import { RoughSVG } from "roughjs/bin/svg"; import oc from "open-color"; import { InteractiveCanvasAppState, StaticCanvasAppState, BinaryFiles, Point, Zoom, AppState, } from "../types"; import { ExcalidrawElement, NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, ExcalidrawLinearElement, NonDeleted, GroupId, ExcalidrawBindableElement, ExcalidrawFrameLikeElement, ElementsMap, } from "../element/types"; import { getElementAbsoluteCoords, OMIT_SIDES_FOR_MULTIPLE_ELEMENTS, getTransformHandlesFromCoords, getTransformHandles, getCommonBounds, } from "../element"; import { roundRect } from "./roundRect"; import { InteractiveCanvasRenderConfig, InteractiveSceneRenderConfig, SVGRenderConfig, StaticCanvasRenderConfig, StaticSceneRenderConfig, RenderableElementsMap, } from "../scene/types"; import { getScrollBars, SCROLLBAR_COLOR, SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, } from "../scene/scrollbars"; import { renderElement, renderElementToSvg, renderSelectionElement, } from "./renderElement"; import { getClientColor } from "../clients"; import { LinearElementEditor } from "../element/linearElementEditor"; import { isSelectedViaGroup, getSelectedGroupIds, getElementsInGroup, selectGroupsFromGivenElements, } from "../groups"; import { maxBindingGap } from "../element/collision"; import { SuggestedBinding, SuggestedPointBinding } from "../element/binding"; import { OMIT_SIDES_FOR_FRAME, shouldShowBoundingBox, TransformHandles, TransformHandleType, } from "../element/transformHandles"; import { arrayToMap, throttleRAF } from "../utils"; import { UserIdleState } from "../types"; import { DEFAULT_TRANSFORM_HANDLE_SPACING, FRAME_STYLE, THEME_FILTER, } from "../constants"; import { EXTERNAL_LINK_IMG, getLinkHandleFromCoords, } from "../element/Hyperlink"; import { renderSnaps } from "./renderSnaps"; import { isEmbeddableElement, isFrameLikeElement, isIframeLikeElement, isLinearElement, } from "../element/typeChecks"; import { createPlaceholderEmbeddableLabel } from "../element/embeddable"; import { elementOverlapsWithFrame, getTargetFrame, isElementInFrame, } from "../frame"; const strokeRectWithRotation = ( context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, cx: number, cy: number, angle: number, fill: boolean = false, /** should account for zoom */ radius: number = 0, ) => {; context.translate(cx, cy); context.rotate(angle); if (fill) { context.fillRect(x - cx, y - cy, width, height); } if (radius && context.roundRect) { context.beginPath(); context.roundRect(x - cx, y - cy, width, height, radius); context.stroke(); context.closePath(); } else { context.strokeRect(x - cx, y - cy, width, height); } context.restore(); }; const strokeDiamondWithRotation = ( context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, width: number, height: number, cx: number, cy: number, angle: number, ) => {; context.translate(cx, cy); context.rotate(angle); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(0, height / 2); context.lineTo(width / 2, 0); context.lineTo(0, -height / 2); context.lineTo(-width / 2, 0); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); context.restore(); }; const strokeEllipseWithRotation = ( context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, width: number, height: number, cx: number, cy: number, angle: number, ) => { context.beginPath(); context.ellipse(cx, cy, width / 2, height / 2, angle, 0, Math.PI * 2); context.stroke(); }; const fillCircle = ( context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, cx: number, cy: number, radius: number, stroke = true, ) => { context.beginPath(); context.arc(cx, cy, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2); context.fill(); if (stroke) { context.stroke(); } }; const strokeGrid = ( context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, gridSize: number, scrollX: number, scrollY: number, zoom: Zoom, width: number, height: number, ) => { const BOLD_LINE_FREQUENCY = 5; enum GridLineColor { Bold = "#cccccc", Regular = "#e5e5e5", } const offsetX = -Math.round(zoom.value / gridSize) * gridSize + (scrollX % gridSize); const offsetY = -Math.round(zoom.value / gridSize) * gridSize + (scrollY % gridSize); const lineWidth = Math.min(1 / zoom.value, 1); const spaceWidth = 1 / zoom.value; const lineDash = [lineWidth * 3, spaceWidth + (lineWidth + spaceWidth)];; context.lineWidth = lineWidth; for (let x = offsetX; x < offsetX + width + gridSize * 2; x += gridSize) { const isBold = Math.round(x - scrollX) % (BOLD_LINE_FREQUENCY * gridSize) === 0; context.beginPath(); context.setLineDash(isBold ? [] : lineDash); context.strokeStyle = isBold ? GridLineColor.Bold : GridLineColor.Regular; context.moveTo(x, offsetY - gridSize); context.lineTo(x, offsetY + height + gridSize * 2); context.stroke(); } for (let y = offsetY; y < offsetY + height + gridSize * 2; y += gridSize) { const isBold = Math.round(y - scrollY) % (BOLD_LINE_FREQUENCY * gridSize) === 0; context.beginPath(); context.setLineDash(isBold ? [] : lineDash); context.strokeStyle = isBold ? GridLineColor.Bold : GridLineColor.Regular; context.moveTo(offsetX - gridSize, y); context.lineTo(offsetX + width + gridSize * 2, y); context.stroke(); } context.restore(); }; const renderSingleLinearPoint = ( context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, appState: InteractiveCanvasAppState, point: Point, radius: number, isSelected: boolean, isPhantomPoint = false, ) => { context.strokeStyle = "#5e5ad8"; context.setLineDash([]); context.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9)"; if (isSelected) { context.fillStyle = "rgba(134, 131, 226, 0.9)"; } else if (isPhantomPoint) { context.fillStyle = "rgba(177, 151, 252, 0.7)"; } fillCircle( context, point[0], point[1], radius / appState.zoom.value, !isPhantomPoint, ); }; const renderLinearPointHandles = ( context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, appState: InteractiveCanvasAppState, element: NonDeleted, elementsMap: RenderableElementsMap, ) => { if (!appState.selectedLinearElement) { return; }; context.translate(appState.scrollX, appState.scrollY); context.lineWidth = 1 / appState.zoom.value; const points = LinearElementEditor.getPointsGlobalCoordinates( element, elementsMap, ); const { POINT_HANDLE_SIZE } = LinearElementEditor; const radius = appState.editingLinearElement ? POINT_HANDLE_SIZE : POINT_HANDLE_SIZE / 2; points.forEach((point, idx) => { const isSelected = !!appState.editingLinearElement?.selectedPointsIndices?.includes(idx); renderSingleLinearPoint(context, appState, point, radius, isSelected); }); //Rendering segment mid points const midPoints = LinearElementEditor.getEditorMidPoints( element, elementsMap, appState, ).filter((midPoint) => midPoint !== null) as Point[]; midPoints.forEach((segmentMidPoint) => { if ( appState?.selectedLinearElement?.segmentMidPointHoveredCoords && LinearElementEditor.arePointsEqual( segmentMidPoint, appState.selectedLinearElement.segmentMidPointHoveredCoords, ) ) { // The order of renderingSingleLinearPoint and highLight points is different // inside vs outside editor as hover states are different, // in editor when hovered the original point is not visible as hover state fully covers it whereas outside the // editor original point is visible and hover state is just an outer circle. if (appState.editingLinearElement) { renderSingleLinearPoint( context, appState, segmentMidPoint, radius, false, ); highlightPoint(segmentMidPoint, context, appState); } else { highlightPoint(segmentMidPoint, context, appState); renderSingleLinearPoint( context, appState, segmentMidPoint, radius, false, ); } } else if (appState.editingLinearElement || points.length === 2) { renderSingleLinearPoint( context, appState, segmentMidPoint, POINT_HANDLE_SIZE / 2, false, true, ); } }); context.restore(); }; const highlightPoint = ( point: Point, context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, appState: InteractiveCanvasAppState, ) => { context.fillStyle = "rgba(105, 101, 219, 0.4)"; fillCircle( context, point[0], point[1], LinearElementEditor.POINT_HANDLE_SIZE / appState.zoom.value, false, ); }; const renderLinearElementPointHighlight = ( context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, appState: InteractiveCanvasAppState, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ) => { const { elementId, hoverPointIndex } = appState.selectedLinearElement!; if ( appState.editingLinearElement?.selectedPointsIndices?.includes( hoverPointIndex, ) ) { return; } const element = LinearElementEditor.getElement(elementId); if (!element) { return; } const point = LinearElementEditor.getPointAtIndexGlobalCoordinates( element, hoverPointIndex, elementsMap, );; context.translate(appState.scrollX, appState.scrollY); highlightPoint(point, context, appState); context.restore(); }; const frameClip = ( frame: ExcalidrawFrameLikeElement, context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, renderConfig: StaticCanvasRenderConfig, appState: StaticCanvasAppState, ) => { context.translate(frame.x + appState.scrollX, frame.y + appState.scrollY); context.beginPath(); if (context.roundRect) { context.roundRect( 0, 0, frame.width, frame.height, FRAME_STYLE.radius / appState.zoom.value, ); } else { context.rect(0, 0, frame.width, frame.height); } context.clip(); context.translate( -(frame.x + appState.scrollX), -(frame.y + appState.scrollY), ); }; const getNormalizedCanvasDimensions = ( canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, scale: number, ): [number, number] => { // When doing calculations based on canvas width we should used normalized one return [canvas.width / scale, canvas.height / scale]; }; const bootstrapCanvas = ({ canvas, scale, normalizedWidth, normalizedHeight, theme, isExporting, viewBackgroundColor, }: { canvas: HTMLCanvasElement; scale: number; normalizedWidth: number; normalizedHeight: number; theme?: AppState["theme"]; isExporting?: StaticCanvasRenderConfig["isExporting"]; viewBackgroundColor?: StaticCanvasAppState["viewBackgroundColor"]; }): CanvasRenderingContext2D => { const context = canvas.getContext("2d")!; context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); context.scale(scale, scale); if (isExporting && theme === "dark") { context.filter = THEME_FILTER; } // Paint background if (typeof viewBackgroundColor === "string") { const hasTransparence = viewBackgroundColor === "transparent" || viewBackgroundColor.length === 5 || // #RGBA viewBackgroundColor.length === 9 || // #RRGGBBA /(hsla|rgba)\(/.test(viewBackgroundColor); if (hasTransparence) { context.clearRect(0, 0, normalizedWidth, normalizedHeight); }; context.fillStyle = viewBackgroundColor; context.fillRect(0, 0, normalizedWidth, normalizedHeight); context.restore(); } else { context.clearRect(0, 0, normalizedWidth, normalizedHeight); } return context; }; const _renderInteractiveScene = ({ canvas, elementsMap, visibleElements, selectedElements, scale, appState, renderConfig, }: InteractiveSceneRenderConfig) => { if (canvas === null) { return { atLeastOneVisibleElement: false, elementsMap }; } const [normalizedWidth, normalizedHeight] = getNormalizedCanvasDimensions( canvas, scale, ); const context = bootstrapCanvas({ canvas, scale, normalizedWidth, normalizedHeight, }); // Apply zoom; context.scale(appState.zoom.value, appState.zoom.value); let editingLinearElement: NonDeleted | undefined = undefined; visibleElements.forEach((element) => { // Getting the element using LinearElementEditor during collab mismatches version - being one head of visible elements due to // ShapeCache returns empty hence making sure that we get the // correct element from visible elements if (appState.editingLinearElement?.elementId === { if (element) { editingLinearElement = element as NonDeleted; } } }); if (editingLinearElement) { renderLinearPointHandles( context, appState, editingLinearElement, elementsMap, ); } // Paint selection element if (appState.selectionElement) { try { renderSelectionElement(appState.selectionElement, context, appState); } catch (error: any) { console.error(error); } } if (appState.isBindingEnabled) { appState.suggestedBindings .filter((binding) => binding != null) .forEach((suggestedBinding) => { renderBindingHighlight( context, appState, suggestedBinding!, elementsMap, ); }); } if (appState.frameToHighlight) { renderFrameHighlight( context, appState, appState.frameToHighlight, elementsMap, ); } if (appState.elementsToHighlight) { renderElementsBoxHighlight(context, appState, appState.elementsToHighlight); } const isFrameSelected = selectedElements.some((element) => isFrameLikeElement(element), ); // Getting the element using LinearElementEditor during collab mismatches version - being one head of visible elements due to // ShapeCache returns empty hence making sure that we get the // correct element from visible elements if ( selectedElements.length === 1 && appState.editingLinearElement?.elementId === selectedElements[0].id ) { renderLinearPointHandles( context, appState, selectedElements[0] as NonDeleted, elementsMap, ); } if ( appState.selectedLinearElement && appState.selectedLinearElement.hoverPointIndex >= 0 ) { renderLinearElementPointHighlight(context, appState, elementsMap); } // Paint selected elements if (!appState.multiElement && !appState.editingLinearElement) { const showBoundingBox = shouldShowBoundingBox(selectedElements, appState); const