import { useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from "react"; import type { AppClassProperties, AppState, Point, Primitive } from "../types"; import type { StoreActionType } from "../store"; import { DEFAULT_ELEMENT_BACKGROUND_COLOR_PALETTE, DEFAULT_ELEMENT_BACKGROUND_PICKS, DEFAULT_ELEMENT_STROKE_COLOR_PALETTE, DEFAULT_ELEMENT_STROKE_PICKS, } from "../colors"; import { trackEvent } from "../analytics"; import { ButtonIconSelect } from "../components/ButtonIconSelect"; import { ColorPicker } from "../components/ColorPicker/ColorPicker"; import { IconPicker } from "../components/IconPicker"; import { FontPicker } from "../components/FontPicker/FontPicker"; // TODO barnabasmolnar/editor-redesign // TextAlignTopIcon, TextAlignBottomIcon,TextAlignMiddleIcon, // ArrowHead icons import { ArrowheadArrowIcon, ArrowheadBarIcon, ArrowheadCircleIcon, ArrowheadTriangleIcon, ArrowheadNoneIcon, StrokeStyleDashedIcon, StrokeStyleDottedIcon, TextAlignTopIcon, TextAlignBottomIcon, TextAlignMiddleIcon, FillHachureIcon, FillCrossHatchIcon, FillSolidIcon, SloppinessArchitectIcon, SloppinessArtistIcon, SloppinessCartoonistIcon, StrokeWidthBaseIcon, StrokeWidthBoldIcon, StrokeWidthExtraBoldIcon, FontSizeSmallIcon, FontSizeMediumIcon, FontSizeLargeIcon, FontSizeExtraLargeIcon, EdgeSharpIcon, EdgeRoundIcon, TextAlignLeftIcon, TextAlignCenterIcon, TextAlignRightIcon, FillZigZagIcon, ArrowheadTriangleOutlineIcon, ArrowheadCircleOutlineIcon, ArrowheadDiamondIcon, ArrowheadDiamondOutlineIcon, fontSizeIcon, sharpArrowIcon, roundArrowIcon, elbowArrowIcon, } from "../components/icons"; import { ARROW_TYPE, DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY, DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, FONT_FAMILY, ROUNDNESS, STROKE_WIDTH, VERTICAL_ALIGN, } from "../constants"; import { getNonDeletedElements, isTextElement, redrawTextBoundingBox, } from "../element"; import { mutateElement, newElementWith } from "../element/mutateElement"; import { getBoundTextElement } from "../element/textElement"; import { isArrowElement, isBoundToContainer, isElbowArrow, isLinearElement, isUsingAdaptiveRadius, } from "../element/typeChecks"; import type { Arrowhead, ExcalidrawBindableElement, ExcalidrawElement, ExcalidrawLinearElement, ExcalidrawTextElement, FontFamilyValues, TextAlign, VerticalAlign, } from "../element/types"; import { getLanguage, t } from "../i18n"; import { KEYS } from "../keys"; import { randomInteger } from "../random"; import { canHaveArrowheads, getCommonAttributeOfSelectedElements, getSelectedElements, getTargetElements, isSomeElementSelected, } from "../scene"; import { hasStrokeColor } from "../scene/comparisons"; import { arrayToMap, getFontFamilyString, getShortcutKey, tupleToCoors, } from "../utils"; import { register } from "./register"; import { StoreAction } from "../store"; import { Fonts, getLineHeight } from "../fonts"; import { bindLinearElement, bindPointToSnapToElementOutline, calculateFixedPointForElbowArrowBinding, getHoveredElementForBinding, } from "../element/binding"; import { mutateElbowArrow } from "../element/routing"; import { LinearElementEditor } from "../element/linearElementEditor"; const FONT_SIZE_RELATIVE_INCREASE_STEP = 0.1; export const changeProperty = ( elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], appState: AppState, callback: (element: ExcalidrawElement) => ExcalidrawElement, includeBoundText = false, ) => { const selectedElementIds = arrayToMap( getSelectedElements(elements, appState, { includeBoundTextElement: includeBoundText, }), ); return => { if ( selectedElementIds.get( || === appState.editingElement?.id ) { return callback(element); } return element; }); }; export const getFormValue = function ( elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], appState: AppState, getAttribute: (element: ExcalidrawElement) => T, isRelevantElement: true | ((element: ExcalidrawElement) => boolean), defaultValue: T | ((isSomeElementSelected: boolean) => T), ): T { const editingElement = appState.editingElement; const nonDeletedElements = getNonDeletedElements(elements); let ret: T | null = null; if (editingElement) { ret = getAttribute(editingElement); } if (!ret) { const hasSelection = isSomeElementSelected(nonDeletedElements, appState); if (hasSelection) { ret = getCommonAttributeOfSelectedElements( isRelevantElement === true ? nonDeletedElements : nonDeletedElements.filter((el) => isRelevantElement(el)), appState, getAttribute, ) ?? (typeof defaultValue === "function" ? defaultValue(true) : defaultValue); } else { ret = typeof defaultValue === "function" ? defaultValue(false) : defaultValue; } } return ret; }; const offsetElementAfterFontResize = ( prevElement: ExcalidrawTextElement, nextElement: ExcalidrawTextElement, ) => { if (isBoundToContainer(nextElement) || !nextElement.autoResize) { return nextElement; } return mutateElement( nextElement, { x: prevElement.textAlign === "left" ? prevElement.x : prevElement.x + (prevElement.width - nextElement.width) / (prevElement.textAlign === "center" ? 2 : 1), // centering vertically is non-standard, but for Excalidraw I think // it makes sense y: prevElement.y + (prevElement.height - nextElement.height) / 2, }, false, ); }; const changeFontSize = ( elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], appState: AppState, app: AppClassProperties, getNewFontSize: (element: ExcalidrawTextElement) => number, fallbackValue?: ExcalidrawTextElement["fontSize"], ) => { const newFontSizes = new Set(); return { elements: changeProperty( elements, appState, (oldElement) => { if (isTextElement(oldElement)) { const newFontSize = getNewFontSize(oldElement); newFontSizes.add(newFontSize); let newElement: ExcalidrawTextElement = newElementWith(oldElement, { fontSize: newFontSize, }); redrawTextBoundingBox( newElement, app.scene.getContainerElement(oldElement), app.scene.getNonDeletedElementsMap(), ); newElement = offsetElementAfterFontResize(oldElement, newElement); return newElement; } return oldElement; }, true, ), appState: { ...appState, // update state only if we've set all select text elements to // the same font size currentItemFontSize: newFontSizes.size === 1 ? [...newFontSizes][0] : fallbackValue ?? appState.currentItemFontSize, }, storeAction: StoreAction.CAPTURE, }; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- export const actionChangeStrokeColor = register({ name: "changeStrokeColor", label: "labels.stroke", trackEvent: false, perform: (elements, appState, value) => { return { ...(value.currentItemStrokeColor && { elements: changeProperty( elements, appState, (el) => { return hasStrokeColor(el.type) ? newElementWith(el, { strokeColor: value.currentItemStrokeColor, }) : el; }, true, ), }), appState: { ...appState, ...value, }, storeAction: !!value.currentItemStrokeColor ? StoreAction.CAPTURE : StoreAction.NONE, }; }, PanelComponent: ({ elements, appState, updateData, appProps }) => ( <> element.strokeColor, true, appState.currentItemStrokeColor, )} onChange={(color) => updateData({ currentItemStrokeColor: color })} elements={elements} appState={appState} updateData={updateData} /> ), }); export const actionChangeBackgroundColor = register({ name: "changeBackgroundColor", label: "labels.changeBackground", trackEvent: false, perform: (elements, appState, value) => { return { ...(value.currentItemBackgroundColor && { elements: changeProperty(elements, appState, (el) => newElementWith(el, { backgroundColor: value.currentItemBackgroundColor, }), ), }), appState: { ...appState, ...value, }, storeAction: !!value.currentItemBackgroundColor ? StoreAction.CAPTURE : StoreAction.NONE, }; }, PanelComponent: ({ elements, appState, updateData, appProps }) => ( <> element.backgroundColor, true, appState.currentItemBackgroundColor, )} onChange={(color) => updateData({ currentItemBackgroundColor: color })} elements={elements} appState={appState} updateData={updateData} /> ), }); export const actionChangeFillStyle = register({ name: "changeFillStyle", label: "labels.fill", trackEvent: false, perform: (elements, appState, value, app) => { trackEvent( "element", "changeFillStyle", `${value} (${app.device.editor.isMobile ? "mobile" : "desktop"})`, ); return { elements: changeProperty(elements, appState, (el) => newElementWith(el, { fillStyle: value, }), ), appState: { ...appState, currentItemFillStyle: value }, storeAction: StoreAction.CAPTURE, }; }, PanelComponent: ({ elements, appState, updateData }) => { const selectedElements = getSelectedElements(elements, appState); const allElementsZigZag = selectedElements.length > 0 && selectedElements.every((el) => el.fillStyle === "zigzag"); return (
