import { render } from "@testing-library/react";

import fallbackLangData from "../locales/en.json";

import Trans from "./Trans";
import type { TranslationKeys } from "../i18n";

describe("Test <Trans/>", () => {
  it("should translate the the strings correctly", () => {
    fallbackLangData.transTest = {
      key1: "Hello {{audience}}",
      key2: "Please <link>click the button</link> to continue.",
      key3: "Please <link>click {{location}}</link> to continue.",
      key4: "Please <link>click <bold>{{location}}</bold></link> to continue.",
      key5: "Please <connect-link>click the button</connect-link> to continue.",

    const { getByTestId } = render(
        <div data-testid="test1">
            i18nKey={"transTest.key1" as unknown as TranslationKeys}
        <div data-testid="test2">
            i18nKey={"transTest.key2" as unknown as TranslationKeys}
            link={(el) => <a href="">{el}</a>}
        <div data-testid="test3">
            i18nKey={"transTest.key3" as unknown as TranslationKeys}
            link={(el) => <a href="">{el}</a>}
            location="the button"
        <div data-testid="test4">
            i18nKey={"transTest.key4" as unknown as TranslationKeys}
            link={(el) => <a href="">{el}</a>}
            location="the button"
            bold={(el) => <strong>{el}</strong>}
        <div data-testid="test5">
            i18nKey={"transTest.key5" as unknown as TranslationKeys}
            connect-link={(el) => <a href="">{el}</a>}

    expect(getByTestId("test1").innerHTML).toEqual("Hello world");
      `Please <a href="">click the button</a> to continue.`,
      `Please <a href="">click the button</a> to continue.`,
      `Please <a href="">click <strong>the button</strong></a> to continue.`,
      `Please <a href="">click the button</a> to continue.`,