isSingleLinearElementSelected = selectedElements.length === 1 && isLinearElement(selectedElements[0]); // render selected linear element points if ( isSingleLinearElementSelected && appState.selectedLinearElement?.elementId === selectedElements[0].id && !selectedElements[0].locked ) { renderLinearPointHandles( context, appState, selectedElements[0] as ExcalidrawLinearElement, elementsMap, ); } const selectionColor = renderConfig.selectionColor ||; if (showBoundingBox) { // Optimisation for finding quickly relevant element ids const locallySelectedIds = arrayToMap(selectedElements); const selections: { angle: number; elementX1: number; elementY1: number; elementX2: number; elementY2: number; selectionColors: string[]; dashed?: boolean; cx: number; cy: number; activeEmbeddable: boolean; }[] = []; for (const element of elementsMap.values()) { const selectionColors = []; // local user if ( locallySelectedIds.has( && !isSelectedViaGroup(appState, element) ) { selectionColors.push(selectionColor); } // remote users if (renderConfig.remoteSelectedElementIds[]) { selectionColors.push( ...renderConfig.remoteSelectedElementIds[].map( (socketId: string) => { const background = getClientColor(socketId); return background; }, ), ); } if (selectionColors.length) { const [elementX1, elementY1, elementX2, elementY2, cx, cy] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(element, elementsMap, true); selections.push({ angle: element.angle, elementX1, elementY1, elementX2, elementY2, selectionColors, dashed: !!renderConfig.remoteSelectedElementIds[], cx, cy, activeEmbeddable: appState.activeEmbeddable?.element === element && appState.activeEmbeddable.state === "active", }); } } const addSelectionForGroupId = (groupId: GroupId) => { const groupElements = getElementsInGroup(elementsMap, groupId); const [elementX1, elementY1, elementX2, elementY2] = getCommonBounds(groupElements); selections.push({ angle: 0, elementX1, elementX2, elementY1, elementY2, selectionColors: [], dashed: true, cx: elementX1 + (elementX2 - elementX1) / 2, cy: elementY1 + (elementY2 - elementY1) / 2, activeEmbeddable: false, }); }; for (const groupId of getSelectedGroupIds(appState)) { // TODO: support multiplayer selected group IDs addSelectionForGroupId(groupId); } if (appState.editingGroupId) { addSelectionForGroupId(appState.editingGroupId); } selections.forEach((selection) => renderSelectionBorder(context, appState, selection), ); } // Paint resize transformHandles; context.translate(appState.scrollX, appState.scrollY); if (selectedElements.length === 1) { context.fillStyle = oc.white; const transformHandles = getTransformHandles( selectedElements[0], appState.zoom, elementsMap, "mouse", // when we render we don't know which pointer type so use mouse, ); if (!appState.viewModeEnabled && showBoundingBox) { renderTransformHandles( context, renderConfig, appState, transformHandles, selectedElements[0].angle, ); } } else if (selectedElements.length > 1 && !appState.isRotating) { const dashedLinePadding = (DEFAULT_TRANSFORM_HANDLE_SPACING * 2) / appState.zoom.value; context.fillStyle = oc.white; const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getCommonBounds(selectedElements); const initialLineDash = context.getLineDash(); context.setLineDash([2 / appState.zoom.value]); const lineWidth = context.lineWidth; context.lineWidth = 1 / appState.zoom.value; context.strokeStyle = selectionColor; strokeRectWithRotation( context, x1 - dashedLinePadding, y1 - dashedLinePadding, x2 - x1 + dashedLinePadding * 2, y2 - y1 + dashedLinePadding * 2, (x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2, 0, ); context.lineWidth = lineWidth; context.setLineDash(initialLineDash); const transformHandles = getTransformHandlesFromCoords( [x1, y1, x2, y2, (x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2], 0, appState.zoom, "mouse", isFrameSelected ? OMIT_SIDES_FOR_FRAME : OMIT_SIDES_FOR_MULTIPLE_ELEMENTS, ); if (selectedElements.some((element) => !element.locked)) { renderTransformHandles( context, renderConfig, appState, transformHandles, 0, ); } } context.restore(); } renderSnaps(context, appState); // Reset zoom context.restore(); // Paint remote pointers for (const clientId in renderConfig.remotePointerViewportCoords) { let { x, y } = renderConfig.remotePointerViewportCoords[clientId]; x -= appState.offsetLeft; y -= appState.offsetTop; const width = 11; const height = 14; const isOutOfBounds = x < 0 || x > normalizedWidth - width || y < 0 || y > normalizedHeight - height; x = Math.max(x, 0); x = Math.min(x, normalizedWidth - width); y = Math.max(y, 0); y = Math.min(y, normalizedHeight - height); const background = getClientColor(clientId);; context.strokeStyle = background; context.fillStyle = background; const userState = renderConfig.remotePointerUserStates[clientId]; const isInactive = isOutOfBounds || userState === UserIdleState.IDLE || userState === UserIdleState.AWAY; if (isInactive) { context.globalAlpha = 0.3; } if ( renderConfig.remotePointerButton && renderConfig.remotePointerButton[clientId] === "down" ) { context.beginPath(); context.arc(x, y, 15, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); context.lineWidth = 3; context.strokeStyle = "#ffffff88"; context.stroke(); context.closePath(); context.beginPath(); context.arc(x, y, 15, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); context.lineWidth = 1; context.strokeStyle = background; context.stroke(); context.closePath(); } // Background (white outline) for arrow context.fillStyle = oc.white; context.strokeStyle = oc.white; context.lineWidth = 6; context.lineJoin = "round"; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(x, y); context.lineTo(x + 0, y + 14); context.lineTo(x + 4, y + 9); context.lineTo(x + 11, y + 8); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); context.fill(); // Arrow context.fillStyle = background; context.strokeStyle = background; context.lineWidth = 2; context.lineJoin = "round"; context.beginPath(); if (isInactive) { context.moveTo(x - 1, y - 1); context.lineTo(x - 1, y + 15); context.lineTo(x + 5, y + 10); context.lineTo(x + 12, y + 9); context.closePath(); context.fill(); } else { context.moveTo(x, y); context.lineTo(x + 0, y + 14); context.lineTo(x + 4, y + 9); context.lineTo(x + 11, y + 8); context.closePath(); context.fill(); context.stroke(); } const username = renderConfig.remotePointerUsernames[clientId] || ""; if (!isOutOfBounds && username) { context.font = "600 12px sans-serif"; // font has to be set before context.measureText() const offsetX = x + width / 2; const offsetY = y + height + 2; const paddingHorizontal = 5; const paddingVertical = 3; const measure = context.measureText(username); const measureHeight = measure.actualBoundingBoxDescent + measure.actualBoundingBoxAscent; const finalHeight = Math.max(measureHeight, 12); const boxX = offsetX - 1; const boxY = offsetY - 1; const boxWidth = measure.width + 2 + paddingHorizontal * 2 + 2; const boxHeight = finalHeight + 2 + paddingVertical * 2 + 2; if (context.roundRect) { context.beginPath(); context.roundRect(boxX, boxY, boxWidth, boxHeight, 8); context.fillStyle = background; context.fill(); context.strokeStyle = oc.white; context.stroke(); } else { roundRect(context, boxX, boxY, boxWidth, boxHeight, 8, oc.white); } context.fillStyle =; context.fillText( username, offsetX + paddingHorizontal + 1, offsetY + paddingVertical + measure.actualBoundingBoxAscent + Math.floor((finalHeight - measureHeight) / 2) + 2, ); } context.restore(); context.closePath(); } // Paint scrollbars let scrollBars; if (renderConfig.renderScrollbars) { scrollBars = getScrollBars( elementsMap, normalizedWidth, normalizedHeight, appState, );; context.fillStyle = SCROLLBAR_COLOR; context.strokeStyle = "rgba(255,255,255,0.8)"; [scrollBars.horizontal, scrollBars.vertical].forEach((scrollBar) => { if (scrollBar) { roundRect( context, scrollBar.x, scrollBar.y, scrollBar.width, scrollBar.height, SCROLLBAR_WIDTH / 2, ); } }); context.restore(); } return { scrollBars, atLeastOneVisibleElement: visibleElements.length > 0, elementsMap, }; }; const _renderStaticScene = ({ canvas, rc, elementsMap, allElementsMap, visibleElements, scale, appState, renderConfig, }: StaticSceneRenderConfig) => { if (canvas === null) { return; } const { renderGrid = true, isExporting } = renderConfig; const [normalizedWidth, normalizedHeight] = getNormalizedCanvasDimensions( canvas, scale, ); const context = bootstrapCanvas({ canvas, scale, normalizedWidth, normalizedHeight, theme: appState.theme, isExporting, viewBackgroundColor: appState.viewBackgroundColor, }); // Apply zoom context.scale(appState.zoom.value, appState.zoom.value); // Grid if (renderGrid && appState.gridSize) { strokeGrid( context, appState.gridSize, appState.scrollX, appState.scrollY, appState.zoom, normalizedWidth / appState.zoom.value, normalizedHeight / appState.zoom.value, ); } const