import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import { render } from "./test-utils"; import { reseed } from "../random"; import { UI, Keyboard, Pointer } from "./helpers/ui"; import type { ExcalidrawFreeDrawElement, ExcalidrawLinearElement, } from "../element/types"; import type { Point } from "../types"; import { Bounds, getElementPointsCoords } from "../element/bounds"; import { Excalidraw } from "../index"; import { API } from "./helpers/api"; import { KEYS } from "../keys"; import { isLinearElement } from "../element/typeChecks"; import { LinearElementEditor } from "../element/linearElementEditor"; ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(document.getElementById("root")!); const { h } = window; const mouse = new Pointer("mouse"); const getBoundsFromPoints = ( element: ExcalidrawLinearElement | ExcalidrawFreeDrawElement, ): Bounds => { if (isLinearElement(element)) { return getElementPointsCoords(element, element.points); } const { x, y, points } = element; const pointsX =[x]) => x); const pointsY =[, y]) => y); return [ Math.min(...pointsX) + x, Math.min(...pointsY) + y, Math.max(...pointsX) + x, Math.max(...pointsY) + y, ]; }; beforeEach(async () => { localStorage.clear(); reseed(7); mouse.reset(); await render(<Excalidraw handleKeyboardGlobally={true} />); h.state.width = 1000; h.state.height = 1000; // The bounds of hand-drawn linear elements may change after flipping, so // removing this style for testing UI.clickTool("arrow"); UI.clickByTitle("Architect"); UI.clickTool("selection"); }); describe("generic element", () => { // = rectangle/diamond/ellipse describe("resizes", () => { it.each` handle | move | size | xy ${"n"} | ${[10, -27]} | ${[200, 127]} | ${[0, -27]} ${"e"} | ${[67, -45]} | ${[267, 100]} | ${[0, 0]} ${"s"} | ${[-50, -39]} | ${[200, 61]} | ${[0, 0]} ${"w"} | ${[20, 90]} | ${[180, 100]} | ${[20, 0]} ${"ne"} | ${[5, -33]} | ${[205, 133]} | ${[0, -33]} ${"se"} | ${[-30, -81]} | ${[170, 19]} | ${[0, 0]} ${"sw"} | ${[37, 25]} | ${[163, 125]} | ${[37, 0]} ${"nw"} | ${[-34, 42]} | ${[234, 58]} | ${[-34, 42]} `( "with handle $handle", async ({ handle, move, size: [width, height], xy: [x, y] }) => { const rectangle = UI.createElement("rectangle", { width: 200, height: 100, }); UI.resize(rectangle, handle, move); expect(rectangle.x).toBeCloseTo(x); expect(rectangle.y).toBeCloseTo(y); expect(rectangle.width).toBeCloseTo(width); expect(rectangle.height).toBeCloseTo(height); expect(rectangle.angle).toBeCloseTo(0); }, ); }); describe("flips while resizing", () => { it.each` handle | move | size | xy ${"n"} | ${[15, 139]} | ${[200, 39]} | ${[0, 100]} ${"e"} | ${[-245, 67]} | ${[45, 100]} | ${[-45, 0]} ${"s"} | ${[-26, -210]} | ${[200, 110]} | ${[0, -110]} ${"w"} | ${[241, 0]} | ${[41, 100]} | ${[200, 0]} ${"ne"} | ${[-250, 125]} | ${[50, 25]} | ${[-50, 100]} ${"se"} | ${[-283, -58]} | ${[83, 42]} | ${[-83, 0]} ${"sw"} | ${[40, -123]} | ${[160, 23]} | ${[40, -23]} ${"nw"} | ${[270, 133]} | ${[70, 33]} | ${[200, 100]} `( "with handle $handle", async ({ handle, move, size: [width, height], xy: [x, y] }) => { const rectangle = UI.createElement("rectangle", { width: 200, height: 100, }); UI.resize(rectangle, handle, move); expect(rectangle.x).toBeCloseTo(x); expect(rectangle.y).toBeCloseTo(y); expect(rectangle.width).toBeCloseTo(width); expect(rectangle.height).toBeCloseTo(height); expect(rectangle.angle).toBeCloseTo(0); }, ); }); it("resizes with locked aspect ratio", async () => { const rectangle = UI.createElement("rectangle", { width: 200, height: 100, }); UI.resize(rectangle, "se", [100, 10], { shift: true }); expect(rectangle.x).