{t("labels.fill")} element.fillStyle, (element) => element.hasOwnProperty("fillStyle"), (hasSelection) => hasSelection ? null : appState.currentItemFillStyle, )} onClick={(value, event) => { const nextValue = event.altKey && value === "hachure" && selectedElements.every((el) => el.fillStyle === "hachure") ? "zigzag" : value; updateData(nextValue); }} />
); }, }); export const actionChangeStrokeWidth = register({ name: "changeStrokeWidth", label: "labels.strokeWidth", trackEvent: false, perform: (elements, appState, value) => { return { elements: changeProperty(elements, appState, (el) => newElementWith(el, { strokeWidth: value, }), ), appState: { ...appState, currentItemStrokeWidth: value }, storeAction: StoreAction.CAPTURE, }; }, PanelComponent: ({ elements, appState, updateData }) => (
{t("labels.strokeWidth")} element.strokeWidth, (element) => element.hasOwnProperty("strokeWidth"), (hasSelection) => hasSelection ? null : appState.currentItemStrokeWidth, )} onChange={(value) => updateData(value)} />
), }); export const actionChangeSloppiness = register({ name: "changeSloppiness", label: "labels.sloppiness", trackEvent: false, perform: (elements, appState, value) => { return { elements: changeProperty(elements, appState, (el) => newElementWith(el, { seed: randomInteger(), roughness: value, }), ), appState: { ...appState, currentItemRoughness: value }, storeAction: StoreAction.CAPTURE, }; }, PanelComponent: ({ elements, appState, updateData }) => (
{t("labels.sloppiness")} element.roughness, (element) => element.hasOwnProperty("roughness"), (hasSelection) => hasSelection ? null : appState.currentItemRoughness, )} onChange={(value) => updateData(value)} />
), }); export const actionChangeStrokeStyle = register({ name: "changeStrokeStyle", label: "labels.strokeStyle", trackEvent: false, perform: (elements, appState, value) => { return { elements: changeProperty(elements, appState, (el) => newElementWith(el, { strokeStyle: value, }), ), appState: { ...appState, currentItemStrokeStyle: value }, storeAction: StoreAction.CAPTURE, }; }, PanelComponent: ({ elements, appState, updateData }) => (
{t("labels.strokeStyle")} element.strokeStyle, (element) => element.hasOwnProperty("strokeStyle"), (hasSelection) => hasSelection ? null : appState.currentItemStrokeStyle, )} onChange={(value) => updateData(value)} />
), }); export const actionChangeOpacity = register({ name: "changeOpacity", label: "labels.opacity", trackEvent: false, perform: (elements, appState, value) => { return { elements: changeProperty( elements, appState, (el) => newElementWith(el, { opacity: value, }), true, ), appState: { ...appState, currentItemOpacity: value }, storeAction: StoreAction.CAPTURE, }; }, PanelComponent: ({ elements, appState, updateData }) => ( ), }); export const actionChangeFontSize = register({ name: "changeFontSize", label: "labels.fontSize", trackEvent: false, perform: (elements, appState, value, app) => { return changeFontSize(elements, appState, app, () => value, value); }, PanelComponent: ({ elements, appState, updateData, app }) => (
{t("labels.fontSize")} { if (isTextElement(element)) { return element.fontSize; } const boundTextElement = getBoundTextElement( element, app.scene.getNonDeletedElementsMap(), ); if (boundTextElement) { return boundTextElement.fontSize; } return null; }, (element) => isTextElement(element) || getBoundTextElement( element, app.scene.getNonDeletedElementsMap(), ) !== null, (hasSelection) => hasSelection ? null : appState.currentItemFontSize || DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE, )} onChange={(value) => updateData(value)} />