groupsToBeAddedToFrame = new Set(); visibleElements.forEach((element) => { if ( element.groupIds.length > 0 && appState.frameToHighlight && appState.selectedElementIds[] && (elementOverlapsWithFrame( element, appState.frameToHighlight, elementsMap, ) || element.groupIds.find((groupId) => groupsToBeAddedToFrame.has(groupId))) ) { element.groupIds.forEach((groupId) => groupsToBeAddedToFrame.add(groupId), ); } }); // Paint visible elements visibleElements .filter((el) => !isIframeLikeElement(el)) .forEach((element) => { try { const frameId = element.frameId || appState.frameToHighlight?.id; if ( frameId && appState.frameRendering.enabled && appState.frameRendering.clip ) {; const frame = getTargetFrame(element, elementsMap, appState); // TODO do we need to check isElementInFrame here? if (frame && isElementInFrame(element, elementsMap, appState)) { frameClip(frame, context, renderConfig, appState); } renderElement( element, elementsMap, allElementsMap, rc, context, renderConfig, appState, ); context.restore(); } else { renderElement( element, elementsMap, allElementsMap, rc, context, renderConfig, appState, ); } if (!isExporting) { renderLinkIcon(element, context, appState, elementsMap); } } catch (error: any) { console.error(error); } }); // render embeddables on top visibleElements .filter((el) => isIframeLikeElement(el)) .forEach((element) => { try { const render = () => { renderElement( element, elementsMap, allElementsMap, rc, context, renderConfig, appState, ); if ( isIframeLikeElement(element) && (isExporting || (isEmbeddableElement(element) && renderConfig.embedsValidationStatus.get( !== true)) && element.width && element.height ) { const label = createPlaceholderEmbeddableLabel(element); renderElement( label, elementsMap, allElementsMap, rc, context, renderConfig, appState, ); } if (!isExporting) { renderLinkIcon(element, context, appState, elementsMap); } }; // - when exporting the whole canvas, we DO NOT apply clipping // - when we are exporting a particular frame, apply clipping // if the containing frame is not selected, apply clipping const frameId = element.frameId || appState.frameToHighlight?.id; if ( frameId && appState.frameRendering.enabled && appState.frameRendering.clip ) {; const frame = getTargetFrame(element, elementsMap, appState); if (frame && isElementInFrame(element, elementsMap, appState)) { frameClip(frame, context, renderConfig, appState); } render(); context.restore(); } else { render(); } } catch (error: any) { console.error(error); } }); }; /** throttled to animation framerate */ const renderInteractiveSceneThrottled = throttleRAF( (config: InteractiveSceneRenderConfig) => { const ret = _renderInteractiveScene(config); config.callback?.(ret); }, { trailing: true }, ); /** * Interactive scene is the ui-canvas where we render boundinb boxes, selections * and other ui stuff. */ export const renderInteractiveScene = < U extends typeof _renderInteractiveScene, T extends boolean = false, >( renderConfig: InteractiveSceneRenderConfig, throttle?: T, ): T extends true ? void : ReturnType => { if (throttle) { renderInteractiveSceneThrottled(renderConfig); return undefined as T extends true ? void : ReturnType; } const ret = _renderInteractiveScene(renderConfig); renderConfig.callback(ret); return ret as T extends true ? void : ReturnType; }; /** throttled to animation framerate */ const renderStaticSceneThrottled = throttleRAF( (config: StaticSceneRenderConfig) => { _renderStaticScene(config); }, { trailing: true }, ); /** * Static scene is the non-ui canvas where we render elements. */ export const renderStaticScene = ( renderConfig: StaticSceneRenderConfig, throttle?: boolean, ) => { if (throttle) { renderStaticSceneThrottled(renderConfig); return; } _renderStaticScene(renderConfig); }; export const cancelRender = () => { renderInteractiveSceneThrottled.cancel(); renderStaticSceneThrottled.cancel(); }; const renderTransformHandles = ( context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, renderConfig: InteractiveCanvasRenderConfig, appState: InteractiveCanvasAppState, transformHandles: TransformHandles, angle: number, ): void => { Object.keys(transformHandles).forEach((key) => { const transformHandle = transformHandles[key as TransformHandleType]; if (transformHandle !