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(rectangle.y).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(rectangle.width).toBeCloseTo(300); expect(rectangle.height).toBeCloseTo(150); expect(rectangle.angle).toBeCloseTo(0); UI.resize(rectangle, "n", [30, 50], { shift: true }); expect(rectangle.x).toBeCloseTo(50); expect(rectangle.y).toBeCloseTo(50); expect(rectangle.width).toBeCloseTo(200); expect(rectangle.height).toBeCloseTo(100); expect(rectangle.angle).toBeCloseTo(0); }); it("resizes from center", async () => { const rectangle = UI.createElement("rectangle", { width: 200, height: 100, }); UI.resize(rectangle, "nw", [20, 10], { alt: true }); expect(rectangle.x).toBeCloseTo(20); expect(rectangle.y).toBeCloseTo(10); expect(rectangle.width).toBeCloseTo(160); expect(rectangle.height).toBeCloseTo(80); expect(rectangle.angle).toBeCloseTo(0); UI.resize(rectangle, "e", [15, 43], { alt: true }); expect(rectangle.x).toBeCloseTo(5); expect(rectangle.y).toBeCloseTo(10); expect(rectangle.width).toBeCloseTo(190); expect(rectangle.height).toBeCloseTo(80); expect(rectangle.angle).toBeCloseTo(0); }); it("resizes with bound arrow", async () => { const rectangle = UI.createElement("rectangle", { width: 200, height: 100, }); const arrow = UI.createElement("arrow", { x: -30, y: 50, width: 28, height: 5, }); expect(arrow.endBinding?.elementId).toEqual(; UI.resize(rectangle, "e", [40, 0]); expect(arrow.width + arrow.endBinding!.gap).toBeCloseTo(30); UI.resize(rectangle, "w", [50, 0]); expect(arrow.endBinding?.elementId).toEqual(; expect(arrow.width + arrow.endBinding!.gap).toBeCloseTo(80); }); it("resizes with a label", async () => { const rectangle = UI.createElement("rectangle", { width: 200, height: 100, }); const label = await UI.editText(rectangle, "Hello world"); UI.resize(rectangle, "se", [50, 50]); expect(label.x + label.width / 2).toBeCloseTo( rectangle.x + rectangle.width / 2, ); expect(label.y + label.height / 2).toBeCloseTo( rectangle.y + rectangle.height / 2, ); expect(label.angle).toBeCloseTo(rectangle.angle); expect(label.fontSize).toEqual(20); UI.resize(rectangle, "w", [190, 0]); expect(label.x + label.width / 2).toBeCloseTo( rectangle.x + rectangle.width / 2, ); expect(label.y + label.height / 2).toBeCloseTo( rectangle.y + rectangle.height / 2, ); expect(label.angle).toBeCloseTo(rectangle.angle); expect(label.fontSize).toEqual(20); }); }); describe.each(["line", "freedraw"] as const)("%s element", (type) => { const points: Record<typeof type, Point[]> = { line: [ [0, 0], [60, -20], [20, 40], [-40, 0], ], freedraw: [ [0, 0], [-2.474600807561444, 41.021700699972], [3.6627956000014024, 47.84174560617245], [40.495224145598115, 47.15909710753482], ], }; it("resizes", async () => { const element = UI.createElement(type, { points: points[type] }); const bounds = getBoundsFromPoints(element); UI.resize(element, "ne", [30, -60]); const newBounds = getBoundsFromPoints(element); expect(newBounds[0]).toBeCloseTo(bounds[0]); expect(newBounds[1]).toBeCloseTo(bounds[1] - 60); expect(newBounds[2]).toBeCloseTo(bounds[2] + 30); expect(newBounds[3]).toBeCloseTo(bounds[3]); expect(element.angle).toBeCloseTo(0); }); it("flips while resizing", async () => { const element = UI.createElement(type, { points: points[type] }); const bounds = getBoundsFromPoints(element); UI.resize(element, "sw", [140, -80]); const newBounds = getBoundsFromPoints(element); expect(newBounds[0]).toBeCloseTo(bounds[2]); expect(newBounds[1]).toBeCloseTo(bounds[3] - 