), }); export const actionDecreaseFontSize = register({ name: "decreaseFontSize", label: "labels.decreaseFontSize", icon: fontSizeIcon, trackEvent: false, perform: (elements, appState, value, app) => { return changeFontSize(elements, appState, app, (element) => Math.round( // get previous value before relative increase (doesn't work fully // due to rounding and float precision issues) (1 / (1 + FONT_SIZE_RELATIVE_INCREASE_STEP)) * element.fontSize, ), ); }, keyTest: (event) => { return ( event[KEYS.CTRL_OR_CMD] && event.shiftKey && // KEYS.COMMA needed for MacOS (event.key === KEYS.CHEVRON_LEFT || event.key === KEYS.COMMA) ); }, }); export const actionIncreaseFontSize = register({ name: "increaseFontSize", label: "labels.increaseFontSize", icon: fontSizeIcon, trackEvent: false, perform: (elements, appState, value, app) => { return changeFontSize(elements, appState, app, (element) => Math.round(element.fontSize * (1 + FONT_SIZE_RELATIVE_INCREASE_STEP)), ); }, keyTest: (event) => { return ( event[KEYS.CTRL_OR_CMD] && event.shiftKey && // KEYS.PERIOD needed for MacOS (event.key === KEYS.CHEVRON_RIGHT || event.key === KEYS.PERIOD) ); }, }); type ChangeFontFamilyData = Partial< Pick< AppState, "openPopup" | "currentItemFontFamily" | "currentHoveredFontFamily" > > & { /** cache of selected & editing elements populated on opened popup */ cachedElements?: Map; /** flag to reset all elements to their cached versions */ resetAll?: true; /** flag to reset all containers to their cached versions */ resetContainers?: true; }; export const actionChangeFontFamily = register({ name: "changeFontFamily", label: "labels.fontFamily", trackEvent: false, perform: (elements, appState, value, app) => { const { cachedElements, resetAll, resetContainers, ...nextAppState } = value as ChangeFontFamilyData; if (resetAll) { const nextElements = changeProperty( elements, appState, (element) => { const cachedElement = cachedElements?.get(; if (cachedElement) { const newElement = newElementWith(element, { ...cachedElement, }); return newElement; } return element; }, true, ); return { elements: nextElements, appState: { ...appState, ...nextAppState, }, storeAction: StoreAction.UPDATE, }; } const { currentItemFontFamily, currentHoveredFontFamily } = value; let nexStoreAction: StoreActionType = StoreAction.NONE; let nextFontFamily: FontFamilyValues | undefined; let skipOnHoverRender = false; if (currentItemFontFamily) { nextFontFamily = currentItemFontFamily; nexStoreAction = StoreAction.CAPTURE; } else if (currentHoveredFontFamily) { nextFontFamily = currentHoveredFontFamily; nexStoreAction = StoreAction.NONE; const selectedTextElements = getSelectedElements(elements, appState, { includeBoundTextElement: true, }).filter((element) => isTextElement(element)); // skip on hover re-render for more than 200 text elements or for text element with more than 5000 chars combined if (selectedTextElements.length > 200) { skipOnHoverRender = true; } else { let i = 0; let textLengthAccumulator = 0; while ( i < selectedTextElements.length && textLengthAccumulator < 5000 ) { const textElement = selectedTextElements[i] as ExcalidrawTextElement; textLengthAccumulator += textElement?.originalText.length || 0; i++; } if (textLengthAccumulator > 5000) { skipOnHoverRender = true; } } } const result = { appState: { ...appState, ...nextAppState, }, storeAction: nexStoreAction, }; if (nextFontFamily && !skipOnHoverRender) { const elementContainerMapping = new Map< ExcalidrawTextElement, ExcalidrawElement | null >(); let uniqueGlyphs = new Set(); let skipFontFaceCheck = false; const fontsCache = Array.from(Fonts.loadedFontsCache.values()); const fontFamily = Object.entries(FONT_FAMILY).find( ([_, value]) => value === nextFontFamily, )?.[0]; // skip `document.font.check` check on hover, if at least one font family has loaded as it's super slow (could result in slightly different bbox, which is fine) if ( currentHoveredFontFamily && fontFamily && fontsCache.some((sig) => sig.startsWith(fontFamily)) ) { skipFontFaceCheck = true; } // following causes re-render so make sure we changed the family // otherwise it could cause unexpected issues, such as preventing opening the popover when in wysiwyg Object.assign(result, { elements: changeProperty( elements, appState, (oldElement) => { if ( isTextElement(oldElement) && (oldElement.fontFamily !