import { fireEvent, queryByTestId } from "@testing-library/react"; import { Keyboard, Pointer, UI } from "../../tests/helpers/ui"; import { getStepSizedValue } from "./utils"; import { GlobalTestState, mockBoundingClientRect, render, restoreOriginalGetBoundingClientRect, } from "../../tests/test-utils"; import * as StaticScene from "../../renderer/staticScene"; import { vi } from "vitest"; import { reseed } from "../../random"; import { setDateTimeForTests } from "../../utils"; import { Excalidraw, mutateElement } from "../.."; import { t } from "../../i18n"; import type { ExcalidrawElement, ExcalidrawLinearElement, ExcalidrawTextElement, } from "../../element/types"; import { degreeToRadian, rotate } from "../../math"; import { getTextEditor, updateTextEditor } from "../../tests/queries/dom"; import { getCommonBounds, isTextElement } from "../../element"; import { API } from "../../tests/helpers/api"; import { actionGroup } from "../../actions"; import { isInGroup } from "../../groups"; import React from "react"; const { h } = window; const mouse = new Pointer("mouse"); const renderStaticScene = vi.spyOn(StaticScene, "renderStaticScene"); let stats: HTMLElement | null = null; let elementStats: HTMLElement | null | undefined = null; const editInput = (input: HTMLInputElement, value: string) => { input.focus(); fireEvent.change(input, { target: { value } }); input.blur(); }; const getStatsProperty = (label: string) => { const elementStats = UI.queryStats()?.querySelector("#elementStats"); if (elementStats) { const properties = elementStats?.querySelector(".statsItem"); return ( properties?.querySelector?.( `.drag-input-container[data-testid="${label}"]`, ) || null ); } return null; }; const testInputProperty = ( element: ExcalidrawElement, property: "x" | "y" | "width" | "height" | "angle" | "fontSize", label: string, initialValue: number, nextValue: number, ) => { const input = getStatsProperty(label)?.querySelector( ".drag-input", ) as HTMLInputElement; expect(input).toBeDefined(); expect(input.value).toBe(initialValue.toString()); editInput(input, String(nextValue)); if (property === "angle") { expect(element[property]).toBe(degreeToRadian(Number(nextValue))); } else if (property === "fontSize" && isTextElement(element)) { expect(element[property]).toBe(Number(nextValue)); } else if (property !== "fontSize") { expect(element[property]).toBe(Number(nextValue)); } }; describe("step sized value", () => { it("should return edge values correctly", () => { const steps = [10, 15, 20, 25, 30]; const values = [10, 15, 20, 25, 30]; steps.forEach((step, idx) => { expect(getStepSizedValue(values[idx], step)).toEqual(values[idx]); }); }); it("step sized value lies in the middle", () => { let stepSize = 15; let values = [7.5, 9, 12, 14.99, 15, 22.49]; values.forEach((value) => { expect(getStepSizedValue(value, stepSize)).toEqual(15); }); stepSize = 10; values = [-5, 4.99, 0, 1.23]; values.forEach((value) => { expect(getStepSizedValue(value, stepSize)).toEqual(0); }); }); }); describe("binding with linear elements", () => { beforeEach(async () => { localStorage.clear(); renderStaticScene.mockClear(); reseed(19); setDateTimeForTests("201933152653"); await render(<Excalidraw handleKeyboardGlobally={true} />); h.elements = []; fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.interactiveCanvas, { button: 2, clientX: 1, clientY: 1, }); const contextMenu = UI.queryContextMenu();!, "stats")!); stats = UI.queryStats(); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(); mouse.up(200, 100); UI.clickTool("arrow"); mouse.down(5, 0); mouse.up(300, 50); elementStats = stats?.querySelector("#elementStats"); }); beforeAll(() => { mockBoundingClientRect(); }); afterAll(() => { restoreOriginalGetBoundingClientRect(); }); it("should