type CANVAS_ERROR_NAMES = "CANVAS_ERROR" | "CANVAS_POSSIBLY_TOO_BIG"; export class CanvasError extends Error { constructor( message: string = "Couldn't export canvas.", name: CANVAS_ERROR_NAMES = "CANVAS_ERROR", ) { super(); this.name = name; this.message = message; } } export class AbortError extends DOMException { constructor(message: string = "Request Aborted") { super(message, "AbortError"); } } type ImageSceneDataErrorCode = | "IMAGE_NOT_CONTAINS_SCENE_DATA" | "IMAGE_SCENE_DATA_ERROR"; export class ImageSceneDataError extends Error { public code; constructor( message = "Image Scene Data Error", code: ImageSceneDataErrorCode = "IMAGE_SCENE_DATA_ERROR", ) { super(message); this.name = "EncodingError"; this.code = code; } } export class InvalidFractionalIndexError extends Error { public code = "ELEMENT_HAS_INVALID_INDEX" as const; } type WorkerErrorCodes = "WORKER_URL_NOT_DEFINED" | "WORKER_IN_THE_MAIN_CHUNK"; export class WorkerUrlNotDefinedError extends Error { public code; constructor( message = "Worker URL is not defined!", code: WorkerErrorCodes = "WORKER_URL_NOT_DEFINED", ) { super(message); this.name = "WorkerUrlNotDefinedError"; this.code = code; } } export class WorkerInTheMainChunkError extends Error { public code; constructor( message = "Worker has to be in a separate chunk!", code: WorkerErrorCodes = "WORKER_IN_THE_MAIN_CHUNK", ) { super(message); this.name = "WorkerInTheMainChunkError"; this.code = code; } }