== nextFontFamily || currentItemFontFamily) // force update on selection ) { const newElement: ExcalidrawTextElement = newElementWith( oldElement, { fontFamily: nextFontFamily, lineHeight: getLineHeight(nextFontFamily!), }, ); const cachedContainer = cachedElements?.get(oldElement.containerId || "") || {}; const container = app.scene.getContainerElement(oldElement); if (resetContainers && container && cachedContainer) { // reset the container back to it's cached version mutateElement(container, { ...cachedContainer }, false); } if (!skipFontFaceCheck) { uniqueGlyphs = new Set([ ...uniqueGlyphs, ...Array.from(newElement.originalText), ]); } elementContainerMapping.set(newElement, container); return newElement; } return oldElement; }, true, ), }); // size is irrelevant, but necessary const fontString = `10px ${getFontFamilyString({ fontFamily: nextFontFamily, })}`; const glyphs = Array.from(uniqueGlyphs.values()).join(); if ( skipFontFaceCheck || window.document.fonts.check(fontString, glyphs) ) { // we either skip the check (have at least one font face loaded) or do the check and find out all the font faces have loaded for (const [element, container] of elementContainerMapping) { // trigger synchronous redraw redrawTextBoundingBox( element, container, app.scene.getNonDeletedElementsMap(), false, ); } } else { // otherwise try to load all font faces for the given glyphs and redraw elements once our font faces loaded window.document.fonts.load(fontString, glyphs).then((fontFaces) => { for (const [element, container] of elementContainerMapping) { // use latest element state to ensure we don't have closure over an old instance in order to avoid possible race conditions (i.e. font faces load out-of-order while rapidly switching fonts) const latestElement = app.scene.getElement(; const latestContainer = container ? app.scene.getElement( : null; if (latestElement) { // trigger async redraw redrawTextBoundingBox( latestElement as ExcalidrawTextElement, latestContainer, app.scene.getNonDeletedElementsMap(), false, ); } } // trigger update once we've mutated all the elements, which also updates our cache app.fonts.onLoaded(fontFaces); }); } } return result; }, PanelComponent: ({ elements, appState, app, updateData }) => { const cachedElementsRef = useRef>(new Map()); const prevSelectedFontFamilyRef = useRef(null); // relying on state batching as multiple `FontPicker` handlers could be called in rapid succession and we want to combine them const [batchedData, setBatchedData] = useState({}); const isUnmounted = useRef(true); const selectedFontFamily = useMemo(() => { const getFontFamily = ( elementsArray: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], elementsMap: Map, ) => getFormValue( elementsArray, appState, (element) => { if (isTextElement(element)) { return element.fontFamily; } const boundTextElement = getBoundTextElement(element, elementsMap); if (boundTextElement) { return boundTextElement.fontFamily; } return null; }, (element) => isTextElement(element) || getBoundTextElement(element, elementsMap) !== null, (hasSelection) => hasSelection ? null : appState.currentItemFontFamily || DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY, ); // popup opened, use cached elements if ( batchedData.openPopup === "fontFamily" && appState.openPopup === "fontFamily" ) { return getFontFamily( Array.from(cachedElementsRef.current?.values() ?? []), cachedElementsRef.current, ); } // popup closed, use all elements if (!batchedData.openPopup && appState.openPopup !== "fontFamily") { return getFontFamily(elements, app.scene.getNonDeletedElementsMap()); } // popup props are not in sync, hence we are in the middle of an update, so keeping the previous value we've had return prevSelectedFontFamilyRef.current; }, [batchedData.openPopup, appState, elements, app.scene]); useEffect(() => { prevSelectedFontFamilyRef.current = selectedFontFamily; }, [selectedFontFamily]); useEffect(() => { if (Object.keys(batchedData).length) { updateData(batchedData); // reset the data after we've used the data setBatchedData({}); } // call update only on internal state changes // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [batchedData]); useEffect(() => { isUnmounted.current = false; return () => { isUnmounted.current = true; }; }, []); return (