80); expect(newBounds[2]).toBeCloseTo(bounds[0] + 140); expect(newBounds[3]).toBeCloseTo(bounds[1]); expect(element.angle).toBeCloseTo(0); }); it("resizes with locked aspect ratio", async () => { const element = UI.createElement(type, { points: points[type] }); const bounds = getBoundsFromPoints(element); UI.resize(element, "ne", [30, -60], { shift: true }); const newBounds = getBoundsFromPoints(element); const scale = 1 + 60 / (bounds[3] - bounds[1]); expect(newBounds[0]).toBeCloseTo(bounds[0]); expect(newBounds[1]).toBeCloseTo(bounds[1] - 60); expect(newBounds[2]).toBeCloseTo( bounds[0] + (bounds[2] - bounds[0]) * scale, ); expect(newBounds[3]).toBeCloseTo(bounds[3]); expect(element.angle).toBeCloseTo(0); }); it("resizes from center", async () => { const element = UI.createElement(type, { points: points[type] }); const bounds = getBoundsFromPoints(element); UI.resize(element, "nw", [-20, -30], { alt: true }); const newBounds = getBoundsFromPoints(element); expect(newBounds[0]).toBeCloseTo(bounds[0] - 20); expect(newBounds[1]).toBeCloseTo(bounds[1] - 30); expect(newBounds[2]).toBeCloseTo(bounds[2] + 20); expect(newBounds[3]).toBeCloseTo(bounds[3] + 30); expect(element.angle).toBeCloseTo(0); }); }); describe("arrow element", () => { it("resizes with a label", async () => { const arrow = UI.createElement("arrow", { points: [ [0, 0], [40, 140], [80, 60], // label's anchor [180, 20], [200, 120], ], }); const label = await UI.editText(arrow, "Hello"); UI.resize(arrow, "se", [50, 30]); let labelPos = LinearElementEditor.getBoundTextElementPosition( arrow, label, ); expect(labelPos.x + label.width / 2).toBeCloseTo( arrow.x + arrow.points[2][0], ); expect(labelPos.y + label.height / 2).toBeCloseTo( arrow.y + arrow.points[2][1], ); expect(label.angle).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(label.fontSize).toEqual(20); UI.resize(arrow, "w", [20, 0]); labelPos = LinearElementEditor.getBoundTextElementPosition(arrow, label); expect(labelPos.x + label.width / 2).toBeCloseTo( arrow.x + arrow.points[2][0], ); expect(labelPos.y + label.height / 2).toBeCloseTo( arrow.y + arrow.points[2][1], ); expect(label.angle).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(label.fontSize).toEqual(20); }); }); describe("text element", () => { it("resizes", async () => { const text = UI.createElement("text"); await UI.editText(text, "hello\nworld"); const { width, height, fontSize } = text; const scale = 40 / height + 1; UI.resize(text, "se", [30, 40]); expect(text.x).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(text.y).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(text.width).toBeCloseTo(width * scale); expect(text.height).toBeCloseTo(height * scale); expect(text.angle).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(text.fontSize).toBeCloseTo(fontSize * scale); }); // TODO enable this test after adding single text element flipping it.skip("flips while resizing", async () => { const text = UI.createElement("text"); await UI.editText(text, "hello\nworld"); const { width, height, fontSize } = text; const scale = 100 / width - 1; UI.resize(text, "nw", [100, 80]); expect(text.x).toBeCloseTo(width); expect(text.y).toBeCloseTo(height); expect(text.width).toBeCloseTo(width * scale); expect(text.height).toBeCloseTo(height * scale); expect(text.angle).