== undefined) { const [x, y, width, height] = transformHandle;; context.lineWidth = 1 / appState.zoom.value; if (renderConfig.selectionColor) { context.strokeStyle = renderConfig.selectionColor; } if (key === "rotation") { fillCircle(context, x + width / 2, y + height / 2, width / 2); // prefer round corners if roundRect API is available } else if (context.roundRect) { context.beginPath(); context.roundRect(x, y, width, height, 2 / appState.zoom.value); context.fill(); context.stroke(); } else { strokeRectWithRotation( context, x, y, width, height, x + width / 2, y + height / 2, angle, true, // fill before stroke ); } context.restore(); } }); }; const renderSelectionBorder = ( context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, appState: InteractiveCanvasAppState, elementProperties: { angle: number; elementX1: number; elementY1: number; elementX2: number; elementY2: number; selectionColors: string[]; dashed?: boolean; cx: number; cy: number; activeEmbeddable: boolean; }, padding = DEFAULT_TRANSFORM_HANDLE_SPACING * 2, ) => { const { angle, elementX1, elementY1, elementX2, elementY2, selectionColors, cx, cy, dashed, activeEmbeddable, } = elementProperties; const elementWidth = elementX2 - elementX1; const elementHeight = elementY2 - elementY1; const linePadding = padding / appState.zoom.value; const lineWidth = 8 / appState.zoom.value; const spaceWidth = 4 / appState.zoom.value;; context.translate(appState.scrollX, appState.scrollY); context.lineWidth = (activeEmbeddable ? 4 : 1) / appState.zoom.value; const count = selectionColors.length; for (let index = 0; index < count; ++index) { context.strokeStyle = selectionColors[index]; if (dashed) { context.setLineDash([ lineWidth, spaceWidth + (lineWidth + spaceWidth) * (count - 1), ]); } context.lineDashOffset = (lineWidth + spaceWidth) * index; strokeRectWithRotation( context, elementX1 - linePadding, elementY1 - linePadding, elementWidth + linePadding * 2, elementHeight + linePadding * 2, cx, cy, angle, ); } context.restore(); }; const renderBindingHighlight = ( context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, appState: InteractiveCanvasAppState, suggestedBinding: SuggestedBinding, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ) => { const renderHighlight = Array.isArray(suggestedBinding) ? renderBindingHighlightForSuggestedPointBinding : renderBindingHighlightForBindableElement;; context.translate(appState.scrollX, appState.scrollY); renderHighlight(context, suggestedBinding as any, elementsMap); context.restore(); }; const renderBindingHighlightForBindableElement = ( context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, element: ExcalidrawBindableElement, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ) => { const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(element, elementsMap); const width = x2 - x1; const height = y2 - y1; const threshold = maxBindingGap(element, width, height); // So that we don't overlap the element itself const strokeOffset = 4; context.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,.05)"; context.lineWidth = threshold - strokeOffset; const padding = strokeOffset / 2 + threshold / 2; switch (element.type) { case "rectangle": case "text": case "image": case "iframe": case "embeddable": case "frame": case "magicframe": strokeRectWithRotation( context, x1 - padding, y1 - padding, width + padding * 2, height + padding * 2, x1 + width / 2, y1 + height / 2, element.angle, ); break; case "diamond": const side = Math.hypot(width, height); const wPadding = (padding * side) / height; const hPadding = (padding * side) / width; strokeDiamondWithRotation( context, width + wPadding * 2, height + hPadding * 2, x1 + width / 2, y1 + height / 2, element.angle, ); break; case "ellipse": strokeEllipseWithRotation( context, width + padding * 2, height + padding * 2, x1 + width / 2, y1 + height / 2, element.angle, ); break; } }; const renderFrameHighlight = ( context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, appState: InteractiveCanvasAppState, frame: NonDeleted, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ) => { const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(frame, elementsMap); const width = x2 - x1; const height = y2 - y1; context.strokeStyle = "rgb(0,118,255)"; context.lineWidth = FRAME_STYLE.strokeWidth / appState.zoom.value;; context.translate(appState.scrollX, appState.scrollY); strokeRectWithRotation( context, x1, y1, width, height, x1 + width / 2, y1 + height / 2, frame.angle, false, FRAME_STYLE.radius / appState.zoom.value, ); context.restore(); }; const renderElementsBoxHighlight = ( context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, appState: InteractiveCanvasAppState, elements: NonDeleted[], ) => { const individualElements = elements.filter( (element) => element.groupIds.length === 0, ); const elementsInGroups = elements.filter( (element) => element.groupIds.length > 0, ); const getSelectionFromElements = (elements: ExcalidrawElement[]) => { const [elementX1, elementY1, elementX2, elementY2] = getCommonBounds(elements); return { angle: 0, elementX1, elementX2, elementY1, elementY2, selectionColors: ["rgb(0,118,255)"], dashed: false, cx: elementX1 + (elementX2 - elementX1) / 2, cy: elementY1 + (elementY2 - elementY1) / 2, activeEmbeddable: false, }; }; const getSelectionForGroupId = (groupId: GroupId) => { const groupElements = getElementsInGroup(elements, groupId); return getSelectionFromElements(groupElements); }; Object.entries(selectGroupsFromGivenElements(elementsInGroups, appState)) .filter(([id, isSelected]) => isSelected) .map(([id, isSelected]) => id) .map((groupId) => getSelectionForGroupId(groupId)) .concat( => getSelectionFromElements([element])), ) .forEach((selection) => renderSelectionBorder(context, appState, selection), ); }; const renderBindingHighlightForSuggestedPointBinding = ( context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, suggestedBinding: SuggestedPointBinding, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ) => { const [element, startOrEnd, bindableElement] = suggestedBinding; const threshold = maxBindingGap( bindableElement, bindableElement.width, bindableElement.height, ); context.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0)"; context.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,.05)"; const pointIndices = startOrEnd === "both" ? [0, -1] : startOrEnd === "start" ? [0] : [-1]; pointIndices.forEach((index) => { const [x, y] = LinearElementEditor.getPointAtIndexGlobalCoordinates( element, index, elementsMap, ); fillCircle(context, x, y, threshold); }); }; let linkCanvasCache: any; const renderLinkIcon = ( element: NonDeletedExcalidrawElement, context: CanvasRenderingContext2D, appState: StaticCanvasAppState, elementsMap: ElementsMap, ) => { if ( && !appState.selectedElementIds[]) { const [x1, y1, x2, y2] = getElementAbsoluteCoords(element, elementsMap); const [x, y, width, height] = getLinkHandleFromCoords( [x1, y1, x2, y2], element.angle, appState, ); const centerX = x + width / 2; const centerY = y + height / 2;; context.translate(appState.scrollX + centerX, appState.scrollY + centerY); context.rotate(element.angle); if (!linkCanvasCache || linkCanvasCache.zoom !== appState.zoom.value) { linkCanvasCache = document.createElement("canvas"); linkCanvasCache.zoom = appState.zoom.value; linkCanvasCache.width = width * window.devicePixelRatio * appState.zoom.value; linkCanvasCache.height = height * window.devicePixelRatio * appState.zoom.value; const linkCanvasCacheContext = linkCanvasCache.getContext("2d")!; linkCanvasCacheContext.scale( window.devicePixelRatio * appState.zoom.value, window.devicePixelRatio * appState.zoom.value, ); linkCanvasCacheContext.fillStyle = "#fff"; linkCanvasCacheContext.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); linkCanvasCacheContext.drawImage(EXTERNAL_LINK_IMG, 0, 0, width, height); linkCanvasCacheContext.restore(); context.drawImage( linkCanvasCache, x - centerX, y - centerY, width, height, ); } else { context.drawImage( linkCanvasCache, x - centerX, y - centerY, width, height, ); } context.restore(); } }; // This should be only called for exporting purposes export const renderSceneToSvg = ( elements: readonly NonDeletedExcalidrawElement[], elementsMap: RenderableElementsMap, rsvg: RoughSVG, svgRoot: SVGElement, files: BinaryFiles, renderConfig: SVGRenderConfig, ) => { if (!svgRoot) { return; } // render elements elements .filter((el) => !isIframeLikeElement(el)) .forEach((element) => { if (!element.isDeleted) { try { renderElementToSvg( element, elementsMap, rsvg, svgRoot, files, element.x + renderConfig.offsetX, element.y + renderConfig.offsetY, renderConfig, ); } catch (error: any) { console.error(error); } } }); // render embeddables on top elements .filter((el) => isIframeLikeElement(el)) .forEach((element) => { if (!element.isDeleted) { try { renderElementToSvg( element, elementsMap, rsvg, svgRoot, files, element.x + renderConfig.offsetX, element.y + renderConfig.offsetY, renderConfig, ); } catch (error: any) { console.error(error); } } }); };