{t("labels.fontFamily")} { setBatchedData({ openPopup: null, currentHoveredFontFamily: null, currentItemFontFamily: fontFamily, }); // defensive clear so immediate close won't abuse the cached elements cachedElementsRef.current.clear(); }} onHover={(fontFamily) => { setBatchedData({ currentHoveredFontFamily: fontFamily, cachedElements: new Map(cachedElementsRef.current), resetContainers: true, }); }} onLeave={() => { setBatchedData({ currentHoveredFontFamily: null, cachedElements: new Map(cachedElementsRef.current), resetAll: true, }); }} onPopupChange={(open) => { if (open) { // open, populate the cache from scratch cachedElementsRef.current.clear(); const { editingElement } = appState; if (editingElement?.type === "text") { // retrieve the latest version from the scene, as `editingElement` isn't mutated const latestEditingElement = app.scene.getElement(, ); // inside the wysiwyg editor cachedElementsRef.current.set(, newElementWith( latestEditingElement || editingElement, {}, true, ), ); } else { const selectedElements = getSelectedElements( elements, appState, { includeBoundTextElement: true, }, ); for (const element of selectedElements) { cachedElementsRef.current.set(, newElementWith(element, {}, true), ); } } setBatchedData({ openPopup: "fontFamily", }); } else { // close, use the cache and clear it afterwards const data = { openPopup: null, currentHoveredFontFamily: null, cachedElements: new Map(cachedElementsRef.current), resetAll: true, } as ChangeFontFamilyData; if (isUnmounted.current) { // in case the component was unmounted by the parent, trigger the update directly updateData({ ...batchedData, }); } else { setBatchedData(data); } cachedElementsRef.current.clear(); } }} />
); }, }); export const actionChangeTextAlign = register({ name: "changeTextAlign", label: "Change text alignment", trackEvent: false, perform: (elements, appState, value, app) => { return { elements: changeProperty( elements, appState, (oldElement) => { if (isTextElement(oldElement)) { const newElement: ExcalidrawTextElement = newElementWith( oldElement, { textAlign: value }, ); redrawTextBoundingBox( newElement, app.scene.getContainerElement(oldElement), app.scene.getNonDeletedElementsMap(), ); return newElement; } return oldElement; }, true, ), appState: { ...appState, currentItemTextAlign: value, }, storeAction: StoreAction.CAPTURE, }; }, PanelComponent: ({ elements, appState, updateData, app }) => { const elementsMap = app.scene.getNonDeletedElementsMap(); return (
{t("labels.textAlign")} group="text-align" options={[ { value: "left", text: t("labels.left"), icon: TextAlignLeftIcon, testId: "align-left", }, { value: "center", text: t(""), icon: TextAlignCenterIcon, testId: "align-horizontal-center", }, { value: "right", text: t("labels.right"), icon: TextAlignRightIcon, testId: "align-right", }, ]} value={getFormValue( elements, appState, (element) => { if (isTextElement(element)) { return element.textAlign; } const boundTextElement = getBoundTextElement( element, elementsMap, ); if (boundTextElement) { return boundTextElement.textAlign; } return null; }, (element) => isTextElement(element) || getBoundTextElement(element, elementsMap) !== null, (hasSelection) => hasSelection ? null : appState.currentItemTextAlign, )} onChange={(value) => updateData(value)} />
); }, }); export const actionChangeVerticalAlign = register({ name: "changeVerticalAlign", label: "Change vertical alignment", trackEvent: { category: "element" }, perform: (elements, appState, value, app) => { return { elements: changeProperty( elements, appState, (oldElement) => { if (isTextElement(oldElement)) { const newElement: ExcalidrawTextElement = newElementWith( oldElement, { verticalAlign: value }, ); redrawTextBoundingBox( newElement, app.scene.getContainerElement(oldElement), app.scene.getNonDeletedElementsMap(), ); return newElement; } return oldElement; }, true, ), appState: { ...appState, }, storeAction: StoreAction.CAPTURE, }; }, PanelComponent: ({ elements, appState, updateData, app }) => { return (
