import { copyBlobToClipboardAsPng, copyTextToSystemClipboard, } from "../clipboard"; import { DEFAULT_EXPORT_PADDING, isFirefox, MIME_TYPES } from "../constants"; import { getNonDeletedElements } from "../element"; import { isFrameLikeElement } from "../element/typeChecks"; import { ExcalidrawElement, ExcalidrawFrameLikeElement, NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, } from "../element/types"; import { t } from "../i18n"; import { isSomeElementSelected, getSelectedElements } from "../scene"; import { exportToCanvas, exportToSvg } from "../scene/export"; import { ExportType } from "../scene/types"; import { AppState, BinaryFiles } from "../types"; import { cloneJSON } from "../utils"; import { canvasToBlob } from "./blob"; import { fileSave, FileSystemHandle } from "./filesystem"; import { serializeAsJSON } from "./json"; import { getElementsOverlappingFrame } from "../frame"; export { loadFromBlob } from "./blob"; export { loadFromJSON, saveAsJSON } from "./json"; export type ExportedElements = readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[] & { _brand: "exportedElements"; }; export const prepareElementsForExport = ( elements: readonly ExcalidrawElement[], { selectedElementIds }: Pick, exportSelectionOnly: boolean, ) => { elements = getNonDeletedElements(elements); const isExportingSelection = exportSelectionOnly && isSomeElementSelected(elements, { selectedElementIds }); let exportingFrame: ExcalidrawFrameLikeElement | null = null; let exportedElements = isExportingSelection ? getSelectedElements( elements, { selectedElementIds }, { includeBoundTextElement: true, }, ) : elements; if (isExportingSelection) { if ( exportedElements.length === 1 && isFrameLikeElement(exportedElements[0]) ) { exportingFrame = exportedElements[0]; exportedElements = getElementsOverlappingFrame(elements, exportingFrame); } else if (exportedElements.length > 1) { exportedElements = getSelectedElements( elements, { selectedElementIds }, { includeBoundTextElement: true, includeElementsInFrames: true, }, ); } } return { exportingFrame, exportedElements: cloneJSON(exportedElements) as ExportedElements, }; }; export const exportCanvas = async ( type: Omit, elements: ExportedElements, appState: AppState, files: BinaryFiles, { exportBackground, exportPadding = DEFAULT_EXPORT_PADDING, viewBackgroundColor, name, fileHandle = null, exportingFrame = null, }: { exportBackground: boolean; exportPadding?: number; viewBackgroundColor: string; name: string; fileHandle?: FileSystemHandle | null; exportingFrame: ExcalidrawFrameLikeElement | null; }, ) => { if (elements.length === 0) { throw new Error(t("alerts.cannotExportEmptyCanvas")); } if (type === "svg" || type === "clipboard-svg") { const svgPromise = exportToSvg( elements, { exportBackground, exportWithDarkMode: appState.exportWithDarkMode, viewBackgroundColor, exportPadding, exportScale: appState.exportScale, exportEmbedScene: appState.exportEmbedScene && type === "svg", }, files, { exportingFrame }, ); if (type === "svg") { return fileSave( svgPromise.then((svg) => { return new Blob([svg.outerHTML], { type: MIME_TYPES.svg }); }), { description: "Export to SVG", name, extension: appState.exportEmbedScene ? "excalidraw.svg" : "svg", fileHandle, }, ); } else if (type === "clipboard-svg") { await copyTextToSystemClipboard( await svgPromise.then((svg) => svg.outerHTML), ); return; } } const tempCanvas = exportToCanvas(elements, appState, files, { exportBackground, viewBackgroundColor, exportPadding, exportingFrame, }); if (type === "png") { let blob = canvasToBlob(tempCanvas); if (appState.exportEmbedScene) { blob = blob.then((blob) => import("./image").then(({ encodePngMetadata }) => encodePngMetadata({ blob, metadata: serializeAsJSON(elements, appState, files, "local"), }), ), ); } return fileSave(blob, { description: "Export to PNG", name, // FIXME reintroduce `excalidraw.png` when most people upgrade away // from 111.0.5563.64 (arm64), see #6349 extension: /* appState.exportEmbedScene ? "excalidraw.png" : */ "png", fileHandle, }); } else if (type === "clipboard") { try { const blob = canvasToBlob(tempCanvas); await copyBlobToClipboardAsPng(blob); } catch (error: any) { console.warn(error); if ( === "CANVAS_POSSIBLY_TOO_BIG") { throw error; } // TypeError *probably* suggests ClipboardItem not defined, which // people on Firefox can enable through a flag, so let's tell them. if (isFirefox && === "TypeError") { throw new Error( `${t("alerts.couldNotCopyToClipboard")}\n\n${t( "hints.firefox_clipboard_write", )}`, ); } else { throw new Error(t("alerts.couldNotCopyToClipboard")); } } } else { // shouldn't happen throw new Error("Unsupported export type"); } };