import "pepjs"; import { render, queries, RenderResult, RenderOptions, waitFor, fireEvent, } from "@testing-library/react"; import * as toolQueries from "./queries/toolQueries"; import { ImportedDataState } from "../data/types"; import { STORAGE_KEYS } from "../../../excalidraw-app/app_constants"; import { SceneData } from "../types"; import { getSelectedElements } from "../scene/selection"; import { ExcalidrawElement } from "../element/types"; import { UI } from "./helpers/ui"; const customQueries = { ...queries, ...toolQueries, }; type TestRenderFn = ( ui: React.ReactElement, options?: Omit< RenderOptions & { localStorageData?: ImportedDataState }, "queries" >, ) => Promise>; const renderApp: TestRenderFn = async (ui, options) => { if (options?.localStorageData) { initLocalStorage(options.localStorageData); delete options.localStorageData; } const renderResult = render(ui, { queries: customQueries, ...options, }); GlobalTestState.renderResult = renderResult; Object.defineProperty(GlobalTestState, "canvas", { // must be a getter because at the time of ExcalidrawApp render the // child App component isn't likely mounted yet (and thus canvas not // present in DOM) get() { return renderResult.container.querySelector("canvas.static")!; }, }); Object.defineProperty(GlobalTestState, "interactiveCanvas", { // must be a getter because at the time of ExcalidrawApp render the // child App component isn't likely mounted yet (and thus canvas not // present in DOM) get() { return renderResult.container.querySelector("canvas.interactive")!; }, }); await waitFor(() => { const canvas = renderResult.container.querySelector("canvas.static"); if (!canvas) { throw new Error("not initialized yet"); } const interactiveCanvas = renderResult.container.querySelector("canvas.interactive"); if (!interactiveCanvas) { throw new Error("not initialized yet"); } }); return renderResult; }; // re-export everything export * from "@testing-library/react"; // override render method export { renderApp as render }; /** * For state-sharing across test helpers. * NOTE: there shouldn't be concurrency issues as each test is running in its * own process and thus gets its own instance of this module when running * tests in parallel. */ export class GlobalTestState { /** * automatically updated on each call to render() */ static renderResult: RenderResult = null!; /** * retrieves static canvas for currently rendered app instance */ static get canvas(): HTMLCanvasElement { return null!; } /** * retrieves interactive canvas for currently rendered app instance */ static get interactiveCanvas(): HTMLCanvasElement { return null!; } } const initLocalStorage = (data: ImportedDataState) => { if (data.elements) { localStorage.setItem( STORAGE_KEYS.LOCAL_STORAGE_ELEMENTS, JSON.stringify(data.elements), ); } if (data.appState) { localStorage.setItem( STORAGE_KEYS.LOCAL_STORAGE_APP_STATE, JSON.stringify(data.appState), ); } }; export const updateSceneData = (data: SceneData) => { (window.collab as any).excalidrawAPI.updateScene(data); }; const originalGetBoundingClientRect = global.window.HTMLDivElement.prototype.getBoundingClientRect; export const mockBoundingClientRect = ( { top = 0, left = 0, bottom = 0, right = 0, width = 1920, height = 1080, x = 0, y = 0, toJSON = () => {}, } = { top: 10, left: 20, bottom: 10, right: 10, width: 200, x: 10, y: 20, height: 100, }, ) => { // override getBoundingClientRect as by default it will always return all values as 0 even if customized in html global.window.HTMLDivElement.prototype.getBoundingClientRect = () => ({ top, left, bottom, right, width, height, x, y, toJSON, }); }; export const withExcalidrawDimensions = async ( dimensions: { width: number; height: number }, cb: () => void, ) => { mockBoundingClientRect(dimensions); // @ts-ignore; // @ts-ignore;; await cb(); restoreOriginalGetBoundingClientRect(); // @ts-ignore; // @ts-ignore;; }; export const restoreOriginalGetBoundingClientRect = () => { global.window.HTMLDivElement.prototype.getBoundingClientRect = originalGetBoundingClientRect; }; export const assertSelectedElements = ( ...elements: ( | (ExcalidrawElement["id"] | ExcalidrawElement)[] | ExcalidrawElement["id"] | ExcalidrawElement )[] ) => { const { h } = window; const selectedElementIds = getSelectedElements(, h.state, ).map((el) =>; const ids = elements .flat() .map((item) => (typeof item === "string" ? item :; expect(selectedElementIds.length).toBe(ids.length); expect(selectedElementIds).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining(ids)); }; export const toggleMenu = (container: HTMLElement) => { // open menu".dropdown-menu-button")!); }; export const togglePopover = (label: string) => { // Needed for radix-ui/react-popover as tests fail due to resize observer not being present (global as any).ResizeObserver = class ResizeObserver { constructor(cb: any) { (this as any).cb = cb; } observe() {} unobserve() {} disconnect() {} }; UI.clickLabeledElement(label); }; expect.extend({ toBeNonNaNNumber(received) { const pass = typeof received === "number" && !isNaN(received); if (pass) { return { message: () => `expected ${received} not to be a non-NaN number`, pass: true, }; } return { message: () => `expected ${received} to be a non-NaN number`, pass: false, }; }, });