remain bound to linear element on small position change", async () => { const linear = h.elements[1] as ExcalidrawLinearElement; const inputX = getStatsProperty("X")?.querySelector( ".drag-input", ) as HTMLInputElement; expect(linear.startBinding).not.toBe(null); expect(inputX).not.toBeNull(); editInput(inputX, String("204")); expect(linear.startBinding).not.toBe(null); }); it("should remain bound to linear element on small angle change", async () => { const linear = h.elements[1] as ExcalidrawLinearElement; const inputAngle = getStatsProperty("A")?.querySelector( ".drag-input", ) as HTMLInputElement; expect(linear.startBinding).not.toBe(null); editInput(inputAngle, String("1")); expect(linear.startBinding).not.toBe(null); }); it("should unbind linear element on large position change", async () => { const linear = h.elements[1] as ExcalidrawLinearElement; const inputX = getStatsProperty("X")?.querySelector( ".drag-input", ) as HTMLInputElement; expect(linear.startBinding).not.toBe(null); expect(inputX).not.toBeNull(); editInput(inputX, String("254")); expect(linear.startBinding).toBe(null); }); it("should remain bound to linear element on small angle change", async () => { const linear = h.elements[1] as ExcalidrawLinearElement; const inputAngle = getStatsProperty("A")?.querySelector( ".drag-input", ) as HTMLInputElement; expect(linear.startBinding).not.toBe(null); editInput(inputAngle, String("45")); expect(linear.startBinding).toBe(null); }); }); // single element describe("stats for a generic element", () => { beforeEach(async () => { localStorage.clear(); renderStaticScene.mockClear(); reseed(7); setDateTimeForTests("201933152653"); await render(<Excalidraw handleKeyboardGlobally={true} />); h.elements = []; fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.interactiveCanvas, { button: 2, clientX: 1, clientY: 1, }); const contextMenu = UI.queryContextMenu();!, "stats")!); stats = UI.queryStats(); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(); mouse.up(200, 100); elementStats = stats?.querySelector("#elementStats"); }); beforeAll(() => { mockBoundingClientRect(); }); afterAll(() => { restoreOriginalGetBoundingClientRect(); }); it("should open stats", () => { expect(stats).toBeDefined(); expect(elementStats).toBeDefined(); // title const title = elementStats?.querySelector("h3"); expect(title?.lastChild?.nodeValue)?.toBe(t("stats.elementProperties")); // element type const elementType = elementStats?.querySelector(".elementType"); expect(elementType).toBeDefined(); expect(elementType?.lastChild?.nodeValue).toBe(t("element.rectangle")); // properties const properties = elementStats?.querySelector(".statsItem"); expect(properties?.childNodes).toBeDefined(); ["X", "Y", "W", "H", "A"].forEach((label) => () => { expect( properties?.querySelector?.( `.drag-input-container[data-testid="${label}"]`, ), ).toBeDefined(); }); }); it("should be able to edit all properties for a general element", () => { const rectangle = h.elements[0]; const initialX = rectangle.x; const initialY = rectangle.y; testInputProperty(rectangle, "width", "W", 200, 100); testInputProperty(rectangle, "height", "H", 100, 200); testInputProperty(rectangle, "x", "X", initialX, 230); testInputProperty(rectangle, "y", "Y", initialY, 220); testInputProperty(rectangle, "angle", "A", 0, 45); }); it("should keep only two decimal places", () => { const rectangle = h.elements[0]; const rectangleId =; const input = getStatsProperty("W")?.querySelector( ".drag-input", ) as