) => { const nextElements: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[] = []; for (const element of elements) { if (isFrameLikeElement(element)) { let textElement: Mutable = newTextElement({ x: element.x, y: element.y - FRAME_STYLE.nameOffsetY, fontFamily: FONT_FAMILY.Helvetica, fontSize: FRAME_STYLE.nameFontSize, lineHeight: FRAME_STYLE.nameLineHeight as ExcalidrawTextElement["lineHeight"], strokeColor: opts.exportWithDarkMode ? FRAME_STYLE.nameColorDarkTheme : FRAME_STYLE.nameColorLightTheme, text: getFrameLikeTitle(element), }); textElement.y -= textElement.height; textElement = truncateText(textElement, element.width); nextElements.push(textElement); } nextElements.push(element); } return nextElements; }; const getFrameRenderingConfig = ( exportingFrame: ExcalidrawFrameLikeElement | null, frameRendering: AppState["frameRendering"] | null, ): AppState["frameRendering"] => { frameRendering = frameRendering || getDefaultAppState().frameRendering; return { enabled: exportingFrame ? true : frameRendering.enabled, outline: exportingFrame ? false : frameRendering.outline, name: exportingFrame ? false :, clip: exportingFrame ? true : frameRendering.clip, }; }; const prepareElementsForRender = ({ elements, exportingFrame, frameRendering, exportWithDarkMode, }: { elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[]; exportingFrame: ExcalidrawFrameLikeElement | null | undefined; frameRendering: AppState["frameRendering"]; exportWithDarkMode: AppState["exportWithDarkMode"]; }) => { let nextElements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[]; if (exportingFrame) { nextElements = getElementsOverlappingFrame(elements, exportingFrame); } else if (frameRendering.enabled && { nextElements = addFrameLabelsAsTextElements(elements, { exportWithDarkMode, }); } else { nextElements = elements; } return nextElements; }; export const exportToCanvas = async ( elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], appState: AppState, files: BinaryFiles, { exportBackground, exportPadding = DEFAULT_EXPORT_PADDING, viewBackgroundColor, exportingFrame, }: { exportBackground: boolean; exportPadding?: number; viewBackgroundColor: string; exportingFrame?: ExcalidrawFrameLikeElement | null; }, createCanvas: ( width: number, height: number, ) => { canvas: HTMLCanvasElement; scale: number } = (width, height) => { const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = width * appState.exportScale; canvas.height = height * appState.exportScale; return { canvas, scale: appState.exportScale }; }, loadFonts: () => Promise = async () => { await Fonts.loadElementsFonts(elements); }, ) => { // load font faces before continuing, by default leverages browsers' [FontFace API]( await loadFonts(); const frameRendering = getFrameRenderingConfig( exportingFrame ?? null, appState.frameRendering ?? null, ); // for canvas export, don't clip if exporting a specific frame as it would // clip the corners of the content if (exportingFrame) { frameRendering.clip = false; } const elementsForRender = prepareElementsForRender({ elements, exportingFrame, exportWithDarkMode: appState.exportWithDarkMode, frameRendering, }); if (exportingFrame) { exportPadding = 0; } const [minX, minY, width, height] = getCanvasSize( exportingFrame ? [exportingFrame] : getRootElements(elementsForRender), exportPadding, ); const { canvas, scale = 1 } = createCanvas(width, height); const defaultAppState = getDefaultAppState(); const { imageCache } = await updateImageCache({ imageCache: new Map(), fileIds: getInitializedImageElements(elementsForRender).map( (element) => element.fileId, ), files, }); renderStaticScene({ canvas, rc: rough.canvas(canvas), elementsMap: toBrandedType( arrayToMap(elementsForRender), ), allElementsMap: toBrandedType( arrayToMap(syncInvalidIndices(elements)), ), visibleElements: elementsForRender, scale, appState: { ...appState, frameRendering, viewBackgroundColor: exportBackground ? viewBackgroundColor : null, scrollX: -minX + exportPadding, scrollY: -minY + exportPadding, zoom: defaultAppState.zoom, shouldCacheIgnoreZoom: false, theme: appState.exportWithDarkMode ? THEME.DARK : THEME.LIGHT, }, renderConfig: { canvasBackgroundColor: viewBackgroundColor, imageCache, renderGrid: false, isExporting: true, // empty disables embeddable rendering embedsValidationStatus: new Map(), elementsPendingErasure: new Set(), pendingFlowchartNodes: null, }, }); return canvas; }; export const exportToSvg = async ( elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], appState: { exportBackground: boolean; exportPadding?: number; exportScale?: number; viewBackgroundColor: string; exportWithDarkMode?: boolean; exportEmbedScene?: boolean; frameRendering?: AppState["frameRendering"]; }, files: BinaryFiles | null, opts?: { /** * if true, all embeddables passed in will be rendered when possible. */ renderEmbeddables?: boolean; exportingFrame?: ExcalidrawFrameLikeElement | null; skipInliningFonts?: true; reuseImages?: boolean; }, ): Promise => { const frameRendering = getFrameRenderingConfig( opts?.exportingFrame ?? null, appState.frameRendering ?? null, ); let { exportPadding = DEFAULT_EXPORT_PADDING, exportWithDarkMode = false, viewBackgroundColor, exportScale = 1, exportEmbedScene, } = appState; const { exportingFrame = null } = opts || {}; const elementsForRender = prepareElementsForRender({ elements, exportingFrame, exportWithDarkMode, frameRendering, }); if (exportingFrame) { exportPadding = 0; } let metadata = ""; // we need to serialize the "original" elements before we put them through // the tempScene hack which duplicates and regenerates ids if (exportEmbedScene) { try { metadata = (await import("../data/image")).encodeSvgMetadata({ // when embedding scene, we want to embed the origionally supplied // elements which don't contain the temp frame labels. // But it also requires that the exportToSvg is being supplied with // only the elements that we're exporting, and no extra. text: serializeAsJSON(elements, appState, files || {}, "local"), }); } catch (error: any) { console.error(error); } } const [minX, minY, width, height] = getCanvasSize( exportingFrame ? [exportingFrame] : getRootElements(elementsForRender), exportPadding, ); // initialize SVG root const svgRoot = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, "svg"); svgRoot.setAttribute("version", "1.1"); svgRoot.setAttribute("xmlns", SVG_NS); svgRoot.setAttribute("viewBox", `0 0 ${width} ${height}`); svgRoot.setAttribute("width", `${width * exportScale}`); svgRoot.setAttribute("height", `${height * exportScale}`); if (exportWithDarkMode) { svgRoot.setAttribute("filter", THEME_FILTER); } const offsetX = -minX + exportPadding; const offsetY = -minY + exportPadding; const frameElements = getFrameLikeElements(elements); let exportingFrameClipPath = ""; const elementsMap = arrayToMap(elements); for (const frame of frameElements) { const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(frame, elementsMap); const cx = (x2 - x1) / 2 - (frame.x - x1); const cy = (y2 - y1) / 2 - (frame.y - y1); exportingFrameClipPath += ` `; } const fontFaces = opts?.skipInliningFonts ? [] : await getFontFaces(elements); const delimiter = "\n "; // 6 spaces svgRoot.innerHTML = ` ${SVG_EXPORT_TAG} ${metadata} ${exportingFrameClipPath} `; // render background rect if (appState.exportBackground && viewBackgroundColor) { const rect = svgRoot.ownerDocument!.createElementNS(SVG_NS, "rect"); rect.setAttribute("x", "0"); rect.setAttribute("y", "0"); rect.setAttribute("width", `${width}`); rect.setAttribute("height", `${height}`); rect.setAttribute("fill", viewBackgroundColor); svgRoot.appendChild(rect); } const rsvg = rough.svg(svgRoot); const renderEmbeddables = opts?.renderEmbeddables ?? false; renderSceneToSvg( elementsForRender, toBrandedType(arrayToMap(elementsForRender)), rsvg, svgRoot, files || {}, { offsetX, offsetY, isExporting: true, exportWithDarkMode, renderEmbeddables, frameRendering, canvasBackgroundColor: viewBackgroundColor, embedsValidationStatus: renderEmbeddables ? new Map( elementsForRender .filter((element) => isFrameLikeElement(element)) .map((element) => [, true]), ) : new Map(), reuseImages: opts?.reuseImages ?? true, }, ); return svgRoot; }; // calculate smallest area to fit the contents in const getCanvasSize = ( elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], exportPadding: number, ): Bounds => { const [minX, minY, maxX, maxY] = getCommonBounds(elements); const width = distance(minX, maxX) + exportPadding * 2; const height = distance(minY, maxY) + exportPadding * 2; return [minX, minY, width, height]; }; export const getExportSize = ( elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], exportPadding: number, scale: number, ): [number, number] => { const [, , width, height] = getCanvasSize(elements, exportPadding).map( (dimension) => Math.trunc(dimension * scale), ); return [width, height]; }; const getFontFaces = async ( elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], ): Promise => { const fontFamilies = new Set(); const charsPerFamily: Record> = {}; for (const element of elements) { if (!isTextElement(element)) { continue; } fontFamilies.add(element.fontFamily); // gather unique codepoints only when inlining fonts for (const char of element.originalText) { if (!charsPerFamily[element.fontFamily]) { charsPerFamily[element.fontFamily] = new Set(); } charsPerFamily[element.fontFamily].add(char); } } const orderedFamilies = Array.from(fontFamilies); // for simplicity, assuming we have just one family with the CJK handdrawn fallback const familyWithCJK = orderedFamilies.find((x) => getFontFamilyFallbacks(x).includes(CJK_HAND_DRAWN_FALLBACK_FONT), ); if (familyWithCJK) { const characters = getChars(charsPerFamily[familyWithCJK]); if (containsCJK(characters)) { const family = FONT_FAMILY_FALLBACKS[CJK_HAND_DRAWN_FALLBACK_FONT]; // adding the same characters to the CJK handrawn family charsPerFamily[family] = new Set(characters); // the order between the families and fallbacks is important, as fallbacks need to be defined first and in the reversed order // so that they get overriden with the later defined font faces, i.e. in case they share some codepoints orderedFamilies.unshift( FONT_FAMILY_FALLBACKS[CJK_HAND_DRAWN_FALLBACK_FONT], ); } } const iterator = fontFacesIterator(orderedFamilies, charsPerFamily); // don't trigger hundreds of concurrent requests (each performing fetch, creating a worker, etc.), // instead go three requests at a time, in a controlled manner, without completely blocking the main thread // and avoiding potential issues such as rate limits const concurrency = 3; const fontFaces = await new PromisePool(iterator, concurrency).all(); // dedup just in case (i.e. could be the same font faces with 0 glyphs) return Array.from(new Set(fontFaces)); }; function* fontFacesIterator( families: Array, charsPerFamily: Record>, ): Generator> { for (const [familyIndex, family] of families.entries()) { const { fontFaces, metadata } = Fonts.registered.get(family) ?? {}; if (!Array.isArray(fontFaces)) { console.error( `Couldn't find registered fonts for font-family "${family}"`, Fonts.registered, ); continue; } if (metadata?.local) { // don't inline local fonts continue; } for (const [fontFaceIndex, fontFace] of fontFaces.entries()) { yield promiseTry(async () => { try { const characters = getChars(charsPerFamily[family]); const fontFaceCSS = await fontFace.toCSS(characters); if (!fontFaceCSS) { return; } // giving a buffer of 10K font faces per family const fontFaceOrder = familyIndex * 10_000 + fontFaceIndex; const fontFaceTuple = [fontFaceOrder, fontFaceCSS] as const; return fontFaceTuple; } catch (error) { console.error( `Couldn't transform font-face to css for family "${}"`, error, ); } }); } } } const getChars = (characterSet: Set) => Array.from(characterSet).join("");