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(text.fontSize).toBeCloseTo(fontSize * scale); }); // TODO enable this test after fixing text resizing from center it.skip("resizes from center", async () => { const text = UI.createElement("text"); await UI.editText(text, "hello\nworld"); const { x, y, width, height, fontSize } = text; const scale = 80 / height + 1; UI.resize(text, "nw", [-25, -40], { alt: true }); expect(text.x).toBeCloseTo(x - ((scale - 1) * width) / 2); expect(text.y).toBeCloseTo(y - 40); expect(text.width).toBeCloseTo(width * scale); expect(text.height).toBeCloseTo(height * scale); expect(text.angle).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(text.fontSize).toBeCloseTo(fontSize * scale); }); it("resizes with bound arrow", async () => { const text = UI.createElement("text"); await UI.editText(text, "hello\nworld"); const boundArrow = UI.createElement("arrow", { x: -30, y: 25, width: 28, height: 5, }); expect(boundArrow.endBinding?.elementId).toEqual(; UI.resize(text, "ne", [40, 0]); expect(boundArrow.width + boundArrow.endBinding!.gap).toBeCloseTo(30); const textWidth = text.width; const scale = 20 / text.height; UI.resize(text, "nw", [50, 20]); expect(boundArrow.endBinding?.elementId).toEqual(; expect(boundArrow.width + boundArrow.endBinding!.gap).toBeCloseTo( 30 + textWidth * scale, ); }); it("updates font size via keyboard", async () => { const text = UI.createElement("text"); await UI.editText(text, "abc"); const { fontSize } = text;; Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true, ctrl: true }, () => { Keyboard.keyDown(KEYS.CHEVRON_RIGHT); expect(text.fontSize).toBe(fontSize * 1.1); Keyboard.keyDown(KEYS.CHEVRON_LEFT); expect(text.fontSize).toBe(fontSize); }); }); }); describe("image element", () => { it("resizes", async () => { const image = API.createElement({ type: "image", width: 100, height: 100 }); h.elements = [image]; UI.resize(image, "ne", [-20, -30]); expect(image.x).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(image.y).toBeCloseTo(-30); expect(image.width).toBeCloseTo(130); expect(image.height).toBeCloseTo(130); expect(image.angle).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(image.scale).toEqual([1, 1]); }); it("flips while resizing", async () => { const image = API.createElement({ type: "image", width: 100, height: 100 }); h.elements = [image]; UI.resize(image, "sw", [150, -150]); expect(image.x).toBeCloseTo(100); expect(image.y).toBeCloseTo(-50); expect(image.width).toBeCloseTo(50); expect(image.height).toBeCloseTo(50); expect(image.angle).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(image.scale).toEqual([-1, -1]); }); it("resizes with locked/unlocked aspect ratio", async () => { const image = API.createElement({ type: "image", width: 100, height: 100 }); h.elements = [image]; UI.resize(image, "ne", [30, -20]); expect(image.x).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(image.y).toBeCloseTo(-30); expect(image.width).toBeCloseTo(130); expect(image.height).toBeCloseTo(130); UI.resize(image, "ne", [-30, 50], { shift: true }); expect(image.x).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(image.y).toBeCloseTo(20); expect(image.width).toBeCloseTo(100); expect(image.height).toBeCloseTo(80); }); it("resizes from center", async () => { const image = API.createElement({ type: "image", width: 100, height: 100 }); h.elements = [image]; UI.resize(image, "nw", [25, 15], { alt: true }); expect(image.x).toBeCloseTo(15); expect(image.y).toBeCloseTo(15); expect(image.width).toBeCloseTo(70); expect(image.height).toBeCloseTo(70); expect(image.angle).