import { Excalidraw } from "../index"; import { CODES } from "../keys"; import { API } from "../tests/helpers/api"; import { Keyboard, Pointer, UI } from "../tests/helpers/ui"; import { act, fireEvent, render, screen, togglePopover, } from "../tests/test-utils"; import { copiedStyles } from "../actions/actionStyles"; const { h } = window; const mouse = new Pointer("mouse"); describe("actionStyles", () => { beforeEach(async () => { await render(); }); afterEach(async () => { // // affects node v16+ await act(async () => {}); }); it("should copy & paste styles via keyboard", async () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(20, 20); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(10, 10); mouse.up(20, 20); // Change some styles of second rectangle togglePopover("Stroke"); UI.clickOnTestId("color-red"); togglePopover("Background"); UI.clickOnTestId("color-blue"); // Fill style"Cross-hatch")); // Stroke width"Bold")); // Stroke style"Dotted")); // Roughness"Cartoonist")); // Opacity fireEvent.change(screen.getByLabelText("Opacity"), { target: { value: "60" }, }); mouse.reset(); API.setSelectedElements([h.elements[1]]); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true, alt: true }, () => { Keyboard.codeDown(CODES.C); }); const secondRect = JSON.parse(copiedStyles)[0]; expect([1].id); mouse.reset(); // Paste styles to first rectangle API.setSelectedElements([h.elements[0]]); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ ctrl: true, alt: true }, () => { Keyboard.codeDown(CODES.V); }); const firstRect = API.getSelectedElement(); expect([0].id); expect(firstRect.strokeColor).toBe("#e03131"); expect(firstRect.backgroundColor).toBe("#a5d8ff"); expect(firstRect.fillStyle).toBe("cross-hatch"); expect(firstRect.strokeWidth).toBe(2); // Bold: 2 expect(firstRect.strokeStyle).toBe("dotted"); expect(firstRect.roughness).toBe(2); // Cartoonist: 2 expect(firstRect.opacity).toBe(60); }); });