import React from "react"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import { vi } from "vitest"; import { Keyboard, Pointer, UI } from "./helpers/ui"; import type { ExcalidrawImageElement, ImageCrop } from "../element/types"; import { act, GlobalTestState, render } from "./test-utils"; import { Excalidraw, exportToCanvas, exportToSvg } from ".."; import { API } from "./helpers/api"; import type { NormalizedZoomValue } from "../types"; import { KEYS } from "../keys"; import { duplicateElement } from "../element"; import { cloneJSON } from "../utils"; import { actionFlipHorizontal, actionFlipVertical } from "../actions"; const { h } = window; const mouse = new Pointer("mouse"); beforeEach(async () => { // Unmount ReactDOM from root ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(document.getElementById("root")!); mouse.reset(); localStorage.clear(); sessionStorage.clear(); vi.clearAllMocks(); Object.assign(document, { elementFromPoint: () => GlobalTestState.canvas, }); await render(); API.setAppState({ zoom: { value: 1 as NormalizedZoomValue, }, }); const image = API.createElement({ type: "image", width: 200, height: 100 }); API.setElements([image]); API.setAppState({ selectedElementIds: { []: true, }, }); }); const generateRandomNaturalWidthAndHeight = (image: ExcalidrawImageElement) => { const initialWidth = image.width; const initialHeight = image.height; const scale = 1 + Math.random() * 5; return { naturalWidth: initialWidth * scale, naturalHeight: initialHeight * scale, }; }; const compareCrops = (cropA: ImageCrop, cropB: ImageCrop) => { (Object.keys(cropA) as [keyof ImageCrop]).forEach((key) => { const propA = cropA[key]; const propB = cropB[key]; expect(propA as number).toBeCloseTo(propB as number); }); }; describe("Enter and leave the crop editor", () => { it("enter the editor by double clicking", () => { const image = h.elements[0]; expect(h.state.croppingElementId).toBe(null); mouse.doubleClickOn(image); expect(h.state.croppingElementId).not.toBe(null); expect(h.state.croppingElementId).toBe(; }); it("enter the editor by pressing enter", () => { const image = h.elements[0]; expect(h.state.croppingElementId).toBe(null); Keyboard.keyDown(KEYS.ENTER); expect(h.state.croppingElementId).not.toBe(null); expect(h.state.croppingElementId).toBe(; }); it("leave the editor by clicking outside", () => { const image = h.elements[0]; Keyboard.keyDown(KEYS.ENTER); expect(h.state.croppingElementId).not.toBe(null); - 20, image.y - 20); expect(h.state.croppingElementId).toBe(null); }); it("leave the editor by pressing escape", () => { const image = h.elements[0]; mouse.doubleClickOn(image); expect(h.state.croppingElementId).not.toBe(null); Keyboard.keyDown(KEYS.ESCAPE); expect(h.state.croppingElementId).toBe(null); }); }); describe("Crop an image", () => { it("Cropping changes the dimension", async () => { const image = h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement; const initialWidth = image.width; const initialHeight = image.height; const { naturalWidth, naturalHeight } = generateRandomNaturalWidthAndHeight(image); UI.crop(image, "w", naturalWidth, naturalHeight, [initialWidth / 2, 0]); expect(image.width).toBeLessThan(initialWidth); UI.crop(image, "n", naturalWidth, naturalHeight, [0, initialHeight / 2]); expect(image.height).toBeLessThan(initialHeight); }); it("Cropping has minimal sizes", async () => { const image = h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement; const initialWidth = image.width; const initialHeight = image.height; const { naturalWidth, naturalHeight } = generateRandomNaturalWidthAndHeight(image); UI.crop(image, "w", naturalWidth, naturalHeight, [initialWidth, 0]); expect(image.width).toBeLessThan(initialWidth); expect(image.width).toBeGreaterThan(0); UI.crop(image, "w", naturalWidth, naturalHeight, [-initialWidth, 0]); UI.crop(image, "n", naturalWidth, naturalHeight, [0, initialHeight]); expect(image.height).toBeLessThan(initialHeight); expect(image.height).toBeGreaterThan(0); }); it("Preserve aspect ratio", async () => { let image = h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement; const initialWidth = image.width; const initialHeight = image.height; const { naturalWidth, naturalHeight } = generateRandomNaturalWidthAndHeight(image); UI.crop(image, "w", naturalWidth, naturalHeight, [initialWidth / 3, 0]); let resizedWidth = image.width; let resizedHeight = image.height; // max height, cropping should not change anything UI.crop( image, "w", naturalWidth, naturalHeight, [-initialWidth / 3, 0], true, ); expect(image.width).toBeCloseTo(resizedWidth, 10); expect(image.height).toBeCloseTo(resizedHeight, 10); // re-crop to initial state UI.crop(image, "w", naturalWidth, naturalHeight, [-initialWidth / 3, 0]); // change crop height and width UI.crop(image, "s", naturalWidth, naturalHeight, [0, -initialHeight / 2]); UI.crop(image, "e", naturalWidth, naturalHeight, [-initialWidth / 3, 0]); resizedWidth = image.width; resizedHeight = image.height; // test corner handle aspect ratio preserving UI.crop(image, "se", naturalWidth, naturalHeight, [initialWidth, 0], true); expect(image.width / image.height).toBe(resizedWidth / resizedHeight); expect(image.width).toBeLessThanOrEqual(initialWidth); expect(image.height).toBeLessThanOrEqual(initialHeight); // reset image = API.createElement({ type: "image", width: 200, height: 100 }); API.setElements([image]); API.setAppState({ selectedElementIds: { []: true, }, }); // 50 x 50 square UI.crop(image, "nw", naturalWidth, naturalHeight, [150, 50]); UI.crop(image, "n", naturalWidth, naturalHeight, [0, -100], true); expect(image.width).toEqual(image.height); // image is at the corner, not space to its right to expand, should not be able to resize expect(image.height).toBeCloseTo(50); UI.crop(image, "nw", naturalWidth, naturalHeight, [-150, -100], true); expect(image.width).toEqual(image.height); // max height should be reached expect(image.height).toEqual(initialHeight); expect(image.width).toBe(initialHeight); }); }); describe("Cropping and other features", async () => { it("Cropping works independently of duplication", async () => { const image = h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement; const initialWidth = image.width; const initialHeight = image.height; const { naturalWidth, naturalHeight } = generateRandomNaturalWidthAndHeight(image); UI.crop(image, "nw", naturalWidth, naturalHeight, [ initialWidth / 2, initialHeight / 2, ]); Keyboard.keyDown(KEYS.ESCAPE); const duplicatedImage = duplicateElement(null, new Map(), image, {}); act(() => {; }); expect(duplicatedImage.width).toBe(image.width); expect(duplicatedImage.height).toBe(image.height); UI.crop(duplicatedImage, "nw", naturalWidth, naturalHeight, [ -initialWidth / 2, -initialHeight / 2, ]); expect(duplicatedImage.width).toBe(initialWidth); expect(duplicatedImage.height).toBe(initialHeight); const resizedWidth = image.width; const resizedHeight = image.height; expect(image.width).not.toBe(duplicatedImage.width); expect(image.height).not.toBe(duplicatedImage.height); UI.crop(duplicatedImage, "se", naturalWidth, naturalHeight, [ -initialWidth / 1.5, -initialHeight / 1.5, ]); expect(duplicatedImage.width).not.toBe(initialWidth); expect(image.width).toBe(resizedWidth); expect(duplicatedImage.height).not.toBe(initialHeight); expect(image.height).toBe(resizedHeight); }); it("Resizing should not affect crop", async () => { const image = h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement; const initialWidth = image.width; const initialHeight = image.height; const { naturalWidth, naturalHeight } = generateRandomNaturalWidthAndHeight(image); UI.crop(image, "nw", naturalWidth, naturalHeight, [ initialWidth / 2, initialHeight / 2, ]); const cropBeforeResizing = image.crop; const cropBeforeResizingCloned = cloneJSON(image.crop) as ImageCrop; expect(cropBeforeResizing).not.toBe(null); UI.crop(image, "e", naturalWidth, naturalHeight, [200, 0]); expect(cropBeforeResizing).toBe(image.crop); compareCrops(cropBeforeResizingCloned, image.crop!); UI.resize(image, "s", [0, -100]); expect(cropBeforeResizing).toBe(image.crop); compareCrops(cropBeforeResizingCloned, image.crop!); UI.resize(image, "ne", [-50, -50]); expect(cropBeforeResizing).toBe(image.crop); compareCrops(cropBeforeResizingCloned, image.crop!); }); it("Flipping does not change crop", async () => { const image = h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement; const initialWidth = image.width; const initialHeight = image.height; const { naturalWidth, naturalHeight } = generateRandomNaturalWidthAndHeight(image); mouse.doubleClickOn(image); expect(h.state.croppingElementId).not.toBe(null); UI.crop(image, "nw", naturalWidth, naturalHeight, [ initialWidth / 2, initialHeight / 2, ]); Keyboard.keyDown(KEYS.ESCAPE); const cropBeforeResizing = image.crop; const cropBeforeResizingCloned = cloneJSON(image.crop) as ImageCrop; API.executeAction(actionFlipHorizontal); expect(image.crop).toBe(cropBeforeResizing); compareCrops(cropBeforeResizingCloned, image.crop!); API.executeAction(actionFlipVertical); expect(image.crop).toBe(cropBeforeResizing); compareCrops(cropBeforeResizingCloned, image.crop!); }); it("Exports should preserve crops", async () => { const image = h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawImageElement; const initialWidth = image.width; const initialHeight = image.height; const { naturalWidth, naturalHeight } = generateRandomNaturalWidthAndHeight(image); mouse.doubleClickOn(image); expect(h.state.croppingElementId).not.toBe(null); UI.crop(image, "nw", naturalWidth, naturalHeight, [ initialWidth / 2, initialHeight / 4, ]); Keyboard.keyDown(KEYS.ESCAPE); const widthToHeightRatio = image.width / image.height; const canvas = await exportToCanvas({ elements: [image], appState: h.state, files:, exportPadding: 0, }); const exportedCanvasRatio = canvas.width / canvas.height; expect(widthToHeightRatio).toBeCloseTo(exportedCanvasRatio); const svg = await exportToSvg({ elements: [image], appState: h.state, files:, exportPadding: 0, }); const svgWidth = svg.getAttribute("width"); const svgHeight = svg.getAttribute("height"); expect(svgWidth).toBeDefined(); expect(svgHeight).toBeDefined(); const exportedSvgRatio = Number(svgWidth) / Number(svgHeight); expect(widthToHeightRatio).toBeCloseTo(exportedSvgRatio); }); });