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(image.scale).toEqual([1, 1]); }); it("resizes with bound arrow", async () => { const image = API.createElement({ type: "image", width: 100, height: 100, }); h.elements = [image]; const arrow = UI.createElement("arrow", { x: -30, y: 50, width: 28, height: 5, }); expect(arrow.endBinding?.elementId).toEqual(; UI.resize(image, "ne", [40, 0]); expect(arrow.width + arrow.endBinding!.gap).toBeCloseTo(30); const imageWidth = image.width; const scale = 20 / image.height; UI.resize(image, "nw", [50, 20]); expect(arrow.endBinding?.elementId).toEqual(; expect(arrow.width + arrow.endBinding!.gap).toBeCloseTo( 30 + imageWidth * scale, ); }); }); describe("multiple selection", () => { it("resizes with generic elements", async () => { const rectangle = UI.createElement("rectangle", { position: 0, width: 100, height: 80, }); const rectLabel = await UI.editText(rectangle, "hello\nworld"); const diamond = UI.createElement("diamond", { x: 140, y: 40, size: 80, }); const ellipse = UI.createElement("ellipse", { x: 40, y: 100, width: 80, height: 60, }); const selectionWidth = 220; const selectionHeight = 160; const move = [50, 30] as [number, number]; const scale = Math.max( 1 + move[0] / selectionWidth, 1 + move[1] / selectionHeight, ); UI.resize([rectangle, diamond, ellipse], "se", move); expect(rectangle.x).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(rectangle.y).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(rectangle.width).toBeCloseTo(100 * scale); expect(rectangle.height).toBeCloseTo(80 * scale); expect(rectangle.angle).toEqual(0); expect(rectLabel.type).toEqual("text"); expect(rectLabel.containerId).toEqual(; expect(rectLabel.x + rectLabel.width / 2).toBeCloseTo( rectangle.x + rectangle.width / 2, ); expect(rectLabel.y + rectLabel.height / 2).toBeCloseTo( rectangle.y + rectangle.height / 2, ); expect(rectLabel.angle).toEqual(0); expect(rectLabel.fontSize).toBeCloseTo(20 * scale, -1); expect(diamond.x).toBeCloseTo(140 * scale); expect(diamond.y).toBeCloseTo(40 * scale); expect(diamond.width).toBeCloseTo(80 * scale); expect(diamond.height).toBeCloseTo(80 * scale); expect(diamond.angle).toEqual(0); expect(ellipse.x).toBeCloseTo(40 * scale); expect(ellipse.y).toBeCloseTo(100 * scale); expect(ellipse.width).toBeCloseTo(80 * scale); expect(ellipse.height).toBeCloseTo(60 * scale); expect(ellipse.angle).toEqual(0); }); it("resizes with linear elements > 2 points", async () => { UI.clickTool("line"); UI.clickByTitle("Sharp"); const line = UI.createElement("line", { x: 60, y: 40, points: [ [0, 0], [-40, 40], [-60, 0], [0, -40], [40, 20], [0, 40], ], }); const freedraw = UI.createElement("freedraw", { x: 63.56072661326618, y: 100, points: [ [0, 0], [-43.56072661326618, 18.15048126846341], [-43.56072661326618, 29.041198460587566], [-38.115368017204105, 42.652452795512204], [-19.964886748740696, 66.24829266003775], [19.056612930986716, 77.1390098521619], ], }); const selectionWidth = 100; const selectionHeight = 177.1390098521619; const move = [-25, -25] as [number, number]; const scale = Math.max( 1 + move[0] / selectionWidth, 1 + move[1] / selectionHeight, ); UI.resize([line, freedraw], "se", move); expect(line.x).toBeCloseTo(60 * scale); expect(line.y).toBeCloseTo(40 * scale); expect(line.width).toBeCloseTo(100 * scale); expect(line.height).toBeCloseTo(80 * scale); expect(line.angle).toEqual(0); expect(freedraw.x).toBeCloseTo(63.56072661326618 * scale); expect(freedraw.y).toBeCloseTo(100 * scale); expect(freedraw.width).toBeCloseTo(62.6173395442529 * scale); expect(freedraw.height).toBeCloseTo(77.1390098521619 * scale); expect(freedraw.angle).toEqual(0); }); it("resizes with 2-point lines", async () => { const horizLine = UI.createElement("line", { position: 0, width: 120, height: 0, }); const vertLine = UI.createElement("line", { x: 0, y: 20, width: 0, height: 80, }); const diagLine = UI.createElement("line", { position: 40, size: 60, }); const selectionWidth = 120; const selectionHeight = 100; const move = [40, 40] as [number, number]; const scale = Math.max( 1 - move[0] / selectionWidth, 1 - move[1] / selectionHeight, ); UI.resize([horizLine, vertLine, diagLine], "nw", move); expect(horizLine.x).toBeCloseTo(selectionWidth * (1 - scale)); expect(horizLine.y).toBeCloseTo(selectionHeight * (1 - scale)); expect(horizLine.width).toBeCloseTo(120 * scale); expect(horizLine.height).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(horizLine.angle).toEqual(0); expect(vertLine.x).toBeCloseTo(selectionWidth * (1 - scale)); expect(vertLine.y).toBeCloseTo((selectionHeight - 20) * (1 - scale) + 20); expect(vertLine.width).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(vertLine.height).toBeCloseTo(80 * scale); expect(vertLine.angle).toEqual(0); expect(diagLine.x).toBeCloseTo((selectionWidth - 40) * (1 - scale) + 40); expect(diagLine.y).toBeCloseTo((selectionHeight - 40) * (1 - scale) + 40); expect(diagLine.width).toBeCloseTo(60 * scale); expect(diagLine.height).toBeCloseTo(60 * scale); expect(diagLine.angle).toEqual(0); }); it("resizes with bound arrows", async () => { const rectangle = UI.createElement("rectangle", { position: 0, size: 100, }); const leftBoundArrow = UI.createElement("arrow", { x: -110, y: 50, width: 100, height: 0, }); const rightBoundArrow = UI.createElement("arrow", { x: 210, y: 50, width: -100, height: 0, }); const selectionWidth = 210; const selectionHeight = 100; const move = [40, 40] as [number, number]; const scale = Math.max( 1 - move[0] / selectionWidth, 1 - move[1] / selectionHeight, ); const leftArrowBinding = { ...leftBoundArrow.endBinding }; const rightArrowBinding = { ...rightBoundArrow.endBinding }; delete; UI.resize([rectangle, rightBoundArrow], "nw", move); expect(leftBoundArrow.x).toBeCloseTo(-110); expect(leftBoundArrow.y).toBeCloseTo(50); expect(leftBoundArrow.width).toBeCloseTo(140, 0); expect(leftBoundArrow.height).toBeCloseTo(7, 0); expect(leftBoundArrow.angle).toEqual(0); expect(leftBoundArrow.startBinding).toBeNull(); expect(leftBoundArrow.endBinding).toMatchObject(leftArrowBinding); expect(rightBoundArrow.x).toBeCloseTo(210); expect(rightBoundArrow.y).toBeCloseTo( (selectionHeight - 50) * (1 - scale) + 50, ); expect(rightBoundArrow.width).toBeCloseTo(100 * scale); expect(rightBoundArrow.height).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(rightBoundArrow.angle).toEqual(0); expect(rightBoundArrow.startBinding).toBeNull(); expect(rightBoundArrow.endBinding).toMatchObject(rightArrowBinding); }); it("resizes with labeled arrows", async () => { const topArrow = UI.createElement("arrow", { x: 0, y: 20, width: 220, height: 0, }); const topArrowLabel = await UI.editText(topArrow.get(), "lorem ipsum"); UI.clickTool("text"); UI.clickByTitle("Large"); const bottomArrow = UI.createElement("arrow", { x: 0, y: 80, width: 220, height: 0, }); const bottomArrowLabel = await UI.editText( bottomArrow.get(), "dolor\nsit amet", ); const selectionWidth = 220; const selectionTop = 20 - topArrowLabel.height / 2; const move = [80, 0] as [number, number]; const scale = move[0] / selectionWidth + 1; UI.resize([topArrow.get(), bottomArrow.get()], "se", move); const topArrowLabelPos = LinearElementEditor.getBoundTextElementPosition( topArrow, topArrowLabel, ); const bottomArrowLabelPos = LinearElementEditor.getBoundTextElementPosition( bottomArrow, bottomArrowLabel, ); expect(topArrow.x).