HTMLInputElement; expect(input).toBeDefined(); expect(input.value).toBe(rectangle.width.toString()); editInput(input, "123.123"); expect(h.elements.length).toBe(1); expect(; expect(input.value).toBe("123.12"); expect(rectangle.width).toBe(123.12); editInput(input, "88.98766"); expect(input.value).toBe("88.99"); expect(rectangle.width).toBe(88.99); }); it("should update input x and y when angle is changed", () => { const rectangle = h.elements[0]; const [cx, cy] = [ rectangle.x + rectangle.width / 2, rectangle.y + rectangle.height / 2, ]; const [topLeftX, topLeftY] = rotate( rectangle.x, rectangle.y, cx, cy, rectangle.angle, ); const xInput = getStatsProperty("X")?.querySelector( ".drag-input", ) as HTMLInputElement; const yInput = getStatsProperty("Y")?.querySelector( ".drag-input", ) as HTMLInputElement; expect(xInput.value).toBe(topLeftX.toString()); expect(yInput.value).toBe(topLeftY.toString()); testInputProperty(rectangle, "angle", "A", 0, 45); let [newTopLeftX, newTopLeftY] = rotate( rectangle.x, rectangle.y, cx, cy, rectangle.angle, ); expect(newTopLeftX.toString()).not.toEqual(xInput.value); expect(newTopLeftY.toString()).not.toEqual(yInput.value); testInputProperty(rectangle, "angle", "A", 45, 66); [newTopLeftX, newTopLeftY] = rotate( rectangle.x, rectangle.y, cx, cy, rectangle.angle, ); expect(newTopLeftX.toString()).not.toEqual(xInput.value); expect(newTopLeftY.toString()).not.toEqual(yInput.value); }); it("should fix top left corner when width or height is changed", () => { const rectangle = h.elements[0]; testInputProperty(rectangle, "angle", "A", 0, 45); let [cx, cy] = [ rectangle.x + rectangle.width / 2, rectangle.y + rectangle.height / 2, ]; const [topLeftX, topLeftY] = rotate( rectangle.x, rectangle.y, cx, cy, rectangle.angle, ); testInputProperty(rectangle, "width", "W", rectangle.width, 400); [cx, cy] = [ rectangle.x + rectangle.width / 2, rectangle.y + rectangle.height / 2, ]; let [currentTopLeftX, currentTopLeftY] = rotate( rectangle.x, rectangle.y, cx, cy, rectangle.angle, ); expect(currentTopLeftX).toBeCloseTo(topLeftX, 4); expect(currentTopLeftY).toBeCloseTo(topLeftY, 4); testInputProperty(rectangle, "height", "H", rectangle.height, 400); [cx, cy] = [ rectangle.x + rectangle.width / 2, rectangle.y + rectangle.height / 2, ]; [currentTopLeftX, currentTopLeftY] = rotate( rectangle.x, rectangle.y, cx, cy, rectangle.angle, ); expect(currentTopLeftX).toBeCloseTo(topLeftX, 4); expect(currentTopLeftY).toBeCloseTo(topLeftY, 4); }); }); describe("stats for a non-generic element", () => { beforeEach(async () => { localStorage.clear(); renderStaticScene.mockClear(); reseed(7); setDateTimeForTests("201933152653"); await render(<Excalidraw handleKeyboardGlobally={true} />); h.elements = []; fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.interactiveCanvas, { button: 2, clientX: 1, clientY: 1, }); const contextMenu = UI.queryContextMenu();!, "stats")!); stats = UI.queryStats(); }); beforeAll(() => { mockBoundingClientRect(); }); afterAll(() => { restoreOriginalGetBoundingClientRect(); }); it("text element", async () => { UI.clickTool("text"); mouse.clickAt(20, 30); const textEditorSelector = ".excalidraw-textEditorContainer > textarea"; const editor = await getTextEditor(textEditorSelector, true); await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 0)); updateTextEditor(editor, "Hello!"); editor.blur(); const text = h.elements[0] as ExcalidrawTextElement; mouse.clickOn(text); elementStats = stats?.querySelector("#elementStats"); // can change font size const input = getStatsProperty("F")?.querySelector( ".drag-input", ) as HTMLInputElement; expect(input).toBeDefined(); expect(input.value).toBe(text.fontSize.toString()); editInput(input, "36"); expect(text.fontSize).toBe(36); // cannot change width or height const width = getStatsProperty("W")?.querySelector(".drag-input"); expect(width).toBeUndefined(); const