group="text-align" options={[ { value: VERTICAL_ALIGN.TOP, text: t("labels.alignTop"), icon: , testId: "align-top", }, { value: VERTICAL_ALIGN.MIDDLE, text: t("labels.centerVertically"), icon: , testId: "align-middle", }, { value: VERTICAL_ALIGN.BOTTOM, text: t("labels.alignBottom"), icon: , testId: "align-bottom", }, ]} value={getFormValue( elements, appState, (element) => { if (isTextElement(element) && element.containerId) { return element.verticalAlign; } const boundTextElement = getBoundTextElement( element, app.scene.getNonDeletedElementsMap(), ); if (boundTextElement) { return boundTextElement.verticalAlign; } return null; }, (element) => isTextElement(element) || getBoundTextElement( element, app.scene.getNonDeletedElementsMap(), ) !== null, (hasSelection) => (hasSelection ? null : VERTICAL_ALIGN.MIDDLE), )} onChange={(value) => updateData(value)} />
); }, }); export const actionChangeRoundness = register({ name: "changeRoundness", label: "Change edge roundness", trackEvent: false, perform: (elements, appState, value) => { return { elements: changeProperty(elements, appState, (el) => { if (isElbowArrow(el)) { return el; } return newElementWith(el, { roundness: value === "round" ? { type: isUsingAdaptiveRadius(el.type) ? ROUNDNESS.ADAPTIVE_RADIUS : ROUNDNESS.PROPORTIONAL_RADIUS, } : null, }); }), appState: { ...appState, currentItemRoundness: value, }, storeAction: StoreAction.CAPTURE, }; }, PanelComponent: ({ elements, appState, updateData }) => { const targetElements = getTargetElements( getNonDeletedElements(elements), appState, ); const hasLegacyRoundness = targetElements.some( (el) => el.roundness?.type === ROUNDNESS.LEGACY, ); return (
{t("labels.edges")} hasLegacyRoundness ? null : element.roundness ? "round" : "sharp", (element) => !isArrowElement(element) && element.hasOwnProperty("roundness"), (hasSelection) => hasSelection ? null : appState.currentItemRoundness, )} onChange={(value) => updateData(value)} />
); }, }); const getArrowheadOptions = (flip: boolean) => { return [ { value: null, text: t("labels.arrowhead_none"), keyBinding: "q", icon: ArrowheadNoneIcon, }, { value: "arrow", text: t("labels.arrowhead_arrow"), keyBinding: "w", icon: , }, { value: "bar", text: t("labels.arrowhead_bar"), keyBinding: "e", icon: , }, { value: "dot", text: t("labels.arrowhead_circle"), keyBinding: null, icon: , showInPicker: false, }, { value: "circle", text: t("labels.arrowhead_circle"), keyBinding: "r", icon: , showInPicker: false, }, { value: "circle_outline", text: t("labels.arrowhead_circle_outline"), keyBinding: null, icon: , showInPicker: false, }, { value: "triangle", text: t("labels.arrowhead_triangle"), icon: , keyBinding: "t", }, { value: "triangle_outline", text: t("labels.arrowhead_triangle_outline"), icon: , keyBinding: null, showInPicker: false, }, { value: "diamond", text: t("labels.arrowhead_diamond"), icon: , keyBinding: null, showInPicker: false, }, { value: "diamond_outline", text: t("labels.arrowhead_diamond_outline"), icon: , keyBinding: null, showInPicker: false, }, ] as const; }; export const actionChangeArrowhead = register({ name: "changeArrowhead", label: "Change arrowheads", trackEvent: false, perform: ( elements, appState, value: { position: "start" | "end"; type: Arrowhead }, ) => { return { elements: changeProperty(elements, appState, (el) => { if (isLinearElement(el)) { const { position, type } = value; if (position === "start") { const element: ExcalidrawLinearElement = newElementWith(el, { startArrowhead: type, }); return element; } else if (position === "end") { const element: ExcalidrawLinearElement = newElementWith(el, { endArrowhead: type, }); return element; } } return el; }), appState: { ...appState, [value.position === "start" ? "currentItemStartArrowhead" : "currentItemEndArrowhead"]: value.type, }, storeAction: StoreAction.CAPTURE, }; }, PanelComponent: ({ elements, appState, updateData }) => { const isRTL = getLanguage().rtl; return (