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(topArrow.y).toBeCloseTo(selectionTop + (20 - selectionTop) * scale); expect(topArrow.width).toBeCloseTo(300); expect(topArrow.points).toEqual([ [0, 0], [300, 0], ]); expect(topArrowLabelPos.x + topArrowLabel.width / 2).toBeCloseTo( topArrow.width / 2, ); expect(topArrowLabelPos.y + topArrowLabel.height / 2).toBeCloseTo( topArrow.y, ); expect(topArrowLabel.fontSize).toBeCloseTo(20 * scale); expect(bottomArrow.x).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(bottomArrow.y).toBeCloseTo( selectionTop + (80 - selectionTop) * scale, ); expect(bottomArrow.width).toBeCloseTo(300); expect(topArrow.points).toEqual([ [0, 0], [300, 0], ]); expect(bottomArrowLabelPos.x + bottomArrowLabel.width / 2).toBeCloseTo( bottomArrow.width / 2, ); expect(bottomArrowLabelPos.y + bottomArrowLabel.height / 2).toBeCloseTo( bottomArrow.y, ); expect(bottomArrowLabel.fontSize).toBeCloseTo(28 * scale); }); it("resizes with text elements", async () => { const topText = UI.createElement("text", { position: 0 }); await UI.editText(topText, "lorem ipsum"); UI.clickTool("text"); UI.clickByTitle("Large"); const bottomText = UI.createElement("text", { position: 40 }); await UI.editText(bottomText, "dolor\nsit amet"); const selectionWidth = 40 + bottomText.width; const selectionHeight = 40 + bottomText.height; const move = [30, -40] as [number, number]; const scale = Math.max( 1 + move[0] / selectionWidth, 1 - move[1] / selectionHeight, ); UI.resize([topText, bottomText], "ne", move); expect(topText.x).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(topText.y).toBeCloseTo(-selectionHeight * (scale - 1)); expect(topText.fontSize).toBeCloseTo(20 * scale); expect(topText.angle).toEqual(0); expect(bottomText.x).toBeCloseTo(40 * scale); expect(bottomText.y).toBeCloseTo(40 - (selectionHeight - 40) * (scale - 1)); expect(bottomText.fontSize).toBeCloseTo(28 * scale); expect(bottomText.angle).toEqual(0); }); it("resizes with images", () => { const topImage = API.createElement({ type: "image", x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 100, }); const bottomImage = API.createElement({ type: "image", x: 30, y: 150, width: 120, height: 80, }); h.elements = [topImage, bottomImage]; const selectionWidth = 200; const selectionHeight = 230; const move = [-50, -50] as [number, number]; const scale = Math.max( 1 + move[0] / selectionWidth, 1 + move[1] / selectionHeight, ); UI.resize([topImage, bottomImage], "se", move); expect(topImage.x).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(topImage.y).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(topImage.width).toBeCloseTo(200 * scale); expect(topImage.height).toBeCloseTo(100 * scale); expect(topImage.angle).toEqual(0); expect(topImage.scale).toEqual([1, 1]); expect(bottomImage.x).toBeCloseTo(30 * scale); expect(bottomImage.y).toBeCloseTo(150 * scale); expect(bottomImage.width).toBeCloseTo(120 * scale); expect(bottomImage.height).toBeCloseTo(80 * scale); expect(bottomImage.angle).toEqual(0); expect(bottomImage.scale).toEqual([1, 1]); }); it("resizes from center", () => { const rectangle = UI.createElement("rectangle", { x: -200, y: -140, width: 120, height: 100, }); const ellipse = UI.createElement("ellipse", { position: 60, width: 140, height: 80, }); const selectionWidth = 400; const selectionHeight = 280; const move = [-80, -80] as [number, number]; const scale = Math.max( 1 + (2 * move[0]) / selectionWidth, 1 + (2 * move[1]) / selectionHeight, ); UI.resize([rectangle, ellipse], "se", move, { alt: true }); expect(rectangle.x).toBeCloseTo(-200 * scale); expect(rectangle.y).toBeCloseTo(-140 * scale); expect(rectangle.width).toBeCloseTo(120 * scale); expect(rectangle.height).toBeCloseTo(100 * scale); expect(rectangle.angle).toEqual(0); expect(ellipse.x).toBeCloseTo(60 * scale); expect(ellipse.y).toBeCloseTo(60 * scale); expect(ellipse.width).toBeCloseTo(140 * scale); expect(ellipse.height).toBeCloseTo(80 * scale); expect(ellipse.angle).toEqual(0); }); it("flips while resizing", async () => { const image = API.createElement({ type: "image", x: 60, y: 100, width: 100, height: 100, angle: (Math.PI * 7) / 6, }); h.elements = [image]; const line = UI.createElement("line", { x: 60, y: 0, points: [ [0, 0], [-40, 40], [-20, 60], [20, 20], [40, 40], [-20, 100], [-60, 60], ], }); const rectangle = UI.createElement("rectangle", { x: 180, y: 60, width: 160, height: 80, angle: Math.PI / 6, }); const rectLabel = await UI.editText(rectangle, "hello\nworld"); const boundArrow = UI.createElement("arrow", { x: 380, y: 240, width: -60, height: -80, }); const arrowLabel = await UI.editText(boundArrow, "test"); const selectionWidth = 380; const move = [-800, 0] as [number, number]; const scaleX = move[0] / selectionWidth + 1; const scaleY = -scaleX; const lineOrigBounds = getBoundsFromPoints(line); UI.resize([line, image, rectangle, boundArrow], "se", move); const lineNewBounds = getBoundsFromPoints(line); const arrowLabelPos = LinearElementEditor.getBoundTextElementPosition( boundArrow, arrowLabel, ); expect(line.x).toBeCloseTo(60 * scaleX); expect(line.y).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(lineNewBounds[0]).toBeCloseTo( (lineOrigBounds[2] - lineOrigBounds[0]) * scaleX, ); expect(lineNewBounds[1]).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(lineNewBounds[3]).toBeCloseTo( (lineOrigBounds[3] - lineOrigBounds[1]) * scaleY, ); expect(lineNewBounds[2]).toBeCloseTo(0); expect(line.angle).toEqual(0); expect(image.x).toBeCloseTo((60 + 100) * scaleX); expect(image.y).toBeCloseTo(100 * scaleY); expect(image.width).toBeCloseTo(100 * -scaleX); expect(image.height).toBeCloseTo(100 * scaleY); expect(image.angle).toBeCloseTo((Math.PI * 5) / 6); expect(image.scale).toEqual([1, 1]); expect(rectangle.x).toBeCloseTo((180 + 160) * scaleX); expect(rectangle.y).toBeCloseTo(60 * scaleY); expect(rectangle.width).toBeCloseTo(160 * -scaleX); expect(rectangle.height).toBeCloseTo(80 * scaleY); expect(rectangle.angle).toEqual((Math.PI * 11) / 6); expect(rectLabel.x + rectLabel.width / 2).toBeCloseTo( rectangle.x + rectangle.width / 2, ); expect(rectLabel.y + rectLabel.height / 2).toBeCloseTo( rectangle.y + rectangle.height / 2, ); expect(rectLabel.angle).toBeCloseTo(rectangle.angle); expect(rectLabel.fontSize).toBeCloseTo(20 * scaleY); expect(boundArrow.x).toBeCloseTo(380 * scaleX); expect(boundArrow.y).toBeCloseTo(240 * scaleY); expect(boundArrow.points[1][0]).toBeCloseTo(-60 * scaleX); expect(boundArrow.points[1][1]).toBeCloseTo(-80 * scaleY); expect(arrowLabelPos.x + arrowLabel.width / 2).toBeCloseTo( boundArrow.x + boundArrow.points[1][0] / 2, ); expect(arrowLabelPos.y + arrowLabel.height / 2).toBeCloseTo( boundArrow.y + boundArrow.points[1][1] / 2, ); expect(arrowLabel.angle).toEqual(0); expect(arrowLabel.fontSize).toBeCloseTo(20 * scaleY); }); });