height = getStatsProperty("H")?.querySelector(".drag-input"); expect(height).toBeUndefined(); // min font size is 4 editInput(input, "0"); expect(text.fontSize).not.toBe(0); expect(text.fontSize).toBe(4); }); it("frame element", () => { const frame = API.createElement({ id: "id0", type: "frame", x: 150, width: 150, }); h.elements = [frame]; h.setState({ selectedElementIds: { []: true, }, }); elementStats = stats?.querySelector("#elementStats"); expect(elementStats).toBeDefined(); // cannot change angle const angle = getStatsProperty("A")?.querySelector(".drag-input"); expect(angle).toBeUndefined(); // can change width or height testInputProperty(frame, "width", "W", frame.width, 250); testInputProperty(frame, "height", "H", frame.height, 500); }); it("image element", () => { const image = API.createElement({ type: "image", width: 200, height: 100 }); h.elements = [image]; mouse.clickOn(image); h.setState({ selectedElementIds: { []: true, }, }); elementStats = stats?.querySelector("#elementStats"); expect(elementStats).toBeDefined(); const widthToHeight = image.width / image.height; // when width or height is changed, the aspect ratio is preserved testInputProperty(image, "width", "W", image.width, 400); expect(image.width).toBe(400); expect(image.width / image.height).toBe(widthToHeight); testInputProperty(image, "height", "H", image.height, 80); expect(image.height).toBe(80); expect(image.width / image.height).toBe(widthToHeight); }); it("should display fontSize for bound text", () => { const container = API.createElement({ type: "rectangle", width: 200, height: 100, }); const text = API.createElement({ type: "text", width: 200, height: 100, containerId:, fontSize: 20, }); mutateElement(container, { boundElements: [{ type: "text", id: }], }); h.elements = [container, text]; API.setSelectedElements([container]); const fontSize = getStatsProperty("F")?.querySelector( ".drag-input", ) as HTMLInputElement; expect(fontSize).toBeDefined(); editInput(fontSize, "40"); expect(text.fontSize).toBe(40); }); }); // multiple elements describe("stats for multiple elements", () => { beforeEach(async () => { mouse.reset(); localStorage.clear(); renderStaticScene.mockClear(); reseed(7); setDateTimeForTests("201933152653"); await render(<Excalidraw handleKeyboardGlobally={true} />); h.elements = []; fireEvent.contextMenu(GlobalTestState.interactiveCanvas, { button: 2, clientX: 1, clientY: 1, }); const contextMenu = UI.queryContextMenu();!, "stats")!); stats = UI.queryStats(); }); beforeAll(() => { mockBoundingClientRect(); }); afterAll(() => { restoreOriginalGetBoundingClientRect(); }); it("should display MIXED for elements with different values", () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(); mouse.up(200, 100); UI.clickTool("ellipse"); mouse.down(50, 50); mouse.up(100, 100); UI.clickTool("diamond"); mouse.down(-100, -100); mouse.up(125, 145); h.setState({ selectedElementIds: h.elements.reduce((acc, el) => { acc[] = true; return acc; }, {} as Record<string, true>), }); elementStats = stats?.querySelector("#elementStats"); const width = getStatsProperty("W")?.querySelector( ".drag-input", ) as HTMLInputElement; expect(width?.value).toBe("Mixed"); const height = getStatsProperty("H")?.querySelector( ".drag-input", ) as HTMLInputElement; expect(height?.value).toBe("Mixed"); const angle = getStatsProperty("A")?.querySelector( ".drag-input", ) as HTMLInputElement; expect(angle.value).toBe("0"); editInput(width, "250"); h.elements.forEach((el) => { expect(el.width).toBe(250); }); editInput(height, "450"); h.elements.forEach((el) => { expect(el.height).toBe(450); }); }); it("should display a property when one of the elements is editable for that property", async () => { // text, rectangle, frame UI.clickTool("text"); mouse.clickAt(20, 30); const textEditorSelector = ".excalidraw-textEditorContainer > textarea"; const editor = await getTextEditor(textEditorSelector, true); await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 0)); updateTextEditor(editor, "Hello!"); editor.blur(); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(); mouse.up(200, 100); const frame = API.createElement({ type: "frame", x: 150, width: 150, }); h.elements = [...h.elements, frame]; const text = h.elements.find((el) => el.type === "text"); const rectangle = h.elements.find((el) => el.type === "rectangle"); h.setState({ selectedElementIds: h.elements.reduce((acc, el) => { acc[] = true; return acc; }, {} as Record<string, true>), }); elementStats = stats?.querySelector("#elementStats"); const width = getStatsProperty("W")?.querySelector( ".drag-input", ) as HTMLInputElement; expect(width).toBeDefined(); expect(width.value).toBe("Mixed"); const height = getStatsProperty("H")?.querySelector( ".drag-input", ) as HTMLInputElement; expect(height).toBeDefined(); expect(height.value).toBe("Mixed"); const angle = getStatsProperty("A")?.querySelector( ".drag-input", ) as HTMLInputElement; expect(angle).toBeDefined(); expect(angle.value).toBe("0"); const fontSize = getStatsProperty("F")?.querySelector( ".drag-input", ) as HTMLInputElement; expect(fontSize).toBeDefined(); // changing width does not affect text editInput(width, "200"); expect(rectangle?.width).toBe(200); expect(frame.width).toBe(200); expect(text?.width).not.toBe(200); editInput(angle, "40"); const angleInRadian = degreeToRadian(40); expect(rectangle?.angle).toBeCloseTo(angleInRadian, 4); expect(text?.angle).toBeCloseTo(angleInRadian, 4); expect(frame.angle).toBe(0); }); it("should treat groups as single units", () => { const createAndSelectGroup = () => { UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(); mouse.up(100, 100); UI.clickTool("rectangle"); mouse.down(0, 0); mouse.up(100, 100); mouse.reset(); Keyboard.withModifierKeys({ shift: true }, () => {; });; }; createAndSelectGroup(); const elementsInGroup = h.elements.filter((el) => isInGroup(el)); let [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getCommonBounds(elementsInGroup); elementStats = stats?.querySelector("#elementStats"); const x = getStatsProperty("X")?.querySelector( ".drag-input", ) as HTMLInputElement; expect(x).toBeDefined(); expect(Number(x.value)).toBe(x1); editInput(x, "300"); expect(h.elements[0].x).toBe(300); expect(h.elements[1].x).toBe(400); expect(x.value).toBe("300"); const y = getStatsProperty("Y")?.querySelector( ".drag-input", ) as HTMLInputElement; expect(y).toBeDefined(); expect(Number(y.value)).toBe(y1); editInput(y, "200"); expect(h.elements[0].y).toBe(200); expect(h.elements[1].y).toBe(300); expect(y.value).toBe("200"); const width = getStatsProperty("W")?.querySelector( ".drag-input", ) as HTMLInputElement; expect(width).toBeDefined(); expect(Number(width.value)).toBe(200); const height = getStatsProperty("H")?.querySelector( ".drag-input", ) as HTMLInputElement; expect(height).toBeDefined(); expect(Number(height.value)).toBe(200); editInput(width, "400"); [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getCommonBounds(elementsInGroup); let newGroupWidth = x2 - x1; expect(newGroupWidth).toBeCloseTo(400, 4); editInput(width, "300"); [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getCommonBounds(elementsInGroup); newGroupWidth = x2 - x1; expect(newGroupWidth).toBeCloseTo(300, 4); editInput(height, "500"); [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getCommonBounds(elementsInGroup); const newGroupHeight = y2 - y1; expect(newGroupHeight).toBeCloseTo(500, 4); }); });