( elements, appState, (element) => isLinearElement(element) && canHaveArrowheads(element.type) ? element.startArrowhead : appState.currentItemStartArrowhead, true, appState.currentItemStartArrowhead, )} onChange={(value) => updateData({ position: "start", type: value })} /> ( elements, appState, (element) => isLinearElement(element) && canHaveArrowheads(element.type) ? element.endArrowhead : appState.currentItemEndArrowhead, true, appState.currentItemEndArrowhead, )} onChange={(value) => updateData({ position: "end", type: value })} />
); }, }); export const actionChangeArrowType = register({ name: "changeArrowType", label: "Change arrow types", trackEvent: false, perform: (elements, appState, value, app) => { return { elements: changeProperty(elements, appState, (el) => { if (!isArrowElement(el)) { return el; } const newElement = newElementWith(el, { roundness: value === ARROW_TYPE.round ? { type: ROUNDNESS.PROPORTIONAL_RADIUS, } : null, elbowed: value === ARROW_TYPE.elbow, points: value === ARROW_TYPE.elbow || el.elbowed ? [el.points[0], el.points[el.points.length - 1]] : el.points, }); if (isElbowArrow(newElement)) { const elementsMap = app.scene.getNonDeletedElementsMap(); app.dismissLinearEditor(); const startGlobalPoint = LinearElementEditor.getPointAtIndexGlobalCoordinates( newElement, 0, elementsMap, ); const endGlobalPoint = LinearElementEditor.getPointAtIndexGlobalCoordinates( newElement, -1, elementsMap, ); const startHoveredElement = !newElement.startBinding && getHoveredElementForBinding( tupleToCoors(startGlobalPoint), elements, elementsMap, true, ); const endHoveredElement = !newElement.endBinding && getHoveredElementForBinding( tupleToCoors(endGlobalPoint), elements, elementsMap, true, ); const startElement = startHoveredElement ? startHoveredElement : newElement.startBinding && (elementsMap.get( newElement.startBinding.elementId, ) as ExcalidrawBindableElement); const endElement = endHoveredElement ? endHoveredElement : newElement.endBinding && (elementsMap.get( newElement.endBinding.elementId, ) as ExcalidrawBindableElement); const finalStartPoint = startHoveredElement ? bindPointToSnapToElementOutline( startGlobalPoint, endGlobalPoint, startHoveredElement, elementsMap, ) : startGlobalPoint; const finalEndPoint = endHoveredElement ? bindPointToSnapToElementOutline( endGlobalPoint, startGlobalPoint, endHoveredElement, elementsMap, ) : endGlobalPoint; startHoveredElement && bindLinearElement( newElement, startHoveredElement, "start", elementsMap, ); endHoveredElement && bindLinearElement( newElement, endHoveredElement, "end", elementsMap, ); mutateElbowArrow( newElement, app.scene, [finalStartPoint, finalEndPoint].map( (point) => [point[0] - newElement.x, point[1] - newElement.y] as Point, ), [0, 0], { ...(startElement && newElement.startBinding ? { startBinding: { // @ts-ignore TS cannot discern check above ...newElement.startBinding!, ...calculateFixedPointForElbowArrowBinding( newElement, startElement, "start", elementsMap, ), }, } : {}), ...(endElement && newElement.endBinding ? { endBinding: { // @ts-ignore TS cannot discern check above ...newElement.endBinding, ...calculateFixedPointForElbowArrowBinding( newElement, endElement, "end", elementsMap, ), }, } : {}), }, ); } else { mutateElement( newElement, { startBinding: newElement.startBinding ? { ...newElement.startBinding, fixedPoint: null } : null, endBinding: newElement.endBinding ? { ...newElement.endBinding, fixedPoint: null } : null, }, false, ); } return newElement; }), appState: { ...appState, currentItemArrowType: value, }, storeAction: StoreAction.CAPTURE, }; }, PanelComponent: ({ elements, appState, updateData }) => { return (
{t("labels.arrowtypes")} { if (isArrowElement(element)) { return element.elbowed ? ARROW_TYPE.elbow : element.roundness ? ARROW_TYPE.round :; } return null; }, (element) => isArrowElement(element), (hasSelection) => hasSelection ? null : appState.currentItemArrowType, )} onChange={(value) => updateData(value)} />
); }, });